�������� ��������������� ������� ��� 24. � 4. 2024
��� 903.25 ���� ����������� ������: 08.07.2024
���� �������� ������: 23.08.2024
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2024. �. 24. � 4. �. 644�660. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31833/uav/2024.24.4.042
UDC 903.25 Submitted: 08.07.2024
Accepted: 23.08.2024
Materials of the Early Tulkhar necropolis in the light of the hypothesis
of Andronovo population migration to the south: problems of chronology
Svetlana V. Sotnikova
Center of Archaeological Research, Nadym, Russia
�-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. The new materials and the new calibrated radiocarbon dates significantly amend the understand-
ing of many processes that took place during the Bronze Age both in Central Asia and far outside of it. Materials
of the Early Tulkhar Necropolis (South Tajikistan) are often used to prove active contacts between the steppe
livestock-farming Andornovo people and the settled crop-farming Central Asia people. Andronovo influences
in the first place are found in the cremated burials of this necropolis. E.E. Kuzmina considers these burials ar-
chaeological evidence of her hypothesis about the Andronovo people (Indo-Aryans) migrating across Central
Asia (Bishkent culture) to the North-West Pakistan (Swat culture) and North India. The new materials and
the new calibrated radiocarbon dates recently appeared. They prevent relating the Andronovo people and the
cremated burials in the Early Tulkhar Necropolis. The South Urals Fedorovo culture stands out with cremated
burials and dates back to 1742�1451 calBC according to the latest data. The Tulkhar cremated burials appeared
a lot earlier, namely no later than in the early 3 millennium BC. The new dates also throw a shadow of doubt
over the Andronovo people participating in establishment of the Bishkent culture in Central Asia, in migration
of the Bishkent culture southward and its contribution to Swat culture in the North-West Pakistan. Probably,
the process went otherwise. The author believes that the cremated burials in the Early Tulkhar Necropolis can
be associated with particular small groups of people moving from Balochistan (Kulli culture) or the North-
�.�. ���������
West Pakistan (Swat culture). The new dates change the perspective of the process that used to be considered
the result of the Andronovo culture influence of the Bronze Age livestock-farming and crop-farming cultures
in Central Asia. Cremated burials in the Sapalli culture necropolises in Central Asia (Bustan VI, Djarkutan 4a)
should not be directly associated with the impact or contribution of the Andronovo Fedorovo people. Further-
more, as a matter of a fact, particular groups of Andronovo people regularly entered Central Asia throughout
the entire Andornovo culture period. This allows to assume that Central Asia is exactly the place to reveal the
origin of the Andronovo cremation rite.
Keywords: Central Asia, Bronze Age, Andronovo culture, Bishkent culture, Vakhsh culture, migration,
chronology, cremation burials
Citation. Sotnikova, S.V. 2024, "Materials of the Early Tulkhar necropolis in the light of the hypothesis of Andronovo
population migration to the south: problems of chronology", Ufa Archaeological Herald, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 644�660. (In
Russ.) DOI: https://doi.org/10.31833/uav/2024.24.4.042
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�� ������ ���������� ����������� ���- Fig. 1. Early Tulkhar Necropolis.
���� ��������� �������������� � ���������� Cremation grave No. 64 (acc. to: [Mandelshtam, 1968])
1 ����������� ��� �������� ��������� �������� �������� ������������� � �������������. �.�. �����������, ����������
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UFA ARCHAEOLOGICAL HERALD Volume 24. no. 4. 2024
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�� ������ �������������� � ���������� ������ �� ������� � 8 (��: [�����������, 1968])
��������� �� ����. ����� ����� �������. Fig. 2. Early Tulkhar Necropolis.
�.�. ����������� ���������������� ���- Grave No. 8 with a descent (acc. to: [Mandelshtam, 1968])
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Fig. 3. Early Tulkhar Necropolis. ���� �������� ��� ������, ��������-
Catacomb grave No. 27 (acc. to: [Mandelshtam, 1968])
S.V. Sotnikova
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�. 57�58, 98].
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[�����������, 1968. �. 96, 98. ���. 35]. (��: [�����������, 1968])
��� �������� �.�. �����������, Fig. 4. Early Tulkhar Necropolis. 1 � stone box grave No. 62;
������ � ������������� ���� ������ 2 � cremation grave No. 63 (acc. to: [Mandelshtam, 1968])
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Fig. 5. Early Tulkhar Necropolis. Moulded ceramics.
�� �.�. �� ���������� �������� �����, 16 � cremation grave; 24 � catacomb grave; other vessels � graves with
�� �������������� ���������� �� ���, descents (acc. to: [Kaniuth, Teufer, 2001])
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19 � ������ � �������� ������� (��: [Kaniuth, Teufer, 2001])
�������� ������������� � ����������� Fig. 6. Early Tulkhar Necropolis.
� �������������� ����� �����������- 1�15 � potter�s wheel ceramics: graves with descents; 16�21 � moulded
���� ��������� [��������, 1972�. �. 121]. ceramics: 16�18, 20�21 � catacomb graves; 19 � stone fence grave (acc. to:
[Kaniuth, Teufer, 2001])
UFA ARCHAEOLOGICAL HERALD Volume 24. no. 4. 2024
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[Kaniuth, Teufer, 2001. S. 111]. ����� �������, ��� S. 304, 308].
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[Teufer, Bobomulloev, P�jankova, 2015. Abb. 11, 4]. ���� � � �������� �� �� �� ������� �����������
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(��: [�����������, 1991]) �������������� ������ �� ��� � � ������������
Fig. 9. Swat culture. Cremated burials ��� ������-�������� ���������. ��������, ���
(acc. to: [Vinogradova, 1991]) ������ ���������, ���� � � ���������� ����, ����
�������� ������������ ����� 2200 �. �� �.�. � ������������ �����, �� �������� ������ ������-
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[Zahir, 2016. �. 284�287; 2020. �. 127]. ����� ����,
�. ����� ������� �������� �� ������������ ��-
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[Zahir, 2016. �. 281]. �������������, ���� ��������
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� ������������ ����� ����������� � ���� ���- ���. 10. �������� �����. ������������ ��������� �������
�� ��������� ��������� ���������� � ��������� ����� (1�) (��: [�����������, 1991])
� ������ �������, ��� ����� ��� � ��������� ��- Fig. 10. Swat culture. Early stage burial tools (1A)
(acc. to: [Vinogradova, 1991])
UFA ARCHAEOLOGICAL HERALD Volume 24. no. 4. 2024
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���� ������������, ������� �����������, ���������� ���������, �. �����. E-mail: svetlanasotnik@mail.
ru, ORCID: 0000-0003-4970-9160
Information About the Author
Svetlana V. Sotnikova, Ph.D., associate professor, Center for Archaeological Research, scientific consul-
tant, Russian Federation, Nadym. E-mail: [email protected], ORCID: 0000-0003-4970-9160