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Ключевые слова
.Listening skills / technologies / interactive platforms / audio-visual materials / virtual classrooms / authentic sources / real-life language / real-time interaction / the integration of technological pedagogical content knowledge / communicative language teaching.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Pardayeva Aziza, Khaydarov Erkin

This work explores the potential of modern technologies in improving listening skills in foreign language teaching. The importance of listening skills in language acquisition is highlighted, along with the integral role of technology in educational settings. Employing a comprehensive literature review, the study identifies existing research on the application of technology in language learning, specifically focusing on listening skills development. Drawing upon the theoretical framework of technological pedagogical content knowledge and communicative language teaching, the article demonstrates how the integration of modern technologies can facilitate effective listening skills development. Various technology integration strategies, such as computer-assisted language learning software, mobile applications, adaptive learning systems, and multimedia resources, are analyzed for their compatibility with pedagogical approaches. The article also discusses the implementation and evaluation of a listening skills program using selected technologies, aiming to assess their impact on student performance.

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IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING *Pardayeva Aziza, 2Khaydarov Erkin

1,2Samarkand state institute of foreign languages https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10816711

Abstract. This work explores the potential of modern technologies in improving listening skills in foreign language teaching. The importance of listening skills in language acquisition is highlighted, along with the integral role of technology in educational settings. Employing a comprehensive literature review, the study identifies existing research on the application of technology in language learning, specifically focusing on listening skills development. Drawing upon the theoretical framework of technological pedagogical content knowledge and communicative language teaching, the article demonstrates how the integration of modern technologies can facilitate effective listening skills development. Various technology integration strategies, such as computer-assisted language learning software, mobile applications, adaptive learning systems, and multimedia resources, are analyzed for their compatibility with pedagogical approaches. The article also discusses the implementation and evaluation of a listening skills program using selected technologies, aiming to assess their impact on student performance.

Keywords: Listening skills, technologies, interactive platforms, audio-visual materials, virtual classrooms, authentic sources, real-life language, real-time interaction, the integration of technological pedagogical content knowledge, communicative language teaching.

Annotatsiya. Ushbu ish chet tillarini o'qitishda tinglash qobiliyatini oshirishda zamonaviy texnologiyalarning imkoniyatlarini o'rganadi. Tilni o'zlashtirishda tinglash qobiliyatining ahamiyati, shuningdek, ta'lim sharoitida texnologiyaning ajralmas roli ta'kidlangan. Keng qamrovli adabiyotlar sharhidan foydalangan holda, tadqiqot til o'rganishda texnologiyani qo'llash bo'yicha mavjud tadqiqotlarni aniqlaydi, xususan tinglash qobiliyatlarini rivojlantirishga qaratilgan. Texnologik pedagogik tarkib bilimlari va kommunikativ tillarni o'qitish nazariy asoslariga asoslanib, maqolada zamonaviy texnologiyalarning integratsiyasi tinglash qobiliyatini samarali rivojlantirishga qanday yordam berishi mumkinligi ko'rsatilgan. Kompyuter yordamida til o'rganish dasturlari, mobil ilovalar, adaptiv ta'lim tizimlari va multimedia resurslari kabi turli xil texnologik integratsiya strategiyalari ularning pedagogik yondashuvlarga muvofiqligi uchun tahlil qilinadi. Maqolada, shuningdek, tanlangan texnologiyalardan foydalangan holda tinglash qobiliyatlari dasturini amalga oshirish va baholash, ularning talabalar faoliyatiga ta'sirini baholashga qaratilgan.

Kalit so'zlar: tinglash qobiliyatlari, texnologiyalar, interaktiv platformalar, audio-vizual materiallar, virtual o'quv xonalari, haqiqiy manbalar, haqiqiy til, real vaqtda o'zaro ta'sir, texnologik pedagogik tarkib bilimlarini birlashtirish, kommunikativ tillarni o'qitish.

Аннотация. В этой работе исследуется потенциал современных технологий в улучшении навыков аудирования при обучении иностранному языку. Подчеркивается важность навыков аудирования в овладении языком, а также неотъемлемая роль технологий в образовательных учреждениях. Используя всесторонний обзор литературы, исследование выявляет существующие исследования по применению технологий в изучении языка, уделяя особое внимание развитию навыков аудирования. Опираясь на теоретические основы знания технологического педагогического контента и обучения коммуникативному языку, статья демонстрирует, как интеграция современных технологий может способствовать эффективному развитию навыков аудирования.

