LINGUISTIC SPECIFICITIES OF THE ENGLISH IDIOMS COMPRISING LOVE COMPONENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
idiom / phraseological unit / specificity / function / grammatical structure / semantics / sentence / word combination / ідіома / фразеологічна одиниця / особливість / функція / граматична структура / семантика / речення / словосполучення / идиома / фразеологическая единица / особенность / функция / грамматическая структура / предложения / словосочетания

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Melnyk Svitlana

The article deals with English idioms comprising love component. Their linguistic specificities have been analyzed, namely, grammatical structure of the above mentioned phraseological units and their functions in sentences. The attention is paid to the types of sentences they are used in. The analyzed idioms are usually two-member sentences, in which the love lexeme can serve various functions, like the subject, predicate, predicative, object, adverbial modifier of place. In addition, word combination with love lexeme are considered as well. As for word combinations, the love lexeme can be used as either noun or adjective in them. In addition, their semantics is touched upon, too.

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Лингвистические особенности английских идиом с компонентом love

Статья посвящена английским идиомам с компонентом love. Был проведен анализ их лингвистических особенностей, а именно грамматическая структура и функции выше упомянутой лексемы в предложении. Внимание уделяется предложением, в которых используются фразеологизмы с вышеупомянутым компонентом. Это предложение различного типа и структуры: простые повествовательные предложения (в которых лексема love выступает подлежащим, сказуемым, частью сложного именного сказуемого, дополнением, обстоятельством места действия), повествовательные отрицательные предложения, эллиптические предложения, предложения повелительного наклонения, восклицательные предложения и сложноподчиненные.Анализ показал, что простые повествовательные предложения с компонентом love всегда двухкомпонентные, а подлежащее употребляется в настоящем простом времени. Кроме того, рассматривались также идиомы-словосочетания с компонентом love, в которых вышеупомянутая лексема может быть существительным или прилагательным в функции определения. Более того, анализируется семантика идиом с компонентом love.


in the dialogical discourse is characterized by instability, since the addressee is understood as a participant of communication, who takes the position of the responding communicator at that moment.

The speech activity of the addressee in the dialogical discourse is determined by the distinction between the concepts of «reactivity» and «responsivity». Reactivity is an unconscious, spontaneous, instantaneous response of the addressee to the actions of the addresser, expressed verbally or nonverbally. Responsivity is a conscious speech response of the addressee to the replies of the addresser, as a rule, the answer, which includes the pragmatic intentions of the speaker, that is, involves the planning of the reply such as the choice of responsive strategies and tactics.

Responsivity is the basis for creating a coherent dialogical communication, in which the consistent replies of the participants in the dialogue are mutually agreed upon, depending on the intentions of the communicants and based on the response of the addressee. Responsivity of the addressee in the dialogical discourse is the natural ability of the addressee to perceive the impact of the addresser and to respond to it in an optimal way, taking into account personal needs. Responsivity of the addressee is determined by his/her ability to systematize the received information from the interlocutor, level of his/her knowledge and experience. In addition, it depends on the ability of the addressee to plan actions, and according to this to build responsive strategies depending on the information received and the requirements of the communicative situation; as well as the ability to apply reciprocal tactics to balance the requirements of the addressee and their own needs in the dialogical discourse.

Key words: reactivity, responsivity, dialogical discourse, addresser, addressee.

УДК 811.ПГ373.72 S. S. Melnyk


The article deals with English idioms comprising love component. Their linguistic specificities have been analyzed, namely, grammatical structure of the above mentioned phraseological units and their functions in sentences. The attention is paid to the types of sentences they are used in. The analyzed idioms are usually two-member sentences, in which the love lexeme can serve various functions, like the subject, predicate, predicative, object, adverbial modifier of place. In addition, word combination with love lexeme are considered as well. As for word combinations, the love lexeme can be used as either noun or adjective in them. In addition, their semantics is touched upon, too.

Keywords: idiom, phraseological unit, specificity, function, grammatical structure, semantics, sentence, word combination.

