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Science and innovation
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Ключевые слова
cognitive / pedagogical image / method / developmental centers / the law of perception / emotional aspect / logical aspect

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — A. Bazarbaeva

The article explores the theoretical foundations of the methodology for developing the cognitive abilities of future educators. Also, the issues of preschool education and continuity of primary education are analyzed and the opinions of scientists on the development of cognitive abilities of future educators in preschool educational organizations are covered.

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Bazarbaeva Ayjamal Kdirbaevna

Researcher of Nukus state pedagogical institute named after Ajiniyaz https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8226249

Abstract. The article explores the theoretical foundations of the methodology for developing the cognitive abilities of future educators. Also, the issues of preschool education and continuity of primary education are analyzed and the opinions of scientists on the development of cognitive abilities of future educators in preschool educational organizations are covered.

Keywords: cognitive, pedagogical image, method, developmental centers, the law of perception, emotional aspect, logical aspect.

The necessary conditions have been created so that the population of our country can lead a decent life, receive education at the level of world requirements and master the profession, develop the cognitive abilities of future teachers, take a decent civic position in society and realize their creative potential. The main fundamental meaning of this is the emergence of a healthy generation and their proper upbringing [9].

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" and "On the national vocational training program", Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 60 dated January 28, 2022 "In accordance with the decree "On the development strategy of new Uzbekistan for 2022-2026" [2], it is necessary to ensure and improve the continuity and sequence of educational stages, create a modern teaching methodology, improve state educational standards based on a competence-based approach, develop and implement a new generation of educational and methodological complexes and put into practice, ensure the convenience of preschool institutions, to improve the quality of preschool education and their development activities.

The study of cognitive activity occupies a special position in the field of humanities, as they are directly related to both psychology and pedagogy. In Russian science, cognitive activity, on the one hand, "grew" from native interdisciplinary studies of cognitive activity, and on the other hand, it was translated as an independent discipline that came from Western psychology.

The problem of the development of cognitive activity, the search for optimal means and methods of intensifying educational activity is one of the eternal problems of pedagogy and a number of related sciences. Numerous studies have been devoted to it: theory of the staged formation of mental actions (P.Ya. Galperin, N.F. Talizina), development of cognitive interests (T.A. Shamova, G.I. Shukina), the role of motivational processes in educational activities (A.K. Markova), self-organization as a condition for the development of student activity (B.P. Esipov, M.A. Danilov, M M. Makhmutov, etc).

A generalization of the studies listed above allows us to say that a certain concept has developed in Russian pedagogy, in which cognitive activity is interpreted as a two-way interrelated process: on the one hand, it is the process of self-organization and self-development of a child, a student; on the other hand, it is the result of the influence of environmental conditions, the organization of the appropriate environment, the organization of the accompanying (and / or leading) position of the teacher.

In Western psychology, cognitive activity developed as an independent (rather than applied) branch of knowledge. A special contribution to its development was made by the works of R. Atkinson, M. Mahoney, W. Neisser, R. Shepard and others, in whose studies cognitive activity was considered as behavior due to cognitive (cognitive) reasons.

Cognitive (cognition - knowledge, cognition) activity, is the ability to mentally perceive and process external information, manifests itself through a combination of mental processes (perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, speech, emotions) and mental states (beliefs, desires, intentions) personality.

Manifesting itself in the most general form as activity in the process of cognition, it ensures the development of thinking. Interconnected with mental activity and based on personal knowledge and experience, cognitive activity helps to realize exactly how knowledge is acquired.

In the works of the East scientists-encyclopedists, a number of scientific information is given on the development of the cognitive abilities of future teachers, methods of acquiring knowledge. For example, in the works of such scientists and thinkers as Imam al-Bukhari, Abu Nasr Farabi, Abu Ali ibn Sina, Abu Rayhan Beruni, Burhoniddin Zarnuji, detailed information is given on the above problem.

It is aimed at forming the foundations of literacy, knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the development of the cognitive abilities of future educators. The activities of future educators, the historical aspects associated with preschool education, have existed and developed since ancient times.

