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Dissertation researches on media literacy education in Commonwealth of independent states (CIS) Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Fedorov A., Levitskaya A.

From 1960 to 2019, about six hundred Ph.D. theses on media literacy education were defended in the USSR and in the CIS countries, of which about five hundred theses were defended in the XXI century. Meanwhile, the dynamics of the research defense on media education is as follows: from 1960 to 1969 15; from 1970 to 1979 22; from 1980 to 1991 37; from 1992 to 1999 38; from 2000 to 2009 151, from 2010 to 2019 324. Therefore, with the exception of some stagnation (explainable by the general decline in the number of scientific research in the CIS countries in all sciences) in the 1990s, it is possible to trace a consistent increase in the number of dissertations of media education topics (moreover, in the second decade of the XXI there were twice as many as in the first). The content analysis of the Ph.D. dissertations in the CIS countries shows that globalization trends in media culture and media literacy education have led to the fact that the traditional for the USSR priority of aesthetically-oriented media education in the CIS countries of the 21st century have been replaced by sociocultural and cultural studies. The analysis suggests that in the foreseeable future, the development of media education in the CIS countries will continue to be dominated by socio-, and cultural studies and practice-oriented models guided by corresponding theories and objectives (based on the synthesis of media material). Most likely, a small increase in the number of dissertations on the material of pre-school institutions and institutions of secondary special education is also possible. The trend of the synthesis of media education and journalism (including media criticism) is going to grow. In general, the forecast regarding the development of research on media education in the CIS countries is optimistic: the content analysis of dissertation research in the CIS countries allows to anticipate a further increase in the volume of studies (mainly due to regional research teams) related to problems of media education, media literacy, and media competence.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Dissertation researches on media literacy education in Commonwealth of independent states (CIS)»

Copyright © 2020 by Academic Publishing House Researcher s.r.o.

* TT


Published in the Slovak Republic Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie) Has been issued since 2005 ISSN 1994-4160 E-ISSN 1994-4195 2020, 60(1): 63-99

DOI: 10.13187/me.2020.1.63 www.ejournal53.com

Dissertation Researches on Media Literacy Education in Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

Alexander Fedorov a > *, Anastasia Levitskaya b

a Rostov State University of Economics, Russian Federation b Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics, Russian Federation


From 1960 to 2019, about six hundred Ph.D. theses on media literacy education were defended in the USSR and in the CIS countries, of which about five hundred theses were defended in the XXI century. Meanwhile, the dynamics of the research defense on media education is as follows: from 1960 to 1969 - 15; from 1970 to 1979 - 22; from 1980 to 1991 - 37; from 1992 to 1999 - 38; from 2000 to 2009 - 151, from 2010 to 2019 - 324. Therefore, with the exception of some stagnation (explainable by the general decline in the number of scientific research in the CIS countries in all sciences) in the 1990s, it is possible to trace a consistent increase in the number of dissertations of media education topics (moreover, in the second decade of the XXI there were twice as many as in the first).

The content analysis of the Ph.D. dissertations in the CIS countries shows that globalization trends in media culture and media literacy education have led to the fact that the traditional for the USSR priority of aesthetically-oriented media education in the CIS countries of the 21st century have been replaced by sociocultural and cultural studies. The analysis suggests that in the foreseeable future, the development of media education in the CIS countries will continue to be dominated by socio-, and cultural studies and practice-oriented models guided by corresponding theories and objectives (based on the synthesis of media material). Most likely, a small increase in the number of dissertations on the material of pre-school institutions and institutions of secondary special education is also possible. The trend of the synthesis of media education and journalism (including media criticism) is going to grow.

In general, the forecast regarding the development of research on media education in the CIS countries is optimistic: the content analysis of dissertation research in the CIS countries allows to anticipate a further increase in the volume of studies (mainly due to regional research teams) related to problems of media education, media literacy, and media competence.

Keywords: dissertations, media education, media competence, media literacy, media pedagogy, media, model, CIS, school, university.

1. Introduction

From 1960 to 2019, about six hundred theses on media literacy education were defended in the USSR and in the CIS countries, of which about five hundred theses were defended in the XXI century. Meanwhile, the dynamics of the research defense on media literacy education is as follows: from 1960 to 1969 - 15; from 1970 to 1979 - 22; from 1980 to 1991 - 37; from 1992 to

* Corresponding author

E-mail addresses: 1954alex@mail.ru (A. Fedorov), a.levitskaya@tmei.ru (A. Levitskaya)

1999 - 38; from 2000 to 2009 - 151, from 2010 to 2019 - 324. Therefore, with the exception of some stagnation (explainable by the general decline in the number of scientific research in the CIS countries in all sciences) in the 1990s, it is possible to trace a consistent increase in the number of dissertations of media education topics (moreover, in the second decade of the XXI there were twice as many as in the first).

The CIS countries are significantly lagging behind Russia in the number of dissertations on media literacy education, where 364 dissertations were defended in the post-Soviet era. In Ukraine, from 1992 to 2019, 128 dissertation researches were carried out. In the rest of the CIS countries (except the Russian Federation and Ukraine) together, their number is much lower: 21.

Table 1. The number of dissertations on media literacy education defended in the USSR and CIS in 1960-2019

Countries Number of Ph.D. dissertations on media literacy education

1960- 1970- 1980- 1992- 2000- 2010- Total

1969 1979 1991 1999 2009 2019

The USSR 15 22 37 * * * 74

Russia * * * 27 91 246 364

Ukraine * * * 10 57 61 128

Other CIS countries * * * 1 3 17 21

Total: 15 22 37 38 151 324 587

2. Materials and methods

The material for our study was Ph.D. dissertations on the subject of media literacy education, defended in the USSR and the CIS countries from 1960 to 2019. The main research methods are comparative analysis and content analysis of theses.

3. Discussion

In 2009, we examined the content of dissertation research on media literacy education topics carried out in Russia, and eventually we made a forecast for their further intensive growth (Fedorov, 2009: 56). The data in Table 1 irrefutably indicate the forecast's correctness: from 2010 to 2019, in the Russian Federation alone, there were defended 2.7 times more dissertations on the topic of media education than from 2000 to 2009. Our assumptions that, after 2009, social studies and cultural studies theories will prevail in the media literacy education research field (Fedorov, 2009: 55) have also been affirmed: there were forty theses in 2010-2019, while 2010-2019 - 127, that is, three times more (see data in Table 2).

However, T.B. Isakova argues that her "content analysis of dissertation abstracts shows that the hypothesis (put forward by us in an article in 2009 - A.F.) that the number of dissertation research on media education will grow steadily - has not been confirmed. The share of research in the scientific specialty 10.01.10. Journalism devoted to the problems of media education is less than 1 %. The hypothesis that dominant approaches to media education will be social and cultural studies theories and the corresponding tasks has not been confirmed either. Nor have we identified a convergence of research topics in the field of media education, media criticism and journalism, which had been suggested by A.V. Fedorov. Only one study is devoted to media criticism" (Isakova, 2019: 113-117).

As we see, the research approach implemented by T.B. Isakova contains a significant methodological mistake: in our 2009 article we explored the entire pool of Russian dissertation research on the subject of media education (the largest group traditionally belonging to dissertations on Education/Pedagogy), while T.B. Isakova is trying to refute our conclusions only on the basis of the content analysis of the theses on journalism, thus overlooking the fact that the dissertations of the media education defended in these years could be (and were) attributed to Pedagogy/Education and Philology, also Art Studies, Sociology, Philosophy and other sciences.

In addition, in the 2009 article, we did not predict a sharp increase in the number of dissertations synthesizing media pedagogy, media criticism and journalism. We only assumed that "the tendency of rapprochement of research topics in the field of media pedagogy, media criticism and journalism" will be continued (Fedorov, 2009: 55). Our content analysis of 246 Russian dissertations of media literacy education topics of 2010-2019 shows that this is exactly what

happened: the number of dissertations synthesizing media pedagogical, media critical and journalistic approaches accounted for 4.5 % of the total number of studies.

Unfortunately, a superficial approach to studying the development of media literacy education in the USSR and the CIS countries in recent years is not uncommon. For example, consistently proceeding from the priority of "media activity", I.V. Zhilavskaya, in our opinion, precariously asserts that "the overwhelming majority of scientific articles and dissertations that somehow affect issues of media education are in the field of pedagogy and practically do not explore the productive function of media education in relation to the media phenomenon" (Zhilavskaya, 2009: 104-105). Most likely, this statement is connected with a clearly insufficient awareness of the history of media literacy education development both in the USSR, Russia, and worldwide. After all, it was the "productive function of media education" that provided the foundation for pedagogical models in both Soviet and post-Soviet times (see, for example: Bozhkov, 1983; Genkin, 1985; Khilko, 1999; Petrova, 1995; Shkolnik, 1999; Simakov, 2008; Zatuchny, 1993, etc.).

However, apparently lacking time to study this fruitful experience, I.V. Zhilavskaya (co-authored with D.A. Zubritskaya) writes that in the USSR "active practical work in schools, universities, and film clubs, was carried out by film educators Y.N. Usov, I.S. Levshin, Z.S. Smelkov, Y.M. Rabinovich, S.N. Penzin, O.A. Baranov, S.M. Ivanov, E.V. Gorbulin, E.N. Goryukhin" (Zhilavskaya, Zubritskaya, 2017: 50), thus turning Elvira Goryukhina (19322018), Inna Levshina (1932-2009), Zinaida Smelkova, Svetlana Ivanova and Evdokia Gorbulina into male researchers. The question arises if I.V. Zhilavskaya and D.A. Zubritskaya have actually studied their work.

The above awkward mistakes occur on the 85-pages-long teaching manual for university students "History of Media Education Development" (Zhilavskaya, Zubritskaya, 2017), which actually is the rendering of three monographs, published by our research team (Fedorov, Chelysheva, 2002; Fedorov, Novikova, 2005; Fedorov et al., 2014).

Sadly, publications on media literacy education that are being published in Russia in recent years, do contain cases of conscious plagiarism. Thus, the textbook for universities "Media Education and Informative-Communicative technologies in Higher Education" (Kulikova, Narzissova, 2018) was checked by a Plagiarism Detection Software and showed an upsetting result: 49.5 % of the text is "borrowed". Most of this illegally borrowed half of the text is taken from our works, published long before this "textbook". Meanwhile, plagiarizing our texts, S.V. Kulikova and S.Y. Narzissova carefully preserved all references to the works of foreign and Russian media educators that had been used in these texts. To its credit, Moscow Publishing House of International Independent Environmental and Political University promptly responded to our criticism of the book by S.V. Kulikova and S.Y. Narzissova, sent an official letter of apology declaring that the above mentioned authors will no longer be allowed to publish works in their publishing house.

On the other hand, it is gratifying that the Russian media educational research and practical experience has been in demand as the practical training aid for media literacy developed by IREX Europe project in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan for media and information literacy (Shturkhetsky, 2018: 99-101; 133-135), which ethically correct refers to our research of previous years. This tutorial was included in the pool of publications recommended for use in the CIS countries and posted on the online media and information literacy platform in the CIS countries MediaSabak (Online ..., 2019), including, among other things, links to our team's articles in the journal Media Education.

Our research group's contribution to media education development also receives acclaim in the monograph "Conceptual Relationship of Information Literacy and Media Literacy in Knowledge Societies" (2013), published by UNESCO (Gendina, 2013: 102-128). But in general, it should be noted that there is very few research analyzing the development of media education in the CIS countries, is published in Western European countries.

4. Results

Theoretical models and theories of media literacy education

In relation to research in the field of media literacy education, we proposed the following conventional classification system for theoretical models of media literacy education:

- socio-cultural, cultural models (social, cultural development of a creative person in terms of perception, imagination, visual memory, interpretation, analysis, critical thinking in relation to the media texts of any types and genres, etc.);

- practical-utilitarian models (practical study and use of media equipment as technical means of teaching and / or creating media texts of various types and genres);

- educational and ethical models (consideration of moral, ethical, psychological, ideological, religious, philosophical problems on the media material);

- aesthetic models (focused primarily on the development of artistic taste and analysis of the best examples of media culture).

Certainly, the proposed classification of media literacy education models (Tables 2, 3) is rather conditional, since the studies often observe diffusion processes of combining models of several types.

The content analysis of dissertations on the subject of media literacy education, defended in the USSR, Russia and the CIS countries from 1960 to 2019, shows that until the beginning of the XXI century there was a parity between practical-utilitarian and aesthetic models used in dissertation research on media literacy education. But in the 21st century, aesthetic models in accordance with worldwide trends (but with a delay of about twenty years) began to lose their positions, while social and cultural studies models began to dominate, marginalizing even such popular practices as hands-on/practical ones.

A surge of interest in social and cultural studies approaches to media literacy education (they account for about 44 % of the total number of studies on media education in 2000-2019), which happened in the CIS countries only in the 21st century, can be associated with intensive international exchange of scientific ideas, significant growth of the share of interdisciplinary research related to a broad social and cultural contexts.

An analysis of media education dissertations (1960-2019) from the point of view of media literacy education theories used in them shows that they generally fit into the previously identified (Fedorov, 2001, 2009) dominant theoretical media literacy education models (with dominanting social, cultural, practical, and aesthetic theories). Reliance on the ideological and semiotic theories of media literacy education and the theory of the development of critical thinking has manifested itself in the dissertation research of the USSR and the CIS countries to a minimum degree, although these theories have been used in many dissertations as auxiliary.

We believe that a low percentage of dissertations of the theory of the development of critical thinking is due to the fact that the development of analytical thinking in relation to media culture in the Soviet period was not encouraged by the ruling regime, as well as the use of semiotic approaches.

