Научная статья на тему 'Информация: результаты опросов'

Информация: результаты опросов Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы —

This part contains tables presenting findings of the surveys as follows: Section I contains technical notes. Section II presents data on the trends in attitudes, opinions, and assessments of the population from 'Monitoring' survey. Trends, July 1997 Novemder 2000; groups by social-demografic characteristics, November 2000. Section III presents findings of the second wave in the international survey "Consolidation of Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe" conducted in 1998-1999

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Текст научной работы на тему «Информация: результаты опросов»

List of Questions for the General Population

(Page numbers in brackets indicate where opinions and characteristics of various groups of population are presented)

7. What news telecasts did you watch more or less regularly during the last month? 1) Dobroye Utro (ORT);

2) Vesti (RTR); 3) Vremya (ORT); 4) Zerkalo (RTR); 5) Novosti (ORT); 6) Itogi (NTV); 7) Nedelya (TVC);

8) Novosti (Stolitsa); 9) Novosti (TV6); 10) Segodnya in the morning (NTV); 11) Segodnya (NTV); 12) Segodnya at midnight (NTV); 13) Sobytiya (TVC); 14) Vremechko (TVC); 15) Segodnyachko (NTV); 16) News on ’Kultura’ Channel; 17) News on region or city channels; 18) Foreign news telecasts (CNN, etc.); 19) Didn't watch any news on TV. (71, 76, 81, 85)

8. Which of the following newspapers do you read more or less regularly? 1) Argumenty i Fakty; 2) Vedomosti;

3) Vremya MN; 4) Vremya Novostey: 5) Zavtra; 6) Izvestia; 7) Kommersant-Daily; 8) Komsomolskaya Pravda;

9) Moskovsky Komsomolets; 10) Nezavisimaya Gazeta; 11) Novaya Gazeta; 12) Novye Izvestia; 13) Obshchaya Gazeta; 14) Pravda; 15) Parlamentskaya Gazeta; 16) Rossiyskaya Gazeta; 17) Segodnya; 18) Sovershenno Sekretno; 19) Sovetskaya Rossiya; 20) Spid-Info; 21) Sport Express; 22) Trud; 23) Ya - Molodoy; 24) Other nation-wide newspaper; 25) Local (region, city, district) politically oriented daily; 26) Local (region, city, district) politically oriented weekly; 27) Other local newspapers (entertainment, advertising, etc.); 28) Don't read newspapers regularly. (71, 76, 81,86)

9. What could you say about your mood during the last few days? 1) Excellent mood; 2) Normal, balanced state of mind; 3) Feeling tense, irritated; 4) Experiencing fear, melancholy; 5) Don't know. (66, 72, 77, 82, 86)

9a. Generally speaking, to what extent are you now satisfied with your life at present? 1) Quite satisfied; 2) Fairly satisfied; 3) Partly satisfied, partly not; 4) Fairly unsatisfied; 5) Not satisfied at all; 6) Don't know. (73, 77, 82, 87)

10. How would you assess the present economic situation of your household? 1) Very good or fairly good; 2) In between; 3) Bad; 4) Very bad; 5) Don't know. (66, 72, 77, 82, 87)

11. How would you assess the present economic situation in your town (rural area)? 1) Very good or fairly good;

2) In between; 3) Bad; 4) Very bad; 5) Don’t know. (66, 72, 77, 82, 87)

12. How would you evaluate the economic situation in Russia? 1) Very good or fairly good; 2) In between; 3) Bad;

4) Very bad; 5) Don't know. (66, 72, 77, 82, 87)

13. Which of the following statements do you think describes the current situation more adequately? 1) Not so bad, it's quite possible to live in this way; 2) Life is difficult, but you can nonetheless endure it; 3) Our miserable situation has become intolerable; 4) Don't know. (66, 72, 77, 82, 87)

14. Do you think economic reforms should be continued now or should be stopped? 1) To be continued; 2) To be stopped; 3) Don't know. (67, 72, 77, 82, 87)

19. How would you evaluate political situation on the whole in Russia? 1) Favorable; 2) Quiet; 3) Tense; 4) Dramatic, explosive; 5) Don’t know. (67, 72, 77, 82, 87)

20. Generally speaking, how much are you now satisfied with your life? 1) Quite satisfied; 2) Rather satisfied; 3) Partly satisfied, partly not; 4) Rather unsatisfied; 5) Not satisfied at all; 6) Don't know. (66)

22. Do you think our life will become more or less better within a year, or that no improvement will occur? 1) Life will become more or less better; 2) No improvement will occur; 3) Don't know. (67, 72, 77, 82, 87)