Различные стратегии интеграции технологий, такие как программное обеспечение для компьютерного изучения языка, мобильные приложения, адаптивные системы обучения и мультимедийные ресурсы, анализируются на предмет их совместимости с педагогическими подходами. В статье также обсуждается внедрение и оценка программы развития навыков аудирования с использованием выбранных технологий с целью оценки их влияния на успеваемость учащихся.

Ключевые слова: навыки аудирования, технологии, интерактивные платформы, аудиовизуальные материалы, виртуальные классы, аутентичные источники, реальный язык, взаимодействие в режиме реального времени, интеграция знаний о технологическом педагогическом содержании, обучение коммуникативному языку.

Listening skills are crucial in foreign language acquisition as they facilitate understanding and communication. Effective listening allows learners to comprehend spoken language, pick up vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, and interact authentically with native speakers. It aids in developing fluency, expanding cultural knowledge, and improving overall language proficiency.

The significance of modern technologies in educational settings cannot be overstated. With the rapid advancements in technology, they have become invaluable tools for language learning. Interactive platforms, audio-visual materials, virtual classrooms, and language learning applications provide learners with immersive and engaging experiences. Technology enables access to authentic audio sources, facilitates self-paced learning, and encourages autonomous practice, all of which are essential for developing listening skills.

Many technological tools are easily accessible and readily available, allowing learners to practice listening skills anytime and anywhere with an internet connection.

Technology allows access to authentic audio materials, such as podcasts, videos, and news broadcasts, providing learners with exposure to real-life language use and cultural context.

Technological tools often offer interactive features, such as quizzes, exercises, and games, which can make listening practice more engaging and motivate learners to actively participate^].

Some tools offer personalized learning experiences, catering to individual learners' needs and allowing them to focus on their specific listening weaknesses and target areas.

Technological tools can offer instant feedback on listening exercises, enabling learners to self-assess their progress and identify areas for improvement.

Technologies used in listening skills teaching can be divided into audio and video segments [4, 484]. The quality of audio content can vary, impacting the accuracy of pronunciation, the clarity of speech, and the authenticity of the listening experience.

Technological tools may not fully replicate the spontaneity and unpredictability of real-life listening situations, making it challenging for learners to develop skills such as understanding natural speech rate and dealing with interruptions or background noise.

Some technological tools lack opportunities for real-time interaction with native speakers or other learners, which can hinder the development of conversational listening skills and interactional competence.[5, 179]

In certain tools, visual aids or captions might accompany the audio, unintentionally shifting learners' focus away from developing their listening skills and relying more on visual cues.

Technical issues, such as slow internet connections, compatibility problems, or bugs in software, can disrupt the learning experience and hinder progress.

In recent years, the integration of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) and communicative language teaching (CLT) principles has gained significance in language learning contexts. TPACK refers to the knowledge and skills that teachers possess to effectively integrate technology into their pedagogical practices[3, 60], while CLT emphasizes authentic communication as the primary goal of language learning. When integrated, these approaches can enhance listening skills development in the following ways:

1. Authentic Listening Opportunities: CLT emphasizes the importance of exposing learners to authentic language use. By incorporating technological tools, teachers can provide learners with a wide range of authentic audio materials, such as podcasts, interviews, and videos. This exposure helps learners develop their ability to understand natural speech patterns, accents, and varying registers[6].

2. Interactive Learning Experiences: CLT promotes learner-centered, interactive activities. Technological tools offer features such as interactive exercises, role-play simulations, and realtime communication platforms, allowing learners to engage in meaningful listening and communicative tasks. This integration enables learners to practice their listening skills in a dynamic and interactive environment[6].

3. Differentiated Instruction: TPACK emphasizes the need to tailor instruction to learners' individual needs. Technological tools provide opportunities for differentiated learning experiences, allowing learners to choose materials at their level, receive immediate feedback, and progress at their own pace. This personalized approach can enhance learners' motivation and engagement in developing listening skills.

4. Ubiquitous Access: Technology enables learners to access listening materials and resources beyond the confines of the traditional classroom. Learners can utilize mobile apps, online platforms, and language learning websites to practice listening skills anywhere and anytime. This access to authentic and diverse listening materials broadens learners' exposure and fosters autonomous language learning.

Modern technologies align well with pedagogical approaches for language teaching, as they provide practical solutions to address the challenges faced in the language learning process. They complement the principles of CLT by offering authentic and interactive resources, promoting learner autonomy, and facilitating meaningful communication in the target language. Through the integration of TPACK and CLT principles with modern technologies, language teachers can effectively design and implement instructional strategies that enhance listening skills development, leading to improved language proficiency and communicative competence.


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