In our opinion, a small number of dissertations on media literacy education, relying on ideological theory, can be explained by the fact that most of the Soviet media educators in 19601991 sought to distance their research from the ideological component, and based, primarily on practical and aesthetic theory of media education. Intensive disruption of socialist life format in the 1990s also diminished the role of the ideological theory in media literacy education research in the CIS countries.

The quite popular among practitioners, protective / innoculatory theory of media literacy education was used in only 37 works defended in post-Soviet Russia and in 19 of the rest of the CIS countries, thus reflecting the global trend: for over 50 years the researchers worldwide (Buckingham , 2013: 5-18; Fedorov, 2003; Hobbs, 2010, etc.) have asserted that it is useless to defend against media; on the contrary, media should be analyzed in a broad sociocultural context.

Table 2. Theoretical models and theories used in Soviet and Russian Ph.D. dissertation research on media literacy education topics 1960-2019

N Dominant media literacy education theories and models Number of Ph.D. dissertations on media literacy education

19601969 19701979 19801991 19921999 20002009 20102019 Total

1 Social, cultural (based on social and cultural studies media education theory) 2 1 7 11 40 127 188

2 Practically utilitarian (based on practical theory of media education) 6 9 12 8 23 90 148

3 Ethical, protective (based on ethical and protectionist theories) 1 4 5 0 15 22 47

4 Aesthetic (based on aesthetic, art theories of media education) 6 8 13 8 13 7 55

Total 15 22 37 27 91 246 438

Table 3. Theoretical models and theories used in Ph.D. dissertation research on media literacy education topics defended in the CIS countries in 1992-2019

N Dominant media Number of Ph.D. dissertations on media literacy education defended in CIS countries (1992-2019)

education Russia Ukraine Others CIS countries Tota

theories and 1992 2000 2010 1992 2000 2010 1992 2000 2010 l

models 1999 2009 2019 1999 2009 2019 1999 2009 2019

1 Social, cultural (based on social and cultural studies media education theory) 10 40 127 4 19 27 0 2 10 239

2 Practically utilitarian (based on practical theory of media education) 8 23 90 5 28 25 0 1 4 184

3 Ethical, protective (based on ethical and protection ist theories) 0 15 22 1 8 6 1 0 3 56

4 Aesthetic (based on aesthetic, art theories of media education) 9 13 7 0 2 3 0 0 0 34

Total: 27 91 246 10 57 61 1 3 17 513

Media education objectives

Analysis of Ph.D. dissertations on media literacy education, defended in the 1990s and the first two decades of the 21st century in the CIS countries, shows that they were aimed at developing the understanding and skills of analyzing the social, cultural, political, ethical, psychological, and economic implications of media and media culture products. This objective, which is extremely important for cultural, sociocultural, aesthetic, educational and ethical models of media education, dominated about half of the scientific works.

The second place (33 %) is occupied by the objective of teaching a person about the practical use of media (including the creation of media products / media texts), which fully correlates with the practical-utilitarian model of media education.

Such objectives as expanding the knowledge on the theory and history of media culture and media literacy education, that were in low demand in the 20th century, began to gain more substantial weight in the 21st century. This phenomenon can probably be explained by the fact that after a long period of understanding the empirical media educational experience, the time has come for researchers of a systematizing, generalizing, regional geographic, and scientific nature. It is no coincidence that it was in the 21st century that dissertations on the theory of media culture were successfully defended in the CIS countries (Arkhangelsky, 2009; Baranova, 2019; Bozhedarov, 2005; Butyrina, 2009; Chionova, 2012; Demchenko, 2011; Demchenko, 2011; Dzyaloshinsky, 2013; Grigorov, 2014; Grigorov, 2014; Kashkina, 2012; Kirillova, 2005; Korochensky, 2003; Orohovska, 2015; Polyakova, 2015; Rudnichenko, 2009; Tsymbalenko, 2012; Urazova, 2012; Vaganova, 2003; Vozchikov, 2007; Zrazhevska, 2012 and others) and the history media literacy education (Chelysheva, 2002; Gorbatkova, 2015; Khudoleeva, 2006; Kolesnichenko, 2007; Mikhaleva, 2012; Mosina, 2009; Novikova, 2000; Pechinkina, 2008; Roslyak, 2004; Yurova, 2015, etc.).

Media materials

The content analysis of dissertations on the subject of media literacy education, defended in the USSR, Russia and the CIS countries from 1960 to 2019, allows us to elaborate tables 4-5, the data of which show that up to the beginning of the 1990s the most popular media material used in dissertations research on media education was the cinema: in the USSR, on average, 62 % of studies from 1960 to 1991 were based on cinematographic material. Television, radio, sound recordings (25 %), the press (7 %), the synthesis of several types of media (7 %) and other media (4 %) reside on more moderate positions (Fedorov, 2009).

Apparently, the Soviet media educators, largely focused on the aesthetic model of media literacy education, sought during this time period to make the most of the artistic media texts. Therefore it was the cinema that was becoming the favourite media material. Moreover, media educators who used to actively employ practical model of media literacy education, in the 1960s -1980s also preferred to rely on the traditional and familiar film material.

In the period between 1960s - 1980s, amateur (school, student, etc.) press was developing very actively, the number of students involved in the process of creating newspapers and magazines significantly exceeded the audiences involved in film literacy education. It would seem that, against this background, it was the amateur press that was supposed to be the main material for media literacy education research, but this did not happen, because media educators engaged in media literacy education on the press material were much less focused on research activities than their counterparts in film pedagogy. This was reflected in the imbalance of dissertations: from 1960 to 1991, 45 media educational Ph.D. dissertations were defended on the cinematic material in the USSR and only 5 on the material of the press. And although in post-Soviet Russia two dozen dissertations were defended on the material of the press, their number is still inferior to the number of dissertations on the material of cinema and television (about forty dissertations).

In addition, since the 1990s (at first rather timidly), computers and the Internet have also become the material for dissertations on the topic of media education. Personal computers and the Internet came to mass consumers in the CIS countries with a significant delay compared with the West, but in the 21st century the share of this material in media education dissertation research reached 17 %.

In the 1990s, another new trend emerged for the first time - the first place in terms of the number of dissertations was material based on the synthesis of various media. The 21st century convincingly consolidated this tendency: among the materials of dissertations on media education, media synthesis came out in the first place by a large margin, while the Internet and computers

were firmly established in second place. In the 21st century, the share of the press, cinema, television, radio combined as material for the dissertation research of media education in the CIS countries accounted for only 14 %, while the dissertations based on the synthesis of various types of media accounted for about 62 % protected from 2000 to 2019. There is undeniable logic in this: the 21st century has become the century of intensive development of multimedia technologies.

Table 4. Media material used in Soviet and Russian Ph.D. dissertation research on media on media literacy education topics 1960-2019

N Media material used in Number of Ph.D. dissertations on media literacy education

research 1960- 1970- 1980- 1992- 2000- 2010- Total

1969 1979 1991 1999 2009 2019

1 Print press 2 1 2 2 5 13 25

2 Film 9 14 22 5 9 9 68

3 Television, radio, audio 2 6 7 3 6 10 34

4 Computer applications, Internet 0 0 0 6 8 47 61

5 Other media 0 1 2 3 1 6 13

6 Synthesis of various media 2 0 4 8 62 161 237

Total 15 22 37 27 91 246 438

Table 5. Media material used in CIS countries Ph.D. dissertation research on media on media literacy education topics 1960-2019

N Media Number of Ph.D. dissertations on media literacy education (1992-2019) in CIS

material Russia Ukraine Others CIS countries Total

used in research 1992 2000 2010 1992 2000 2010 1992 2000 2010

1999 2009 2019 1999 2009 2019 1999 2009 2019

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1 Print press 2 5 13 2 4 2 0 1 0 29

2 Film 5 9 9 0 1 0 0 0 0 24

3 Television, radio, audio 3 6 10 0 5 4 0 1 1 30

4 Computer applicatio ns, Internet 6 8 47 2 8 10 0 0 7 88

5 Other media 3 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 10

6 Synthesis of various media 8 62 161 6 39 45 1 1 9 332

Total 27 91 246 10 57 61 1 3 17 513

Autonomy and/or integration

An analysis of media literacy education theses from 1960-2019 (see data in Tables 6-7) shows that the number of studies on integrated media literacy education in research in the 21st century has significantly exceeded research papers based on autonomous media education. The trend of research in the 21st century has also shown a rapid increase in the number of dissertation research based on the synthesis of autonomous and integrated media literacy education types: from 1960 to 1999, only 22 of this type of dissertations were written, in the 21st century (in all CIS countries as a whole) - 197.

In the post-Soviet period, 19.9 % of researchers in the CIS countries preferred an autonomous type of media literacy education (basic courses, special courses, electives, clubs, etc.),

and 40.1 % - integrated with core / basic disciplines. 40.0 % of researchers relied on the synthesis of autonomous and integrated types of media education (with the dominant integration and synthesis characteristic of both Russia and the other CIS countries).

Back in 2003, we conducted a survey of 26 experts (from 10 countries of the world) in the field of media literacy education (Fedorov, 2003), in which the synthetic way of introducing media literacy education was distinguished as the most effective by 61.5 % of the surveyed experts. The integrated type of media education was supported by 30.7 % of international experts, and autonomous - by only 7.7 %. The differences in the approaches are obvious, but the data in Tables 6-7 demonstrate that the interest of media on media literacy education researchers in the CIS countries of the 21st century to the synthesis of autonomous and integrated types is clearly increasing. In any case, it is the years 2000-2019 that witness the peak of media on media literacy education focused on the synthetic path of its implementation.

Based on this, it can be assumed that in future years in the CIS countries all three of the above mentioned types will be preserved, since each of them has its own advantages and specifics. For example, the training of media professionals (or media competent teachers) is impossible without autonomous media on media literacy education training courses, and in a school environment, integrated media on media literacy education is more preferable.

Table 6. Autonomous or integrated type of media on media literacy education used in Soviet and Russian Ph.D. dissertation research 1960-2019

N Type of media literacy teaching used in research Number of P Ph.D. dissertations on media ec ucation

19601969 19701979 19801991 19921999 20002009 20102019 Total

1 Autonomous 3 5 14 16 27 57 122

2 Integrated with other subjects 7 11 20 10 34 105 187

3 Synthesis of autonomous and integrated types 5 6 3 1 30 84 129

Total 15 22 37 27 91 246 438

Table 7. Autonomous or integrated type of media on media literacy education used in Soviet and Russian Ph.D. dissertation research in 1992-2019

N Type of Number of Ph.D. dissertations on media education (1992-2019)

media Russia Ukraine Others CIS countries Total

literacy teaching used in research 1992 1999 2000 2009 2010 2019 1992 1999 2000 2009 2010 2019 1992 1999 2000 2009 2010 2019

1 Autonomo us 16 27 57 0 1 1 0 0 0 102

2 Integrated with other subjects 10 34 105 4 13 31 0 2 7 206

3 Synthesis of autonomo us and integrated types 1 30 84 6 43 29 1 1 10 205

Total 27 91 246 10 57 61 1 3 17 513


The content analysis of theses (Tables 8-9) shows that from 1960 to 2009, the main type of institutions used for experimental work in the field of media literacy education were schools. However, in the period from 2010 to 2019, higher educational institutions (30.1 %) and a complex

of several institutions (12.7 %) start to dominate as experimental platforms for research in the CIS countries, marginalizing schools to the third place (9.2 %). The fourth place at this time were media agencies. A generally insignificant part of research experimental sites for media literacy education in the USSR and the CIS countries throughout the period from 1960 to 2019 were pre-school and secondary specialized educational institutions. In the XXI century, for example, five dissertations on the material of preschool institutions in the CIS countries were defended, and even less on the material of secondary specialized educational institutions - four. It may be here that there is a prospect for research due to the specificity of these institutions.

Detailed content analysis of the theses shows that a dramatic increase in the share of universities, as types of institutions used as an experimental base by scientists and media educators of the CIS countries in 2000-2019, can be explained, in particular, by the fact that in the 21st century researchers that the wide development of media education in schools is impossible without media-competent teachers. Consequently, the interest in research on the basis of universities and departments of education grew.

Table 8. Type of institutions used as an experimental site by Soviet and Russian Ph.D. dissertation research of media literacy education topics from 1960-2019

N Institution type Number of Ph.D. dissertations on media literacy education

1960- 1970- 1980- 1992- 2000- 2010- Total

1969 1979 1991 1999 2009 2019

1 Universities 0 2 4 4 24 125 159

2 Specialized secondary education establishments (colleges) 0 0 1 0 1 1 3

3 Secondary schools 9 9 17 6 30 41 112

4 Pre-school institutions 0 0 0 0 2 2 4

5 Supplementary education institutions (community centers, cultural centers, clubs) 0 2 6 8 5 13 34

6 Media agencies 4 4 7 3 4 24 46

7 Libraries, Media centers 0 0 0 1 1 2 4

8 Several institutions 2 5 2 5 24 38 76

Total 15 22 37 27 91 246 438

Table 9. Type of institutions used as an experimental site by Soviet and Russian Ph.D. dissertation research of media literacy education topics from 1992-2019 in the CIS countries

N Institution Number of Ph.D. dissertations on media education (1992-2019) in the CIS

type Russia Ukraine Others CIS countries Total

1992 2000 2010 1992 2000 2010 1992 2000 2010

1999 2009 2019 1999 2009 2019 1999 2009 2019

1 Universities 4 24 125 4 29 28 0 1 5 220

2 Specialized secondary education establishmen ts (colleges) 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 4

3 Secondary schools 6 30 41 0 3 3 0 1 3 87

4 Pre-school institutions 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 5

5 Supplementa ry education 8 5 13 0 1 5 0 0 1 33

institutions (community centers, cultural centers, clubs)

6 Media agencies 3 4 24 4 14 3 0 1 2 55

7 Libraries, Media centers 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4

8 Several institutions 5 24 38 2 8 21 1 0 6 105

Total 27 91 246 10 57 61 1 3 17 513

Age groups

The content analysis of dissertations (Tables 10-11) demonstrate that up till the early XXI century the main age group of media audiences researched in Russian Ph.D. dissertations on media literacy education, were school pupils. However, then the situation changed in favour of university students. Meanwhile, the focus of media literacy education research conducted at schools is aimed at pupils of middle school and high school, while elementary school pupils and students of specialized secondary education institutions (colleges) remain the less "researched" audience for media competence development. Adult audiences also belong to somewhat neglected groups.

