METAPHOR AND ITS EXPRESSION IN JAPANESE IDIOMS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
inyu (metaphor) / kanyouku (idiom) / simile / diaphora / epiphora / metaphorical meaning / extended metaphor / metaphorical devices

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Laylo Shavkatovna Jalolova

This article provides information on the concept of linguistic metaphor, its types, and idioms formed through metaphorical means in Japanese. The idioms formed on the basis of metaphors in the Japanese language, which create imagery through analogy, were highlighted through examples. The Uzbek meanings of the metaphorical units in the Japanese language are given.

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"World of Philology" Scientific Journal / ISSN 2181-3630 Volume 2 Issue 1 / March 2023


Laylo Shavkatovna Jalolova Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages

Abstract: This article provides information on the concept of linguistic metaphor, its types, and idioms formed through metaphorical means in Japanese. The idioms formed on the basis of metaphors in the Japanese language, which create imagery through analogy, were highlighted through examples. The Uzbek meanings of the metaphorical units in the Japanese language are given.

Keywords: inyu (metaphor), kanyouku (idiom), simile, diaphora, epiphora, metaphorical meaning, extended metaphor, metaphorical devices


In linguistics, there are several types of transfer of meaning, among which the most discussed type is metaphor. Metaphor is also reflected in idioms, which are considered a linguistic unit. Although metaphorical idioms have been studied in the field of languages for several years, the interest and scientific study of them is growing. N.W.Pavlovich defined metaphor as "metaphor-like similarity or identification of opposite concepts."1. Japanese is also a language rich in idioms. When we pay attention to Japanese metaphorical idioms, we can be sure that they arose from the spiritual views and historical culture of the Japanese people, based on the similarity of one thing to another, to an action and situation, object or event. Japanese metaphorical idioms (Ikegami, Yamanaka, Mori, 2015) have been scientifically studied by Japanese linguists. Their alternative meanings in the Uzbek language also appropriately express imagery, emotional expressiveness, and impressiveness. METODLAR

An idiom is a phraseological unit. Idioms are words and word combinations that are far from their original meaning. This term is derived from the Greek language,

Idioma - which means "true, normal, original". In Japanese, idiom is called - tMffl^ -

kanyouku-. tt-kan- habit; Ш-you-use; ^-ku-phrase means2. There are different views

on idiom. An idiom is a unit that has been assimilated into a certain language, and it is defined as a language unit that cannot be directly translated word for word during the translation process. According to Reformatsky, idioms are units that are individual and

1 Герасимцева.Т. Метафоры в японских идиомах и фразеологизмах. Вопрос смыслового перевода. Санкт Петербург.- 2018. 8-18:34-38с.

2 Tomei Joseph- KGU Journal of Language and Literature; 2017-06-30. 24.1025-82 p.

"World of Philology" Scientific Journal / ISSN 2181-3630 Volume 2 Issue 1 / March 2023

have their own place in each language, related to time, time, event, situation.3. There

are also such idioms in Japanese: H^M^^^ii - me no kuroi "tip" and - hali "my

eyes are open; "alive". Idioms are unchanging, ready-made units in the language, and their original meaning is a stable unit that is not related to the meaning of the words in the idiom.

In Japanese it goes like this:

- to the term hikui- literally means "head down", the idiomatic meaning is "humble". 4

Metaphor - the Greek word "metaphora" means transfer. An object, an action, is the transition of a state to another by way of similitude or similitude. Metaphor is usually expressed by the transfer of similarity in human body parts, animal, bird parts, movement state, signs and characteristics to another.5 In Japanese, the metaphor is

called 1Ш-"туи" Ш -"in" -"to hide";^-"yu"-means "to borrow" according to the

Chinese reading. Metaphor is said to transfer the similarity of one object or event to

another. Such metaphors are also found in the Japanese language: - neko

no idiom- although it means cat's head, the idiomatic meaning is "small compared to the place", that is, the cat's head is small.

feC-neko ze6- although this literal word translates to cat's back, the expression means "hunched over", likened to the sitting position of a cat.

There are several types of metaphor in modern linguistics. Each of these types can be found in Japanese metaphorical idioms.

1. Diaphora (strong simile) in which things and events come together with opposite concepts. It is used more in the poetic genre.

2. Epiphora (moved metaphor) is figurative. Figurative meaning is the meaning expressed by the words in language units other than their original meaning. Japanese phraseological units also have an epiphora:

Ж^^М^й^-aku ji sen ri wo hashiru- "a lie has wings" = "a lie has a short life" has a figurative meaning.

3. A simple metaphor is used in a figurative sense.

@ -"daruma no me"-Darumaning ko'zi7

3Матчонов. Е, Турсунова Н. Япон тили фразеологизмлари ( укув кулланма)- Т; Тошкент давлат шаркшунослик института укув услубий кенгаши томонидан нашрга тавсия этилган, 2009,-23-286.

4 Jalolova Laylo. O'zbek va yapon tilida frazeologik iboralarning o' mi//; " Sharq tillarini o' qitishning dolzarb masalalari" mavzusidagi ilmiy-amaliy konfrensiya; VOLUME 2 SPECIAL ISSUE24 ,; https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6653445.

