Научная статья на тему 'Cognitive model of the subjective causality (in the German and Russian languages)'

Cognitive model of the subjective causality (in the German and Russian languages) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Dalbergenova L. Y., Zharkynbekova Sh K.

This article tries to reveal a universal cognitive model of the causal relations reflected in the language consciousness of a subject. The cognitive model as a frame is considered to survey a certain typical causal situation through a human perception as the case of the connection of cause and effect propositions. Frame models of internal subjective causality are being revealed; semantic types and means of verbalization of internal subjective causality of frame models in the German and Russian languages are established.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Cognitive model of the subjective causality (in the German and Russian languages)»


УДК 81'37

COGNITIVE MODEL OF THE SUBJECTIVE CAUSALITY (in the german and russian languages)*

L.Y. Dalbergenova, Sh.K. Zharkynbekova

The Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Philological Faculty Eurasian National University n.a. L.N. Gumilyev

Kazhymukana str., 11, Astana, Kazakhstan, 010008

This article tries to reveal a universal cognitive model of the causal relations reflected in the language consciousness of a subject. The cognitive model as a frame is considered to survey a certain typical causal situation through a human perception as the case of the connection of cause and effect propositions. Frame models of internal subjective causality are being revealed; semantic types and means of verbalization of internal subjective causality of frame models in the German and Russian languages are established.

Key words: frame, the subjective type of causality, proposition, cause, effect, means of verbalization.

Causality as one of the logical forms of thinking displays objects relative to reality, fixed in person's linguistic consciousness over centuries of practice. The organization of the language content is defined by the system and objective nature of linguistic consciousness which is at the same time specific in concrete national occurrence. This work is aimed at identifying a cognitive model of internal subjective causality reflection in person's linguistic consciousness as a frame form. To achieve this purpose, we need to solve the following problems: to reveal frame models of internal subjective causality, to establish semantic types of frame models of internal subjective causality and to define the means of their verbalization in the German and Russian languages. To meet the aim of the article various methodology techniques were used. Main methods applied are descriptive and analytical methods, as well as component and contextual analyses. Taking into consideration the specifics of the article, great attention is paid to frames and frame analysis whereas the more detailed overview is presented below. Regarding the main body of material used, examples treated

* Рец.: проф. Е.А. Красина (РУДН); д.ф.н., доц. Л.Н. Лунькова (МГОСГИ, г. Коломна).

in the article are taken from the Corpus of German language Institute in Mannheim (www.ids-mannheim.de), original stories translated into German, and entries from the National Corpus of the Russian language (www.ruscorpora.ru), i.e. samples from classical Russian literature.

The analyses performed showed that the causal frame model is universal to the cognitive reflection model of the cause and effect relations in the language consciousness of subjects, irrespective of their genetic accessory and typological properties; national specificity of the linguistic consciousness is observed only in the formal maintenance of frames.

1.1. Internal reason

The cause and effect relations which objectively exist in nature and society are reflected in human consciousness in the logical category form of the causality involving cause and effect in a uniform correlative binomial, which is presented in language as the linguistic form of causality [1; see also: 2—4]. Internal and external causality are distinct within causal relations. The differentiation of events, causal from within and from the outside and semantic distinctions have been established between predicate lexemes [5. P. 28—31], as one of the distinctive signs of an action [see: 6—7]. As the external reason for understanding events, the phenomena, or the circumstances proceeding out of the person's control and will, influence the person from the outside [8. P. 172—174; 9. P. 44]. The internal reason is 'a special case of a causal relation' when a condition (madness, loneliness, etc.) is considered as a 'receptacle,' and an action or event is interpreted as the object arising from a receptacle. Causality is conceptualised as event emergence from a condition [1. P. 110]. The internal reason is an action or the subject condition determined by internal feelings, the personal characteristics of the subject and its aspiration for the condition occurrence. For the internal reason beliefs, views, values and knowledge/ignorance of public life rules play crucial role. This type of causal relations is otherwise described as ethic, moral and deliberate motive as it denotes signs, condition and subject's actions [10. P. 78—86; 11. P. 173—181; 12. P. 68—88; 13. P. 27]. In continuation of M.V. Vsevolodova and T.A. Yashchenko's study, we distinguish an internal objective causality (age, physical condition and physical parameters) and an internal subjective causality, i. e. 'the signs relating to internal, emotional and mental make-up' [13. P. 27]. The subject of this research is the causality subjective type transferred by prepositional and case constructions. The study of an internal causality is possible by means of conceptual analysis. In this work, causality is considered as causing through the conditionality means of a frame approach.