Table 10. Age groups of media audiences, participating in researches by Soviet and Russian Ph.D. dissertations on media literacy education in 1960-2019

№ Age groups of media audiences participating in research Number of Ph.D. dissertation on media literacy education

19601969 19701979 19801991 19921999 20002009 20102019 Total

1 Pre-schoolers 0 0 0 0 2 2 4

2 Elementary school pupils 0 0 1 1 2 5 9

3 Middle school pupils 2 4 3 3 8 13 33

4 High school pupils 2 5 9 2 7 15 40

5 Secondary school pupils on the whole 8 8 9 4 13 24 66

6 College students 0 0 1 0 1 1 3

7 University students 0 2 7 6 24 125 164

8 School and university students on the whole 1 3 6 7 12 14 43

9 Adult audience 2 0 1 4 8 20 35

1 0 Audiences of different age 0 0 0 0 14 27 41

Total 15 22 37 27 91 246 438

Table 11. Age groups of media audiences, participating in Ph.D. researches on media literacy education in the CIS countries in 1992-2019

№ Age groups Number of Ph.D. dissertations on media education in the CIS (1992-2019)

of media Russia Ukraine Others CIS countries Total

audiences 1992 2000 2010 1992 2000 2010 1992 2000 2010

participatin - - - - - - - - -

g in 1999 2009 2019 1999 2009 2019 1999 2009 2019

1 Preschoolers 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 5

2 Elementary school pupils 1 2 5 0 1 1 0 0 0 10

3 Middle school pupils 3 8 13 0 2 2 0 0 0 28

4 High school pupils 2 7 15 0 2 0 0 1 0 27

5 Secondary school pupils on the whole 4 13 24 0 1 1 1 0 3 47

6 College students 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 3

7 University students 4 24 125 4 29 28 0 1 5 220

8 School and

university students on 7 12 14 0 4 2 0 0 0 39

the whole

9 Adult audience 4 8 20 0 2 5 0 0 1 40

1 0 Audiences of different age 2 14 27 6 15 21 0 1 8 94

Total 27 91 246 10 57 61 1 3 17 513

Geography of research

Analysis of the data in Tables 12-13 shows that in the 1960-1980s most of the research on media literacy education was carried out in Moscow (61.9 %). The share of research by scientists working in regions in this period was 22.5 %. However, as early as in the 1990s, the ratio changed significantly: in Russia, the number of regional studies (40.0 %) on the topic of media literacy education was almost equal to their quantity in the capital (46.6 %) (Fedorov, 2009).

The first two decades of the XXI century show that the emerging trend is quite natural. From 2000 to 2019 in Russia, the proportion of Ph.D. dissertations defended by Moscow authors on a topic related to media literacy education decreased to 28.8 %, while the share of regional studies rose sharply to 62.8 %.

In our opinion, such a significant decrease in the number of dissertation research on media literacy education by specialists working in Moscow is due to the following reasons:

- in 2000, two recognized leaders of the Moscow scientific schools of media literacy education (Y.N. Usov and L.S. Zaznobina), who were research advisors for a great number of Ph.D. students, passed away;

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

- in the post-Soviet time in Moscow (to a much greater extent than the provinces) young people began to quit their work at universities and research institutions, since employment opportunities in the capital city made it possible to leave a low-paying career to a more well-paid one;

- by the beginning of the 21st century, several weighty scientific schools and centers of media literacy education emerged in the Russian regions; on their basis new researches started.

In Ukraine, the situation during the post-Soviet period is somewhat different - there is an approximate parity between research defended in Kiev and in the provinces. In the rest of the CIS countries, dissertations are still defended mostly in capital cities.

Table 12. The ratio of Soviet and Russian Ph.D. dissertation research media literacy education topics, carried out in the years 1960-2019 in Moscow, Leningrad / St. Petersburg vs. the regions *

N Location of the media Number o' ' Ph.D. dissertations on media ' iteracy education

education research 1960- 1970- 1980- 1992- 2000- 2010- Total

1969 1979 1991 1999 2009 2019

1 Moscow 12 15 20 11 29 69 156

2 Leningrad/ St.Petersburg - 2 9 4 8 20 43

3 Regional cities 3 5 8 12 54 157 239

Total: 15 22 37 27 91 246 438

* with the consideration of the fact that a number of dissertations that were defended in capital cities had been written and supervised in regional universities.

Table 13. The ratio of Ph.D. dissertation research media literacy education topics, carried out in the 1992-2019 годах in Moscow, St. Petersburg vs. the regions CIS capital cities and regional cities

Location of Number of Ph.D. dissertations on media education in the CIS (1992-2019)

N the media Russia Ukraine Others CIS countries Total

education research 1992 2000 2010 1992 2000 2010 1992 2000 2010

1999 2009 2019 1999 2009 2019 1999 2009 2019

1 Moscow 11 29 69 * * * * * ■X- 109

2 St. Petersburg 4 8 20 * * * * * ■X- 32

3 Kiev * * * 6 31 30 * * * 67

4 Other CIS capital cities * * * * * * 1 3 16 20

5 Regional/ provincial cities in CIS countries 12 54 157 4 26 31 0 0 1 285

Total 27 91 246 10 57 61 1 3 17 513

5. Conclusion

The economic crisis of the 1990s, inherent in the post-Soviet period, has undoubtedly affected research in the field of media literacy education: the number of Ph.D. dissertations in the CIS countries on this subject remained approximately at the level of the USSR in the 1980s, while in the Western countries this scientific direction was developing much more intensively. The entrance of new information technologies into the educational process led to the fact that the dissertations that were defended in the CIS countries in the 1990s, used the Internet and computer applications as media education material (Gura, 1994; Kulikova, 1999, Lepskaya, 1999; Moiseeva, 1997; Petrova, 1995; Stolyarevska, 1999, etc.).

The access gained by the post-Soviet scientists to Western studies in the 1990s encouraged the application of socio- and cultural models in media literacy education, along with traditional practical, utilitarian and aesthetic ones (see Tables 2-3). The post-Soviet media literacy education research of the 1990s and the 21st century began to rely to a greater extent on an integrated approach and the synthesis of autonomous and integrated approaches (see Tables 6- 7).

In post-Soviet Russia, new regional media literacy education research centers began to emerge (Taganrog, Chelyabinsk, and Yekaterinburg). Grant programs of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, key funds of scientific support (Russian Science Foundation, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, etc.) supported media education projects. The Russian experience has greatly influenced the development of media education in the CIS countries (Akhmetova, 2016; Gendina, 2013; Shturkhetsky, 2018, etc.).

In general, the number of Ph.D. dissertation research in the CIS countries on media literacy education from 2000 to 2019 increased 12 times compared to the period of the 1990s (although this growth is associated with Russia and Ukraine, as for the other CIS countries, the topic of media literacy education was rarely examined in Ph.D. research; media educators of these states focused on conducting seminars and practical training sessions aimed to increase the level of media literacy of citizens).

The research boom in the field of media education that occurs in the 21st century in Russia and Ukraine, in our opinion, is due to the following reasons:

- rapid expansion of media (primarily computer, audiovisual) throughout the world, including, of course, the CIS countries;

- common understanding that that media culture has a serious impact on the development of a person's personality and, therefore, must become an integral part of the educational process;

- researchers' aspiration to find new areas for scientific research, and such an area (among others) in the new millennium of media literacy education;

- drastic expansion of scientific contacts in the post-Soviet era (including via the Internet), which served in particular as the impetus for the exchange of media literacy education ideas between scientists from the CIS and Western countries.

While developing media literacy education models and technologies, researchers from the CIS countries, of course, note a number of significant challenges that the development of media literacy education in the 21st century is facing.

So E.I. Khudoleeva has developed a rather detailed classification of typical problems (sociopolitical, managerial, organizational, didactic, corporate, professional, social, personal) that the development of media literacy education is facing (Khudoleeva, 2006):

- personal (internal psychological problems, fear of new equipment and technologies; unwillingness to make efforts and spend additional energy to study the possibilities of using new technology in their professional activities);

- social (unsatisfactory level of information development of society; lack of access to electronic information tools for many social groups; technical impossibility of everyone to receive education remotely);

- professional (teachers' poor media competence; unwillingness and impossibility of experienced teachers to take professional training course in the field of media literacy education);

- corporate (poor development of electronic educational space of educational institutions; insufficient use of distance forms of education; lack of exchange of experience in the development of new technologies through a system of advanced training).

Further, the didactic-organizational problems are highlighted, among which there is an acute shortage of qualified media literacy educators and a lack of motivation of teachers and students.

And finally, the problems of state and social level:

- socio-political: the concept of "media literacy education" for the general public remains obscure; public opinion about the need for media literacy education as a component of general education has not yet been formed;

- managerial: there is no official government demand for the development of mass media literacy education, for the preparation of media educators, therefore, they are trained at universities (with rare exceptions); media literacy education is still not officially integrated into the schooling process (Khudoleeva, 2006: 19).

It seems that these problems are identified reasonably (to some extent they are reflected in the theses defended in the CIS countries from 1992 to 2019), and they are inherent not only to Russia and the CIS countries, but also in many other states of the world where media literacy education has still not (unlike, for example, Canada or Hungary) become an integral component of education in schools and universities.

What are the most promising trends (including theoretical models, concepts) in research in the field of media literacy education can be identified for the CIS countries?

The content analysis of the theses we conducted shows that globalization trends in media culture and media education have led to the fact that the traditional for the USSR priority of aesthetically-oriented media education in the CIS countries of the 21st century have been replaced by sociocultural and cultural studies.

Our analysis suggests that in the foreseeable future, the development of media literacy education in the CIS countries will continue to be dominated by socio-, and cultural studies and practice-oriented models guided by corresponding theories and objectives (based on the synthesis of media material).

Most likely, a small increase in the number of Ph.D. dissertations on the material of preschool institutions and institutions of secondary special education is also possible. The trend of the synthesis of media literacy education and journalism (including media criticism) is going to grow.

In Ukraine, most likely, the tendency to ideologize media literacy education, started in 2014, attempts to make media literacy education a propaganda and counter-propaganda tool, will grow.

In general, our forecast regarding the development of research on media literacy education in the CIS countries is optimistic: the content analysis of dissertation research in the CIS countries that we have conducted allows us to anticipate a further increase in the volume of studies (mainly due to regional research teams) related to problems of media education, media literacy, and media competence.

6. Acknowledgements

The reported study was funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) according to the research project № 18-013-00022 "Mass Media Education in Commonwealth of Independent States - CIS (1992-2020)".


Akhmetova, 2016 - Akhmetova, L. (2016). Media Education in Kazakhstan: Work Experience. Universal Journal of Educational Research. 4(8): 1753-1756. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.hrpub.org DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2016.040802

Buckingham, 2013 - Buckingham, D. (2013). The success and failure of media education. Media Education Research Journal 4(2): 5-18.

Fedorov et al., 2014 - Fedorov, A., Levitskaya, A., Chelysheva, I., Muryukina, E., Grigorova, D. (2014). Media education in the countries of Eastern Europe. Moscow: Information for All, 140 p.

Fedorov, 2001 - Fedorov, A. (2001). Media education: history, theory and methodology. Rostov: CVVR, 708 p.

Fedorov, 2003 - Fedorov, A. (2003). Media education and media literacy: experts' opinions. MENTOR. A Media Education Curriculum for Teachers in the Mediterranean. Paris: UNESCO.

Fedorov, 2009 - Fedorov, A. (2009). Evolution of Russian scientific research in the field of media education. Media Education, 2: 9-64.

Fedorov, Chelysheva, 2002 - Fedorov, A., Chelysheva, I. (2002). Media education in Russia: brief history of development. Taganrog: Poznanie, 266 p.

Fedorov, Novikova, 2005 - Fedorov, A., Novikova, A. (2005). Media education in leading Western countries. Taganrog: Kuchma, 270 p.

Gendina, 2013 - Gendina, N. (2013). Media and Information Literacy in Russia and the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). A survey undertaken on behalf of UNESCO's Communication and Information Sector. Conceptual Relationship of Information Literacy and Media Literacy in Knowledge Societies. Paris: UNESCO: 102-128. [Electronic resource].URL:http://www.unesco.org/new/fileadmin/MULTIMEDIA/HQ/CI/CI/pdf/wsis/WSIS _10_Event/WSIS_-_Series_of_research_papers_-


Hobbs, 2010 - Hobbs, R. (2010). Digital and Media Literacy: A Plan of Action. Washington, D.C.: The Aspen Institute, 67 p.

Isakova, 2019 - Isakova, T.B. (2019). Actual problems of media education in scientific works and professional publications. Tatischev's readings: actual problems of science and practice. Materials of XVIInternational Conference. Togliatti: Volzhsky University: 113-117.

Khudoleeva, 2006 - Khudoleeva, E.I. (2006). Pedagogical problems of media education in Germany and in Russia at the present stage (end of XX - beginning of XXI centuries). Ph.D. Dis. Vladivostok.