Introduction. People and society are closely connected, that is why it is natural that all their thoughts and actions are reflected in idioms, proverbs and sayings in this or that way. These expressions have gone a long way being influenced by various linguistic and extra linguistic factors, their sources and time of usage are different and now they belong to the literary treasure. Phraseological units very often bear national traits depicting people's

history and development. Moreover, phraseological units can have both synonyms and antonyms. In this case, when their lexical meaning is similar or identical, they differ stylistically. So, this part of linguistics can be studied by its branches and from different angles like cognitive linguistics, culture studies etc.

Theoretical background. Idioms are highly informative language units which cannot be regarded as something excessive. They are universal as all languages have them. Phraseological units have always been thoroughly investigated by a lot of Ukrainian, foreign and Russian linguists who have been arguing about their features so far.

It is necessary to mention, first of all, Acad. V. V. Vinogradov, who singled out semantic and structural features of phraseological units [3]. N. N. Amosova considered idioms as units with some permanent context [1], while V. L. Arkhangelskiy [2] and A. V. Kunin [5] paid attention to their «level» features. In addition, N. F. Kolomiets gives a thorough and deep look to the synonymy of Ukrainian phraseological units, filling this gap in their research [4]. S. Melnyk and O. Novikov, in their turn, analyzed semantic, structural and stylistic specificities of the English phraseological units denoting a person's activities [6] and semantic specificities of phraseological units comprising love component in «Gone with the Wind» by M. Mitchell [7]. O. O. Selivanova studies Ukrainian phraseological units from psychocognitive and ethnocultural angles [8]. Moreover, V. M. Telia has investigated phraseological units from different angles like semantics, pragmatics, culture studies [9]. As for L. P. Smith's works, he did not take phraseological units semantic structure into consideration seriously, as he regarded them as idioms which are «verbal anomaly», «breaking the laws of either grammar or logics». The linguist gives a thematic, structural classification of idioms, the source of their origin [10]. Lack of all the given classifications is, to our mind, due to the absence of a unified approach which makes our article topical as the aim of our research is to analyze the structure of the English idioms comprising love component and functioning of the love lexeme in them.

Thus, taking some spread in terms into account, we use the terms «a phraseological unit» and «an idiom» as synonyms in our article.

Research and discussion. As idioms are closely connected with people's everyday life and they reflect their specific features, activities, behavior, moral and ethical values, no wonder the idioms comprising love component have synonyms and variants with various lexical loading and have been paid attention to by scholars who analyzed their usage in the literary works. We have also made an attempt to analyze the above mentioned units from different angles, namely their grammar, structure and semantics.

Considering the idioms with love component and after analyzing their grammatical features and structure, we can make a conclusion the they can be divided into several subgroups:

1. Idioms which represent declarative affirmative sentences where love lexeme functions as:

- the subject: Love is blind: when you love someone, you can't see their faults, that is, in other words, when a person loves someone heartily, he/she does not notice the lover's faults. Love lexeme in the given example serves the subject expressed with the abstract noun. The above mentioned idiom has a synonymous one: Beauty lies in lover's eyes.

Love is God's gift and Satan's scourge: not everyone can love; the one who does it is the happiest person in the world. As we see, a true love can be either blessing or punishment and love can even cause more sufferings than hate. We suppose it can be a synonym to the idiom Love can hurt more than hate.

Love conquers all and Love laughs at locksmiths are synonymous and they mean that love does not have any laws, it can overcome everything and cope with any difficulty.

Love makes the world go round: Life is more important when people treat each other lovingly, that is love rules the world and everyone is happy because of it. We guess it can be paraphrased like Love will save the world.

Love will find a way: people who are in love will overcome any obstacles in order to be together: one can cope with any difficulties or obstacles for love's sake to be together with a beloved person.

- the predicate: I must love you and leave you: something that you say when you say goodbye to someone that you are leaving. People say such words when they feel their beloved is very busy and he/she does not have any time to spend it together. Love lexeme is a part of the compound verbal modal predicate. However, it is necessary to note that this idiom has a synonym I'll love you and leave you in which love lexeme is a part of the compound verbal predicate and it is used in the Future Simple Tense.

