Научная статья на тему 'List of Questions for the general popuh. Tion'

List of Questions for the general popuh. Tion Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Текст научной работы на тему «List of Questions for the general popuh. Tion»

List of Questions for the General Population (Page numbers in brackets indicate where opinions and characteristics of various groups of population are presented)

9. What could you say about your mood during the last few days? 1) Excellent mood; 2) Normal, balanced state of

mind; 3) Feeling tense, irritated; 4) Experiencing fear, melancholy; 5) Don't know. (47, 51, 55, 59, 63)

9a. Generally speaking, to what extent are you now satisfied with your life at present? 1) Quite satisfied; 2) Fairly satisfied; 3) Partly satisfied, partly not; 4) Fairly unsatisfied; 5) Not satisfied at all; 6) Don't know. (47, 51, 55, 59, 63)

10. How would you assess the present economic situation of your household? 1) Very good or fairly good; 2) In between; 3) Bad; 4) Very bad; 5) Don't know. (47, 51, 55, 59, 63)

11. How would you assess the present economic situation in your town (rural area)? 1) Very good or fairly good;

2) In between; 3) Bad; 4) Very bad; 5) Don't know. (47, 51, 55, 59, 63)

12. How would you evaluate the economic situation in Russia? 1) Very good or fairly good; 2) In between; 3) Bad;

4) Very bad; 5) Don't know. (47, 51, 55, 59, 64)

13. Which of the following statements do you think describes the current situation more adequately? 1) Not so bad,

it's quite possible to live in this way; 2) Life is difficult, but you can nonetheless endure it; 3) Our miserable

situation has become intolerable; 4) Don't know. (47, 51, 55, 59, 64)

14. Do you think economic reforms should be continued now or should be stopped? 1) To be continued; 2) To be stopped; 3) Don't know. (47, 51, 55, 59, 64)

19. How would you evaluate political situation on the whole in Russia? 1) Favorable; 2) Quiet; 3) Tense; 4) Dramatic, explosive; 5) Don't know. (47, 51, 55, 59, 64)

20. Generally speaking, how much are you now satisfied with your life? 1) Quite satisfied; 2) Rather satisfied; 3) Partly satisfied, partly not; 4) Rather unsatisfied; 5) Not satisfied at all; 6) Don't know. (47)

22. Do you think our life will become more or less better within a year, or that no improvement will occur? 1) Life

will become more or less better; 2) No improvement will occur; 3) Don't know. (48, 51, 55, 59, 64)

25. Please point out 5 or 6 Russian politicians whom you trust most of all. 1) Vladimir Zhirinovsky; 2) Gennady Zyuganov; 3) Mikhail Kassyanov; 4) Sergey Kiriyenko; 5) Yury Luzhkov; 6) Boris Nemtsov; 7) Evgeny Primakov; 8) Vladimir Putin; 9) Gennady Seleznev; 10) Aman Tuleyev; 11) Irina Hakamada; 12) Sergey Shoigu;

13) Grigory Yavlinsky; 14) None; 15) Don't know. (52, 56, 60, 65)

25*. Please point out 5 or 6 Russian politicians whom you trust most of all. 1) Boris Yeltsin; 2) Vladimir Zhirinovsky;

3) Gennady Zyuganov; 4) Victor Ilyukhin; 5) Mikhail Kassyanov; 6) Sergey Kiriyenko; 7) Alexander Lebed; 8) Yury Luzhkov; 9) Boris Nemtsov; 10) Evgeny Primakov; 11) Vladimir Putin; 12) Gennady Seleznev;

13) Aman Tuleyev; 14) Sviatoslav Fedorov; 15) Victor Chernomyrdin; 16) Grigory Yavlinsky; 17) None; 18) Hard to answer; 19) Others; 20) Don't know. (48)

26. How would you rate on a scale from 1 to 10 the performance of Vladimir Putin as Russia's president? Average

on the scale: (52, 56, 60, 65)

26*. How would you rate on a scale from 1 to 10 the performance of Boris Yeltsin as Russia's president/Vladimir Putin as acting president/Vladimir Putin as Russia's president? Average on the scale: (48)

27. How would you rate on a scale from 1 to 10 the performance of Mikhail Kassyanov as a chairman of the government? Average on the scale: (52, 56, 60, 65)

27*. How would you rate on a scale from 1 to 10 the performance of the chairman of the federal government?