1.2. Correlation of causality frame concepts, situation and proposition

Frame in linguistics is understood as the cognitive structures uniting an experience, linguistic and non-linguistic knowledge of this or that denotational stereotypic situation that are stored in long-term memory. The universal frame structure of knowledge allows us to foresee the succession of events [14—17]. As an initial theoretical parcel in our work, it is accepted that the situation developed in cognitive linguistics

of the main frame sign is the mental connection with a stereotypic denotational situation. The situation represents 'the extra-linguistic reviewer of the offer, a segment of reality, a private event, the fact about which it is reported in the concrete statement' [18. P. 7]. The situational asymmetrical character of the causal relations has been noted in a number of previous linguistic works [8. P. 24—30]; [18. P. 123]; [19. P. 2297]; [20. P. 253—282]; [21. P. 141]. Thus, the frame of an internal causality is a reflection of the linguistic consciousness of a certain typical extra linguistic relation of the cause and effect of events when one situation causes, causing the realisation of another situation, i.e. a consequence:

(1a) Ребенок не пришел в школу из-за болезни.

Das Kind kam in die Schule wegen der Krankheit nicht. A child didn't come to school because of illness.

The situation of the child's disease condition as the internal reason directly causes the child to be absent from school. Cause and effect microsituations present a complete frame model of a causality to interrelations. The cause and effect microsituations represent slots, or the certain 'pictures' connected by the cause and effect relations in language consciousness. The minimum set of slots structures frame a model of causality according to a certain scenario. The scenario is understood as a consecutive causal chain of events in temporary and spatial movement and development [22. P. 40]. The scenario development of a causal situation is caused by asymmetric character, unidirectionality of cause and effect relations when the slot of the reason precedes the consequence slot on time, which in turn can become the reason of a number of phenomena, events, processes, actions, etc. In the example above, the child's illness precedes his absence from school in time, compare: The child was ill therefore he didn't come to school. Verbalisation can reflect, however, mental processes, logical conclusions and changing an order of slots from a consequence to the reason, compare: The child didn't come to school because he was sick.

According to Minsky, a scenario contains the structure for understanding narration sense which has four levels of existence: surface syntactic frames, which are structures with verbs and nouns; surface semantic frames; the thematic and narrative frames transferring special text educations [14. P. 63]. Within our article, we find the possibility of considering surface syntactic frames of an internal causality in the German and Russian languages.

Frame model research of an internal causality uses the propositional criterion as a stereotypic situation (frame) correlated with propositions as an element of all mental processes. The causal frame situation is the cause and effect connection reflected by human consciousness as a connection of cause and effect propositions. Connection of causing and causality between two propositions can be presented in the form of the following formula: the causal slot — Ant. proposition (Antezedens), the investigative slot — Cons. proposition (Conseguens), the phenomenon of causing, causality consequence reason: Ant. (Р) — cause — Cons. (Р)

(1b) (Ant.) Ребенок болеет — (cause) caused — (Cons.) Ребенок не пришел в школу.

(Ant.) Das Kind ist krank — (cause) caused — (Cons.) Das Kind kam in die Schule nicht.

(Ant.) The Child is sick — (cause) caused — (Cons.) The child didn't come to school.

Each of the presented slots transfers its standard situation. In this example, the slot of the reason for the situation is presented as 'the subject and its condition.' The situation of 'the subject and its action' is given in the consequence slot. The specified situations are standard due to the invariant semantic contents and universal character of causality. They represent one frame model in two languages. The formal expression of the causal relations in analyzed languages can differ from each other. In language consciousness, they are reflected by various frames models.

