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Ключевые слова
linguodidactic environment / learning principles / learning process / ICT / virtual language environment / mass media / лингводидактическая среда / принципы обучения / процесс обучения / ИКТ / виртуальная языковая среда / СМИ

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Burina E.V., Dunaeva L.A.

In the methodology of teaching foreign languages, listening comprehension is considered to be one of the most challenging parts of language learning. In reality when students, who have been studying French for several years in their home country, find themselves in a foreign language environment, they are often unable to understand native speakers in real communication. At the same time, they have no difficulty coping with lexical and grammatical tests, reading, writing and expressing their thoughts within the framework their language level. In the last decade an increasingly important place in the communication process has been occupied by indirect communication using ICT. The development of technologies leads to the creation of a virtual language space which is similar to a real language environment, which leads us to the notion of a virtual language environment. The specifics and linguo-didactic potential of the virtual language environment are becoming more and more attractive. The virtual language environment should be thoroughly studied, so that it could be successfully integrated into the process of teaching a foreign language, in particular, into the process of teaching listening comprehension skills.

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Аудирование считается одним из самых сложных видов речевой деятельности в методике преподавания иностранных языков. В языковой среде студенты, учившие несколько лет французский язык на родине, часто сталкиваются с трудностями понимания носителей языка в условиях реальной коммуникации, но они достаточно успешно выполняют тесты на лексику и грамматику, могут читать, писать и выражать свои мысли в рамках достигнутого уровня владения языком. В последнее время особое место в процессе коммуникации занимает общение с помощью ИКТ. Развитие электронных технологий приводит к тому, что создается виртуальное пространство на том или ином языке, похожее на реальную языковую среду, что дает возможность говорить о виртуальной языковой среде. Специфика и лингводидактический потенциал виртуальной языковой среды представляет большой интерес и требует особого изучения для успешной интеграции в процесс обучения иностранному языку и, в частности, в процесс обучения аудированию.


УДК 378

Burina E.V., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Department of the French Language, MGIMO University (Moscow, Russia),

E-mail: [email protected]

Dunaeva L.A., Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor, Philological Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),

E-mail: [email protected]

ACQUIRING LISTENING COMPREHENSION SKILLS IN FRENCH IN VIRTUAL LINGUODIDACTIC ENVIRONMENT. In the methodology of teaching foreign languages, listening comprehension is considered to be one of the most challenging parts of language learning. In reality when students, who have been studying French for several years in their home country, find themselves in a foreign language environment, they are often unable to understand native speakers in real communication. At the same time, they have no difficulty coping with lexical and grammatical tests, reading, writing and expressing their thoughts within the framework their language level. In the last decade an increasingly important place in the communication process has been occupied by indirect communication using ICT. The development of technologies leads to the creation of a virtual language space which is similar to a real language environment, which leads us to the notion of a virtual language environment. The specifics and linguo-didactic potential of the virtual language environment are becoming more and more attractive. The virtual language environment should be thoroughly studied, so that it could be successfully integrated into the process of teaching a foreign language, in particular, into the process of teaching listening comprehension skills.

Key words: linguodidactic environment, learning principles, learning process, ICT, virtual language environment, mass media.

Е.В. Бурина, канд. пед. наук, доц., Московский государственный институт международных отношений (университет), г. Москва,

E-mail: [email protected]

Л.А. Дунаева, д-р пед. наук, проф., МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова, г. Москва, E-mail: [email protected]


Аудирование считается одним из самых сложных видов речевой деятельности в методике преподавания иностранных языков. В языковой среде студенты, учившие несколько лет французский язык на родине, часто сталкиваются с трудностями понимания носителей языка в условиях реальной коммуникации, но они достаточно успешно выполняют тесты на лексику и грамматику, могут читать, писать и выражать свои мысли в рамках достигнутого уровня владения языком. В последнее время особое место в процессе коммуникации занимает общение с помощью ИКТ. Развитие электронных технологий приводит к тому, что создается виртуальное пространство на том или ином языке, похожее на реальную языковую среду, что дает возможность говорить о виртуальной языковой среде. Специфика и лингводидактический потенциал виртуальной языковой среды представляет большой интерес и требует особого изучения для успешной интеграции в процесс обучения иностранному языку и, в частности, в процесс обучения аудированию.

