LINGUISTICS IN THE INTERPRETATION OF THE 20TH CENTURY: ESSENTIAL APPROACHES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
scientific analysis / intuition / accuracy / linguistics / discourse / leading verbs / modern terminology

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — М. М. Azizova

This article is devoted to an objective and adequate description of the discourse in linguistics. As presented in the article, this requires a higher degree of accuracy. It is widely known that the current challenge for real scientific analysis is to develop a procedure that avoids arbitrary rules, rather than based solely on intuition.

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M. M. Azizova

Uzbekistan State University of Physical Education and Sport


This article is devoted to an objective and adequate description of the discourse in linguistics. As presented in the article, this requires a higher degree of accuracy. It is widely known that the current challenge for real scientific analysis is to develop a procedure that avoids arbitrary rules, rather than based solely on intuition.

Keywords: scientific analysis, intuition, accuracy, linguistics, discourse, leading verbs, modern terminology


During the first half of the 20th century the tone of grammatical discussion became more scholarly as numerous scientific grammars had appeared. Of all the books published in the first half of the 20th century Otto Jespersen's grammatical studies present the most interesting ideas on the theory of phrase structure. Otto Jespersen introduces the theory of three ranks which provides a basis of understanding hierarchy of syntactic relations between elements joined together in a grammatical unit. Jespersen points out that his theory of three ranks "concerns the mutual relations of words in combinations only, and is applicable not only to words, but also to groups of words as such".


Analyzing the example terribly cold weather Jespersen states that the words are "evidently not on the same footing" and that is obvious that the word weather is "grammatically most important": while cold and terribly are subordinate to it. "Weather is determined or defined by cold, and cold in its turn similarly determined or defined by terribly.

We have thus three ranks: weather is Primary, cold is Secondary, and terribly Tertiary in this combination". Jespersen points out that although there is "a certain correspondence between the three ranks and the three word-classes", i.e. nouns, adjectives, and adverbs, "the correspondence is far from complete, and the two things, word-classes and ranks really moved in two different spheres" Put differently, distinction should be drawn between word-classes and rank: the rank of

the element does not depend on its morphological class but rather on its syntactic position and thus "in some combinations a substantive may be secondary or tertiary, an adjective may be a primary".

Such a statement is clearly not adequate and further support in needed since Jespersen fails to characterize precisely how each rank should be distinguished. It is true that above the example, identification of the three ranks presents no difficulty and they are immediately evident.

Nevertheless, Jespersen has completely omitted to find any criteria for characterizing and defining each rank and there is reason to suppose that he defines them by intuition. Yet for a completely objective and adequate description a higher degree of accuracy is required. It is widely known that nowadays the task of real scientific analysis is that of developing a procedure with avoids arbitrary rules and is not based solely on intuition.

Despite these flaws, Jespersen's theory of three ranks is of great value and plays an important role in showing that there are hierarchical relations hidden behind linear representation of elements in language structures.


Jespersen lists numerous cases of words used in the three ranks and he also shows how words can function in ranks unusual for them. Thus he believes that adjectives can be used as primaries as get the better of something, ... the absent are always at fault and the like. It is necessary to note here that in nearly all the examples listed by Jespersen to illustrate the use of adjectives as primaries, he sites cases with substantivized adjectives thus failing to prove his statement. It seems doubtful whether we can define substantivized adjectives as words belonging to the class of adjectives. The term only suggests that they originated from this class but their behavior shows that they belong to the class of nouns.

Jespersen points out that substantives are often used as secondaries, for example gold coin, stone wall, cannon ball. He also mentions the fact that such combinations of two nouns, when one of them is a modifier of the other, "closely resemble combinations of an adjective secondary and substantive".

Thus, it follows that in the case of attributive combinations, the rank of an element is determined by the hierarchy of subordination of the elements constituting the group.

O. Jespersen's classification The theory of three ranks is based on the lexical meaning and morphological function in the phrase.

• primary words (Adj + N) e.g. a barking dog (dog is a

• secondary words (Adj + N) - a barking dog (barking

• tertiary words: a furiously barking dog (furiously is a

In the nexus (/ see a dog) we find an adnex (a dog is

Kruisinga's Handbook of Present-Day English is an important contribution to linguistic analysis. In neither follows prevailing fashions nor treats grammar in traditional terms. Kruisinga's treatment of phrases is very interesting. He introduces the term "syntactic group" stating that "a syntactic group is a combination of words that forms a distinct part of a sentence". He proceeds by classification, setting up two major types of syntactic groups - close and loose.

To illustrate his point Kruisinga offers the following examples: close groups -a country doctor or mild weather. The loose groups are illustrated by the combination men and women. According to Kruisinga the individual words in a loose group are left "unaffected by their membership of the group.

Kruisinga suggests that we classify the close groups according to their leading member. Thus he distinguishes verb-groups, noun-groups, adjective groups, adverb-groups and preposition-groups. Pronoun-groups are included in the noun and adjective-groups.


Discussing the extension of syntactic groups Kruisinga points out that it is "very common, for a member of group to be a group in itself".

It is interesting to note a passing that for Kruisinga both modal and auxiliary verbs are "leading verbs" in verb groups. Translated into modern terminology it means they are considered to be head-words of the verb group.

This view is not shared by modern linguists.

Kruisinga's theoretical discussion and classifications are, of course not adequate from the point of view of detail and accuracy.

Many other remarkable grammars publishing during this period must be passed over there due to the brevity of this book. It remains to be added, however, that in most grammatical studies of this period there are only some scattered remarks on the phrase and its structure.


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