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Ключевые слова
медиадискурс / студенческий медиапроект / практико-ориентированный подход к обучению / международная журналистика / медиакоммуникации. / media discourse / student media project / practice-oriented approach to learning / international journalism / media communications.

Аннотация научной статьи по социальным наукам, автор научной работы — Геворгян А.А.

В статье анализируется состояние современных студенческих медиа, в том числе технология создания студенческих медиапродуктов на английском языке, в том числе и короткометражного документального кино. В работе представлены этапы создания студенческого проектного фильма и трудности, с которыми столкнулись студенты при производстве неигрового фильма. Для исследования применялась совокупность методов и приемов, таких как приемы включенного наблюдения, описания, сравнения и контент-анализа. Выводы исследования представлены по двум направлениям: 1. Очевидна связь между студенческими СМИ (особенности моделей студенческих СМИ в аспекте применения новейших технологий) и приоритетами профессионального становления молодежи. 2. Посредством анализа производственной работы над студенческими медиапродуктами на английском языке в рамках проекта «Journalistic Mirror» описана специфика профессиональной подготовки журналистов-международников и медиаспециалистов в Пятигорском государственном университете.

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Похожие темы научных работ по социальным наукам , автор научной работы — Геворгян А.А.

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The article analyzes the state of modern student media, including the technology of creating student media products in English, including short documentaries. The work presents the stages of creating a student project film and the difficulties that students encountered in the production of a non-fiction film. For the study, a set of methods and techniques was used, such as the methods of observation, description, comparison and content analysis. The findings of the study are presented in two directions: 1. There is an obvious connection between student media (features of student media models in terms of using the latest technologies) and the priorities of professional development of young people. 2. Through the analysis of production work on student media products in English within the framework of the "Journalistic Mirror" project, the specifics of professional training of international journalists and media specialists at Pyatigorsk State University is described.


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Научная статья

https://doi.org/10.24412/2658-7335-2024-3-13 УДК 811.1


Геворгян А.А.

Пятигорский государственный университет

Аннотация. В статье анализируется состояние современных студенческих медиа, в том числе технология создания студенческих медиапродуктов на английском языке, а также короткометражного документального кино. В работе представлены этапы создания студенческого проектного фильма и трудности, с которыми столкнулись студенты при производстве неигрового фильма.

Для исследования применялась совокупность методов и приемов, таких как приемы включенного наблюдения, описания, сравнения и контент-анализа. Выводы исследования представлены по двум направлениям: 1. Очевидна связь между студенческими СМИ (особенности моделей студенческих СМИ в аспекте применения новейших технологий) и приоритетами профессионального становления молодежи. 2. Посредством анализа производственной работы над студенческими ме-диапродуктами на английском языке в рамках проекта «Journalistic Mirror» описана специфика профессиональной подготовки журналистов-международников и медиаспециалистов в Пятигорском государственном университете.

Ключевые слова: медиадискурс, студенческий медиапроект, практико-ориентированный подход к обучению, международная журналистика, медиакоммуникации.


Arevik A. Gevorgyan

Pyatigorsk State University

Abstract. The article analyzes the state of modern student media, including the technology of creating student media products in English, including short documentaries. The work presents the stages of creating a student project film and the difficulties that students encountered in the production of a non-fiction film.

For the study, a set of methods and techniques was used, such as the methods of observation, description, comparison and content analysis. The findings of the study are presented in two directions: 1. There is an obvious connection between student media (features of student media models in terms of using the latest technologies) and the priorities of professional development of young people. 2. Through the analysis ofproduction work on student media products in English within the framework of the "Journalistic Mirror" project, the specifics ofprofessional training of international journalists and media specialists at Pyatigorsk State University is described.

Key words: media discourse, student media project, practice-oriented approach to learning, international journalism, media communications.

The information environment creates socio-

1. Introduction.

The vast changes that have hit journalism and media within the past decades continue to reverberate. Journalists and media organizations are still coping with the changes they must make to preserve and advance journalism for journalists and journalism education as well.

cultural conditions for the development of the individual, as well as the whole society, development of which fully depends on the motives and needs of the cultural life of a person. It is finally the language that influences people and their behaviour.

Millennial youth tend to view the world as a single entity, and society as a global, integral unit, within which there are no barriers. The problems

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that arise are related to the youth audience preferences change. Multitasking media consumption make young people alter their media preferences, forming a new media space. Overcoming contradictions is connected with the development of their media activity which include from searching to producing and distributing information [2].

Professional media and journalism training fully depends on the growing use of digital technologies and mobile communications, which correspondingly affect the social behavior of young people, their identification and professional development. In this regard, the relevance of the functioning of student media in educational organizations is increasing [2].

Moreover, the educational environment and the media environment of each specific educational organization, can be formed, developed and improved. The relevance of the chosen problem is also strengthened by the growing attention to youth media in general, which correlates with both modern media trends and the long-standing, but little-studied, rootedness of such publications in certain media subsystems.