Ключевые слова: лингводидактическая среда, принципы обучения, процесс обучения, ИКТ, виртуальная языковая среда, СМИ.

Relevance: In the methodology of teaching foreign languages, listening comprehension is considered to be one of the most challenging parts of language learning. In reality when students, who have been studying French for several years in their home country, find themselves in a foreign language environment, they are often unable to understand native speakers in real communication. At the same time, they have no difficulty coping with lexical and grammatical tests, reading, writing and expressing their thoughts within the framework their language level. In the last decade an increasingly important place in the communication process has been occupied by indirect communication using ICT The development of technologies leads to the creation of a virtual language space which is similar to a real language environment, which leads us to the notion of a virtual language environment. The peculiarities and linguo-didactic potential of the virtual language environment are becoming more and more attractive. The virtual language environment should be thoroughly studied so that it could be successfully integrated into the process of teaching a foreign language, in particular, into the process of teaching listening comprehension skills.

The purpose of the research is to provide the theoretical justification and scientific and methodological development of linguodidactic environment for teaching listening in French.

Research objectives:

- to analyze the real and virtual linguistic environments;

- to analyze difficulties of teaching French speech listening in real and virtual linguistic environments;

- to provide selection of the authentic materials with a view to creating an exercises system.

Scientific novelty:

- the specificity of listening difficulties depending on the conditions of real and virtual environment have been analyzed;

- the classification of listening difficulties has been described in order to find the most effective ways of overcoming them.

Theoretical significance:

- the description of the virtual language environment;

- the development of a model of organizing students' independent work in a virtual language environment.

Introduction. Distance technologies play a huge role in supporting and spreading foreign languages - and cultures worldwide. In recent philosophical and sociological studies, it is noted that the perception of "virtually" and "reality" as different phenomena is characteristic only for those generations of people who were living in the period of time when the Internet had not yet become an integral part of human life. For today's young people, the world is multidimensional and is perceived as a whole. As a consequence, these two realities are interchangeable and are inextricably linked with each other. If we neglect the potential provided by that huge multilingual

space in global networks, we will miss a lot of opportunities. Millions of people "live", work, study, entertain themselves and actively communicate in the virtual language environment on the Internet; it represents a global mirror of the modern society, which is closely interacting with the real linguistic reality and is reflecting all spheres of social life. Such an approach to learning foreign languages opens up numerous opportunities for language immersion, understanding the mentality of native speakers, their culture, lifestyle and civilization.

Discussion. The process of IT penetration into education and the related use of ICT opportunities in the learning process leads to the intellectualization of educational activities, the expansion and deepening of the studied subject areas, the integration of the studied subjects. Technologies initiate changes in the structure and content of education in its organizational forms, teaching methods and the monitoring of the results, which ultimately leads to a change in particular teaching methods. In connection with these processes, the limits of the ideas about educational principles are refined and broadened [1].

L.A. Dunaeva distinguishes the following learning principles [1]:

The principle of visibility is successfully implemented in the computer environment, providing practically all kinds of visual, audial, audio-visual, situative and extra-linguistic visibility. Hypermedia technologies allow implementing the principle of visibility by the organizing, structuring and connecting various elements of the educational content, which are presented in different modalities: text, static and dynamic graphics, audio signals, video images, virtual reality objects. With the optimal use of these tools, the multimedia learning environment facilitates deeper intensional processing of the material and increases the learner's cognitive assignment. The visual creation of speech situations, which serves as a stimulus for verbal and cognitive activity and an effective motivating factor, may be attributed to visual means. Visibility in an open informational learning environment is completed by the capabilities of telecommunication technologies which allow accessing various electronic publications and global network resources of regional, cultural, scientific, educational and professional nature.