Average on the scale: (48)

27a. How would you rate on a scale from 1 to 10 the performance of the State Duma? Average on the scale: (48)

28. What do you think awaits Russia in the forthcoming months in politics? 1) Serious improvement of the situation;

2) Some improvement of the situation; 3) Some deterioration of the situation; 4) Serious deterioration of the situation; 5) Don't know. (48, 52, 56, 60, 65)

29. What do you think awaits Russia in the forthcoming months in the national economy? 1) Serious improvement of the situation; 2) Some improvement of the situation; 3) Some deterioration of the situation; 4) Serious deterioration of the situation; 5) Don't know. (48, 52, 56, 60, 65)

29a. In your opinion, how much confidence does Russia's acting president Vladimir Putin deserve? 1) Full confidence; 2) Some confidence; 3) No confidence at all; 4) Don't know (52, 56, 60, 65).

29b. In your opinion, how much confidence does the Russian parliament (Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation) deserve? 1) Full confidence; 2) Some confidence; 3) No confidence at all; 4) Don't know (52, 56, 60, 66).

29c. In your opinion, how much confidence does the Government of the Russian Federation deserve? 1) Full confidence; 2) Some confidence; 3) No confidence at all; 4) Don't know (52, 56, 60, 66).

29d. In your opinion, how much confidence do your regional (oblast, kray, republic) authorities deserve? 1) Full confidence; 2) Some confidence; 3) No confidence at all; 4) Don't know (53, 57, 61, 66).

29e. In your opinion, how much confidence do your local (city, district) authorities deserve? 1) Full confidence;

2) Some confidence; 3) No confidence at all; 4) Don't know (53, 57, 61, 66).

291. In your opinion, how much confidence do the political parties deserve? 1) Full confidence; 2) Some confidence;

3) No confidence at all; 4) Don't know (53, 57, 61, 67).

29£. In your opinion, how much confidence does the army deserve? 1) Full confidence; 2) Some confidence; 3) No confidence at all; 4) Don't know (53, 57, 61, 67).

29g. In your opinion, how much confidence does the Federal Security Service deserve? 1) Full confidence; 2) Some confidence; 3) No confidence at all; 4) Don't know (53, 57, 61, 67).

29h. In your opinion, how much confidence do the militia (police), law courts, and prosecutor's offices deserve?

1) Full confidence; 2) Some confidence; 3) No confidence at all; 4) Don't know (53, 57, 61, 67).

29m. In your opinion, how much confidence do attorneys deserve? 1) Full confidence; 2) Some confidence; 3) No confidence at all; 4) Don't know (53, 57, 61, 67).

29i. In your opinion, how much confidence do the trade unions deserve? 1) Full confidence; 2) Some confidence;

3) No confidence at all; 4) Don't know (53, 57, 61, 68).

29j. In your opinion, how much confidence do the Church and religious organisations deserve? 1) Full confidence;

2) Some confidence; 3) No confidence at all; 4) Don't know (53, 57, 61, 68).

29k. In your opinion, how much confidence do the press, radio and television deserve? 1) Full confidence; 2) Some confidence; 3) No confidence at all; 4) Don't know (53, 57, 61, 68).

29o. To what extent in your opinion is the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russian Federation to be trusted now? 1) Is to be trusted fully; 2) Is not quite to be trusted; 3) Is not to be trusted at all; 4) Difficult to answer (52, 56, 60, 66).

29p. To what extent in your opinion is the Public prosecutor's office to be trusted now? 1) Is to be trusted fully; 2) Is not quite to be trusted; 3) Is not to be trusted at all; 4) Difficult to answer (53, 57, 61, 67).

