Научная статья на тему 'List of questions for the general population (page numbers in brackets indicate where opinions and characteristics of various groups of population are presented!'

List of questions for the general population (page numbers in brackets indicate where opinions and characteristics of various groups of population are presented! Текст научной статьи по специальности «Искусствоведение»

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Текст научной работы на тему «List of questions for the general population (page numbers in brackets indicate where opinions and characteristics of various groups of population are presented!»

list of Questions for the General Population

(Page numbers in brackets indicate where opinions and characteristics of various groups ol population are presented!

9. What could you say about your mood in the recent days? 1) Excellent mood; 2) Normal, calm condition;

3) I experience strain, irritation; 4) I feel fear, distress; 5) Difficult to answer. (77,85,90,95,101,107)

9a. Speaking in general to what extent are you satisfied with the life you are leading now? 1) Quite satisfied; 2) Mainly satisfied;

3) Partly satisfied, partly not; 4) Mainly not satisfied; 5) Not satisfied at all; 6) Difficult to answer. (85, 90, 95,101,107)

10. How would you evaluate the financial position of your family at present? 1 )Very good; 2) Good; 3) Average; 4) Bad; 5) Very bad; 6) Difficult to answer. (77, 85, 90, 95,101,107)

11. How would you evaluate the economic situation in your town, rural district? 1) Good; 2) Average; 3) Bad; 4) Very bad;

5) Difficult to answer. (78, 85, 90, 95,101,108)

12. How would you evaluate the economic situation in Russia? 1) Good; 2) Average; 3) Bad; 4) Very bad; 5) Difficult to answer. (78, 85, 90, 95,102,108)

13. What do you think, which of the statements given below describes better the situation having been developed?

1) Everything is not so bad and it's possible to live; 2) Life is difficult but it's possible to bear it; 3) It's impossible to bear our disastrous situation any longer; 4) Difficult to answer. (78, 86,90,96,102,109)

^. What do you think, will you (your family) live better or worse then now in a year? 1) Better to a great extent;

2) Somewhat better; 3) The same matter as now; 4) Somewhat worse; 5) Worse to a great extent;

6) Difficult to answer. (79, 86, 91, 96,102,109)

13B. Which of the following statements most exactly describes your attitude to the present life? 1) «I simply can't adapt to the present life»; 2) «I've got accustomed to the fact that I had to refuse from customary way of life, to live, limiting myself in great and small»; 3) I have to «spin», seize upon any opportunity to earn only to provide a tolerable life for my family and me»; 4) «I succeeded in using new opportunities to achieve more in life»; 5) «I live in the same way as before: nothing has particularly changed for me in the recent years»; 6) Difficult to answer. (79, 86, 91, 96,102,109)

14. What do you think, market reforms should be continued now or ceased? 1) Market reforms should be continued;

2) Market reforms should be ceased; 3) I don't know, it's difficult to answer. (80,86,91,96,102,109)

19. How would you evaluate the political situation in Russia in general? 1) Safe, good; 2) Calm; 3) Strained; 4) Critical, explosive; 5) Difficult to answer. (86, 91, 96,102,109)

20. Generally speaking, how much are you now satisfied with your life? 1) Quite satisfied; 2) Rather satisfied; 3) Partly satisfied, partly not; 4) Rather unsatisfied; 5) Not satisfied at all; 6) Don't know. (77)

22. What do you think, will our life improve more or less during the coming year or there will be no improvement? 1) Will improve; 2) There will be no improvement; 3) Difficult to answer. (80, 86, 91, 96,103,110)

26. How would you evaluate from 1 to 10 the activity of V.Putin as the President of Russia? (86,91,96,103,110)

26*. How would you rate on a scale from 1 to 10 the performance of Boris Yeltsin as Russia's president/Vladimir Putin as acting president/Vladimir Putin as Russia's president? Average on the scale. (81)

27. How would you evaluate from 1 to 10 the activity of M.Fradkov, chairman of the minister cabinet? (86,91, 97,103,110) 27*. How would you evaluate from 1 to 10 the activity of chairman of the minister cabinet? (81)

28. What do you think, what awaits Russia in the nearest months in the political life? 1) Considerable improvement of the situation; 2) Some improvement of the situation; 3) Some change of the situation to the worse; 4) Considerable change of the situation to the worse; 5) Difficult to answer. (81, 87, 91, 97,103,110)

29. What do you think, what awaits Russia in the nearest months in the economic life? 1) Considerable improvement of the situation; 2) Some improvement of the situation; 3) Some change of the situation to the worse; 4) Considerable change of the situation to the worse; 5) Difficult to answer. (81, 87, 91, 97,103,110)

31 a. What of the following problems of our society worry you most of all and which you believe to be the most urgent ones? 1) Poverty, impoverishing of the majority of population; 2) Prices growth; 3) Unemployment increase; 4) Economic crisis, poor condition of industry and agriculture; 5) Increase of criminal offences rate; 6) Morals and cultural crisis; 7) Environment deteriorating; 8) Threat of explosions and other terrorist actions in your neighborhood; 9) Nationalism increase, national relationships worsening: 10) Inaccessibility of many kinds of medical services; 11) Increase of drug addiction rate; 12) Dramatic stratification into the poor and the rich, unfair income distribution; 13) Increase of education costs and its inaccessibility; 14) Limitation of civil rights, democratic freedom (of speech, of the press, etc); 15) Corruption, bribery; 16) Dominance, arbitrariness of officials; 17) Impossibility of getting fair treatment in court; 18) Rudeness, cruelty of militia servicemen; 19) Weakness of government authority; 20) Conflicts between various branches of power at different


