Научная статья на тему 'Lingual didactic features of English phrases'

Lingual didactic features of English phrases Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Даниева М.Д.

В статье дана характеристика лингводидактических особенностей английских субстантивных словосочетаний. Рассмотрены лексико-синтаксические отношения между компонентами словосочетаний. Определены номинативные функции словосочетаний в образовании предложениях.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Lingual didactic features of English phrases»


© Даниева М.Д.*

Каршинский государственный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Карши

В статье дана характеристика лингводидактических особенностей английских субстантивных словосочетаний. Рассмотрены лексико-синтаксические отношения между компонентами словосочетаний. Определены номинативные функции словосочетаний в образовании предложениях.

Ключевые слова: анализ, субстантивное словосочетание, функция словосочетаний, лексическое значение, лингводидактические особенности, компоненты словосочетания, номинативная функция.

While investigating English phrases it is important to take into consideration that they have their certain categorical features. It was said several times by well-known linguist S.T. Ter-Minasova, who had investigated lingual didactic features of English phrases. According to her explanations, such features as con-notative, idiomatic and conceptual completeness of phrases define their semantic meaning [1, p. 82-83].

To our opinion the conceptual completeness of phrases expresses that their meanings are appropriate to the logical structure-meanings which indicates to the nominal function of phrases.

Researchers, in spite of accepting or refusing the nominal function of phrases, agree that any of phrases is able to express actual objects or the imagination about them appearing during the logical knowledge. It is actual, that the meaning is complete psychological character or conceptual unit, which appears in the base of generalizing the main features of things and events. The formation of such kind of units doesn't mean the uniting of separate meanings directly, but each component of the unit keeps its lexical value. For example, the following phrases: Manchester University students; the farm dogs; the style in shoes; talks on the strike; opposition to Market entry express the complete meaning - the concepts. But each component of the phrases indicates to the separate concept and has an independent lexical meaning. In the result of semantic relationship of the components in the content of phrases the new imagination about this or that things, about their quality, features, conditions etc. appears.

Such semantic relationship reflects in the process of syntactical structure of phrases. The main part of the phrase can be the dependent part of another phrase in the structure of the sentence. For example, in the sentence: «His daughter's

* Старший преподаватель кафедры Английского языка и литературы.



sewing was perfect, he was proud of it and decided to buy a sewing machine for her», being a main part of the phrase his daughter S sewing, the word «sewing» becomes an dependent part of the phrase a sewing machine in the sentence.

As usual, the construction of a sentence demands the putting of the participant elements one by one according to the line and every component of the phrase takes the place of a separate part in the sentence. Taking it into consideration, well-known linguist VV. Vinogradov says: «The function of the grammatical relationship between the words in the structure of phrase becomes general in the sphere of secondary parts of speech, they get completeness» [2, p. 280]. Another linguist, one of the scientists in the field of English syntax A.I. Smir-nitsky's definition also was alike to this opinion: «The phrase is formed according to exact constructing rule and it gives an additional meaning to each of its components, because they have regular relationships as the components of the phrase. But in sentence such a feature is made by the separate words, concerning the phrase. In this process some quantitate differences appear, however, the sentence expresses the general direction, aim and motif of the thought or saying in other words, the concluding part of the speech in some degree appears» [3, p. 35-36].

It is seen, while investigating English phrases it is important to take their double character into consideration. In one hand, the general syntactic rules of word combinations without the separate components' meanings and the features of syntactic construction of phrases must be taken into consideration. It is the expression of collogation which is the morph syntactic condition of the building of speech construction of lexical units. In second hand, the main lexical meaning of the lexemes, i.e. collocation, the lexical-phraseological condition of the uniting of words in phrases mustn't be forgotten.

Each component of a phrase can undergo grammatical changes in accordance with grammatical categories represented in it. Without destroying the identity of the phrase. «With a sentence things are entirely different. A sentence is a unit with every word having its definite form. A change in the form of one or more words would produce a new sentence». But if one takes into consideration that any phrase is a constituent of sentences then it is difficult to accept Ilyish's concept of phrases. Any change in the structure of a phrase may result the change in the sentence to which this phrase refers. In this case that sentence will become another sentence as per the concept of the author.

The structural-semantic construction of phrases in most cases consists of the synthesis of the signs standing opposite to each other. For example: exert influence, offer resistance, show trust, give an explanation, quote an example, make a promise etc. [4, p. 283]. Taking into consideration, that these combinations structurally consist of several parts, some linguists belong them to the line of faraway events and replace them in the borderline of free and static phrases [5, p. 304]. Analytical character of phrases can be approved with the existence of their equivalents consisting of one word: to exert influence - to influence; to offer resistance -

Развитие современного мирового образовательного пространства


to resist; to show trust - to trust; to give an explanation - to explain; to quote an example - to exemplify; to make a promise - to promise etc.; It will be more correct if these phrases are placed in the middle line, because together with their ability to be used in static form, their components keep all the features typical to lexemes. The meaning of «suburb» does not refuse the signs of various characteristics of the components of phrases, but helps to join them in one unit [6, p. 46-47].

The existence of the meanings «centre» and «suburb» in the system of phrases is connected with the keeping of certain features of syntactic units. It means the process of getting syntactical value of semantic elements, or opposite, the process of becoming lexical of syntactic constructions. The process of such kind of moves is always equal in the relationship of exact nominal words and the words with the abstract meaning.

Список литературы:

1. Тер-Минасова С.Г. Словосочетание в научно-лингвистическом и дидактическом аспектах. - М.: Высшая школа, 1982. - 144 с.

2. Виноградов В.В. Избранные труды: Исследования по русской грамматике. - М.: Наука, 1975. - 559 с.

3. Смирницкий А.И. Синтаксис английского языка. - М.: ИИЛ, 1957. -286 с.

4. Verbal Collocations in Modern English. - M.: Просвещение, 1975. - 302 р.

5. Zandvoort R.W. A Handbook of English Grammar. - London, 2009. - 612 p.

6. Абдуазизов А.А. Узбек тили фонологияси ва морфонологияси. - Т.: Университет, 2010. - 170 б.


© Кречетников К.Г.*, Щуковский В.А.*

Дальневосточный федеральный университет, г. Владивосток

Раскрыто понятие рынка образовательных услуг, его особенности и отличительные черты. Показаны роль глобализационных процессов в образовании и неизбежность интернационализации образования.

Ключевые слова рынок образования, культурные инструменты, гло-бализационные процессы, конкурентоспособность вузов, бизнес-школы.

* Профессор кафедры Управления персоналом и экономики труда, д.п.н., профессор.

* Студент 4 курса специальности «Управление персоналом».

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