Somebody up there loves me: heavenly intervention or the help of a temporal higher authority, someone is meant to provide protection, back and support in difficult times. The idiom includes love lexeme which is used in the Present Simple Tense and serves the function of predicate.

Everybody loves a lord: people are attracted to the wealthy and powerful that is people are always attracted to the strong, rich and influential. This phraseological unit has something in common with Tell me who your friend is and I'll tell you who you are.

Love begets love: if you behave lovingly to other people, they will behave lovingly to you. Although this idiom is structurally simple, it is interesting from its lexical loading where love lexeme functions both as the subject and direct object. This example is interesting from the stylistic point of view as in this case we deal with frame repetition as well.

Misery loves (likes) company: unhappy people like other people to be unhappy too, when a person is not happy, he/she cannot put up with other people's happiness, as it is very painful to watch luck and prosperity around. Even psychologists claim that our nearest and dearest are sure to help us when we are in trouble but they will never forgive us our success.

- the predicative: «Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all»: love is such an important experience that even the pain of losing someone you love is better than not having loved that person. The phraseological unit is taken from the poem «In Memoriam A. H. H.» by Alfred Lord Tennyson.

- the adverbial modifier of place: All's fair in love and war: it is often said as an excuse for deception. The idiom is used when a person wants to justify some tricky things or fraud. Besides, this expression is considered a cliché when we speak about love or war, as all means are good for victory in either love or war.

- the object: There's a thin line between love and hate: the idiom indicates that only one step separates love from hatred and people do not always realize what in fact they feel and how easy it is to cross this line.

So, the analysis shows that the declarative affirmative phraseological units comprising love component, are usually two-member sentences.

2. Idioms which are negative declarative sentences:

- the object: The course of true love never ran smoothly : lovers often face difficulties they had to overcome. This idiom is a quotation from «A Midsummer Night's Dream» by W. Shakespeare which has become very popular within the years, however it sounds The course of true love never did run smooth in original. Love lexeme is used in the function of object here.

- the subject: There is no love lost (between someone and someone else): there is no friendship wasted between someone else (because they are even enemies), this idiom comprises love lexeme which functions as the subject. One cannot love and be wise: People

often fall in love with someone with whom they are not compatible or behave foolishly when they are in love. We think this idiom can be synonymous to Love is blind, because when someone is in love, his mind is usually switched off, he cannot think rationally.

Love cannot be forced: if a person does not love anybody, nothing can make him do it because no one can be loved by force.

3. Idioms which are elliptical sentences:

Love you! : You are great! It is only used when we are satisfied with our beloved person's behavior, action or present and we express our excitement openly, sincerely. It is necessary to note that the subject is omitted here.

Lucky at cards, unlucky in love: if you frequently win at card games, you will not have happy love affairs, which means if someone is good at gambling, his love is not mutual. But this phraseological unit has the opposite meaning: if, vice versa, a person always loses while gambling, he is happily loved. But, in fact, there is no any scientifically based confirmation of the above mentioned statement. The main members of the sentence are omitted in the given idiom.

Love in a hut, with water and a crust is cinders, ashes, dust: the phraseological unit indicates that it does not matter for a real love where to live and if one's beloved is wealthy or not because only affection makes sense.

Not able to get something for love or money: this idiom means for nothing in the world, never.

4. Idioms which are the sentences of imperative mood:

Send your love to somebody (or Send somebody your love): give a message of affection from you to someone else, which means to remember us to someone we love, we like, our nearest and dearest. The analyzed lexeme functions as the direct object in the above mentioned idiom.

Love me, love my dog: if you love someone, you should accept everything and everyone that the person loves: in this case love lexeme is used like order.

5. Idioms which are exclamatory sentences:

I love it!: It's wonderful! It is the exclamatory sentence which reflects the highest degree of excitement and pleasure. The analyzed lexeme in the Present Simple Tense functions as the predicate. There are also some more exclamatory idioms with love component which express a certain degree of pleading and persuasion: For the love of God! For the love of Mike! For the love of Pete!