Kulikova, Narcissova, 2018 - Kulikova, S.V., Narcissova, S.Y. (2018). Media education and information and communication technologies in higher school. Moscow: International Independent University (Academy) of Environmental and Political Science, 162 p. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_35383150_61840035.pdf

Online..., 2019 - Online Media and Information Literacy Platform for Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) MediaSabak. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.mediasabak.org/ru/books/

Shturhetsky, 2018 - Shturhetsky, S. (2018). Media Literacy. Practical textbook for higher education institutions on media and information literacy. Lyon: IREX Europe, 155 p. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.mediasabak.org/media/IE_-_curriculum_-_university_V2_ru.pdf

Zhilavskaya, 2009 - Zhilavskaya, I.V. (2009). Media education of youth audience. Tomsk, 322 p.

Zhilavskaya, Zubritskaya, 2017 - Zhilavskaya, I.V., Zubritskaya, DA. (2017). History of the media education development. Moscow: Moscow State Pedagogical University, 85 p.

Annex 1. List of dissertations on media education topic in the USSR and the CIS countries



Chirkova, K.V. (1955). Screen aids as one of the means of visualization in history classes in V-VIII grades of secondary school. Ph.D. Dis. Leningrad.

Gromov, A.P. (1958). Application of diaphragms and movies in mathematics classes of high school. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Kashchenko, B.P. (1951). Educational Cinema in the Seven-year School. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Koldunov, Y.I. (1955). School newspapers as a means of communistic education of secondary school students. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Menshikh, E.A. (1952). The use of cinema in the teaching of physics. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Sycheva, E.M. (1955). Educational cinema as a means of education at secondary school. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.


Alexeeva, M.I. (1968). Children's journals of Soviet Russia in the 1920s as a type of publication. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Arkhangelsky, S.I. (1963). Elements of theory, technologies and methods of application of educational cinema in secondary schools and universities. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Baranov, O.A. (1968). School film clubs and their role in the cinematographic education of high school students. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Cherepinsky, S.I. (1968). Didactic problems of the film application in the educational process of the secondary school (1917-1967). Ph.D. Dis. Voronezh.

Karasik, A.S. (1966). Artistic-pedagogical analysis of films with students of 5-6 classes. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Kolesova, L.N. (1966). Pioneer journals in the history of contemporary children's literature of the 1920s. Ph.D. Dis. Petrozavodsk.

Kraav, V.H. (1969). Educational film as a source of knowledge. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Penzin, S.N. (1967). Some problems of the theory and practice of the television propaganda of the cinema art. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Porotskaya, T.I. (1968). Features of using the educational films in the process of teaching the students of the auxiliary schools. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Pressman, L.P. (1963). The use of the cinema and television for the purpose of speech development of the pupils at the lessons of the Russian language and literature. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Rabinovich, R.G. (1966). Cinema art in art education of high school students. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Rabinovich, Y.M. (1966). Interaction of literature and cinema in aesthetic education of senior students. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Saperov, V.I. (1969). Use of radio broadcasting in the communication education of students. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Shakhmayev, N.M. (1967). Didactic problems of the technical means application in the educational process of the secondary education school. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Vahemetsa, A. (1966). On the aesthetically-educational impact of cinema art. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.


Bogatyreva, Y.N. (1972). From the history of creation of the printed pioneer newspaper (1922-1928). Ph.D. Dis. Leningrad.

Feiginov, S.R. (1977). Pedagogical basics of interaction between television and school in the communistic education of teenagers. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Goncharova, N.V. (1970). Formation of the evaluative attitude to the feature films of pupils of the 5th-6th grades. Ph.D. Dis. Irkutsk.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Goryunova, N.L. (1978). Educational film: function, content and form. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Ivanova, S.M. (1978). Education of full perception of cinema art by young teenagers. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Ivanova-Tsiganova, V.I. (1971). Features of educational films in foreign language as sources of information and their use for teaching oral speech in a university. Ph.D. Moscow.

Ksenofontov, V.V. (1976). Television as a factor of schoolchildren's education. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Labkovskaya, G.S. (1976). Formation of a moral ideal at high school pupils by means of cinema art. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Levshina, I.S. (1975). Education of schoolchildren by means of feature films. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Malobitskaya, Z.S. (1979). Film art as a means of moral and aesthetic education of high school students. Ph.D. Dis. Irkutsk.

Medvedev, N.I. (1978). Use of the technical (screen) means in the educational process in schools for the deaf. Ph.D. Moscow.

Monastyrsky, V.A. (1979). Artistic education of the senior schoolchildren by means of the television in the extracurricular work. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Omarov, M.I. (1972). Didactic basis for the use of educational films at the initial stage of teaching the second language. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Paramonova, K.K. (1973). Problems of children's cinema. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Polevoy, V.L. (1975). Investigation of the efficiency of the methods of construction and application of the educational films for the cognitive activity activation. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Shavtsov, M.V. (1971). Polytechnic orientation of the content of the educational films and methods of its realization at studying the basics of the sciences of the natural cycle. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Sokolova, S.V. (1971). About the formation of the elements of the aesthetic perception (on the material of the cinema art). Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Stepanov, A.A. (1973). Psychological bases of the TV application in training. Ph.D. Dis. Leningrad.

Tikhomirova, K.M. (1970). Conditions of effective use of the diaphragms and diapositives in the educational process of the secondary school (on the example of the subjects of the humanitarian cycle). Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Troitskaya, L.D. (1979). Aesthetic education of high school students in the conditions of the rural school (on the material of the complex use of literature and television). Ph.D. Dis. Moscow, 1979.

Usov, Y.N. (1974). Film analysis in the aesthetic education of the high school students. Ph.D. Dis. M0scow.

Zvolinskaya, N.N. (1970). Conditions for the effective use of radio and sound recording in the teaching of literature. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.


Andreeva, I.V. (1982). Cinematographic solution as a means of increasing the pedagogical effectiveness of the educational film. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Barmasheva, T.M. (1981). Pedagogical interpretation of the mass information as a condition for the improvement of the young teacher's professional activity. Ph.D. Dis. Leningrad.

Bozhkov, Y.I. (1983). Amateur film-making as a pedagogical problem. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Bulavko, V.I. (1982). Screen teaching aids at the lessons of fine arts in the secondary school. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Cherkashin, E.A. (1989). Popular science film about art as a means of forming the artistic interests of senior pupils. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Evtushenko, G.M. (1991). Film education at school in modern conditions as a film study problem. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Fedorov, A.V. (1986). Critical analysis of a foreign film in the work with high school students. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Genkin, P.D. (1985). Development of interest to amateur cinema in the process of educational activity of the amateur film studio. Ph.D. Dis. Leningrad.

Gutova, N.V. (1987). The use of cinema as a complex means of education of the younger schoolchildren. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Iordanova, L.V. (1980). Methodological methods of using the educational films at chemistry lessons. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Janelyauskas, E.A. (1983). Education of the social and artistic activity of a person in the process of the amateur film-making. Ph.D. Dis. Leningrad.

Kholmov, M.I. (1985). Formation of contemporary journalism for children. Ph.D. Dis. Leningrad.

Kirillova, N.B. (1983). Social and aesthetic efficiency of cinema as a factor of communistic education of young people. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Kozlov, F.M. (1987). Implementation of the educational potential of cinema by means of the cultural and educational work with the students. Ph.D. Dis. Leningrad.

Kudina, I.Y. (1989). Diaphragm as a means of forming communicative skills in high school literature classes. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Kuznetsov, V.M. (1982). Didactic bases of the university educational television. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Labunskaya, N.A. (1982). Screening means in the system of problem study. Ph.D. Dis. Leningrad.

Odintsova, S.M. (1981). Film analysis as one of the factors of improvement of professional training of students-philologists of pedagogical universities. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Ogorodnikov, Y.A. (1981). Nature and Aesthetic Functions in the educational film. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Polichko, G.A. (1987). Interdisciplinary relations of the literary course and optional course on the basics of cinema art as a means of aesthetic development of high school students. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Poltorak, L.D. (1980). Literary work study taking into account the high school students' film experience. Ph.D. Dis. Leningrad.

Pressman, L.P. (1981). Pedagogical bases of creation and use of screen and sound means in secondary school. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Privalova, N.K. (1981). Investigation of the influence of compositional features of the educational film on its pedagogical effectiveness (on the example of films on humanitarian subjects for 5 - 10 classes of secondary school. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Rudenko, I.A. (1986). Radio broadcasting for children and youth (formation, development, functioning problems). Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Saydashev, A.Z. (1985). Activation of the cognitive activity of the students at the problem learning by means of the cinema and demonstration experiment. Ph.D. Dis. Kazan.

Serezhenkova, L.N. (1982). Training of foreign students in speech communication on the basis of the feature films (at the advanced stage of training). Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Shakeeva, Ch.A. (1983). Social-psychological aspects of the influence of modern cinema on the value orientations of young people. Ph.D. Dis. Leningrad.

Sharikov, A.V. (1989). Age peculiarities of the schoolchildren's television orientations. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Shein, S.A. (1982). Psychological peculiarities of the high school pupils' attitude to the characters of the movies. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Svistelnikova, T.Y. (1990). Upbringing of musical interests of students of pedagogical universities by means of television. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Trofimova, L.N. (1985). The use of video recording in extra-curricular educational work (in the conditions of the school technical center). Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Tumaleva, E.A. (1982). Popular science films and TV programs as a means of complex solution of problems of physics teaching. Ph.D. Dis. Leningrad.

Usov, Y.N. (1989). Film education as a means of aesthetic education and artistic development of schoolchildren. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Usova, G.A. (1981). Radio broadcasting and television as the factors of the teenagers' value orientations formation. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Vlaskina, G.Y. (1985). Aesthetic education of high school students by means of TV and radio. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Yakovleva, N.N. (1989). Formation of the aesthetic assessments of teenagers by means of cinema art. Ph.D. Dis. Minsk.

Zaznobina, L.S. (1990). Scientific and pedagogical bases of creation and use of the screen and sound means of education on subjects of a natural cycle for polytechnic education of schoolchildren. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.



Bondarenko, E.A. (1997). System of the audiovisual education in the 5th-9th grades of the high school. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Breitman, A.S. (1997). Fundamentals of cinema art in the course of the world art culture. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Bukharkina, M.Y. (1994). Computer telecommunications in the teaching of foreign languages. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Fedorov, A.V. (1993). System of the pedagogical university students' training for the aesthetic education of the schoolchildren on the material of the screen arts (cinema, television, video). Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Gavrichenkov, A.N. (1997). Creation and use of the educational video recording for teachers' professional development. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Gura, V.V. (1994). Cultural approach as theoretical and methodological basis for humanization of information technologies of education. Ph.D. Dis. Rostov.

Hilko, N.F. (1999). Development of the ability to create photographs of teenagers and young people in the process of artistic amateur activity. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Ivanova, L.A. (1999). Formation of the media-communication literacy of the teenage schoolchildren by means of video (on the basis of the French language lessons). Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Karpova, N.K. (1996). Theoretical bases of synthesis of arts as a method of cognition and modeling of personality in the conditions of information technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Rostov.

Klemeshova, N.V. (1999). Multimedia as a didactic means of higher education. Ph.D. Dis. Kaliningrad.

Kulikova, E.A. (1999). Development of schoolchildren's abilities by means of the interactive technology (computer games). Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Lepskaya, N.A. (1999). Computer technologies in the development of artistic abilities of students of secondary school. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Moiseeva, M.V. (1997). Computer telecommunications in the system of the secondary school teachers' advanced training. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Monastyrsky, D.V. (1999). Interaction of the cultural institutions and film distribution in the organization of the youth leisure time. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Ozerov, K.G. (1996). Information-educational activity of the library media-centers in schools of the USA. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Petrova, N.P. (1995). Development of the educational technology "Computer animation as a means of media education". Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Platunova, L.K. (1995). Development of the cinematographic culture of a teacher in the process of his advanced training. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Pustosmekhova, L.N. (1999). Features of the role-play organization with the support of the TV programs at different stages of training. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Samartsev, O.R. (1995). Television in the education system. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Samoilov, V.A. (1999). Computer graphics and animation as a means of developing the creative abilities of young students. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Schkolnik, A.Y. (1999). Children's amateur press as a factor of social upbringing of teenagers. Ph.D. Dis. Kostroma.

Shiyan, L.K. (1992). Aesthetic education of young people in club institutions by means of TV and video programs. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Shiyan, L.K. (1995). Acmeological bases of mastering by the organizers of the film and video propaganda of the pedagogical technologies of the aesthetic education of the youth by means of the TV and video programs. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Sikoruk, L.L. (1998). Telefilm for children as a means of upbringing their creative abilities. Ph.D. Dis. Novosibirsk.

Svenitskaya, V.A. (1995). Social-psychological aspects of the influence of the cinema art on the youth audience. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Vozchikov, V.A. (1999). Development of the students' communication skills by means of journalism. Ph.D. Dis. Biysk.

Zatuchny, M.S. (1993). Amateur cinema and video in the structure of the aesthetic education. Ph.D. Dis. Ekaterinburg.


Arkhangelskaya, I.B. (2009). Herbert Marshall McLuhan: from literature research to media theory. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Artemenko, O.A. (2009). Formation of translation competence in the field of professional communication among students of non-language specialties with the use of information and communication technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Kaluga.

Bozhedarov, D.A. (2005). Mass communication means in modern educational system. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Burnashev, A.E. (2007). Pedagogical conditions for the formation of information literacy among students of humanities by audio-visual means. Ph.D. Dis. Yakutsk.

Bykova, J.B. (2009). Formation of the psychological and pedagogical competence of the university students with the use of the means of information and communication technologies. Ph.D. Dis. N. Novgorod.

Chelysheva, I.V. (2002). Main stages of media education development in Russia. Ph.D. Dis. Voronezh, 2002.

Chernyanovskaya, T.V. (2003). Psychological peculiarities of the interest of the youth to the horror films and mystics. Ph.D. Dis. Tambov.