For further research of the relationship between the development of media communications and media education, we analyzed the media system of the Institute of International Relations of Pyatigorsk State University (PSU), as one of the leading universities offering majors in "International Journalism" and "Global Mediacommunications".

Previously, in 2018, we presented the professional education technology "Comprehensive practice-oriented training of student journalists in an English-speaking professional environment" at the competition of youth scientific projects "Innovative Potential of University Youth". The project was noted among the winners of the competition.

The source material is texts, including those defined as components of complex entities: creo-lized discursive-pictorial wholes, publication models. Therefore, the methodological guidelines take into account the provisions on a special essence - the media nature of texts, integrally representing the nature of mass information.

2. Discussions.

The system of methods used in our research correlates with general scientific and media studies methods: description, comparison, content analysis, participant observation, which allowed us to comprehensively study the most relevant elements for analysis.

The research was conducted in two aspects: problematization and analysis of empirical material. Problematization of the researched space is determined at the intersection of the unity of "model-content", the specificity of youth media and the university media environment. "In the 21st century, the number of publishers who ... publish newspapers and magazines for children and young people is constantly increasing" [2]. The multi-vector nature of such a search is quite understandable.

Such a multifaceted and at the same time ordered problematization favors the search for integral provisions on what the connection between "university periodicals as a media segment - the general media polysystem.

Moreover, various types of audience specialization are involved (specific general educational interests, for example, a newspaper that meets the requirement to master the Japanese language; professional priorities, in particular, media aimed at future journalists, etc.). Analysis is based on the unity of two assumptions aimed at the nature of the university media environment. The first one is the admission of such specific content. Another assumption, it is possible to combine stability and variability in it, in which constants are preserved precisely because they are enlivened by a variety of options. This hypothesis is related to the above-mentioned dominants of youth mentality.

The existence of a student periodical is a common occurrence in the life of universities and secondary specialized educational institutions. And recently, a television studio has become a familiar characteristic of the media space of a higher educational institution. Students not only in the journalism major can work (or study) in a television studio. This directly depends on the activity and desire to write, to be aware of what is happening at the university and in the social space in general.

Being up-to-date and covering the latest news in a timely manner is one of the tasks of any publication. This also applies to student television studios. As a rule, all student publications and television programs use a rubricating system. It not only makes reading at least convenient, but at most allows you to pay attention to what is of primary interest. Rubrics form the basis of the content-thematic model of publications; determine the main directions of journalistic materials about students and student life.

Currently, the language of the media is undergoing a process of integration of two styles: col-

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loquial and literary. As a result, the boundaries between genres are erased, which creates a new, colloquial-written form of existence of the media language. Such a "fusion" allows the media to be on the same level with the reader, to talk about complex things in a language that is understandable to him. The informational impact of language is very great.

As for the language of television with its verbal and sound levels is considered to be an effective means of mass media influence on human consciousness and behaviour. So, student documentaries are increasingly relevant as modern audiences enthusiastically consume information presented not in printed format, but in electronic format, with elements of video and audio.

3. Results.

In 2024, in the fourth year of international journalism and media communications training at Pyatigorsk State University, it was decided to make a student documentary film in English as part of studying the discipline "Intercultural interaction in the media" and working on the multimedia student project "Journalistic Mirror" [2; 6].

The students' task was to familiarize themselves with the history and technology of creating documentary films and make a unique documentary (but aimed at young people) film about the history of the university in the format of a non-fiction film about the life of the university in English.

The project was carried out with the support of the Russia Today (RT) TV channel, which specializes not only in creating news, but also in creating documentaries. Also, during an internship at Russia Today (RT) in May 2023, we received a letter of support from the Russia Today (RT) TV channel. One of the key events of the project in December 2023 was a face-to-face consultation with the producer of the RT documentary film department, Aron Mikhailov.

The creation of a documentary feature film consisted of three production periods. At the preparatory stage, the team began script development of the documentary concept. It included the author's immersion in the topic of the future film [1]. The idea was to PSU 85th anniversary. In the middle of the concept, there were the students of PSU, their values and friendship, which throughout the history of the university united students of all generations. The main storyline of the film was the story of 1974 PSU graduate B. L. Arzumanov, who returned to the university years later.

At the preparation stage of the project, the student team studied the works of such film experts

as S.V. Drobashenko, S. I. Freilikh, L. N. Nekhorosheev, as well as the works of such great world directors as A. A. Tarkovsky and A. S. Kon-chalovsky [4].

The first document that materializes the author's idea and is intended for a circle of interested parties (director, producer, editor) is a script proposal. The idea is to answer the question what message the film carries. The title "85: Back to the Future" corresponding to the story has been chosen. Since the film is dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Pyatigorsk State University and the history of its studenthood.