6. Idioms, which are used in complex sentences while love lexeme is always employed in the main clause:

When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window: love cannot exist without money or money supports love, i.e. the idiom underlines that even if it is a love marriage the love disappears because of lack of funds as it cannot exist in a hut. Love lexeme functions as the subject in the main clause.

Love will creep where it may not go: there are no obstacles for true love, which means that a really in love person will overcome everything to be near his (her) beloved.

Apart from the sentences, comprising a love component, there are also word combinations comprising it as well, but they are not numerous.

There are a few idioms denoting a kind of love but they differ structurally as love lexeme is characterized either by a noun (puppy love, calf love, cupboard love: N + love), or adjective (true love, tough love, first love: Adj. + love), or Participle II in the function of attribute (unrequited love: P II + love).

However, there exist phraseological units in which, vice versa, love lexeme itself characterizes something and fulfils the function of attribute (love bombs, love muscle, love handles, love nest, love affair : love + N):

A love-rat: a man who betrays his girlfriend / wife having constant sexual relations. It is natural that such husband is compared with a rat because these rodents can be very aggressive or even carnivores if they dislike something. So, a husband who betrays his wife is dissatisfied with his family relations and he turns into a dangerous rat capable of even destroying the ones of his class (this fact is well-known: a rat, driven to a dead end, can pull on a man and catch him). We think this idiom can be interpreted as forbidden love.

Love game: it is a game in tennis in which the loser has a score of zero that is when a tennis player absolutely loses the game gaining no points at all. A love apple: it means «a tomato». It is a rather unexpected translation as it originated from French. The fruit was eaten before making love as it had always been considered a natural aphrodisiac.

A love bite: a temporary red mark on a person's skin resulting from kissing or sucking by their lover, which does not characterize lovers in a good way as it is indecent to leave the mark after a passionate kiss.

A love match: a marriage for love's sake; not an arranged marriage, when people usually get married because they love each other deeply.

Love-drury: affection that is true adherence, devotion.

Lovebirds (informal): a couple who are openly affectionate or demonstrative with each other, especially in public.

A love-lock: a lock of hair hanging separately from the rest of the hair, as one tied with ribbon and worn by courtiers during the 1600s and 1700s, that is a curl of passion. It is usually released to draw somebody's attention. Usually it corresponds to women as they do their best and make every effort to be liked and loved by men.

A love monger: one who deals in affairs of love, pimp, ponce.

Love philter: a drink supposed to arouse love and desire for a particular person in the drinker. This idiom has a synonym a love potion. Oddly enough, but it is in great demand even nowadays and directors makes films about it, it is described in numerous books and discussed in TV shows.

Love-sick: languishing with love or amorous desire: as a love-sick maid - no wonder this expression preferably characterizes young ladies as they usually suffer from love.

Love struck or love-stricken: strongly affected by a sudden awakening of love. It is frequently said about a person struck by sudden love like a thunder in the clear sky. The person can feel confused and embarrassed when it happens to him, especially unexpectedly.

Loving kindness: tender kindness motivated by or expressing affection. Unfortunately, it happens very seldom when people behave in a caring and kind way towards others. They are shy and afraid of showing these feelings in public.

Love for motherland (fatherland): in this case the analyzed lexeme is a noun and a word combination itself includes a preposition of.

Conclusions. Thus, on analyzing structural and grammatical peculiarities of the idioms, comprising love component, we can draw the conclusion that the above mentioned lexeme is predominantly used in simple declarative sentences and it can function as the subject, predicate or object. The idioms comprising love component are very seldom complex; the love lexeme functions as the adverbial modifier of place and predicative extremely rarely in these sentences. As for word combinations, including love component, the lexeme can be either a noun or an adjective in the function of an attribute.

Research prospects. Idioms are an inexhaustible source of investigation and inspiration for scholars. So, we are on the point of: continuing the research of the English phraseological

units comprising love component, considering their synonyms, antonyms and stylistic specificities along with their unique translation into Ukrainian or any other target language.