Chicherina, N.V. (2008). Concept of formation of media literacy among students language faculties based on foreign language media texts. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Chikiris, A.G. (2007). Television broadcasting: formation of the viewer's perception. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Deikina, A.Y. (2000). Development of cognitive interests of preschool children in the process of media education. Ph.D. Dis. Barnaul.

Dorofeeva, M.G. (2000). Influence of experience of the film viewer on literary development of the student. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Dorzhieva, L.B. (2006). Formation of civil responsibility of schoolchildren in the process of children's press activity. Ph.D. Dis. Ulan-Ude.

Dzutseva, Z.B. (2006). Moral and aesthetic education of youth by means of television. Ph.D. Dis. Vladikavkaz.

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Egorova, Y.N. (2000). Multimedia as a means of education in the secondary school. Ph.D. Dis. Cheboksary.

Fateeva, I.A. (2008). Journalism education in Russia: theory, history, modern practice. Ph.D. Dis. Ekaterinburg.

Fedorova, S.V. (2008). Formation of ethical values of schoolchildren by means of information and communication technologies in the establishment of additional education (on the basis of the English language material). Ph.D. Dis. Yakutsk.

Fedortsova, S.S. (2007). Pedagogical heritage of Y.N. Usov in the context of media education development in Russia. Ph.D. Dis. Rostov.

Fominova, M.N. (2001). Media education in the context of mastering the course of the world art culture in secondary school. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Fortunatov, A.N. (2009). Interaction of social communication subjects in media reality. Ph.D. Dis. N. Novgorod.

Freifeld, E.B. (2006). Fiction film as a means of the students' professional and personal development while studying the foreign language in the higher school. Ph.D. Dis. N. Novgorod.

Goncharuk, A.Y. (2000). Pedagogical conditions for the development of the aesthetic attitude of a schoolchild to reality by means of spectacular arts. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Gorelova, E.V. (2008). Information culture and its role in personality formation. Ph.D. Dis. Nizhnevartovsk, 2008.

Grigorova, D.E. (2008). Peculiarities of the influence of media texts of youth TV programs on the development of critical thinking in high school students. Ph.D. Dis. Rostov.

Gura, V.V. (2007). Theoretical bases of pedagogical design of personally oriented electronic educational resources and environments. Ph.D. Dis. Rostov, 2007.

Hilko, N.F. (2007). Pedagogy of audiovisual creativity in the social and cultural sphere. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Ignatovskaya, L.A. (2000). Audiovisual technologies in intensification of the individual learning (on the English language material). Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Ivanova, N.A. (2004). Innovative technology of teaching professionally oriented foreign-language communication in the context of media education. Ph.D. Dis. Voronezh.

Kalmykov, A.A. (2009). Internet-journalism in the mass media system: formation, development, professionalization. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Kharlampieva, T.V. (2009). Formation of critical thinking of university students as a means of their protection from negative information impacts in professional activities. Ph.D. Dis. Chelyabinsk.

Khizhnyak, I.M. (2008). Professional training of future foreign language teachers on the basis of media education technology. Ph.D. Dis. Penza.

Khudoleeva, E.I. (2006). Pedagogical problems of media education in Germany and in Russia at the present stage (end of XX - beginning of XXI centuries). Ph.D. Dis. Vladivostok.

Kirillova, N.B. (2005). Media culture as an integrator of the social modernization environment. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Kolesnichenko, V.L. (2007). Formation and development of media education in Canada. Ph.D. Dis. Rostov.

Korochensky, A.P. (2003). Media criticism in the theory and practice of journalism. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Kortieva, D.V. (2009). Formation of the value orientations of teenagers in the process of media education. Ph.D. Dis. Pyatigorsk.

Kovsharova, T.V. (2006). Formation of media education of high school students in the environmental and informational pedagogical space of the lesson. Ph.D. Dis. Chita.

Kutkina, O.P. (2006). Pedagogical conditions of formation of media competence of future library-information specialists. Ph.D. Dis. Barnaul.

Kuznetsova, T.S. (2005). Additional educational information as a means of organizing the educational environment by a teacher. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Legotina, N.A. (2004). Pedagogical conditions for preparing university students for the implementation of media education in secondary schools. Ph.D. Dis. Kurgan.

Makhova, N.V. (2004). Formation of moral culture of students by mass media. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Malykh, T.A. (2008). Pedagogical conditions for the development of information security for primary school students. Ph.D. Dis. Irkutsk.

Mantulenko, V.V. (2007). Features of the use of electronic media in the educational process of secondary school. Ph.D. Dis. Samara.

Matskevich, J.V. (2009). Development of fine arts in drawing at children of the senior preschool age under the influence of cartoon films. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Matveeva, N.A. (2009). Influence of television on formation of value orientations of teenagers and ways of overcoming its negative consequences. Ph.D. Dis. Kursk.

Maximova, G.P. (2007). Modernization of education in higher school on the basis of integration of pedagogy and art in the media environment. Ph.D. Dis. Rostov.

Mosina, S.V. (2009). Formation of the system of "film work" in Simbirsk province (19051934). Ph.D. Dis. Ulyanovsk.

Muryukina, E.V. (2005). Formation of high school students' media culture (on the material of the film press). Ph.D. Dis. Belgorod.

Nedbai, V.V. (2006). Formation of media culture of the younger teenager. Ph.D. Dis. Krasnoyarsk.

Novikova, A.A. (2000). Theory and history of media education development in the USA (1960-2000). Ph.D. Dis. Taganrog.

Ogoltsova, N.N. (2007). Multimedia projects as a means of professional development of teachers. Ph.D. Dis. Novokuznetsk.

Palamarchuk, L.N. (2009). Formation of information-technological competence of students of 5-7th grades. Ph.D. Dis. Chelyabinsk.

Panarina, T.V. (2006). Civic socialization of students in the conditions of media cultural and educational space of the Maritime Academy. Ph.D. Dis. Rostov.

Pavlycheva, E.D. (2006). Influence of electronic mass media on social identification of teenagers. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Pechinkina, O.V. (2008). School media education in the Nordic countries. Ph.D. Dis. Arkhangelsk.

Poluehtova, I.A. (2008). Socio-cultural dynamics of the Russian television audience. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Poznin, V.F. (2009). Expressive means of screen arts: aesthetic and technological aspects. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Puzikova, I.G. (2005). Creation and use of the school media library on the basis of a distributed information resource. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Ryzhikh, N.P. (2006). Media education of students of pedagogical university on the material of English-speaking screen arts. Ph.D. Dis. Rostov.

Saglam, F.A. (2009). Pedagogical conditions of correction of Internet addiction of teenagers. Ph.D. Dis. Kazan.

Sakhnovskaya, E.G. (2008). Personality in the information society: discourse and education. Ph.D. Dis. Ekaterinburg.

Selevko, A.G. (2002). Social and pedagogical conditions for optimizing the influence of mass communication on the socialization of rural schoolchildren. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Selivanov, N.L. (2008). Pedagogical conditions of integration of computer technologies in art education of teenagers. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Shcherbakova, M.A. (2008). Formation of the creative abilities of the students of the high school age at realization of the media education. Ph.D. Dis. Kemerovo.

Shestakova, L.A. (2005). Pedagogical potential of mass media and scientific-methodical bases of its realization. Ph.D. Dis. N. Novgorod.

Shipnyagova, E.Y. (2003). Formation of readiness of future teachers to integrate media education into the educational process of the school. Ph.D. Dis. Orenburg.

Shpanko, V.S. (2009). Pedagogical aspects of interaction of mass media and cultural institutions in the education of civil position among young people. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Simakov, V.D. (2008). Pedagogical potential of children's video creativity. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Skorochkina, N.M. (2009). State information policy in formation of political culture of Russian society. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Smirnova, S.Y. (2008). Formation and development of the professional training of the journalists in the Republic of Mary El: history and modernity. Ph.D. Dis. Yoshkar-Ola.

Smolyaninova, O.G. (2002). Development of methodical system of formation of information and communicative competence of the future teacher on the basis of multimedia technologies. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Sokolova, N.Y. (2004). Use of media education components in the study of quantum physics. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Solovyova, Y.I. (2006). Formation of the readership activity of junior schoolchildren in the conditions of active influence of mass communication. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Stepanenkov, P.V. (2009). Information-communication technologies in vocational guidance work with senior pupils. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Stolbnikova, E.A. (2005). Development of the critical thinking of the students of the pedagogical university in the process of media education (on the basis of the advertising material). Ph.D. Dis. Rostov, 2005.

Strekalova, N.B. (2009). Average approach as a factor in the formation of information and communication competence of students of humanitarian specialties. Ph.D. Dis. Samara.

Strelnikov, V.N. (2002). Media faculty as a form of introduction of the computer technologies in the process of training the library-information specialists. Ph.D. Dis. Samara.

Subbotin, D.I. (2004). Methods of studying the prose of A.P. Chekhov with the use of the cinematic interpretations in the conditions of the basic and profile education in the 10th grade of the secondary school. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Tarasov, K.A. (2000). Effect of violence in feature films on the younger generation. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Tarasov, K.A. (2006). Violence in the audiovisual culture: reflection, influence, social regulation (on the material of the cinema art). Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Urazova, S.L. (2008). Reality show in the context of modern television. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Vojnia, I.A. (2008). Formation of skills of creation of artistic media product at schoolchildren in the conditions of teenage club. Ph.D. Dis. Ekaterinburg.

Vorontsov, G.D. (2006). Informological approach to the development of professional competence of a teacher in the process of postgraduate education. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Vozchikov, V.A. (2007). Education philosophy and media culture of the information society. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Yakushina, E.V. (2002). Methodology of teaching the schoolchildren to work with the information resources on the basis of the current model of the Internet. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Zakharchenko, A.E. (2008). Organization of leisure activities of students under the influence of mass culture. Ph.D. Dis. Rostov.

Zalagaev, D.V. (2005). Development of the media literacy of the students in the process of computer science education. Ph.D. Dis. Omsk.

Zhilavskaya, I.V. (2008). Optimization of the interaction between the mass media and the youth audience on the basis of the media education strategies and technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Zhmyrova, E.Y. (2008). Film art as a means of education for tolerance among students. Ph.D. Dis. Tambov.

Zhurin, A.A. (2004). Integration of the media education with the chemistry course of the secondary education school. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Zmanovskaya, N.V. (2004). Formation of media education of future teachers. Ph.D. Dis. Krasnoyarsk.


Abdulayeva, H.S. (2018). Formation of communicative competence of future bachelors with the use of multimedia: training profile "Foreign language". Ph.D. Dis. Makhachkala.

Abitova, G.T. (2015). Formation of the basics of information culture of senior preschool age children by means of social and cultural activities. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Aidagulova, A.R. (2012). Formation of the educational media environment of the pedagogical university. Ph.D. Dis. Ufa.

Akhbasheva, I.B. (2013). Methodological system of formation of information and communication competence of persons with profound visual impairment. Ph.D. Dis. Krasnoyarsk.

Akhmetvalieva, A.A. (2011). Development of the culture of information and psychological security of university students. Ph.D. Dis. Chelyabinsk.

Alexandrova, L.N. (2016). Formation of the teacher's readiness to use information and communication technologies in continuous professional education: in the process of intercourse training. Ph.D. Dis. Elets.

Alexeeva, N.R. (2013). Preparation of future specialists in the field of advertising for the use of information and communication technologies to create an advertising product. Ph.D. Dis. Cheboksary.

Aliyeva, Z.U. (2015). Formation of information culture of future teachers in the conditions of interaction "profile school - pedagogical university". Ph.D. Dis. Makhachkala.

Anaikina, Y.S. (2011). Formation of social experience of high school students in the process of media education. Ph.D. Dis. Kostroma.

Arnautov, A.D. (2017). Formation of information competence of future bachelors-metallurgists in the process of mastering the discipline "Information Services" using a set of information technology tasks. Ph.D. Dis. Krasnoyarsk.

Arzamasova, L.A. (2012). Formation of information culture of the future teacher in the process of teaching physics: on the example of pedagogical college. Ph.D. Dis. Krasnoyarsk.

Ataeva, E.A. (2016). Formation of information culture of the future teacher of professional education. Ph.D. Dis. Makhachkala.

Atkina, A.M. (2017). Youth journalism in the implementation of the state youth policy of Russia in the post-Soviet period: the example of Belgorod region. Ph.D. Dis. Voronezh.

Averkin, Y.A. (2010). Development of visual literacy of students designers at classes on photography. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Baguzina, E.I. (2012). Web-Quest technology as a didactic means of formation of foreign-language communicative competence (on the example of students of non-language university). Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Balashov, O.L. (2017). Development of cooperation of schoolchildren in educational and cognitive activities in the classroom network community. Ph.D. Dis. Belgorod.

Balashova, E.F. (2012). Features of the use of media texts in business English learning in the system of additional professional education. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Baranova, E.A. (2019). Media convergence as a strategic factor in the transformation of the media institution. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Baranova, N.V. (2012). Preparation of future teachers for the effective use of information educational resources in the education of schoolchildren. Ph.D. Dis. Kaluga, 2012.

Baranova, O.V. (2018). Formation of information and communication competence of future primary school teachers in the conditions of applied bachelor's degree. Ph.D. Dis. N. Novgorod.

Barsukova, O.V. (2012). Television as a factor of formation of spiritual and moral values of a personality. Ph.D. Dis. Voronezh.

Bazanova, E.M. (2013). Methodology of teaching professional foreign language communication with the use of Internet technologies: Master's degree, non-language university. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

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Bazarzhapova, T.J. (2013). Improvement of information competence of teachers in the conditions of info-communication environment. Ph.D. Dis. Ulan-Ude.