2. AN INTERNAL CAUSALITY FRAME 2.1. Properties and means of an internal causality expression

Frame causal models are characterized by a number of properties: semantic wellformation between parts of bisituational structures, a situation normalisation/non-normalisation and intension existence (awareness/unawareness of the reason or a consequence). The semantic well-formation principle is one that exists between causality and caused situations. There is an identical, coinciding semantic well-formation, positive or negative. Causal and investigative slots as components of a frame model are integrated in a uniform sense: positive emotions and feelings cause positive consequences, while negative emotions and feelings cause negative changes or consequences.

The component of causal structures can be the normalization/non-normalization of a situation on its relation to a certain stationary point or balance. For example, the propositions presented in the situations 'He is quiet and 'He is in a rage\ are standard and normative. The situation described in the offer (6) 'He became pale with pleasure' is characterized as substandard, or non-standard. The awareness/unawareness of the reason or consequence is qualified differently as controlled, uncontrollable, intended or unintentional action or condition. The conscious emotional or physical condition can be controllable, but not planned and wished.

In a number of linguistic research studies [5; 9; 10; 12] semantic types of internal and external reasons are considered as the manifestation of human qualities and the properties transferred in language by prepositional and case constructions. According to the famous cognitive scientist J. Lakoff, case roles of interiorisation are found in the person's conceptual system as elements of 'propositional cognitive models' [24. P. 177]. These models structure the experience that is comprehended by the person, including the relations between the participants of events in the real world. Prepositions possess properties of the semantic primitives allocated by A. Wierzbicka; they do not point out a situation, and are only its modifiers and primitives can be designated as concepts [25. P. 11—16]. Proceeding from this situation, we will point out prepositional combinations of causal modifiers. In the reduced form they represent a reason proposition.

2.2. The internal subjective causality

2.2.1. Frame model with the action contents

The frame transferring a normalization/non-normalization situation of an action internal causality can be structured by the following slots: 1) subject carrier of emotion; 2) the reason, i. e. conscious/unconscious motive as a proposition of a human property or emotional condition; 3) a consequence, i. e. a proposition of conscious action, an act or behaviour. Causal modifiers of the reason slot are in German: 'vor + Nomen, aus + Nomen'; in Russian: 'из + имя в Дат. п., от + имя в Дат.п.' (because of (from) + name in dative case; from, of + name in dative case). The structural maintenance of a frame can be represented as: Cons. [Subject + action] ^ caus ^ Ant. [condition (reason motive)].

This frame reflects a normalization/non-normalization causal situation of an emotional condition. It induces a person's conscious positive or negative actions. The slot of the subject can be transferred by a pronoun, a proper and common name. The slot of a consequence is the subject's action in language that is transferred by a verb of action value. The slot of the reason formed by the causal modifier and an abstract noun can be developed in a condition or property proposition, e.g., in the German language:

(1) Demon, Aiaias Vater, hatte aus Liebe zu seiner Frau Daianaira deren Vater Theopamp umbringen müssen. 'Demon, a father of Aiayi, because of love to his wife Daianaira, had to kill a father Teopamp' [Walser 1996. P. 152].

The frame in example (1) reflects a non-normative typical situation, 'the subject and its action,' including the slot of subject — a proper name of Demon, Aiayis Vater — and the slot of consequence — the action transferred in language by an action verb. The slot of reason is transferred by a prepositional and case combination: the causal modifier and the abstract noun, the reduced form of a feeling proposition Er liebt (he loves). The non-normative situation is explained by the love that is noted here as nonnormative, but a consciously controlled crime motive. The internal subjective causality can be presented in the form of the following scheme: Ant. [(P1) (er liebt)] ^ caus ^ Cons. [(P2) (hatte umbringen müssen)]. The causal situations (1) is reflected in language consciousness as frame structure with the following cognitive contents: Cons. [Subject + action] ^ caus ^ Ant. [condition (reason motive)].

Similar frames can be observed in Russian as well, for example:

(2) Рогожин сам почему-то особенно охотно взял господина в свои собеседники, хотя в собеседничестве нуждался, казалось, более механически, чем нравственно; как-то от рассеянности, чем от простосердечия, от тревоги, от волнения, чтобы только глядеть на кого-нибудь и о чем-нибудь языком колотить [Достоевский 1868. P. 11]. — Rogozhin himself for some reason especially willingly took mister to his interlocutors though he needed an interview, and seemed, more mechanically than morally, somehow from absent-mindedness than from openness, from anxiety, from excitement only to look at somebody and to chat about something.'