29n. To what extent in your opinion is the Court of law to be trusted now? 1) Is to be trusted fully; 2) Is not quite to be trusted; 3) Is not to be trusted at all; 4) Difficult to answer (53, 57, 61, 67).

31*. Which of the existing now in Russia parties and associations expresses the interests of such people as you to the highest degree? 1) "Zhenschiny Rossii" (A.Fedulova); 2) "Yabloko" (G.Yavlinsky); 3) "Yedinstvo" (S.Shoigu);

4) LDPR (V.Zhirinovsky); 5) "Otechestvo" (Ye.Primakov, Yu.Luzhkov); 6) KPRF (G.Zyuganov); 7) "Soyuz pravykh sil" (B.Nemtsov, I.Khakamada) (54, 58, 62, 68).

32. To what extent are now probable in your town/rural area mass actions of people against the decrease in living standards and for the protection of their rights? 1) Quite probable; 2) Hardly probable; 3) Don't know. (54, 58, 62, 69)

32*. How possible are now in your town/rural area mass actions of people against the price increase and decline in standards of living? 1) Quite possible; 2) Little probable; 3) Don't know. (48)

33. If such rallies and protest demonstrations happen, will you personally take part in them? 1) Most probably yes;

2) Most probably no; 3) Don't know. (54, 58, 62, 69)

33*. If rallies and protest demonstrations against the price increase and decline in standards of living happen, will you personally take part in them? 1) Most probably yes; 2) Most probably no; 3) Don't know. (48)

33c. How probable are in your town/rural area protest actions (demonstrations, rallies, strikes) with political claims of the President or the Federal government resignation? 1) Quite probate; 2) Hardly probable; 3) Don't know. (49, 54, 58, 62, 69)

34. In what way do you think have the money incomes in your household changed during the previous month in comparison with prices? 1) Money incomes were considerably outstripping prices increase; 2) Money stripping were slightly outstripping prices increase; 3) Money incomes were somewhat behind prices increase; 4) Money incomes were considerably behind prices increase; 5) Don't know. (49)

35. Income size per capita per month to live normally, in respondent's opinion. (50, 54, 58, 62, 69)

36. Which of the following statements concerning living standard minimum would you agree with? 1) it is an income level that provides only physical survival; 2) it is an income level that provides modest but more or less decent life; 3) Don't know. (49)

37. The income providing the living standard minimum at present, in respondent's opinion (per capita per month). (50, 54, 58, 62, 69)

38. In what way do you think prices for basic consumer goods and services will change in the coming month or

two? 1) Prices will rise more rapidly than now; 2) Prices will rise at the same rate as now; 3) Prices will rise

more slowly than now; 4) Prices will stay at the same level; 5) Prices will fall; 6) Don't know. (49)

43. Generally speaking, do you think it is good or bad time now for money savings? 1) Good time; 2) Neither good

nor bad; 3) Bad time; 4) Don't know. (49)

LL10. Average monthly money income per capita for the family to be considered poor. (50, 54, 58, 62, 69)

LL11. Average monthly money income per capita for the family to be considered rich. (50, 54, 58, 62, 69)

O6+O10. Respondent's earnings in main and extra jobs during last month. (50, 54, 58, 62, 69)

O10. Respondent's earning in extra job during last month. (50, 54, 58, 62, 69)

O15b:5. Average income per capita during the last month. (50, 54, 58, 62, 69)

O25:5. Average per capita income: (50)

O26. Please specify in the list below the goods available in your household: 1) Colour TV; 2) Photo camera; 3) Clock radio; 4) Mixer; 5) Electric drilling machine; 6) Stereo/radio system; 7) Separate freezing camera; 8) Microwave oven; 9) VC recorder; 10) Video camera; 11) Vacuum cleaner; 12) Personal computer; 13) Piano; 14) Brand-new car; 15) Second-hand car; 16) Summer cottage, house on a plot of land; 17) Village house (for urban residents); 18) Plot of land where vegetables or fruit are cultivated; 19) CD player; 20) None of the above. (49)

Questions of ’Express’ Survey

17A. To what extent in your opinion is the President of Russia to be trusted now? 1) Is to be trusted fully; 2) Is not quite to be trusted; 3) Is not to be trusted at all; 4) Difficult to answer (70, 72, 74).