25. Please point out 5 or 6 Russian politicians whom you trust most of all. 1) Vladimir Zhirinovsky; 2) Gennady

Zyuganov; 3) Mikhail Kassyanov; 4) Sergey Kiriyenko; 5) Yury Luzhkov; 6) Boris Nemtsov; 7) Evgeny Primakov; 8) Vladimir Putin; 9) Gennady Seleznev; 10) Aman Tuleyev; 11) Sergey Shoigu; 12) Grigory

Yavlinsky; 13) None; 14) Don't know. (73, 78, 83, 88)

25*. Please point out 5 or 6 Russian politicians whom you trust most of all. 1) Boris Yeltsin; 2) Vladimir Zhirinovsky;

3) Gennady Zyuganov; 4) Sergey Kiriyenko; 5) Yury Luzhkov; 6) Boris Nemtsov; 7) Evgeny Primakov; 8) Vladimir Putin; 9) Gennady Seleznev; 10) Aman Tuleyev; 11) Grigory Yavlinsky; 12) None; 13) Hard to answer; 14) Don't know. (67)

26. How would you rate on a scale from 1 to 10 the performance of Vladimir Putin as Russia's president? Average on the scale: (73, 78, 83, 88)

26*. How would you rate on a scale from 1 to 10 the performance of Boris Yeltsin as Russia's president/Vladimir Putin as acting president/Vladimir Putin as Russia's president? Average on the scale: (67)

27. How would you rate on a scale from 1 to 10 the performance of Mikhail Kassyanov as a chairman of the government? Average on the scale: (73, 78, 83, 88)

27*. How would you rate on a scale from 1 to 10 the performance of the chairman of the federal government? Average on the scale: (68)

27a. How would you rate on a scale from 1 to 10 the performance of the State Duma? Average on the scale: (67, 73, 78, 83, 88)

27b. How would you rate on the scale from 1 to 10 the performance of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia? Average on the scale: (73, 78, 83, 88)

28. What do you think awaits Russia in the forthcoming months in politics? 1) Serious improvement of the situation; 2) Some improvement of the situation; 3) Some deterioration of the situation; 4) Serious deterioration of the situation; 5) Don't know. (67, 73, 78, 83, 88)

29. What do you think awaits Russia in the forthcoming months in the national economy? 1) Serious improvement of the situation; 2) Some improvement of the situation; 3) Some deterioration of the situation; 4) Serious deterioration of the situation; 5) Don't know. (68, 73, 78, 83, 88)

32. To what extent are now probable in your town/rural area mass actions of people against the decrease in living standards and for the protection of their rights? 1) Quite probable; 2) Hardly probable; 3) Don't know. (73, 78, 83, 88)

32*. How possible are now in your town/rural area mass actions of people against the price increase and decline in standards of living? 1) Quite possible; 2) Little probable; 3) Don't know. (69)

33. If such rallies and protest demonstrations happen, will you personally take part in them? 1) Most probably yes; 2) Most probably no; 3) Don't know. (73, 78, 83, 88)

33*. If rallies and protest demonstrations against the price increase and decline in standards of living happen, will you personally take part in them? 1) Most probably yes; 2) Most probably no; 3) Don't know. (68)

33c. How probable are in your town/rural area protest actions (demonstrations, rallies, strikes) with political claims of the President or the Federal government resignation? 1) Quite probable; 2) Hardly probable; 3) Don't know. (68, 73, 78, 83, 89)

33da. Would you personally support protest actions demanding the President resignation? 1) Definitely yes;

2) Probably yes; 3) Probably no; 4) Definitely no; 5) Don't know. (68, 73, 79, 83, 89)

33db. Would you personally support protest actions demanding the Federal government resignation? 1) Definitely yes; 2) Probably yes; 3) Probably no; 4) Definitely no; 5) Don't know. (68, 74, 79, 83, 89)

33dc. Would you personally support protest actions claiming that the State Duma should be dissolved?

1) Definitely yes; 2) Probably yes; 3) Probably no; 4) Definitely no; 5) Don't know. (68, 74, 79, 83, 89)

33dd. Would you personally support protest actions claiming that local administrators should resign? 1) Definitely

yes; 2) Probably yes; 3) Probably no; 4) Definitely no; 5) Don't know. (68, 74, 79, 84, 89)

34. In what way do you think have the money incomes in your household changed during the previous month in comparison with prices? 1) Money incomes were considerably outstripping prices increase; 2) Money stripping were slightly outstripping prices increase; 3) Money incomes were somewhat behind prices increase; 4) Money incomes were considerably behind prices increase; 5) Don't know. (68, 74, 79, 84, 89)

35. Income size per capita per month to live normally, in respondent's opinion. (70, 75, 80, 84, 90)

36. Which of the following statements concerning living standard minimum would you agree with? 1) it is an income level that provides only physical survival; 2) it is an income level that provides modest but more or less decent life; 3) Don't know. (69, 74, 79, 84, 89)