The following stage was devoted to drawing up an episodic plan. Interviews are locations were determined, and a story line was built. After this, the episodes were concretized into component scenes, the sequence of the proposed actions was spelled out in as much detail as possible. Next, developing the director's script, the team worked on the director's explication. It included a detailed description of tasks, visual and expressive means for the optimal expression of the plot's intent [3].

After watching the final cut the script authors prepared the voice-over text. When the director approved it and the voice to pronounce it, the team began recording. In the post-production phase, the team revised the footage. After the image editing stage, the sound editing started. The text, as one of the main meaningful elements of the film, had to sound legible and clear [1].

The Internet is a more preferable way of obtaining information among young people, progress in the field of high technology allows using the services of the World Wide Web from the most ordinary mobile device, and therefore it is obvious that journalistic creativity is constantly overcoming new paths of development and transformation. The platforms of the documentary film "85: Back to the Future" are the social networks "Vkontakte" and "Od-noklassniki".

The target audience of the "Journalistic Mirror" project includes future journalists, media specialists and foreign students. The project is aimed at creating a multimedia space accessible to native English speakers. The short documentary film in English was already watched by more than 24,000 viewers in two months.

4. Conclusions.

Graduates of educational institutions with a philological profile must be able to use writing in the area of their chosen professionally-oriented and personal interests in a significant variety of official

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and unofficial situations, a high degree of complexity and a large volume of text produced in writing. The basic course assumes mastery of written speech at the "survival level", i.e. achievement of elementary communicative competence, while the professional course is focused on solving professional tasks.

Since the "Journalistic Mirror" project is a product of the system of professionally oriented training of international journalists and media specialists, and most of the stories cover the life of students and the university, we can conclude that the target audience of the program is applicants, students and graduates of universities (mostly Pyatigorsk State University). Thus, we can come to the conclusion that the distribution of video stories in the social networks "Vkontakte' and "Odnoklass-niki" provides the "Journalistic Mirror" project with a constantly growing audience of potential viewers.

It should be noted that it is necessary to consider not only the technical aspect of the project, but also the language presentation of materials and information. This is why we consider it relevant to develop our products and attract young people who want to develop their English language skills. Based on the project platforms, they get the opportunity to broadcast their views on various issues in English.

Students who have took part in the project "Journalistic Mirror", learnt the specifics of the creative work of a journalist in general, and in television in particular. Young people understand the place of television journalism in the system of mass media and its importance. Acquiring practical

knowledge about the specifics of television journalism, its connections with other types of journalism, they better understand the features of the genre nature of television journalism. Moreover, they begin to see the directions and trends of modern television production. Students acquire skills in creating various types of television text, selecting the most advantageous frames of video material, analyzing and editing the editing list.

For student journalists, participation in the project is a good opportunity to reach the international level, since the materials are published in English. The project helps develop competencies that ensure the competitiveness and professional adaptability of future international journalists in the field of professional communication.

In conclusion to the above, I would like to state that student media projects in English turn to be an effective practice-oriented part of the entire educational process at Pyatigorsk State University. For journalism faculties, practice-oriented and interdisciplinary approaches to teaching are of great methodological importance. Media, as well as communication, components in education become the basic competencies of graduates, which will allow them to effectively master the media space.

Student media as a phenomenon is unique and brings development of youth in the personal and professional sphere. "Journalistic Mirror" project creates its own, unique image of Russia and Russian students. For the development and support of the country in the international arena, it is important to educate media specialists who possess the unique skills necessary for this process.

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2. Геворгян А. А. Студенческие мультимедийные издания на английском языке (на примере проекта «Journalistic Mirror»). В сборнике: Университетские чтения - 2021. Материалы научно-методических чтений ПГУ. 2021. С. 6-10.

3. Нехорошев Л. Н. Драматургия фильма. ВГИК, М. 2009. 403 С.

4. Тарковский А. Книга сопоставлений (интервью с О. Сурковой). 1994. 176 С.


1. Brovchenko G. The script of a non-fiction film and on-screen means of embodying a journalistic idea, studies. - the method. manual. M. 2010. 90 P.

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2. Gevorgyan A. A. Student multimedia publications in English (using the example of the Journalistic Mirror project). In the collection: University readings - 2021. Materials of scientific and methodological readings of PGLU. 2021. pp. 6-10.

3. Nekhoroshev L. N. Dramaturgy of the film. VGIK, M. 2009. 403 P.

4. Tarkovsky A. The Book of comparisons (interview with O. Surkova). 1994. 176 P.

Информация об авторе:

Геворгян Аревик Ашотовна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры европейских языков Института международных отношений Пятигорского государственного университета, г. Пятигорск, E-mail: gevorgyan@pgu.ru

Arevik A. Gevorgyan, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of European Languages, Institute of International Relations, Pyatigorsk State University, Pyatigorsk.

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