Bedareva, A.V. (2014). Formation of linguistic and humanitarian competence of bachelors in the field of "Advertising and public relations" at the university. Ph.D. Dis. Krasnoyarsk.

Begalinov, A.S. (2015). Social and philosophical analysis of media education. Ph.D. Dis. Krasnoyarsk.

Belitskaya, O.V. (2015). Development of pedagogically oriented media space of professional educational organization. Ph.D. Dis. Saratov.

Belous, E.S. (2013). Internet portals as a means of training teachers to create electronic resources within the framework of professional development in computer science. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Belov, S.V. (2018). Formation of information and media literacy among people of the third age. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Belyaev, R.V. (2017). Formation of information culture of cadets of military universities by means of social and cultural activity. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Belyaeva, E.B. (2015). Development of cognitive interest of students on the basis of information and communication technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Chelyabinsk.

Bobrov, V.A. (2012). Multimedia art media in the context of modern youth audience perception. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Bocharskaya, I.A. (2013). Development of high school media culture by means of information and education and game technologies. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Bondarenko, N.I. (2010). Traditions of Russian pedagogical journalism and their role in the development of Russian education. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Bondarenko, Y.S. (2013). Formation of psycho-diagnostic competence of students of pedagogical universities by means of information and communication technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Kaluga.

Borisova, T.V. (2014). Development of information culture of junior schoolchildren in the educational space. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Borsheva, O.V. (2013). Methodology for the development of social and cultural skills of students in the field of teacher education based on modern Internet technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Bosov, D.V. (2017). Mainstream cinema as a factor of formation of value orientations of students. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Boykov, A.E. (2015). Methodology of prevention of information addiction of schoolchildren in the course "Life safety protection": 5th grade. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Budnik, A.S. (2015). Methods of formation of intercultural communicative competence of high school students by means of an elective video course: profile school, English language. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Burtsev, N.P. (2013). Formation of information & technological competence of a teacher in the process of professional development. Ph.D. Dis. Samara.

Chaikina, I.A. (2010). Information and technological training of a technology and entrepreneurship teacher in the context of open education. Rostov.

Chebotareva, N.I. (2014). Pedagogical conditions of formation of media competence of university students. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Chekalina, T.A. (2013). Formation of social and informational competence of university students. Ph.D. Dis. Kemerovo.

Chikunova, A.E. (2011). Authentic video materials as a means of developing the socio-cultural competence of students of economic specialties in the process of teaching English language. Ph.D. Dis. Ekaterinburg.

Chionova, N.A. (2012). Sociocultural aspects of mass communications in the information society: philosophical analysis. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Chzhai, H. (2018). Methodological approaches to improving the training of future primary school teachers in the use of information and communication technologies in professional activities: the example of the bachelor's degree in "Pedagogical Education". Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Dakhin, A.N. (2012). Modeling of competence of participants of open general education. Ph.D. Dis. N. Novgorod.

Danilina, A.A. (2015). Corporate school publications: specifics, content, structure. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Danilkevich, A.V. (2013). Methods of teaching multimedia technologies to future specialists of aesthetic and humanitarian direction in secondary professional education. Ph.D. Dis. Volgograd.

Danina, M.M. (2011). Psychological technology of teaching film analysis as a means of developing sanogenic thinking. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Davidova-Martynova, E.I. (2011). Problems of the influence of Internet resources on the political activity of young people in modern Russia. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Degtyareva, M.N. (2013). Development of info-communication competence of foreign language teachers on the basis of credit-module system of professional development. Ph.D. Dis. Vladikavkaz.

Demina, E.V. (2017). Information interactive environment of the school as a means of ensuring the quality of educational services. Ph.D. Dis. Tomsk.

Dokolin, A.S. (2017). Formation of readiness of university students to counteract involvement in cyber-extremist activities. Ph.D. Dis. Belgorod.

Dragun, E.M. (2015). Infotiment as a phenomenon of modern media culture. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Dukin, R.A. (2017). Institute of social media in the regional space of communication practices. Ph.D. Dis. Saransk.

Dzialoshinsky, I.M. (2013). Communication strategies of social institutions in the Russian media space. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Efimova, Y.V. (2017). Pedagogical stimulation of self-development of information and communication competence of university students. Ph.D. Dis. Kazan.

Eliner, I.G. (2010). Development of multimedia culture in the information society. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Fadeeva, S.V. (2013). Pedagogical prevention of computer addiction in adolescents in general education institutions. Ph.D. Dis. Vladimir.

Filimonov, A.S. (2013). Technology of formation and development of information and communication competence of the future teacher of physics in the educational environment of the university. Ph.D. Dis. Samara.

Galchenkov, A.S. (2015). Didactic peculiarities of media technologies application in additional humanities education of teenagers. Ph.D. Dis. Rostov.

Galynia, A.V. (2015). Formation of information culture in the future bachelors-engineers of road construction in the process of professional training. Ph.D. Dis. Cheboksary.

Gareeva, G.A. (2010). Formation of information competence of students in the conditions of distance learning. Ph.D. Dis. Izhevsk.

Georgiadi, A.A. (2014). Preparation of future teachers of philological specialties for professional activity with the use of media educational technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Yalta.

Gerasimova, A.G. (2013). Preparation of future teachers of fine arts for the use of information and communication technologies in professional activities. Ph.D. Dis. Cheboksary.

Gerova, N.V. (2015). Theoretical and methodical basis for continuous information training of students of humanitarian profiles in the field of teacher education. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Glushchenko, E.E. (2014). Formation of a schoolchild as a subject of teaching by means of advertising texts while teaching Russian language. Ph.D. Dis. Orel.

Golubeva, S.L. (2016). Transformation of culture in the system of Internet communications. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Goncharova, T.V. (2014). Formation of media competence in future managers. Ph.D. Dis. Chelyabinsk.

Gorbatkova, O.I. (2015). Formation of the system of Soviet media education in the 1920s. Ph.D. Dis. Belgorod.

Gorodilina, T.V. (2018). Creative self-fulfillment of teenagers in artistic media education space. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Goryachikh, A.I. (2015). Motivation program-targeted approach to the organization of joint activities of the teacher and students in the use of information and communication technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Barnaul.

Goverdovskaya-Privezentseva, S.A. (2013). University television as a potential resource of Russian media communications. Ph.D. Dis. Tver.

Grebennikova, N.D. (2013). The U.S.A. student press as an educational and typological phenomenon. Ph.D. Dis. Rostov.

Gridin, S.V. (2014). Polycultural education of high school students in electronic information and education environment. Ph.D. Dis. Pyatigorsk.

Grigorieva, I.V. (2014). Information & education space of the university as a factor of formation of media competence of the future teacher. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Grishkin, D.K. (2016). Pedagogical conditions of organization of media education in the military university. Ph.D. Dis. Kostroma.

Gubanova, A.Y. (2016). Internet for children: social functions, audience specifics, content requirements. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Guk, A.A. (2010). Aesthetic features of video as a creative and communication activity. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Gulakin, D.V. (2018). Concept and pedagogical system of formation of social and information culture of students of technical university. Ph.D. Dis. Grozny.

Gureeva, A.N. (2017). Media & communication activity of Russian universities in the Internet space: 2014-2016. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Hamidov, L.Sh. (2018). Formation of research skills of future bachelors in the conditions of information-educational environment. Ph.D. Dis. Makhachkala.

Ilyasova, A.Y. (2016). Methods of formation of information competence of bachelors in the field of training "Physical culture" in the cycle of information disciplines. Ph.D. Dis. Volgograd.

Imanova, O.A. (2010). Methodology of developing the activity component of media competence of high school students by means of information technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Kirov.

Iotova, V.Y. (2013). Formation of readiness to work with new information technologies among students of information and library faculties in the university. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Iskakov, B.A. (2013). Development of media competence of teachers in the conditions of a resource center. Ph.D. Dis. Barnaul.

Ivanov, E.V. (2010). Scientific and methodological support of the application of telecommunication technologies in the professional education of translators. Ph.D. Dis. Kursk.

Ivlev, A.A. (2010). Formation of the screen culture of the university students. Ph.D. Dis. Orenburg.

Kadirov, A.M. (2011). Communication education in modern USA universities. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Kalach, E.V. (2010). Educational opportunities for media education in training students of law enforcement agencies. Ph.D. Dis. Voronezh.

Kalinskaya, E.V. (2013). Development of children's speech with multimedia social and cultural programs in educational institutions of social and pedagogical assistance. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Kamen, M.E. (2015). Formation of the basis of information and communication culture of junior schoolchildren. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Kantor, A.R. (2010). Television education as a factor in the development of information culture of students in modern conditions. Ph.D. Dis. Ekaterinburg.

Kapustina, G.L. (2014). Modern children's newspaper as a type of publication. Ph.D. Dis. Voronezh.

Kashkina, M.G. (2012). Media culture of the information society in the aspect of philosophical discourse. Ph.D. Dis. Krasnodar.

Kazibekova, S.T. (2015). Multimedia technologies in activation of cognitive activity of future bachelors of pedagogical education: profile "Mathematics and informatics". Ph.D. Dis. Makhachkala.

Khablieva, S.R. (2018). Formation of skills in designing and using electronic educational resources of teachers of general educational organizations in the system of additional professional education. Ph.D. Dis. Armavir.

Khaliullina, M.S. (2014). Regional children's and youth amateur printing in the conditions of post-Soviet transformation: structural-functional and genre-thematic characteristics (on the example of periodicals of the Orenburg region). Ph.D. Dis. Chelyabinsk.

Khlyzova, N.Y. (2011). Pedagogical conditions of formation of media competence of the secondary language personality. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Khodakova, N.P. (2012). Professional training of preschool teachers for the use of information technologies in future practice. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Khomutova, A.E. (2010). Information and communication determinants of youth political behavior. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Khudoverdova, S.A. (2018). Formation of information culture of Master's students on the basis of visual-model training. Ph.D. Dis. Stavropol.

Kihtan, V.V. (2011). Educational content in Internet media: history of formation and development trends. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Kislyakov, P.A. (2014). Formation of social security of a future teacher. Ph.D. Dis. N. Novgorod.

Klochko, I.A. (2016). Modular technology of information competence building for students of secondary professional education organizations: on the Example of the Specialty "Law and social security organization". Ph.D. Dis. Stavropol.

Klyuchnikova, O.A. (2010). Training of students-journalists to create PR-texts in the field of education for placement in the Internet. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Kochegarova, L.V. (2010). Scientific and methodical support of the development of ICT-competence of teachers of education institutions. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Kolieva, N.S. (2013). Development of information competence of teenagers in the sociocultural space of additional education. Ph.D. Dis. Chelyabinsk.

Kondrashkina, A.A. (2012). Pedagogical potential of media education as a factor of formation of civil society. Ph.D. Dis. N. Novgorod.

Kondratenko, B.A. (2015). Personalization of professional training using information and communication technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Kaliningrad.

Kondratyeva, I.G. (2014). Influence of advertising on youth identity: regional aspect. Ph.D. Dis. Saratov.

Konstantinova, A.P. (2011). Philosophical problems of media technologies. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Korneva, O.S. (2016). Formation of information competence of future economists on the basis of the foundation concept. Ph.D. Dis. Yaroslavl.

Kornienko, T.V. (2018). Organizational and pedagogical conditions of effective profile education of schoolchildren by means of media education. Ph.D. Dis. Kazan.

Kosolapova, E.V. (2013). Formation of media literacy as a component of information culture of junior schoolchildren in school and children's libraries. Ph.D. Dis. Kemerovo.

Kotlyar, P.S. (2018). Social predictions of a new media subject in the discourse of media literacy. Ph.D. Dis. Kazan.

Kovalenko, D.G. (2012). Formation of information and communication culture of youth in the higher education system. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Kozhemyako, I.L. (2011). Activation of cognitive and professional activity of students through multimedia technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Kemerovo.

Kulakova, N.L. (2017). Children's and teenage periodicals in the structure of media holdings. Ph.D. Dis. Ekaterinburg.

Kumelashvili, N.U. (2012). Socio-cultural perspectives of media culture: communicative-competence aspect. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Kunichenko, O.V. (2015). Peculiarities of education of moral behavior of senior preschool children by means of cartoon films. Ph.D. Dis. Volgograd.

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Kurbanova, A.M. (2017). Formation of information competence of future bachelors in the fields of "Law" and "Social Science". Ph.D. Dis. Makhachkala.

Kuzmina, M.V. (2014). Formation of media culture of students in the process of creating educational video materials. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Kuznetsova, E.I. (2010). Mediality and media culture as factors of social environment dynamics. Ph.D. Dis. N. Novgorod.

Kvashnina, D.A. (2018). Humanistic nature of media education in modern university. Ph.D. Dis. Tomsk.

Lapina, S.N. (2013). Development of the information and communication culture of future primary school teachers in the educational process of the pedagogical college. Ph.D. Dis. Chita.

Lebedeva, S.V. (2014). School editions as a factor of media education development in modern Russia. Ph.D. Dis. Ekaterinburg.

Li, D. (2018). Teaching tolerance to Chinese teenagers through film music. Ph.D. Dis. Voronezh.

Lianova, L.M. (2014). Development of media culture of students - future lawyers. Ph.D. Dis. Vladikavkaz.

Lukasheva, S.S. (2017). Formation of professional abilities of musicians and performers by means of information technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Lyash, A.A. (2015). Methods of training future teachers of computer science in the use of information and education systems in professional activities. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Machenin, A.A. (2014). Development of pedagogical potential of media education for high school students in the school media center. Ph.D. Dis. Mowcow.

Magamadov, N.S.-H. (2018). Formation of IT competence of future bachelors in the virtual educational environment of the university. Ph.D. Dis. Grozny.

