Научная статья на тему 'LOVE AS A MORAL VALUE'

LOVE AS A MORAL VALUE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Kadirova Kh.

This article explains the moral nature of love. Discusses approaches to the concept of love in the works of thinkers.

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Текст научной работы на тему «LOVE AS A MORAL VALUE»

УДК 316. 53

Kadirova Kh. master's degree the Department of Ethics and Aesthetics Faculty of Social Sciences, National University of Uzbekistan named after MirzoUlugbek Uzbekistan, Tashkent


Annotation: This article explains the moral nature of love. Discusses approaches to the concept of love in the works of thinkers.

Key words: love, morality, values, positive feelings, humanity.

In a broad sense, love is a moral and aesthetic feeling expressed in a selfless and selfless desire for one's object, in need and readiness for self-giving. Love is an unusually capacious, multi-valued and multifaceted concept: it includes love for people (humanism), and love for the motherland (patriotism), for art, nature, travel, and parental love, and children's love for parents. But the minds of people are mostly occupied by the love of women and men. Love is a sense of purposeful attachment to a subject or object, requiring constant and close contact with them. The main difference between love and friendship is that the object of love can be anything, while friendship is a two-way relationship with another person. In addition, friendships, despite their individuality and concreteness, are more unified in forms of manifestation than love relationships. Love has the most diverse forms and ways of manifestation. Love refers to an extremely dynamic reflection of feelings and relationships. Friendship, having arisen and creating its own rituals, does not change over the years.

Love is constantly evolving, changing its strength, orientation, forms of existence. But it is wrong to assume that love is an attitude only to a specific person, to the object of love. If a person loves only one thing, this is the attitude of expanded egoism, love is a form of attitude towards the world as a whole. Common signs of love: the need to connect with the object of love, whether it be things, people, material objects, processes or spiritual entities. That is, you can love jewelry, parents, mushroom picking or poetry and strive to get what you love or do what you love, enjoy intimacy with the object of love. This is not to say that love always has the same moral value: you cannot compare the love of chocolate and the love of mother, love of animals and love of their country. But any love has moral value in the context of human behavior. If, out of love for chocolate, a person is ready to steal it, then his love is immoral and socially dangerous. To build a hierarchy of moral value of types of love is quite difficult. We can distinguish: a general orientation to love, that is, openness to the world, the need for closeness, the ability to care, pity, compassion, the moral value of which is in

the elevation of personality; love of objects, so to speak, of a higher order - to the Motherland, to its people, which in combination with a sense of duty, honor, responsibility forms the basis of a moral worldview; individual love for parents, children, a man or a woman, giving a special meaning to the life of a particular person; love for objects and processes, which has an indirect moral value. Individual sexual love is an interpersonal unity with another person. However, can any interpersonal unity be called love? To love in the moral sense means, first of all, to give, not to receive. But, sharing his life, a person spiritually enriches another person. Thus, we encourage the other to give as well, and on this basis we create something new. The ability to love, giving back depends on the development of personality.

The ancient Greeks distinguished four types of love: Eros - enthusiastic love, bodily and spiritual passion, violent craving for possession of a loved one. This passion is more for oneself; there is a lot of egocentrism in it. She is the "masculine type", it is rather a feeling of an ardent young man or young man; it is less common in women. Filiya is love-friendship, a more spiritual and calmer feeling. Psychologically, she is closest to the love of a young girl. Among the Greeks, filia united not only lovers, but also friends. Agape is an altruistic, spiritual love, full of sacrifice and self-denial, built on condescension and forgiveness, similar to motherly love. This love is not for its own sake, but for the sake of another. Among the Greeks, this is not only a love feeling, but also the ideal of humane love for one's neighbor. Stporge - love-tenderness, family love, full of soft attention to the beloved. She grew out of a natural affection for family and emphasizes the carnal and spiritual kinship of lovers. Love is the greatest value, property and right of a free person ... A person who loves becomes more sensitive to beauty. A special aesthetic of love arises - a person's craving for a perfect life, which is built according to the laws of beauty, kindness, freedom, justice. Love unites one person with another, helping him overcome the feeling of isolation and loneliness. There is a paradox in love: "two beings become one and remain two at the same time" (E. Fromm).However, love is not a fluke or a passing episode; love is an art that requires self-improvement, selflessness, readiness for self-sacrifice from a person. E. Fromm identifies five elements of love: giving, caring, responsibility, respect and knowledge.

Love as giving is the highest manifestation of the power of a person who is able to give, the forces giving rise to reciprocal love are a way of self-realization, which consists in giving, not taking. Love as a manifestation of care and interest requires a spiritual response, the expression of diverse feelings in relation to a loved one. It is creative and fruitful, it resists destruction, conflict, hostility. This is a form of productive activity. Love as a responsibility is the answer to the expressed or unexpressed needs of another human being, the state and readiness to "respond". A loving person feels responsibility for his neighbors, as he feels responsibility for himself. In love, responsibility primarily relates to the spiritual needs of another person. Respect for love is the ability to see and accept a person as he is, and not as I need him as a means for my purposes. This is a willingness to

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realize its uniqueness and individuality. But "it is impossible to respect a person without knowing him: care and responsibility would be blind if knowledge did not direct them" (E. Fromm). Knowledge is a necessary aspect of love, allowing you to penetrate into the essence, "secret" of a loved one and realize all other aspects of love. Absolutely complete, all-encompassing love implies an organic unity of all these aspects. So, love is not only the highest moral value, but also a real earthly attitude, and attraction, and a relatively independent desire, and need, and in this capacity is the highest form of interpersonal communication.

Sources used:

1. Базарова М.В. Любовь как смысложизненная ценность // Ценности интеллигибельного мира: Сборник статей Всероссийской научной конференции: В2-хт.-Т. 1.-Вып. 3,-Магнитогорск: Изд-во МГГУ, 2006.-С. 149-153.

2. РюриковЮ.Б. Любовь на исходе XX века. - М., 1998

3. Фромм Э. Искусство любить - СПб., 2005.

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