Научная статья на тему 'Means of expression of possessive relations in the antinomical model “initiation - alienation” in the Russian and English linguocultures'

Means of expression of possessive relations in the antinomical model “initiation - alienation” in the Russian and English linguocultures Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Linkova Yulia Igorevna, Arzhanovskaya Anastasia Valerievna

The article is devoted to the means of expressing possessive relations representation in Russian and English languages; the notion of possession is viewed with concern to its national and cultural peculiarities of perception. In the focus of the issue is the semantic structure of the verbs with the meaning of possessive relations in the Russian and English languages (купить, выиграть, продать, распродать, перекупить, перепродать, достать, проиграть, сбыть, to buy, to win, to sell, to lose и др.). The semantic structure of the analyzed verbs is considered in terms of antinomical models. The basic antinomical model of possessive relations is the «initiation-alienation» model. This model is represented by models-variants «sale-distribution» and «win-lose». The analysis of factual material allows to draw conclusions about analyzed problem. The analysis results of semantics show that the notion of possession has much in common both in Russian and English languages but for Russian and English native speakers there is certain ethnic differentiation typical of national linguocultures as for as perception of possession is concerned within the aforementioned lexical systems. National peculiarities of possession perception make themselves evident in the fact that representatives of Russian linguoculture are more venturesome, but for British one ending of ownership means a loss of something important for the subject rather than just a failure.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Means of expression of possessive relations in the antinomical model “initiation - alienation” in the Russian and English linguocultures»

Экология языка и коммуникативная практика. 2018. № 2. С. 1-5

Means of expression of possessive relations in the antinomical model "initiation - alienation" in the

russian and english linguocultures А.В. Аржановская, Ю.И. Линькова

УДК 81'373.42

DOI 10.17516/2311-3499-008



А.В. Аржановская, Ю.И. Линькова

В статье рассматриваются средства выражения посессивных отношений в русском и английском языках с точки зрения национально-культурных особенностей восприятия действительности. Представлен семантический анализ русских и английских глаголов, репрезентирующих субъектно-объектные отношения (купить, выиграть, продать, распродать, перекупить, перепродать, достать, проиграть, сбыть, to buy, to win, to sell, to lose и др.) с учетом антиномичных моделей. Базовой антиномичной моделью посессивных отношений является модель «приобщение-отчуждение», которая представлена моделями-вариантами «купля-продажа» и «выигрыш-проигрыш».

В результате сопоставительного анализа выявлено, что представления о посессивности в русской и английской лингвокультурах во многом не совпадают. Проведенный анализ позволил установить особенности репрезентации антиномичных моделей «купля-продажа», «выигрыш-проигрыш» в русской и английской лингвокультурах, изменения субъекта посессивных отношений с точки зрения гендерного аспекта, а также различное отношение представителей лингвокультур к потере собственности. Национальные особенности проявляются в различном восприятии категории посессивности и отношении к ней: представитель русской лингвокультуры в большей степени азартен, а представитель английской лингвокультуры воспринимает окончание владения объектом как его потерю из своей сферы.

Ключевые слова и фразы: русская и английская лингвокультуры; посессивные отношения; антиномическая модель; модель «приобщение-отчуждение»; семантический анализ глаголов; гендерный подход; универсальные языковые категории; объект; субъект.



A.V. Arzhanovskaya, Yu.I. Linkova

The article is devoted to the means of expressing possessive relations representation in Russian and English languages; the notion of possession is viewed with concern to its national and cultural peculiarities of perception. In the focus of the issue is the semantic structure of the verbs with the meaning of possessive relations in the Russian and English languages (купить, выиграть, продать, распродать, перекупить, перепродать, достать, проиграть, сбыть, to buy, to win, to sell, to lose и др.). The semantic structure of the analyzed verbs is considered in terms of antinomical models. The basic antinomical model of possessive relations is the «initiation-alienation» model. This model is represented by models-variants «sale-distribution» and «win-lose».

The analysis offactual material allows to draw conclusions about analyzed problem. The analysis results of semantics show that the notion of possession has much in common both in Russian and English languages but for Russian and English native speakers there is certain ethnic differentiation typical of national linguocultures as for as perception ofpossession is concerned within the aforementioned lexical systems. National peculiarities of possession perception make themselves evident in the fact that

Экология языка и коммуникативная практика. 2018. № 2. С. 1-5

Means of expression of possessive relations in the antinomical model "initiation - alienation" in the

russian and english linguocultures А.В. Аржановская, Ю.И. Линькова representatives of Russian linguoculture are more venturesome, but for British one ending of ownership means a loss of something important for the subject rather than just a failure.