Hence, example (2), a subjective emotional proposition and mental condition 'Rogozhin is absent-minded' motivated the subject to conscious action 'I took mister to my interlocutors.' The semantic well-formation of a non-normalization situation is transferred in a frame by the word somehow.' The absent-mindedness is traditionally understood as a negative uncontrollable condition, as it does not allow any positive actions to be made that demand the person's concentration and attention in conversation with the interlocutor. In this situation, we have absent-mindedness as a positive manifestation that allows the discussion of its non-normalization. The slot of the subject is verbalized by the proper name of 'Rogozhin' and the slot of a consequence is transferred by the verbal phrase 'I took mister to my interlocutors' The formal expression of a causality between condition and action propositions can be shown as: Ant. [(P1) (Rogozhin is absent-minded)] — caus — Cons. [(P2) (I took mister to my interlocutors)].

2.2.2. Stative frame model

The frame reflecting an internal causality situation of a condition is structured by the following slots: 1) subject carrier of emotion; 2) reason source slot as a conscious/unconscious emotional condition proposition; 3) slot consequence as an emotional, mental and physiological condition proposition or sign (quality). The causal modifier of the reason source slot in German is: 'vor + Nomen, aus + Nomen'; in Russian: 'от + род. п., из-за + род. п.' (from, of + g. c., because of + g. c.). The structural maintenance of a frame is as follows: Cons. [Subject+condition] ^ caus ^ Ant. [condition (reason source)].

For example, in German:

(1) Sie war außer sich gewesen vor Angst. 'She was out of herself because of fear.'

[Walser 1991. P. 140].

This example transfers a situation from one condition of internal causality to another außer sich gewesen vor Angst 'out of herself because offear. The subject slot is expressed by a personal pronoun of sie 'she'. The reason slot is transferred in language by a prepositional and case construction of vor Angst which can be developed in an internal emotional state proposition: sie hat Angst 'she is afraid'. The consequence slot is a proposition of another emotional condition of Sie war außer sich gewesen 'She was out of herself'. The logical communication of a causality is transferred in a frame by the causal modifier pronoun vor. This example shows a standard situation of a negative emotional condition that is unintended and uncontrolled by the subject. A formal internal causality expression looks as follows: Ant. [(P1)(sie hat Angst)] + caus + Cons. [(P2) (Sie war außer sich gewesen)]. Thus, the cognitive maintenance of a frame is the causality of one condition to another condition of the subject that allows discussion about the stative frame model.

In language consciousness, the frame is presented in an inverse order to force the relevance of conditions that allow discussion of the stative frame model. Causal situation is reflected in language consciousness as a frame structure with the following cognitive contents: Cons.[Subject+condition] ^ caus ^ Ant. [condition (reason source)].

A similar frame of a semantic negative well-formation of an internal causality of conditions is illustrated by the following examples in Russian:

(2) Безенчук предупредительно рванул дверь, пропустил Ипполита Матвеевича вперед, а сам увязался за ним, дрожа как бы от нетерпения [Ильф, Петров 1927—1928. С. 20]. 'Bezenchuk precautionary jerked a door, I passed Hippolyte Matveevich forward, and he followed behind him, shivering as though because of impatience' [Ильф, Петров 1927—1928. C. 20].

The situation normatisation in (2) is shown as a deviation from a balance point between the reasons and consequences. The reason of impatience, as a negative property of the person, caused a negative physical condition of the subject, i.e. a shiver. The frame reflects a situation of a conscious uncontrollable emotional and mental condition, and a defiant unconscious physical condition. The logical communication of causality is transferred in Russian by the causal modifier in a pretext form. The frame structure contains three propositions: the reason slot — a proposition of an emotional condition (impatience); the consequence slot — a physical condition proposition (shivering). Ant. [(P1) Безенчук нетерпелив] ^ caus ^ Cons. [(P2) Безенчук дрожит]. Ant. [(P1) Bezenchuk impatient] ^ caus ^ Cons. [(P2) Bezenchuk shivered].