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levels; 21) Withholding wages, pensions, benefits, etc.; 22) Warfare in Chechnya; 23) AIDS sick rate growth; 24) Influx of newcomers, migrants; 25) Something else (what particular); 26) Difficult to answer. (87, 92, 97,103,111)

32. What do you think, to what extent mass violence of the population against the decrease of the living standard and for the defense of their rights is possible now in your town/rural district? 1) Quite possible; 2) Hardly possible; 3) I don’t know, difficult to answer. (81, 87, 92, 98,104,111)

33. If such rallies and protest demonstrations happen, will you personally take part in them? 1) Most probably yes; 2) Most probably no; 3) Don’t know. (81, 87, 93, 98,104,111)

33c. Is the protest movement with political demands possible in your town/rural district? 1) Quite possible; 2) Hardly possible; 3) I don’t know, difficult to answer. (81, 87, 93, 98,104,111) 35. How much money does your family need now per capita month to lead a normal, to your idea, life? (84, 89,94,100,106,114) 37. The income that would provide in respondent’s opinion the «the minimum living standard»? (84, 89, 94,100, 106,114)

42. To speak of the major purchases for the family (such as furniture, refrigerator, household electronics, TV set) do you think this is on the whole a good or a bad time now for such purchases? 1) Good; 2) Neither good nor bad; 3) Bad; 4) Difficult to answer. (82, 88, 93, 99,105,113)

43. To speak in general, do you think this is a bad or a good time now to save up money? 1) Good; 2) Neither good nor bad; 3) Bad; 4) Difficult to answer. (83, 88, 93, 99,105,113)

L15. How has the financial situation of your family changed during the last year? 1) Rather improved; 2) Re-mained the same;

3) Rather got worse; 4) Difficult to answer. (82, 88, 93, 98,104,112)

L16. How do you think the financial situation of your family will change in the nearest year? 1) Rather will improve; 2) Will remain the same; 3) Rather will get worse; 4) Difficult to answer. (82,88,93,98,104,112)

L17. Will you please tell us what makes the life of your family most difficult at present? 1) Low incomes, lack of money; 2) Fear of losing a job; 3) Poor health, problems with medical treatment; 4) Bad dwelling; 5) Every-day life difficulties; 6) Impossibility of giving good education to children; 7) Bad relations within the family; 8) Drinking or drug addiction of a family member; 9) Fatigue and exhaustion; 10) Hopelessness and absence of prospects in life; 11) Lack of free time; 12) Something else;13) Difficult to answer. (89,94,99, 105, 113)

L33. Which of the following population groups would you rather ascribe yourself to? 1) We hardly make both ends meet, there is not enough money even for food; 2) There is enough money for food but clothes buying causes serious difficulties; 3) There is enough money for food and clothes but buying the durable goods (TV-set, refrigerator, etc.) is difficultfor us;

4) We can easily buy durable goods. To buy really expensive things is difficult for us; 5) We can afford rather expensive purchases apartments, dacha and many others. (80, 88, 93, 98,104,112)

L88. To speak of the economical situation of the country on the whole, do you think the following 12 months will be a good or a bad time for the country economy? 1) Good; 2) Good, but not in everything; 3) Neither good, nor bad; 4) Bad, but not in everything; 5) Bad; 6) Difficult to answer. (82, 88, 93, 98,105,113)

L88a. To speak of the following five years, will they be a good or a bad time for the country economy? 1) Good; 2)

Neither good nor bad; 3) Bad; 4) Difficult to answer. (82, 88, 93,99,105,113)

LL10. What do you think, since what average monthly money income per capita a family may be considered a rich one? (84, 89, 94,100,106,114) LL11. What do you think, with what average monthly money income at the rate for one person a family may be considered poor one? (84, 89, 94,100,106,114) 01f. What stratum of the society would you rather ascribe yourself to? 1) To the lowest one; 2) To the workers; 3) To the lowest part of the middle stratum; 4) To the middle part of the middle strata; 5) To the higher stratum; 6) Difficult to answer. (78, 85, 90, 95,101,108)

06+010. General respondent’s earnings during the last month. (84, 89, 94,100,106,114)

08A. Did you have any job or occupation last month, that brought additional income besides your main job or occupation?

1) Yes; 2) I had odd extra earnings; 3) No. (83)

010. How much money did you personally earn for extra work during the last month? (84, 89, 94,100,106,114) 015b:5. Average income per capita during the last month: (89, 94,100,106,114) 025:5. Average per capita income: (84)

026. Please, point out in the list given below the items you’ve got in your family: 1) Colored TV set; 2) Photo camera;

3) Radio clock; 4) Mixer; 5) Electric drill; 6) Stereo radio system; 7) Separate freezing camera; 8) Microwave; 9) Video tape-recorder; 10) Video camera; 11) Vacuum cleaner; 12) Home computer; 13) Piano; 14) Motor car bought new; 15) Motor car bought second-hand; 16) Country-house (dacha), a house at garden plot; 17) House in a village; 18) Plot where you grow vegetables, fruit; 19) CD player; 20) Home cinema; 21) Have got nothing of the listed. (89, 94, 99,105,113)

026 c. Have you or has any of your family members got access to Internet networks? If so, is it at home or at job-place? 1) No access to Internet; 2) Access only at home; 3) Access only at job-place; 4) Access both at home and at job-place;

5) Know practically nothing about this network. (83) 026d. Have you got your personal mobile telephone? 1) Yes; 2) No. (89, 94, 99,106,114) 029. What mark on the scale from 1 to 10 wouls you give to your position in the society? (1 — high; 10 — low)? (83)

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