17B. To what extent in your opinion is the Parliament to be trusted now? 1) Is to be trusted fully; 2) Is not quite to be trusted; 3) Is not to be trusted at all; 4) Difficult to answer (70, 72, 74).

17C. To what extent in your opinion is the Government of Russia to be trusted now? 1) Is to be trusted fully; 2) Is not quite to be trusted; 3) Is not to be trusted at all; 4) Difficult to answer (70, 72, 74).

17D. To what extent in your opinion are the local authorities in your town, district to be trusted now? 1) Are to be trusted fully; 2) Are not quite to be trusted; 3) Are not to be trusted at all; 4) Difficult to answer (70, 72, 74).

17E. To what extent in your opinion are television, newspapers and radio of Russia to be trusted now? 1) Are to be trusted fully; 2) Are not quite to be trusted; 3) Are not to be trusted at all; 4) Difficult to answer (70, 72, 74).

19. Do you think there are significant oppositional parties, movements in Russia now? 1) Yes, there are significant oppositional parties, movements; 2) No, there are no significant parties, movements; 3) Difficult to answer (70, 72, 74).

20. Do you believe public organizations will act properly if they take from Berezovsky financial means the allotting of which he announced? 1) Certainly yes; 2) Most likely yes; 3) Most likely not; 4) Certainly not; 5) Difficult to answer (70, 72, 74).

21A. In what words could you describe your attitude to Vladimir Putin? 1) Admiration; 2) Liking; 3) Can say nothing bad about him; 4) Neutral, indifferent; 5) Watchful, temporizing; 6) Can say nothing good about him; 7) Antipathy; 8) Aversion; 9) Difficult to answer (70, 72, 74).

21B. To what degree do you trust Vladimir Putin? 1) Trust completely; 2) Most likely yes; 3) Most likely no; 4) Completely distrust; 5) Difficult to answer (71, 72, 75).

22. Which evaluation of Putin's activity as the President of Russia would you rather agree with? 1) I fully share Putin's views and positions; 2) I am willing to support Putin until he is willing to carry out democratic and market reforms in Russia; 3) I used to like Putin but recently I have disappointed in him; 4) I wasn't fond of Putin so far but I hope he'll be useful to Russia in future; 5) I support Putin for lack of other worthy politicians; 6) I am not Putin's supporter; 7) I believe anyone to be supported but Putin; 8) Difficult to answer (71, 73, 75).

29. Do you personally feel sorry for the collapse of the USSR? 1) Yes, I do; 2) No, I don't; 3) Difficult to answer (76, 78, 80).

30. What role do you think CIS plays in the relations between countries it consists of? 1) Helps to keep up good-neighbour relations; 2) Sharpens contradictions; 3) Doesn't play great role in relations between countries; 4) Difficult to answe (76, 78, 80).

31. What future do you think awaits CIS? 1) Integration, strengthening of ties between the Republics; 2) Long and difficult search for consensus; 3) Growth of conflicts between the Republics; 4) The collapse of CIS; 5) Difficult to answer (76, 78, 80).

32. How would you assess the present role of Russia in the space of the former Soviet Union? 1) Russia takes care of keeping the order on the territory of the former USSR, is a guarantee of peace and stability in the region;

2) Russia pursues its own policy without interfering in the matters of the other countries in the region; 3) Russia pursues an imperial policy and threatens the sovereignty of other countries in the region; 4) Difficult to answer (76, 78, 80).

33A. How would you evaluate on the whole the present relations between Russia and other Republics of the former USSR? 1) Friendly; 2) Good, neighbourly; 3) Normal, stable; 4) Cool; 5) Tense; 6) Hostile; 7) Difficult to answer (76, 78, 80).