The topicality of the problematicity and activity principles is best explained by the fact that the informative teaching methods are replaced by active ones. An interesting but difficult text is understood and remembered better than an easy but uninteresting one [2]. The openness and dynamism of the informational learning environment, based on telecommunication technologies, conditions the possibility of various forms of learning activity aimed at creating problematic situations. In the informational computer environment such activity types as project, communicative, search and analytical, acquire a different quality in terms of ensuring the productivity of thinking, the degree of novelty of the received intellectual product in relation to the subject's knowledge.

The principles of systematicity and consistency imply organizing the systematic activity on the acquisition of knowledge. In a hypertext informational computer environment, which implements a non-linear, multidimensional format of presenting infor-

mation (knowledge) via associative hyperlinks between individual terms, fragments and documents, adherence to the principles of systematicity and consistency becomes complicated and requires developing special solutions. Under the conditions of computer training, the understanding of the consistency principle is modified as follows: instead of a knowledge accumulation sequence it is seen as a sequence of stages in creating the world picture, developing the thinking, mastering the methods of verbal activity and the strategies of verbal communication.

The principle of accessibility extends to all the structural components of a student's activity. In computer environments, the students' main activities proceed with the use of authentic texts in the studied language, and in these conditions, the principle of accessibility may be ensured by using such additional means as automatic translators and dictionaries, various types of assistance, remote and direct consultations with the teacher. An important didactic point in this regard is the students' purposeful training with information flows in a non-native language in a specially restricted sector of the general informational learning environment.

The next principle is the principle of scientificity, which focuses on the correspondence of the educational content to the level of modern science, on the students' ideas about general methods of scientific cognition. To implement this principle, it is important to involve the students in adequate research activities. The means of ICT are the best solution for this task: they contribute to the formation of the students' skills of searching and transforming information; they acquaint the students with modern methods, means of knowledge and communication. At this point, the principle of scientificity is linked with the principle of motivation.

The use of ICT facilities conditions the new way of implementing the principle of cross-cultural interaction. The great influence of cross-cultural interaction on the educational process finds its expression in the national and specifics of the foreigners' cultural behavior. The accounting of cross-cultural interaction in global networks contributes to the formation of the students' cross-cultural competence, their ability to solve extralinguistic tasks in a foreign language: to acquire knowledge of the linguistic and scientific world picture of the native speakers, to master background knowledge, to expand the general outlook which ensures the effectiveness of communication in the language environment - both real and virtual.

Environment learning of verbal communication by using ICT facilities makes certain adjustments to the use of the verbal advancement and interrelated learning principles: the interrelated learning of reading and writing in their peculiar, computer-mediated forms comes to the fore. In turn, a foreign-language verbal activity in a computer sphere, having its own special features, is presented as an object of learning. Thus, reading texts with the help of computer facilities (word processors, reading programs), due to the provided opportunities, acquires the features of a synthetic type of speech activity: reading / writing, i.e. using different ways of selecting topical information for the reader, writing comments on fragments of the text, re-compiling, deleting unnecessary information. These actions occur in parallel with the reading process, leading to the appearance of the reader's own version of the text. The same may be concluded about writing. Written online communication in global network chats, on forums and conferences gets close to the oral speech forms, synthesizing the features of quick reading and writing / speaking (oral-written speech forms).

The use of computer training means is based on the leading methodological principle - the principle of communicativeness, according to which the learning process is organized in natural communicative situations, or in the closest possible alternative. The work taking place in the telecommunication environment is connected with a genuine communicative activity, stimulates the direct intuitive process of mastering the language. In the computer environment, a student becomes a real participant in real communication. In the context of learning with the involvement of computer means, communication becomes not only a goal and a means of achieving the set goal, but also the content of education.

The motivation of the students' oral and written statements and their speech actions in the computer environment is linked to their internal need. In a computer environment, this is proved by the fact that students create practically meaningful texts, which may later be used in other spheres and communicative situations.

The principles of integration and didactic integration are considered fundamental.