Keywords and phrases: Russian and English linguocultures; possessive relations; antinomical model; the «initiation-alienation» model; semantic analysis of verbs; gender perspective; universal conceptual categories of the language; object; subject.

1. Introduction

In the process of human knowledge of the surrounding reality, one of the central concepts is the concept of possession, property. This concept is reflected in all languages and in connection with this depends on the specifics of the mentality of native speakers.

A person has different kinds of relationship, one of the leading is the relationship of possession. The category of possession is one of the universal conceptual categories of the language, the main meaning of which is «the definition of the name of the object through its relation to a certain person or object ...» [Lingvisticheskij jenciklopedicheskij slovar' 1990: 388]. The category of possession is the subject-object relationship which can be considered using antinomical models. The model means a typical scheme describing possessive relations, which can be represented in different ways - and as a possession relationship [Milovanova 2006]. The basic antinomical model of possessive relations is the «initiationalienation» model, because it reflects directly the beginning and the end of the relations of the possession. This model is invariant and is represented by model-variants of possessive situations. Within the framework of this invariant antinomical model, it is possible to single out certain models-variants of possessive relations, representing how the introduction or alienation of an object is carried out [Milovanova, Lin'kova, Arzhanovskaya 2017]. One of such models are the antinomical models of «sale-distribution» and «win-lose». The model includes the following components: subject, object, possessive action-process; in the Russian language, this model is represented by verbs купить, накупить, закупить, перекупить, достать; продать, распродать, перепродать, сбыть, выигрывать, проигрывать.

2. The results of the research work

The basic representatives of the «sale and distribution» model are the verbs of купить-продать; the «win-lose» model - выигрывать-проигрывать. The verbs купить and выигрывать characterize the beginning of possessive relations; convey a certain activity undertaken by the subject with the purpose of getting the object into his sphere.

Let us dwell on the characteristics of the first component of the model - the subject of initiation. The subject can be animate, concrete, and active. During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the subject of the possessive relationship changed from a gender perspective. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the subject of sale and distribution is mostly a man, by the twenty-first century due to the «gender modernization» the main focus is on changing the socio-political roles of women, defining their new social position within the overall transformation of the social gender order. In this regard, women are equally subject to possessive relations with men: Так как Анна Захаровна Лебяжьева была наперсницей и первым другом Ромодановой еще во время ее замужества и заточения, то понятно, что теперь она стала первым лицом в доме, и у нее за последние года накопился уже такой капитал, что она купила себе подмосковное имение (Salias 1991: 350).The next component of the model is the object of initiation. As objects of ownership we are allocated material and nonmaterial objects. Material objects are those with real material content (for example, land, buildings, machinery and equipment, etc.). Thus, they include movable and real property. By nonmaterial we mean objects that do not have a physical form, they include intellectual and non-property objects.

The objects of real property are: land, buildings, facilities, cash: На эту же облигацию можно выиграть пятьдесят тысяч (Il'f, Petrov 2015: 51); Дали бы денег купить усадьбу и землю, а не возили бы сюда (Salias 1991: 51); Соседка-старушка наконец умерла, освободилась вторая комната в нищей, разрушенной квартире Анастасии, в данном случае законодательство на

Экология языка и коммуникативная практика. 2018. № 2. С. 1-5

Means of expression of possessive relations in the antinomical model "initiation - alienation" in the

russian and english linguocultures А.В. Аржановская, Ю.И. Линькова стороне жильцов, можно незадорого прикупить эту комнату покойницы, завладеть всею квартирой (Petrushevskaja 2009: 142).

The next type of objects is nonmaterial ones. Within the framework of nonmaterial property, an object may also be abstract; in such contexts the subject acquires some new opportunities. An abstract object of the verbs купить, выиграть highlights a number of efforts, even trials, which subject undergo in order to obtain something necessary to him: Чтобы выиграть время, я попросил моих близких принести Твардовскому промежуточный, не вполне оконченный вариант месяцем раньше с таким письмом, якобы из рязанского леса (Solzhenicyn 1991: 12).

In the context of the «sale-distribution» antinomic model the object can be both inanimate and animate: Вся работа господ была в том, как бы торговлей, или войной, или в начальстве побольше нажить денег и накупить себе сильных и искусных рабов и рабынь и жить в свое удовольствие (Tolstoj 1997: 7). The presence of an animate object of the verb купить is a common feature of the nineteenth century's texts, the period of serfdom, when sale-distribution relations between serfs were possible.

Verbs продать and проигрывать represent the ending of possessive relationship by transferring the object to another person.