33B. In what way would you evaluate in particular the relations between Russia and Ukraine? 1) Friendly; 2) Good, neighbourly; 3) Normal, stable; 4) Cool; 5) Tense; 6) Hostile; 7) Difficult to answer (76, 78, 80).

33C. In what way would you evaluate in particular the relations between Russia and Belarus? 1) Friendly; 2) Good, neighbourly; 3) Normal, stable; 4) Cool; 5) Tense; 6) Hostile; 7) Difficult to answer (77, 78, 81).

34A. In what way do you think Russian television and newspapers cover in most cases the events taking place now in Ukraine? 1) Objectively and impartially; 2) In a biased way, non objectively; 3) Difficult to answer (77, 79, 81).

34B. In what way do you think Russian television and newspapers cover in most cases the events taking place now in Belarus? 1) Objectively and impartially; 2) In a biased way, non objectively; 3) Difficult to answer (77, 79, 81).

35. Would you like Ukraine to join the Commonwealth of Belarus and Russia? 1) Certainly yes; 2) Most likely yes;

3) Most likely not; 4) Difficult to answer (77, 79, 81).

36. Which of the following points of view on Russian domestic policy do you agree with most of all? 1) Domestic policy should be carried out taking the reaction of the West into consideration; 2) Domestic policy should be carried out without regarding the West; 3) Difficult to answer (82, 85, 88).

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37A. Does it seem to you that Russia has really become a full and equal member of "The Eight" of most influential world nations? If not, why first of all do you think so? 1) Has become a full and equal member of "The Eight";

2) Hasn't become an equal member because of lagging behind the leading countries in economical development;

3) Hasn't become an equal member because of lagging behind the leading countries in democracy level;

4) Hasn't become because of unstable political situation; 5) Hasn't become because of resistance of the Western countries; 6) Hasn't become because of other reasons; 7) Difficult to tell whether Russia has or hasn't become a member of "The Eight" (82, 85, 88).

37B. Do you believe Russia should strive for remaining the permanent member of "The Eight"? 1) Yes; 2) No;

3) Difficult to answer (82, 85, 88).

38. In what way would you evaluate on the whole the relations between Russia and the United States at present?

1) Friendly; 2) Good, neighbourly; 3) Normal, stable; 4) Cool; 5) Tense; 6) Hostile; 7) Difficult to answer (82, 85, 88). 39A. What is your attitude at large now to the United States? 1) Very good; 2) Mainly good; 3) Mainly bad; 4) Bad;

5) Difficult to answe (82, 85, 88).

39B. What is your attitude at large now to the Americans as a people? 1) Very good; 2) Mainly good; 3) Mainly bad;

4) Bad; 5) Difficult to answer (82, 85, 89).

40. What do you think of the future summit of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and the President of the USA George Bush? 1) This is an extremely important event in the life of Russia; 2) Rather important event in the life of Russia; 3) Not very important even; 4) Absolutely unimportant event; 5) Difficult to answer (82, 85, 89).

41. Do you think the USA withdrawal from the Treaty on anti-missile defense, which has so far limited the construction by both sides of anti-missile defense systems, threatens Russia security? 1) Threatens very seriously; 2) Threatens rather seriously; 3) Doesn't threaten very much; 4) Doesn't threaten Russia security at all; 5) Difficult to answer (83, 86, 89).

42. In what way should Russia react, in your opinion, to the USA withdrawal from the Anti-missile defense treaty and making up new national anti-missile defense system? 1) Build up the analogous defense system;

2) Strengthen offensive arms capable to defeat the USA defense system; 3) Take the actions of the Americans easy, as their defense system isn't aimed at Russia but at other countries; 4) Try to take part in building up a new defense system in order to make it a system of collective security against possible enemies; 5) Difficult to answer (83, 86, 89).