37. The income providing the living standard minimum at present, in respondent's opinion (per capita per month). (70, 75, 80, 84, 90)

38. In what way do you think prices for basic consumer goods and services will change in the coming month or

two? 1) Prices will rise more rapidly than now; 2) Prices will rise at the same rate as now; 3) Prices will rise

more slowly than now; 4) Prices will stay at the same level; 5) Prices will fall; 6) Don't know. (69, 74, 79, 84, 89)

43. Generally speaking, do you think it is good or bad time now for money savings? 1) Good time; 2) Neither good nor bad; 3) Bad time; 4) Don't know. (69)

LL10. Average monthly money income per capita for the family to be considered poor. (70, 75, 80, 84, 90)

LL11. Average monthly money income per capita for the family to be considered rich. (70, 75, 80, 84, 90)

O7. Have you received by the present moment the wages, income from your main job for August 2000? 1) No;

2) Just a part; 3) Yes and in full. (74, 79, 84, 90)

O8A. Did you have any job or occupation last month, that brought additional income besides your main job or

occupation? 1) Yes; 2) I had odd extra earnings; 3) No. (74, 79, 84, 90)

O6+O10. Respondent's earnings in main and extra jobs during last month. (70, 75, 80, 84)

O10. Respondent's earning in extra job during last month. (70, 75, 80, 84, 90)

O15b:5. Average income per capita during the last month. (75, 80, 84, 90)

O25:5. Average per capita income: (70)

O26. Please specify in the list below the goods available in your household: 1) Colour TV; 2) Photo camera; 3) Clock radio; 4) Mixer; 5) Electric drilling machine; 6) Stereo/radio system; 7) Separate freezing camera; 8) Microwave oven; 9) VC recorder; 10) Video camera; 11) Vacuum cleaner; 12) Personal computer; 13) Piano; 14) Brand-new car; 15) Second-hand car; 16) Summer cottage, house on a plot of land; 17) Village house (for urban residents); 18) Plot of land where vegetables or fruit are cultivated; 19) CD player; 20) None of the above. (69)

Ql_l. How Often do you read about politics in the newspaper? 1) Often; 2) Some-times; 3) Seldom; 4) Never; 5) Don't know; 6) No answer. (91)

Q 1_2. How Often do you discuss politics with other people? 1) Often; 2) Some-times; 3) Seldom; 4) Never; 5) Don't know; 6) No answer. (91)

Q 1_5. How Often do you try to convince friends to vote the same as you? 1) Often; 2) Some-times; 3) Seldom; 4) Never 5) Don't know; 6) No answer. (91)

Q 11____1. How strongly do you associate democracy with political liberties e.g. freedom of speech, freedom of association?

1) A lot; 2) Something; 3) Not much; 4) Nothing; 5) Don't know; 6) No answer. (91)

Q 11_2. How strongly do you associate democracy with greater social equality? 1) A lot; 2) Something; 3) Not much;

4) Nothing; 5) Don't know; 6) No answer. (91)

Q 11_3. How strongly do you associate democracy with that many political and administrative decisions can be made at local and regional levels? 1) A lot; 2) Something; 3) Not much; 4) Nothing; 5) Don't know; 6) No answer. (91)

Q 11_4. How strongly do you associate democracy with less corruption and lees selling of influence? 1) A lot;

2) Something; 3) Not much; 4) Nothing; 5) Don't know; 6) No answer. (91)

Q 11_5. How strongly do you associate democracy with freedom in moral and sexual maters? 1) A lot; 2) Something;

3) Not much; 4) Nothing; 5) Don't know; 6) No answer. (91)

Q 11_6. How strongly do you associate democracy with that judges provide equal justice before the law? 1) A lot;

2) Something; 3) Not much; 4) Nothing; 5) Don’t know; 6) No answer. (92)

Q 11_7. How strongly do you associate democracy with that the government controls bank and large private

enterprises? 1) A lot; 2) Something; 3) Not much; 4) Nothing; 5) Don't know; 6) No answer. (92)

Q 11_8. How strongly do you associate democracy with equal rights for women? 1) A lot; 2) Something; 3) Not much;

4) Nothing; 5) Don't know; 6) No answer. (92)

Q 11_9. How strongly do you associate democracy with more jobs, less unemployment? 1) A lot; 2) Something; 3) Not much; 4) Nothing; 5) Don't know; 6) No answer. (92)

Q 11__10. How strongly do you associate democracy with that economic conditions improve? 1) A lot; 2) Something; 3) Not

much; 4) Nothing; 5) Don't know; 6) No answer. (92)

Q 11__11. How strongly do you associate democracy with multi-party system? 1) A lot; 2) Something; 3) Not much;

4) Nothing; 5) Don't know; 6) No answer. (92)