Objects of alienation are divided into material and nonmaterial ones. Material objects are: property and financial resources: Могу продать дом и снова уеду за границу, буду писать мемуары или -роман (Gor'kij 1974: 265); Защита, конечно, ничего не могла от нее проиграть, а в лучшем случае могла что-нибудь и выиграть (Dostoeskij 2007: 101).

The product of the intellectual property, which development belongs to the 20th-21st century, is also an object of sale-distribution: Издать или продать рукопись - вот вопрос, который представился Раевскому, когда мы ушли (Kaverin 1990: 249). During actual speech material analysis it was found that this type of object is not represented in the contexts containing the verb проиграть.

In English these antinomies are represented by the verbs to buy, to sell, to win, to lose. The verbs to buy and to win represent the beginning of possessive relationship.

It is important to note that in English (as well as in Russian) subject can be animate, concrete and active: I can buy land (BNC); Now, that was the real goods of a hunch, Smoke! How'd I know it? There's no tellin'. I just knew you'd win. Why, if that dollar of yourn'd fell on any other number it'd won just the same. When the hunch is right, you just can't help winnin'. (BNC).

The second component of the model is represented by material and nonmaterial objects. In order to convey the process of «intangible objects acquirement by the subject», special constructions are used: to save time, to gain time: Mr. Losberne, who appeared desirous of gaining time, recounted them at great length, and with much circumlocution (BNC).

The verbs to lose, to sell represent the end of the possessive relationship. In such contexts subject is animate, active and concrete. The subject loses the possessor status unwillingly, as a result of certain circumstances. In contrast to the Russian language, semantics of English verbs contains compatibility with objects. The verb to lose means a loss of something important for the subject rather than just a failure.

Non-material objects have very limited representation with analyzed verb: I shall always love you the same, Jon, whatever you do. You won't lose anything (BNC). Both movable and immovable property objects are used with the verb to sell: Grin and Grinning, to give them instructions to sell his shares in the New Colliery (BNC).

3. Conclusion

The considered antinomies are very important in the possessive relations system. Comparative analysis of antinomical models reveals the following differences: in English there is no change in the subject of sale-distribution right in terms of gender aspect during the nineteenth and twenty-first centuries. In the Russian language, because of historical changes in the twentieth century, preference in

Экология языка и коммуникативная практика. 2018. № 2. С. 1-5

Means of expression of possessive relations in the antinomical model "initiation - alienation" in the

russian and english linguocultures А.В. Аржановская, Ю.И. Линькова the sale-distribution right was given to males; In English, unlike the Russian, objects of verbs to lose, to win are clearly delineated. In the texts of the Soviet period, verbs достать/сбыть are more common (as synonyms for купить/продать), but they are not noted in English texts of this period. Consequently, the performed analysis shows some distinctive features of the «purchase and sale», «win/lose» antinomical models representation in the Russian and English linguocultures, especially: the change of the subject from the gender perspective (in comparison with the nineteenth century), the different attitude of linguocultures representatives to loss of property. Therefore, Russian speaker is more venturesome, it is expressed in his attitude to property in the process of the game. For native English speaker, ending of ownership means a loss of something important for the subject rather than just a failure, it rarely happens accidentally and unconsciously.


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Экология языка и коммуникативная практика. 2018. № 2. С. 1-5

Means of expression of possessive relations in the antinomical model "initiation - alienation" in the

russian and english linguocultures А.В. Аржановская, Ю.И. Линькова Salias E.A. Na Moskve (Iz vremeni Chumy 1771) [In Moscow (From the time of the Plague of 1771)]. Moscow, Hudozhestvennaja literature Publ., 1991. 151 p.

Solzhenicyn A.I. Bodalsja telenok s dubom [Butted calf with oak]. Moscow, Soglasie Publ., 1991.

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BNC - British national corpus. Available at: http://corpus.byu.edu/bnc/ (accessed 14.02.2018).


Линькова Юлия Игоревна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иноязычной коммуникации.

Волгоградский государственный университет. Россия, 400062, Волгоград, пр-т Университетский, 100 E-mail: linkova@volsu.ru

Аржановская Анастасия Валерьевна, кандидат филологических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры иноязычной коммуникации.

Волгоградский государственный университет. Россия, 400062, Волгоград, пр-т Университетский, 100 E-mail: arjanovskaya@volsu.ru


Linkova Yulia Igorevna, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Communication.

Volgograd State University

100 Universitetsky prospect, Volgograd 400062 Russia E-mail: linkova@volsu.ru

Arzhanovskaya Anastasia Valerievna, Candidate of Philology, Senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Communication.

Volgograd State University

100 Universitetsky prospect, Volgograd 400062 Russia E-mail: arjanovskaya@volsu.ru

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