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9. Смит Л. П. Фразеология английского языка [Электронный ресурс] / Л. П. Смит ; пер. с англ. С. Игнатьева. - Москва : Учпедгиз, 1959. - Режим доступа : https://www.booksite.ru/fulltext/smit/text.pdf ; Smit L. P. Frazeologiya angliyskogo yazyka [Elektronnyy resurs] / L. P. Smit ; per. s angl. S. Ignateva. - Moskva : Uchpedgiz, 1959. -Rezhim dostupa : https://www.booksite.ru/fulltext/smit/text.pdf

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Submitted Ocober, 06th 2017

С. С. Мельник


IdioMU - дуже тформативю мовн одинищ, як не можуть вважатися чимось nadMipnuM. Вони е мовною унiверсалieю, осюльки е складовою будь-якоЧ мови. Фpaзеoлoгiчнi одиниц завжди ретельно до^джувалися багатьма втчизняними, зapубiжнuмu та ростськими вченими, як до цього часу сперечаються щодо ïxmx основних рис.

Неoбxiднo, перш за все, згадати пращ академта В. В. Виноградова, який видшив семантичн та структурн риси фpaзеoлoгiчнux одиниць. Н. М. Амосова розглядала iдioмu як одинищ з певним перманентним контекстом, у той час як В. Л. Архангельський та О. В. Кушн придшяли увагу особливостям piзнux <^вшв» фpaзеoлoгiчнux одиниць. Кpiм того, М. Ф. Кoлoмiець ретельно i глибоко до^джуе синотмту укpaïнськux фpaзеoлoгiзмiв, долаючи цей недолк С. Мельник i О. Новтов, у свою чергу, aнaлiзують семантичт, структурн та стил^тичш риси aнглiйськux фpaзеoлoгiчнux одиниць на позначення людськог' дiяльнoстi та семантичн oсoблuвoстi фpaзеoлoгiзмiв з компонентом love у роман М. Мтчелл «Звiянi втром». Не можемо не згадати i фiлoлoгiв O. O. Селiвaнoву, яка вивчае пстокогттивний i етнокультурний аспекти украшськш фpaзеoлoгiзмiв та В. М. Телю, яка до^джувала фpaзеoлoгiчнi одиниц з точки зору семантики, прагматики та культурологТь Що стосуеться науковш праць Л. П. Смта з фразеологи, вт розглядав iдioмu як «словесну аномалю», яка «порушуе закони або граматики, або логти». Фшолог дае тематичну та граматичну класифтащю iдioм, poзpiзняе ïx за пoxoдженням. Недолж вищезгадант класифжацт полягае, на нашу думку, у единому пiдxoдi до aнaлiзу фpaзеoлoгiчнux одиниць, що робить наше до^дження актуальним, осюльки його метою е aнaлiз структури, граматичнт особливостей iдioм з компонентом love та функци лексеми love у нт. Таким чином, вважаючи на розкид у теpмiнax, термти «aphraseological unit» та «an idiom» у нашт стaттiуживаються як синотми.

Стаття присвячена англтським iдioмaм з компонентом love. Був проведений aнaлiз ïxmx лтгв^тичнт особливостей, а саме - граматична структура та функци вище згaдaнoï лексеми у реченни Увага придшяеться реченням, в якт використовуються фpaзеoлoгiзмu з вищезазначеним компонентом. Це речення piзнoгo типу та структури: ^o^i poзпoвiднi речення (в якт лексема love виступае тдметом, присудком, частиною складного iменнoгo присудка, додатком, обставиною м^ця дiï), poзпoвiднi заперечн речення, елттичю речення, речення наказового способу, окличн речення та складнотдрядт. Анaлiз показав, що ^o^i poзпoвiднi речення з компонентом love завжди двокомпонентт, а тдмет уживаеться у тепершньому простому чаЫ. Кpiм того, розглядалися також iдioмu-слoвoспoлучення з компонентом love, в якт вищезазначена лексема може бути iменнuкoм або прикметником у функцiï означення. Навть бшьше, aнaлiзуеться семантика iдioм з компонентом love.

Клю^о^^ слова: iдioмa, фpaзеoлoгiчнa одиниця, особлив^ть, функщя, граматична структура, семантика, речення, словосполучення.

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