43. Which of the following countries would you point out to as the most probable enemies in the probable future war conflicts? 1) Azerbaijan; 2) England/Great Britain; 3) Armenia; 4) Afghanistan/Talibs; 5) The Arab countries (Syria, Libya, Iraq); 6) Baltic countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia); 7) Eastern Europe countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary); 8) Belarus; 9) Germany; 10) Georgia; 11) Israel; 12) India; 13) Iran;

14) Kazakhstan; 15) China; 16) Cuba; 17) North Korea; 18) USA; 19) Tajikistan; 20) Turkey; 21) Uzbekistan; 22) Ukraine; 23) France; 24) Yugoslavia; 25) Japan; 26) Other; 27) No such countries; 28) Don't foresee any war conflicts; 29) Difficult to answer (83, 86).

44. Which of the following countries, to your mind, Russia may depend on most of all as its allies in the future probable war conflicts? 1) Azerbaijan; 2) England/ Great Britain; 3) Armenia; 4) Afghanistan/ Talibs; 5) The Arab countries (Syria, Libya, Iraq); 6) Baltic countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia); 7) Eastern Europe countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary); 8) Belarus; 9) Germany; 10) Georgia; 11) Israel; 12) India; 13) Iran;

14) Kazakhstan; 15) China; 16) Cuba; 17) North Korea; 18) USA; 19) Tajikistan; 20) Turkey; 21) Uzbekistan; 22) Ukraine; 23) France; 24) Yugoslavia; 25) Japan; 26) Other; 27) No such countries; 28) Don't foresee any war conflicts; 29) Difficult to answer (84, 87).

45. June 12 is a holiday. Do you know for sure what holiday is celebrated in Russia on this day? 1) Anniversary of the first President of Russia election; 2) Anniversary of adopting the Declaration of Independence of Russia;

3) Russia Independence Day; 4) Other; 5) Don't know, difficult to answer; 6) Don't consider this day a holiday (71, 73, 75).

46. Do you think independence made good or harm to Russia and other Republics of the former USSR? 1) Certainly more good; 2) Rather good than harm; 3) Rather harm than good; 4) Certainly more harm; 5) Difficult to answer (71, 73, 75).

47. To what extent are you aware of the essence of the education reform that is going on now? 1) Rather well; 2) In general; 3) Rather badly; 4) Never heard about it; 5) Difficult to answer (90, 92).

48. In what way would the quality of education be influenced, in your opinion, by introducing the state inscribed stock by which the budget money would be transferred to an educational institution as a fee for a particular student education? 1) They would considerably improve the quality of education; 2) They would somewhat improve the quality of education; 3) They would neither improve, nor worsen the quality of education; 4) They would somewhat worsen the education quality; 5) They would considerably worsen the education quality;

6) Difficult to answer (90, 92).

49A. What is your attitude to the idea of prolonging the term of secondary education from 11 to 12 years? 1) Completely positive; 2) Rather positive; 3) Rather negative; 4) Absolutely negative; 5) Difficult to answer (90, 92).

49B. What is your attitude to the idea of canceling entrance examinations to higher educational institutions and entering them on the basis of the unified national exam that is passed on finishing school? 1) Completely positive; 2) Rather positive; 3) Rather negative; 4) Absolutely negative; 5) Difficult to answer (90, 92).

50A. What do you believe can better judge the pupil's knowledge level: oral exam or written test? 1) Oral exam;

2) Written test; 3) Difficult to answer (90, 92).

50B. Where do you think there is less opportunity for abuse of evaluating knowledge (putting a mark): at oral exam or in processing the results of written test? 1) At oral exam; 2) While processing the results of written test;

3) Difficult to answer (90, 92).

51. To what extent do you believe it is important for a person, his future career to study well at school? 1) Very important; 2) Somewhat important; 3) Not very important; 4) Not important at all; 5) Difficult to answer (90, 92).

52A. The certificate of what higher educational institution, to your mind, is trusted more now: a Russian one or a

foreign one? 1) Russian; 2) Foreign; 3) Both equally; 4) Difficult to answer (91, 92).

52B. The certificate of what higher educational institution, to your mind, is trusted more now: a state one or a

private (paid) one? 1) State; 2) Private; 3) Both equally; 4) Difficult to answer (91, 92).

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