An internal causality process happens between the condition propositions (P1) and (P2) and bears the main semantic loading that allows us to speak about the stative model of a frame. Thus, the causal situations (2) the reasons for including one, two or three slots of consequences are reflected in language consciousness as frame structure with the following scenario development: (2) Cons. [Subject+condition] ^ caus ^ Ant. [condition(reason-source)]. The subject slot is expressed in language by a pronoun, proper names and nominal: sie, Bezenchuk. The consequence slot as a proposition of an emotional condition is transferred in language most often by stative predicates: shivering, staying in nervous condition. The reason slot is formed by the causal modifier, and an abstract noun comprises an emotional condition proposition. The cognitive maintenance of a frame is the stative condition of the person.

2.2.3. The stative-dynamic frame model

The unconscious internal reason frame is a frame that transfers a change situation to an emotional and physiological condition. It is structured by the following slots: 1) subject carrier of emotion; 2) the reason source as an unconscious emotional condition proposition, i.e. negative involuntarily flashed emotional conditions and feelings; 3) consequence as a proposition of the change of an emotional and physical condition. The causal modifier of the slot of reason source is in German: 'vor + Nomen, aus + Nomen'; and in Russian: от + род. п., со + Род. п. 'because of' (from, of) + g. c. 'with + g. c. '. This is given by: Cons. [(Subject + condition change] ^ caus ^ Ant. [condition (reason source)].

The subject slot can be transferred by pronouns, proper and nominal names. The reason slot is made by a proposition of unconscious involuntarily flashed emotions, for example: vor Furcht, vor Schreck, because of offense, fear, etc. The consequence

slot indicates change of the emotional and physical condition, transferred in language by phase verbs: verkramfte mich, verschlug es mir den Atem, burst into tears, to begin to cry, and also the verbs, meaning transition from one condition to another: to fill up, wake up, die, etc. For example, in the German language:

(1) Der nasse Sand stob unter mir davon, und ich verkramfte mich vor Furcht. 'Wet was sandfalling under my feet, and I convulsively cringed in fear' [Ryan 2003. Р. 98].

Frame (1) shows a standard situation of an emotional and mental condition of fear, caused by a change of a physical condition. The frame with a negative semantic well-formation reflects a situation of the conscious reason of the unconscious change of the condition. The subject slot is transferred by the pronoun ich 'I', the consequence slot is a phase verb with an inchoative way of action, e. g. verkramfte mich 'shrank'; in the slot of the reason transferred by a prepositional and case construction of vor Furcht the proposition ich fürchte is hidden 'I am afraid'.

The frame structure is developed in the following order:

Ant. [(P1) wet sand] — caus — Cons. [(P2) sand was falling] — caus — Cons. [(P3) I am afraid — caus — Cons (P4) I shrank]. In linguistic consciousness, the frame reflects a standard situation: Cons. [(Subject + condition change)] ^ caus ^ Ant. [condition (reason source)].

In linguistic consciousness, the reflection of an internal causality happens in an inverse order: the proposition of a condition change precedes a reason proposition that allows us to speak about the stative-dynamic model of a frame. Similar stative-dynamic frame model can be found in Russian as well, e.g.:

(1) Женя расплакалась от побоев, от крика и от обиды [Пастернак 1918: 40]. 'Eugene burst into tears from a beating, from shout and from offense' [Pasternak 1918: 40].

Example (2) is identical reflections of a situation of an internal causality when the unconscious change of a mental condition unintentionally follows from a conscious internal state. The subject slots are the verbalized proper name (Eugene). The reason slots are transferred by a prepositional and case form with the modifiers from and with: of offence, consequence slots are phase verbs of an inchoative way of action: burst into tears. The internal causality occurs between emotional condition propositions: (Р1) Женя обижается и изменения эмоционального состояния (Р2) расплакаться. (Р1) Eugene takes offence also changes of an emotional condition (P2) to begin to cry, cry. The scenario development of an internal causality can be described as: Cons. [(Subject + condition change] ^ caus ^ Ant. [condition (reason-source)]. The frame content: stative-dynamic.