5 Erkaboyeva.N. "O'zbek tilidan ma'ruzalar to'plami" .- T.LKSSON PRESS 2017.87-88b

6 live japan. Com perfect guide 7https://www. realestate-tokio.com.

Darnma is a Japanese national doll with round eyes. Because people of other nationalities do not understand when it is said "like the eyes of Daruma", it was appropriate to say it like "the eyes of a doll". It is used as a phrase in Japanese.

4. Extended metaphors - these are a whole phrase, 1 metaphor is connected to each other.

^^^M^^^-aku ji sen ri wo hashiru- it means in Uzbek "shum xabar- o'q qadar".


As shown by the researches of linguists J. Lakoff and M. Johnson, metaphor is a means of expressing and understanding reality. In the modern world, the use of metaphorical idioms is common in all areas, as well as in the speech process in our everyday life. Almost most of the metaphorical idioms in Japanese and Uzbek languages have the same meaning in the translation or are close in meaning.

kumo wo tsukamu osmonda uchmoq; o'shalmas orzu.

fyttfci kari tekita neko noyou mushukdek yuvosh; qo'y og'zidan cho'p olmagan.

5—Jft issekini chyo bir o'q bilan ikki quyonni urmoq

jinsei va dorama hayot drama.

suzume no namida chumchuqdek kichik.

KS da soku besh barmog'ini og'ziga solmoq.

g^m^t me wo kuramasu ko'z yummoq( e'tiborsizlik ma'nosida); ko'z bo'yamaq.

ki ga karui ochiq ko'ngil.

kuchi ga karui vaysaqi; o'ylamay gapiradigan.

kao ga tatsu hurmat obro'yini saqlamoq

mtfätzfel^ ha ga tatanai tishi o'tmaydi.

Stfrni* ashi ga omoi oyog'i og'ir; biror joyga borishga oyog'i tortmaslik.

kao ga hiroi taniqli; tanish bilishi ko'p.

ftli&fc y toki va kanenari vaqt oltin.

age ashi wo toru tirnoq ichidan kir izlamoq.

koe wo kakeru ovoza qilmoq; taklif qilmoq.

sori ga awanai yulduzi yulduziga mos tushmaslik

neko wo kaburu qo'ydek yuvosh.

In addition to these, there are similes in Japanese, metaphorical idioms formed through these tools.

fotz IM- - it is translated as the comparative suffix "day, dek" in Uzbek.

Kawai akachandesne oningyousan mitai. Shirin bola ekan."Qo'g'irchoqdek". (He is a sweet boy. "Like a doll.") It is a metaphorical idiom in Japanese.

c£^[-"day, dek, kabi" it is translated like this, -ari no youni

aruku- it means in Uzbek "chumolidek imillab yurish", it is also idioms.

cfc^fe^- ka no naku youna koe- similar to the sound of a fly. This idiom also has a metaphorical nature and is used to refer to the voice and character of

people. va are similes. Similarity is between things and events,

and this is a kind of transfer of meaning, which causes the emergence of metaphor. Some words in Japanese and Uzbek are used as metaphorical idioms. Example:

-tessoku- in Uzbek "temir intizom"8 Such idioms are a language unit, enhance artistic imagery. CONCLUSION

When we express our thoughts in any language in everyday life, it is important for the speaker to convey them expressively and colorfully. In this field, we use idioms and various similes. The above-mentioned Japanese metaphorical idioms create unique new meanings when translated into other languages. The figurative meaning of words and the addition of various metaphorical tools are the main foundations of metaphorical idioms. It can be seen from the meaning of Japanese metaphorical idioms in Uzbek that the more skillfully they are used, the more colorful and oriental will appear. Even when translating them, the proximity of the meanings to other idioms and phraseological units increases the charm and richness of the language.

8 https://www.collinsdictionary. com/zh/dictionarycollins2023.

I icclT^^^^H 25 http://wpjournal.dsmi-qf.uz


1. Герасимцева.Т. Метафоры в японских идиомах и фразеологизмах. Вопрос смыслового перевода. Санкт Петербург.- 2018. 8-18:34-38с.

2. Tomei Joseph- KGU Journal of Language and Literature; 2017-06-30. 24.102582 p.

3. Матчонов. Е, Турсунова Н. Япон тили фразеологизмлари ( укув кулланма)- Т; Тошкент давлат шаркшунослик институти укув услубий кенгаши томонидан нашрга тавсия этилган, 2009,-23-286.

4. Jalolova Laylo. O'zbek va yapon tilida frazeologik iboralarning o'rni//; " Sharq tillarini o'qitishning dolzarb masalalari" mavzusidagi ilmiy-amaliy konfrensiya; VOLUME 2 SPECIAL ISSUE24 ,; https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6653445.

5. Erkaboyeva.N. "O'zbek tilidan ma'ruzalar to'plami" .- T.LKSSON PRESS 2017.87-88b

6. Michael L. Maynard K. "101 Japanese idioms" 1994.

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