Q 11__12. How strongly do you associate democracy with Citizen's right to participate? 1) A lot; 2) Something; 3) Not

much; 4) Nothing; 5) Don't know; 6) No answer. (92)

Q 14. Do you personally feel that the creation of a free market economy, that is the one largely free form state control, is right or wrong for your country? 1) Right; 2) Wrong; 3) Don't know; 4) No answer. (92)

Q 3. Do you believe that democracy is the form of government or is the another form of government, which is better? 1) Best form; 2) Undecided; 3) Another form is better; 4) Don't know; 5) No answer. (92)

Q 4. Do you believe that the democracy is the best form of government or is the another form of government which is better? 1) Best form; 2) Undecided; 3) Another form is better; 4) Don't know; 5) No answer. (93)

Q 5. How much respect is there for individual human rights nowadays in your country? 1) A lot; 2) Some respect;

3) Not much; respect; 4) No respect at all; 5) Don't know; 6) No answer. (93)

Q 34. Do you consider that "communism" to be a good idea that was badly carried out? 1) Yes; 2) Undecided; 3) No;

4) Don't know; 5) No answer. (93)

Q 36. How proud are you to be a Russian? 1) Very proud; 2) Quite proud; 3) Not very proud; 4) Not at all proud;

5) Don't know; 6) No answer. (93)

Q 28. Considering the money people earn from their work, do you think that...? 1) There should be large differences; 2) There should be some differences; 3) There should be practically no differences; 4) Don't know; 5) No answer. (93)

Q 29. Compared with the life your parents lived at your age, do you think you are, financially speaking, doing better,

the same, or worse? 1) Better; 2) Same; 3) Worse; 4) Don't know; 5) No answer. (93)

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Q 30. Compared with most of the people in your neighborhood, do you think that you are, financially speaking, doing better, the same, or worse? 1) Better; 2) Same; 3) Worse; 4) Don't know; 5) No answer. (93)

Q 31. In general, do you think that in your country things are changing too fast, at the right speed, or too slowly?

1) Too fast; 2) Right speed; 3) Too slowly; 4) Don't know; 5) No answer. (93)

Q 42. Would you say that this country is run by a few big interests looking out for themselves or that it is run for the benefit of all the people? 1) All the people; 2) A few big interests; 3) Don't know; 4) No answer. (93)

Q 44. Do you think that elections are the best way to choose a government and the authorities of the country or do you not think so? 1) Yes, they are the best way; 2) No, they are not the best way; 3) Don't know; 4) No answer. (93)

Q 45. Do you think that in order for things to go well, we need a parliament? 1) We need a parliament; 2) We could do without it; 3) Don't know; 4) No answer. (93)

Q 51. Do you think that if you had lived in a western country you would have got on better or it would have been

the same it would have been worse? 1) Got on better; 2) Been the same; 3) Have been worse; 4) Don't know;

5) No answer. (93)

Q 52___1. Do you agree with the statements or not: our country needs a kind of development typical of the western

countries? 1) Agree; 2) Disagree; 3) Don't know; 4) No answer. (94)

Q 52_2. Do you agree with the statements or not: democracy will never be consolidated in our country? 1) Agree;

2) Disagree; 3) Don't know; 4) No answer. (94)

Q 52_4. Do you agree with the statements or not: democracy in your country will be consolidated in a difficult process? 1) Agree; 2) Disagree; 3) Don't know; 4) No answer. (94)

Q 57__1. Do you agree or disagree with following statements: we need political parties if we want democratic

development? 1) Agree; 2) Disagree; 3) Don't know; 4) No answer. (94)

Q 57_2. Do you agree or disagree with following statements: I can't see any difference between the existing parties?

1) Agree; 2) disagree; 3) Don't know; 4) No answer. (94)

Q 57_3. Do you agree or disagree with following statements: parties provide opportunity to participate in political activities? 1) Agree; 2) disagree; 3) Don't know; 4) No answer. (94)

Q 57_4. Do you agree or disagree with following statements: parties only serve their leaders' interests? 1) Agree;

2) Disagree; 3) Don't know; 4) No answer. (94)

Q 61_1. Do you agree or disagree with following statements: the capitalist economy, based on free private initiative, is the best economic system for our country? 1) Agree; 2) Disagree; 3) Don't know; 4) No answer. (94)

Q 65__1. Do you approve of a community using a petition to protest or do you think that they are unacceptable?

1) Approve strongly; 2) Approve; 3) Disapprove; 4) Disapprove strongly; 5) Don't know; 6) No answer. (94)

Q 65_2. Do you approve of a community using a boycotts to protest or do you think that they are unacceptable? 1) Approve strongly; 2) Approve; 3) Disapprove; 4) Disapprove strongly; 5) Don't know; 6) No answer. (94)

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