Within the article, we analyzed causal frames of a subjective emotional and psychological condition. As shown in the study of causal subjective frames emotions, feelings and various conditions are reflections of internal human life and its cognitive experience. The frame was considered as a cognitive model of the existence of a causality category in the linguistic consciousness of the subject. The analysis also reveals that frame models in the German and Russian languages show universal characteristics of an internal causality and serve as access to the conceptual knowledge of the causal rela-

tions in the objective and subjective world, irrespective of typological structure and genetic accessory of language.

Hence, we revealed three frame models:

1) action frame model as a reflection of the subjective causality of actions and acts;

2) stative frame model as a reflection of the subjective causality of conditions;

3) stative-dynamic frame model as a reflection of the dynamic development of subjective conditions.

As shown above, the conceptualization of emotional condition situations and the propositional organization of frame structures are peculiar. The frame model with the action contents reflects a standard causal situation: Cons. [Subject + action] ^ caus ^ Ant. [condition (reason motive)]. The emotional and psychological condition propositions motivate the subject to different actions or acts. The analysed material shows intended (deliberate) nature of an internal emotional state: the subject cannot always supervise the feelings and conditions, but realizes the actions made by them.

The stative frame model reflects a standard causal situation:

Cons. [Subject + condition] ^ caus ^ Ant. [condition (reason source)]. The scenario development involves the internal causality of emotional and psychological propositions and an emotional and psychological condition and physical condition propositions.

The stative-dynamic frame model is a reflection of a standard causal situation:

Cons. [Subject + condition change] ^ caus ^ Ant. [condition (reason source)].

In this model, various conditions of subjects are presented in dynamic development.

The reason slot causes the semantic type of causality frame models. In the considered causal situations, we distinguish between two semantic types of an internal subjective causality: reason motive and reason source. The reason source causes emotional, physical and physiological conditions or changes in these condition types; in reason motive, the cognitive experience of the emotion carrier is at the bottom of actions and acts of the subject.

The structural content of a frame model in the German and Russian languages is submitted by an identical quantity of slots: the subject slot, reason slot and consequence slot. The transmission medium of the subject slot carrier of emotions includes proper and nominal names, and pronouns in all frame models. The causal slot is verbalized by prepositional and case combinations in the German and Russian languages, containing a proposition of a subjective condition in the reduced look. The consequence slot is verbalized most often by a verb which carries out the role of a structural and semantic component of a frame. The consequence in action frame models is verbalized by verbs of action and way of action. Stative frames contain a consequence slot transferred in languages by a stative verb or an adjective. Phase verbs and the verbs expressing transition from one condition to another are means of stative-dynamic frames verbalization.

Thus, it is possible to claim that the frame model of causality and semantic category of any language, irrespective of its structure, is universal to cognitive models of the cause and effect relations in the subject's linguistic consciousness. Furthermore, the means of language verbalization allow access to the conceptual knowledge of causal relations in the objective and subjective world.


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[25] Wierzbicka A. Semanticheskiye universalii i opisaniye yazykov / Per. s angl. A.D. Shmelyova; pod red. T.V. Bulyginoy. — M.: Yazyki russkoy kultury, 1999. — I—XII.


Dostoevsky F.M. Idiot, 1868.

Ilf I., Petrov Evg. Dvenadtsat stulyev, 1927—1928.

PasternakB. Detstvo Luvers, 1918.

Ryan M. Lied der Gezeiten, 2003.


Walser M. Finks Krieg, 1996.

Walser M. Die Verteidigung der Kindheit, 1991.

Когнитивная модель субъективной каузации (на примере немецкого и русского языков)

Л.Е. Дальбергенова, Ш.К. Жаркынбекова

Кафедра теоретической и прикладной лингвистики Филологический факультет Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н. Гумилева ул. Кажымукана, 11, Астана, Казахстан, 010008

В статье предпринимается попытка выявить универсальную когнитивную модель отражения каузальных отношений в языковом сознании субъекта. В качестве когнитивной модели рассматривается фрейм как некая типическая каузальная ситуация, отражаемая человеческим сознанием как связь пропозиций причины и следствия. В работе выявлены фреймовые модели внутренней субъективной каузации, установлены семантические типы и средства вербализации фреймовых моделей внутренней субъективной каузации в немецком и русском языках.

Ключевые слова: фрейм, субъективная каузация, пропозиция, причина, следствие, средства вербализации.


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