The direction of the analysis of issues of preschool education and upbringing and the integrity of primary education. Preschool education and upbringing - a type of education aimed at teaching and educating children, their intellectual, moral, ethical, aesthetic and physical development, as well as preparing children for general secondary education. Pre-school education and upbringing also includes annual compulsory preparation for primary education of children aged six to seven years. The procedure for organizing preschool education and training is determined by this Law, as well as the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On preschool education and training"[10].

Protection of children's life and health in preschool educational institutions is carried out by a preschool educational institution and state medical workers, as well as medical workers of health authorities attached to a preschool educational institution.

The main principles of preschool education and upbringing are as follows:

- availability of pre-school education and training for every child;

- equal conditions for the development of each child's talents, passions and abilities;

- unity of educational influence of family and preschool organization of education, upbringing and health of children of preschool age;

- harmony of education and upbringing of children of preschool age;

- a personal approach focused on the development of the child's personality;

- consistency and continuity of pre-school and general secondary education;

- democratic and secular nature of education and training;

- transparency and openness of the educational process;

- compliance of the content, level and volume of preschool education and upbringing with the developmental characteristics and health status of preschool children[1].

In her research Sh.A. Dostmuhamedova states that it is possible to manage the educational activities of students by forming positive motives in them [5].

From the early development age, through play activities, the child explores the environment, strives for education, acquires the elements of cooperative activity and communication culture with people through imitation. The game is the main and very effective way to awaken creative potential, develop imagination and form the first aesthetic impressions. Skills acquired in the process of communication and activity form an elementary aesthetic attitude to reality and art in a preschool child.

This opinion is confirmed in a certain sense by the researches carried out by M.N. Azamova. According to her, "Most skills of children in preschool education organizations are formed in the educational process based on game activities. After all, games are an integral part of the content of educational activities carried out during preschool education. It is in the process of games that children develop skills such as independence, mutual communication and cooperation, establishing close relationships with peers, listening to the opinions of adults and expressing their attitude, mutual consent. From the opinion of M. Azamova, it can be understood that the natural support of children's desire for communication and cooperation through play activities, in turn, has a positive effect on their ability to learn.

According to M. Berdiyeva, who conducted research in the field of developing the intellectual capabilities of preschool educational institutions on the basis of pedagogical support "Insufficient intellectual development of the child underlies the low level of his initiative and activity. Using the possibilities of pedagogical cooperation in the intellectual development of children through their support and protection requires relying on a number of factors: in connection with the transition to a new pedagogical paradigm, a humanistic approach to the personal development of the child; the growing need for new pedagogical technologies that serve the intellectual development and support of children; such as the self-realization of the child, the realization of his own activity, the strengthening of the essence of his organization.

V.V. Davidov said that educational activity is not only the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities. The peculiarity of active learning activity is that it leads to important changes in the personality of the student, his psyche, mental and moral development, there are new psychological changes associated with age [4].

E.N. Kabanov-Meller identifies two aspects of learning activity: thinking (content-logical aspect) and observation, the use of imagination (emotional-emotional aspect). In his opinion, educational activity reflects the solution of educational tasks assigned to students [6].

M. Ya. Alekseeva, who dealt with the problem of the patterns of learning as an educational activity, said that the acquisition of knowledge is characterized by many mental processes (perception, memory, thinking), the student's attitude to the environment and learning, as well as his personal qualities (emotionality, will, intelligence) is a complex learning activity [3].

According to B. Kh. Khodjaev, teaching students to read, to master the methods of educational activity: to form a value attitude to learning, to develop the ability to use various sources of information, to teach how to use effective methods of educational activity; it is necessary to help him understand the meaning of what he is studying [8].

According to B. B. Mamurov, teachers who are able to demonstrate their research and creative activity should be able to perform a number of important tasks in the process of student-centered learning. Among them: teachers should be able to analyze the personal development of

the student at all stages of the student-centered educational process; the expression of educational goals, the content of education, pedagogical means that create an opportunity for the continuous development of the student in a student-oriented educational process; be able to scientifically and pedagogically substantiate the elements introduced by the teacher into the content of education; as a result of applying elements of advanced pedagogical technology, the teacher can correct shortcomings in his pedagogical activity [7].

An analysis of the pedagogical and psychological literature shows that the manifestation of the ability to learn in children is a developing, changing process. This allows us to conclude that an increase in the level of activity in learning makes it possible to form creative thinking in children.


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