Makarova, T.V. (2013). Formation of readiness of future specialists of the media industry to use the Internet to solve professional problems. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Makhrova, E.I. (2014). Formation of information-legal competence of university students by means of Internet resources. Ph.D. Dis. Ufa.

Maltseva, E.V. (2013). Development of audiovisual culture of student youth in the conditions of club association. Ph.D. Dis. Chelyabinsk.

Maltseva, Y.A. (2015). Media education activities of German media enterprises: the example of broadcasting companies. Ph.D. Dis. Chelyabinsk.

Mamalova, H.E. (2013). Formation of professional competence of bachelors-philologists in information and communication learning environment. Ph.D. Dis. Makhachkala.

Mamontova, N.I. (2013). Pedagogical conditions of social education of students in the information environment of the university. Ph.D. Dis. Kostroma.

Manaeva, N.N. (2017). Formation of information mobility of university students. Ph.D. Dis. Orenburg.

Markina, O.S. (2010). Social and psychological peculiarities of perception and understanding of the feature film: the example of R. Bykov's film "Scarecrow". Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Masharova, V.A. (2016). Internet interaction of subjects of educational process as a means of development of cognitive activity of senior pupils. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Maximenko, N.V. (2016). Formation of a culture of media interaction among future managers. Ph.D. Dis. Chelyabinsk.

Melikhova, A.A. (2016). Formation of information and communication competence of students of technical university by means of text activity. Ph.D. Dis. Tyumen.

Meng, V.A. (2016). Educational film as a means of developing general cultural competencies of students in the educational process of the university. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Mezentseva, D.A. (2015). Formation of media competence among students from the People's Republic of China in the process of independent study of texts of English-language media. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Mikhaleva, G.V. (2012). Social and pedagogical experience of mass media education in Great Britain in XX - early XXI centuries. Ph.D. Dis. Rostov.

Milyutina, A.A. (2017). Formation of media competence of junior schoolchildren in Russian language classes. Ph.D. Dis. Chelyabinsk.

Minbaleyev, A.V. (2012). Theoretical foundations of legal regulation of mass communications in the context of the development of the information society. Ph.D. Dis. Chelyabinsk.

Mitina, T.S. (2016). Representation of the image of a teacher in the state educational policy of the USSR by means of visual culture. Ph.D. Dis. Ulyanovsk.

Mitrofanov, D.V. (2018). Formation of intellectual culture of university students by means of information technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Tambov.

Morozova, A.A. (2012). Regional media education projects in the field of radio broadcasting: peculiarities of content (on the example of the Chelyabinsk region). Ph.D. Dis. Ekaterinburg.

Myasnikova, T.I. (2011). Development of media competence of university students. Ph.D. Dis. Orenburg.

Nass, O.V. (2013). Theoretical and methodological bases for the formation of teachers' competence in the field of creation of electronic educational resources. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Naumenko, L.S. (2016). Formation of professional-technological readiness of a teacher to work with a personal blog. Ph.D. Dis. Chelyabinsk.

Nelunova, E.D. (2010). Pedagogical foundations of students' self-development in multimedia educational environment. Ph.D. Dis. Yakutsk.

Nemykina, O.I. (2011). Globalization of virtual reality and information security. Ph.D. Dis. Saransk.

Nesmeyanova, N.A. (2016). Methodological approaches to the formation of information competence of the teacher of additional education: the example of professional activities of decorative and applied orientation. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Nikitina, E.O. (2015). Pedagogical conditions for the development of information culture of cadets of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Novikova, I.V. (2013). Continuity in the formation of information culture of 1st-7th grade students. Ph.D. Dis. Smolensk.

Novikova, N.N. (2018). Preparation of the future technology teacher for professional activity in the information environment of technological education. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Nysanov, A.T. (2017). Development of the culture of professional orientation of high school students in the network interaction of the system of additional education. Ph.D. Dis. Chelyabinsk.

Obukhova, N.V. (2012). Foreign language media text as a means of forming the receptive speech competence of bachelor students. Ph.D. Dis. N. Novgorod.

Obydenkova, V.K. (2017). Internet-design as a means of professional training of students of pedagogical universities. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Olefir, S.V. (2014). Libraries for children and teenagers in the information and education space of the region. Ph.D. Dis. Chelyabinsk.

Oleinikova, E.Y. (2015). Higher education system in conditions of new media infrastructure development: sociological analysis. Ph.D. Dis. Khabarovsk.

Oleshko, E.V. (2018). Converged journalism: professional culture as a factor of optimization of information and communication processes. Ph.D. Dis. Voronezh.

Pankova, A.A. (2016). Training in information technologies for future music teachers of secondary schools in the conditions of a pedagogical university. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Paranina, N.A. (2016). Media culture development of students by means of distance learning technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Kazan.

Pereslavtseva, L.I. (2018). Formation of information culture of the future teacher-musician in the educational environment of the university. Ph.D. Dis. Belgorod.

Petrova, M.S. (2011). Model of professional training of future journalists to work in emergency situations. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Petrova, S.V. (2018). Formation of media competence of teachers of humanitarian and artistic disciplines in the system of additional professional education. Ph.D. Dis. Voronezh.

Piannikov, M.M. (2013). Formation of information and communication competence of high school students in the process of distance learning. Ph.D. Dis. Chita, 2013.

Pinchuk, O.V. (2015). Specificity of children's Internet radio as a mass media in terms of its audience, structural and content components, typological characteristics. Ph.D. Dis. Voronezh.

Pinskaya, M.V. (2017). Internet communication as a factor in the development of students' professional self-fulfillment culture. Ph.D. Dis. Simferopol.

Plekhanov, A.A. (2011). Formation of readiness of future teachers to develop the culture of media information consumption among students. Ph.D. Dis. Balashov.

Polyakova, G.V. (2015). Information culture in modern society: philosophical aspects. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Popov, A.N. (2017). Formation of information competence of a social worker in the university by means of computer technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Tambov.

Privalova, S.Y. (2016). Information educational environment for teaching informatics to students in schools with in-depth study of musical cycle subjects. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Prokudin, D.E. (2012). Information technologies in education and their role in formation of technogenic culture. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Raitskaya, L.K. (2013). Didactic concept of independent educational and cognitive activity of students in the Internet environment. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Repeta, L.M. (2013). Formation of information and research competence of students of general education institutions. Ph.D. Dis. Chelyabinsk.

Rubtsova, O.V. (2012). Formation of tolerance of senior teenagers by means of media text of social advertising. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Ruliene, L.N. (2013). Organizational and pedagogical meta-complex in the development of the educational process of the modern university. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Sabrina, T.A. (2013). Value self-determination of future journalists in professional culture. Ph.D. Dis. Orenburg.

Sadovnikov, A.A. (2011). Literary and television criticism on the Internet: specifics, typology, principles of interaction. Ph.D. Dis. Ivanovo.

Salny, R.V. (2010). Pedagogical conditions for the development of audiovisual perception of artistic media texts of high school students. Ph.D. Dis. Rostov.

Samarskaya, A.V. (2016). Pedagogical conditions of development of creative abilities of senior pupils by means of multimedia project activity. Ph.D. Dis. Karachaevsk.

Samarsky, A.V. (2013). Competent approach in training information security specialists. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Savvantidi, A.I. (2010). Development of the screen culture of junior students of military institute in the process of independent work. Ph.D. Dis. Omsk.

Sekulich, N.B. (2018). Interactive electronic information-educational environment of the university as a means of forming ICT competencies of students. Ph.D. Dis. Ulan-Ude.

Sergeyeva, O.V. (2011). Media culture in everyday practice. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Serykh, L.A. (2011). Development of pupils' skills to use documentary and information resources of the Internet in educational and practical activities. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Shablin, M.S. (2012). Pedagogical technology of formation of media competence of students of pedagogical university by means of animation composition. Ph.D. Dis. Krasnodar.

Sharifzyanova, K.Sh. (2014). Design of individual educational trajectory of teachers' professional development in the conditions of information educational environment. Ph.D. Dis. Kazan.

Shcheviev, A.A. (2010). Pedagogical conditions for the development of information and communication technologies in rural schools. Ph.D. Dis. Ryazan.

Shergova, O.B. (2010). Media education and journalism (communication and linguistic components). Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Shesterkina, L.P. (2011). Formation of an innovative model of journalism training in the context of the formation of converged media: humanitarian and technological aspects. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Shevarshinova, E.I. (2016). Formation of intercultural competence among students of language faculties by means of English-language video media texts. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Shevchenko, V.G. (2016). Cloud technologies as a means of forming ICT competence of future informatics teachers. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Shishkovskaya, Y.V. (2013). Organization of independent work of students on the basis of the Internet 2.0 in the conditions of information-teaching environment: foreign language, technical university. Ph.D. Dis. Pyatigorsk.

Shor, O.L. (2011). Telecommunication technologies in the system of professional development as a means of developing the media culture of teachers. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Shorina, T.V. (2017). Pedagogical technology of visualization of educational information in higher school. Ph.D. Dis. Kazan.

Shtakina, O.V. (2015). Development of creative abilities of teenage students by means of information technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Elets.

Sidorova, T.I. (2011). University television as a tool for forming the corporate culture of the university. Ph.D. Dis. Ekaterinburg.

Sidorova, T.V. (2014). Education of social vision among students in the school press center. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Sineva, L.S. (2018). Formation of key educational competences of senior pupils by Internet resources. PhD. Dis. Tver.

Sotnikov, I.S. (2016). Formation of the culture of professional pedagogical thinking of Master students on the basis of information technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Stavtseva, I.V. (2014). Formation of student's reading competence as a basic component of personal information culture. Ph.D. Dis. Kazan.

Stepanyan, I.T. (2017). Linguistically-methodological fundamentals of training students-journalists in text modeling: on the example of news blocks in the structure of political discourse. Ph.D. Dis. Maikop.

Strekalova, N.B. (2017). Management of the quality of independent work of students in the open information and education environment. Ph.D. Dis. Samara.

Strelnikov, A.V. (2016). Formation of information and communication culture of future bachelors of documents science and archival science. Ph.D. Dis. Chelyabinsk.

Sukhotin, S.O. (2014). Organizational and legal basis for the use of information technologies in the educational sphere. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Suvorova, T.N. (2016). Development of methodical system of teachers' training for designing and application of electronic educational resources on the basis of system-activity approach. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Teplaya, N.A. (2017). Multilevel system of information culture formation for engineering students in the conditions of continuous education. Ph.D. Dis. Orel.

Timkina, Y.Y. (2012). Information technologies in independent work as a means of formation of foreign-language communication competence of university students. Ph.D. Dis. N. Novgorod.

Tonkhoyeva, A.A. (2015). Formation of information competence on the basis of continuity in education at school and university. Ph.D. Dis. Ulan-Ude.

Tsymbalenko, S.B. (2012). Acmeological basis for the development of the younger generation in the system of information and communication interactions. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Tubeeva, F.K. (2016). Formation of information competence of students - future bachelors in the educational environment of a pedagogical university. Ph.D. Dis. Vladikavkaz.

Tyazhlov, Y.I. (2017). Media educational potential of film critics in modern Russian mass media. Ph.D. Dis. Voronezh.

Urazova, S.L. (2012). Television as an institutional system of reflection of social and cultural needs. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

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Vachkova, S.N. (2014). Formation of the school structure in the information and communication environment. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Vasina O.S. (2016). Formation of readiness of methodologists of the education system for professional activity in the conditions of information-educational environment. Ph.D. Dis. Ryazan.

Veselovskaya, Y.A. (2014). Formation of the Internet culture of high school students. Ph.D. Dis. Ulyanovsk.

Vladimirova, T.N. (2015). Didactic concept of professional training of journalists in the higher school of Russia. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Vlasenko, I.S. (2011). Media education technologies in the system of studying the course "Russian language and speech culture" in the university. Ph.D. Dis. Yaroslavl.

Vlasenko, V.A. (2013). Methods of organizing project activities of primary school students in the teaching of computer science in the information and communication education environment. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Vorokhob, Y.A. (2014). Formation of perceptual culture of university students by means of visual art. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Voronina, M.A. (2018). Formation of professional culture of the future teacher by means of information technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Samara.

Vorontsova, E.M. (2014). Formation of information and communication competence of future teachers in the conditions of transition to a two-level training system. Ph.D. Dis. Yoshkar-Ola.

Yandukova, T.A. (2018). Social and pedagogical approach to the formation of communicative culture of junior schoolchildren. Ph.D. Dis. Samara.

Yarmolinskaya, M.V. (2016). Internet project as a tool for forming the responsibility of a senior teenager. Ph.D. Dis. St. Petersburg.

Yemelyanova, E.Y. (2013). Formation of readiness to design an individual educational trajectory for future journalists: on the example of the study of information technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Orel.

Yumasheva, N.V. (2016). Humanization of pedagogical communications in educational activities of amateur children's and youth mass media. Ph.D. Dis. Barnaul.

Yunusova, G.R. (2018). Formation of readiness of future teachers for development of information-computer culture of junior schoolchildren. Ph.D. Dis. Kazan.

Yurova, Y.Y. (2015). Kurgan scientific and pedagogical school of mass media education. Ph.D. Dis. Elets.

Yuzhaninova, E.R. (2015). Value self-determination of a university student in the Internet axiosphere. Ph.D. Dis. Orenburg.

Zabrodina, I.K. (2012). Methodology for the development of students' socio-cultural skills through modern Internet technologies: German language, specialty "Translation Studies". Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Zaitseva, O.M. (2013). Mass media as an institute of political socialization of Russian youth. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.

Zakharova, L.G. (2012). Management of the information developing environment of the innovation school. Ph.D. Dis. Rostov.

Zavalishina, O.V. (2012). Pedagogical support for teenagers prone to Internet addiction. Ph.D. Dis. Kursk.

Zharkova, G.A. (2013). Situational and prognostic approach to the development of personal information culture in the system of continuous education. Ph.D. Dis. Ulyanovsk.

Zhdanko, A.P. (2014). Didactic peculiarities of using video content in the study of a foreign language in the conditions of additional education. Ph.D. Dis. Rostov.

Zhuravleva, S.V. (2018). Formation of communication skills of a senior pupil in the information-educational environment. Ph.D. Dis. Orenburg.

Ziaudinova, O.M. (2013). Information and methodological training of future teachers of professional education in the context of competence based approach. Ph.D. Dis. Makhachkala.

Zimin, D.A. (2016). Professional training of web designers by means of interactive technologies in a modern university. Ph.D. Dis. Moscow.



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Finkler, Y.E. (1998). Features of the functioning of print mass media in modern Ukrainian society. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

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Ivanov, V.F. (1996). Methodology and methods for studying the content of mass communication. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

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Alexeenko, N.D. (2001). Formation of foreign policy orientations of transition societies by means of mass communication (on the example of Ukraine, Russia and Poland). Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Babenko, T.V. (2008). Formation of informational culture of future teachers of history in the process of professional training. Ph.D. Dis. Kirovograd.

Bliznyuk, M.M. (2000). Formation of the basics of informational culture among students of higher educational institutions of applied and decorative art. Ph.D. Dis. Ivano-Frankivsk.

Bogdanova, T.L. (2007). Formation of information culture of students of technical specialties in higher educational institutions. Ph.D. Dis. Kharkiv.

Bugera, O.I. (2006). Problems of using the mass media to prevent juvenile delinquency. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

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Dukhanina, N.M. (2007). Pedagogical conditions of application of media education technologies in preparation of masters of computer sciences. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Germanov, V.G. (2003). Influence of the media on the subconscious. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Gorodenko, L.M. (2003). Mass media in the context of public opinion: the formation, functioning, genre techniques. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Gritsenko, O.M. (2003). Mass media in the processes of democratic transformations of Ukrainian society (political and cultural aspect). Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Ilkov, O.S. (2003). Formation of information culture of students of agrarian educational institutions of I-II levels of accreditation. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Kabachna, O.V. (2000). Sociological analysis of conflicts in the field of mass communication. Ph.D. Dis. Kharkiv.

Kazakov, Y.M. (2007). Pedagogical conditions of the use of media education in the process of training future teachers. Ph.D. Dis. Lugansk.

Khachumyan, T.I. (2005). Formation of critical thinking of students of higher educational institutions by means of information technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Kharkiv.

Kolomiets, A.M. (2008). Theoretical and methodological foundations of formation of the informational culture of the future teacher of elementary school. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Kolyada, M.G. (2004). Formation of informational culture of future economists in the process of professional training. Ph.D. Dis. Lugansk.

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Yavoryk, Y.V. (2008). Formation of skills of independent cognitive activity at students of pedagogical faculties by means of information technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Zhnachenko, O.P. (2005). Formation of informational culture of future teachers of humanitarian disciplines. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.


Anufrieva, O.V. (2010). Psychological peculiarities of influence of mass media on the structure of value orientations of student youth. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Arkadieva, O.O. (2015). Formation of reading skills in pupils of grades 2-4 with infantile cerebral palsy using information technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Beshok, T.V. (2014). Pedagogical conditions of the use of media education technologies in the training of future teachers. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Bilorus, A.M. (2010). Pedagogical conditions of formation of informational culture at future officers-border guards. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Bobal, N.R. (2013). Formation of sociocultural competence of future journalists in the process of professional training. Ph.D. Dis. Vinnytsya.

Chernyakova, O.I. (2017). Formation of the readiness of future primary school teachers to apply multimedia technologies in their professional activities. Ph.D. Dis. Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky.

Chutova, N.P. (2010). Influence of mass media on formation of value orientations of modern Ukrainian youth (on the example of Dnipropetrovsk region). Ph.D. Dis. Zaporozhye.

Demchenko, S.V. (2011). Mass communication in the process of building civil society: history, theory, Ukrainian realities. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Dosenko, A.K. (2011). Media and psycholinguistic characteristics of the blogging model of people living with AIDS. Ph.D. Dis. Zaporozhye.

Dukhanina, N.M. (2011). Pedagogical conditions of application of media education technologies in preparation of masters of computer sciences. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Gavrilets, Y.D. (2013). Short-term media effects in youth student groups (based on TV-news material). Ph.D. Dis.Kiev.

Gladchenko, O.V. (2013). Formation of information culture of future specialists of the state tax service in the process of professional training. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Glushak, O.M. (2014). Formation of the informational culture of future bachelors in philology in the process of studying the disciplines of information and computer cycle. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Grigorov, G.A. (2014). Educational measurement of media space: philosophical analysis. Ph.D. Dis. Kharkiv.

Gumenchuk, A.V. (2011). Information culture as a factor in the transformation of modern education. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Gumenny, O.D. (2014). Development of the information culture of the heads of vocational schools in the intercultural period. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Gurinenko, I.Y. (2012). Pedagogical conditions for the use of mass media in the training of future state fire safety inspectors. Ph.D. Dis. Uman.

Illiuk, N.O. (2015). Media education of young journalists of Ukraine in the system of social communications (on the example of the Kiev information and creative agency "UN-PRES"). Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Ischuk, S.M. (2012). Internet communication in the context of the culture of the information society. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Ishchenko, G.I. (2011). Transformation of mass media in conditions of ideological confrontation. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Its, S.V. (2014). Pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional competence of the future teacher of a foreign language by means of media education. Ph.D. Dis. Zhytomyr.

Kalachova, L.V. (2015). Training of teachers of institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education to the use of audiovisual means of training. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Kirilenko, V.V. (2013). Formation of informational culture of future teachers-philologists in the process of professional training. Ph.D. Dis. Vinnytsya.

Klimenko, A.O. (2010). Formation of informational culture of future teachers in educational activity. Ph.D. Dis. Ternopil.

Kolesnikova, I.V. (2018). Development of media culture of teachers in institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education. Ph.D. Dis. Zhytomyr.

Kolotvin, P.O. (2014). Electronic mass media in the formation of democratic discourse: European experience and Ukrainian realities. Ph.D. Dis. Odessa.

Kovalchuk, M.O. (2017). Formation of readiness of future teachers for application of multimedia educational systems in elementary school. Ph.D. Dis. Zhytomyr.

Krainikova, T.S. (2015). The culture of media consumption in Ukraine: the current state and mechanisms of formation. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Kravchenko, T.O. (2015). Television as a factor in shaping public opinion. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Kravchyshina, O.O. (2018). Formation of readiness of future educators to use media education in educational process of preschool educational institutions. Ph.D. Dis. Starobilsk.

Kubrak, S.V. (2012). Pedagogical conditions of professional self-development of the future teacher of the philological profile by means of information technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Zhytomyr.

Litvin, V.A. (2016). Formation of informational culture of future architects in the professional training of higher educational institutions. Ph.D. Dis. Lviv.

Lukashiv, V.B. (2014). Formation of informational culture of future communication specialists. Ph.D. Dis. Kirovograd.

Makarenko, L.L. (2013). Theoretical and methodical principles of formation of informational culture of future technology teachers. Author's abstract. Kiev.

Matviichuk, M.M. (2014). Formation of media literacy of future social pedagogues in the process of professional training. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Miroshnik, O.L. (2012). Socio-pedagogical conditions for the formation of political tolerance in student youth by regional mass media. Ph.D. Dis. Lugansk.

Mitchuk, O.A. (2015). The phenomenon of liberal content in social communications. Ph.D. Dis. Zaporozhye.

Morozova, O.O. (2014). Formation of the methodological support of the research of mass communication impact in the sciences on social communications. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Nabokova, G.V. (2018). Entertainment programs of Ukrainian television in the context of modern spectacle culture. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Naumuk, I.M. (2016). Formation of media competence of future informatics teachers in pedagogical universities. Ph.D. Dis. Melitopol.

Nesterova, O.Y. (2014). Development of informational culture of future translators in the conditions of a higher technical educational institution. Ph.D. Dis. Yalta.

Nesteryak, Y.M. (2013). Transformation of communication environment in the context of modern media policy of Ukraine. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Orokhovskaya, L.A. (2015). Media culture in the context of civilization development. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Osyukhina, M.O. (2018). Media and information literacy as a component of modern information and communication exchanges (national concept in the context of world experience). Ph.D. Dis. Dnepr.

Pilipenko, D.Y. (2013). The model of institutional management and the method of assessing the culture of information security. Ph.D. Dis. Kharkiv.

Reutov, V.V. (2013). Development of informational culture of teachers of the fundamentals of economics in the system of postgraduate education. Ph.D. Dis. Zaporozhye.

Sakhnevich, I.A. (2012). Pedagogical conditions of the use of media education technologies in the training of future specialists in the oil and gas industry. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Semchuk, S.I. (2010). Features of media influence on the socialization of children of preschool age. Ph.D. Dis. Odessa.

Shubenko, N.O. (2010). Formation of media culture of the future teacher of music by means of audiovisual arts. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Shugailo, Y.V. (2018). Socio-pedagogical conditions for overcoming the negative influence of mass media on the socialization of adolescents. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Shvidka, O.B. (2012). Communication environment: formation and development in the period of the information society. Ph.D. Dis. Kharkiv.

Skoryk, A.Y. (2015). The art of telecommunications in the global media cluster space. Ukrainian discourse. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Skrynyk, N.V. (2017). Methodology of teaching Ukrainian literature for 5-6 grade pupils using cloud technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Stetsura, K.O. (2016). Education in media cultural transformations: philosophical comprehension. Ph.D. Dis. Kharkiv.

Sulim, A.A. (2015). Media criticism in Ukraine: functions, topics, issues. Ph.D. Dis. Dnipropetrovsk.

Suruga, S.O. (2010). Aesthetic education of student youth by mass media. Ph.D. Dis. Lugansk, 2010.

Tokareva, A.V. (2013). Formation of intercultural competence among future managers of foreign economic activity through interactive technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Dnipropetrovsk.

Yakovenko, M.L. (2013). A paradigm of aesthetic in the information space of culture. Ph.D. Dis. Lugansk.

Yanishin, O.K. (2012).Formation of communicative skills of future documentologists by means of media education technologies. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Zinchina, O.B. (2016). Media conduct of youth audience: dynamics in a contemporary society. Ph.D. Dis. Kharkiv.

Zrazhevskaya, N.I. (2012). The phenomenon of media culture in the field of social communications. Ph.D. Dis. Kiev.

Others CIS countries


Beknazarova, S.S. (2013). Theory and applied methods of development of models and program complex of media education system. Ph.D. Dis. Tashkent.

Fablinova, O.N. (2017). Internet leisure of Belarusian students: state and development trends. Ph.D. Dis. Minsk.

Goibnazarova, T.S. (2014). Mass media and the art of Tajikistan in the context of globalization: an example of print media. Ph.D. Dis. Dushanbe.

Iskakov, B.A. (2013). Development of media competence of teachers in the conditions of a resource center. Ph.D. Dis. Barnaul (dissertation is carried out in the East Kazakhstan State University).

Kasperovich-Rynkevich, O.N. (2017). Mass media potential of innovative development of the Republic of Belarus. Ph.D. Dis. Minsk.

Khadod, Z. (2014). Pedagogical conditions for the implementation of media education in educational institutions in Iran. Ph.D. Dis. Dushanbe.

Khlopunova, O.V. (2009). Methods of teaching students of 10-11 grades to understand the expressive means of expression of the author's thoughts in the texts of the periodical press: English, school with in-depth study of the subject. Ph.D. Dis. Yerevan.

Khomidov, D.B. (2012). Media in the context of information policy and information security of the Republic of Tajikistan. Ph.D. Dis. Dushanbe.

Kosik, Y.A. (2018). Online culture of personality in the global Internet community. Ph.D. Dis. Minsk.

Malcoch, L.S. (1992). Problems of forming social activity of rural youth in cooperation with mass media (based on the materials of the Republic of Moldova). Ph.D. Dis. Minsk.

Mogilevtsev, S.A. (2002). Formation of socio-cultural competence on the basis of English-language information materials of satellite television (non-language university). Ph.D. Dis. Minsk.

Naser, G.F. (2013). Pedagogical conditions of education and upbringing of children in Iran by means of television. Ph.D. Dis. Dushanbe.

Nazarbetova, A.K. (2017). Political context of mass media space: experience of political camparativism. Ph.D. Dis. Almaty.

Seyedtaher, G.A. (2013). Influence of the Internet on moral-spiritual and social values of students: on the materials of universities of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Ph.D. Dis. Dushanbe.

Shadymanova, J.J. (2008). The role of mass media in the process of social change: the example of Kyrgyzstan. Ph.D. Dis. Bishkek.

Sharipov, F.F. (2013). System approach to the informatization of the teaching process in the university - the dominant factor in the formation of professional competencies of students. Ph.D. Dis. Dushanbe.

Smolikova, T.M. (2015). Personal culture in the modern media space of the Republic of Belarus. Ph.D. Dis. Minsk.

Stepanov, V.A. (2017). Social media in the processes of transformation of journalistic activity in Belarus. Ph.D. Dis. Minsk.

Venidiktov, S.V. (2017). Media communication in the Eurasian space: a strategic resource for integration. Ph.D. Dis. Minsk.

Yakimchuk, N.V. (2019). Methods of training future teachers of informatics by means of multimedia in the process of formation of cognitive independence. Ph.D. Dis. Minsk.

Zohre, K. (2013). Enhancing the educational activities of schoolchildren in the educational process through the use of information and communication technologies: materials from primary schools in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Ph.D. Dis. Dushanbe.

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