Considering the environment of mastering verbal communication as a complex of components, we affirm its integration, its initial unity and close interconnection between all its components, which not only ensures the systematic integration of the ICT constituents into the traditional educational process, but also allows perceiving the environment as a separate effective educational subsystem, which provides students with new opportunities for self-realization in the studied language. In accordance with this principle, the construction of the environment is based on the systematic analysis of the learning process: its goals and performance criteria are defined, the environment is structured as a complementary subsystem, revealing the whole complex of problems which are to be tackled in order that the designed environment best responded to the established goals and criteria. A complex of possibilities and conditions for its implementation is being defined.

The principle of didactic integration shows how to purposefully unite the existing or developing informational objects (systems, subsystems, components, resources or flows) into a wholesome system, which implements the set function and meets certain requirements. Supposing that integration in the informational learning systems is represented in two planes: instrumental (typical of closed microenvironments, including

local electronic training means on a single storage device, with a common interface and hardware-software system) and didactic (typical of open environments, uniting all the necessary means, resources and ICT facilities for the students' surrounding, as well as ways and technologies, patterns and methods of their use), we choose the second one. This principle requires a purposeful selection of different ICT facilities in order to orient the environment to tackle the given didactic tasks, which excludes the existing practice of their chaotic, random use.

The principle of didactic integration acquires particular significance under modern conditions, where any ICT-based environment or system can freely interact between each other in a single informational and technological space. The environment developers are to carry out a comprehensive study and evaluation of these environments and systems from a methodical point of view. An important factor contributing to the implementation of this principle is the use of a distributed learning strategy in a didactically integrated environment, which means that not only the educational materials selected from different sources or prepared by the teacher are included in the learning process, but also all the subjects of the educational process with their creative experience, linguistic knowledge and skills, intellectual products of their activities.

The principle of didactic integration is directly linked to the principle of openness in such an environment. It implies the possibility to expand the environment depending on the students' personal learning needs, to orient and adapt the environment for each individual student with his or her interests, values, motives and capabilities. It means that the environment is open for everyone who possesses the necessary tools to use it. This principle belongs both to the learning process aimed at perceiving a foreign-language verbal communication, organized in the environment with the use of telecommunication, and to the hypermedia environment (initially oriented to openness). It allows renewing the content of its elements and components, adding new learning methodic material and tools, thus contributing to the dynamic development of the environment. The advantage of the hypermedia environment is the possibility to access different linguistic learning resources and learning software. The principle of openness embraces the whole technology of learning a foreign language, which is implemented in the environment and includes telecommunication facilities. Such an environment naturally integrates into the informational and educational space of a higher education institution and a country and is represented as a structural element of the open global educational space.

The principle of interactivity in the electronic training is expressed in a special kind of interaction between the students and the ICT facilities and is complemented by the principle of communication. Being a fundamental part principle in learning any discipline, in learning a foreign language these principles become particularly important, since a genuine mastery of verbal activity in a language being learned may take place only in circumstances which are close to natural communication, i.e. through interactive communication with the partners in a foreign-language communication. In a telecommunication environment the notion of interactivity acquires a new meaning, since the network technologies allow not only ensuring a students' communication process with the learning material and the teacher, but also implementing a comprehensive communication with native speakers, including the specialists in a subject sphere being learned. This type of interactivity is supported by telecommunication facilities, e.g. e-mail, audio- and videoconferences, ICQ and IRC technologies, etc.

It is important to mention that the supposed environment acquires a deeper meaning as a pedagogical tool not only due to the integration of the above-mentioned elements but also due to the expansion in the sphere of interpersonal relations, which are established between the subjects of education during the communication process.

Taking into account the various ICT facilities and a wide range of possibilities which they provide, we should consider the principle of pedagogic expedience in using ICT facilities as one of the most significant principles. The necessity to use ICT facilities arises when traditional methods, techniques and patterns are no longer able to achieve the set pedagogic task in a minimal period of time. Thus, when designing the project of the environment, it is necessary to include into the education content only those aspect of language learning which can be effectively implemented with the use of ICT facilities, resources and tools. The teacher who uses such facilities for educational purposes is to have a full comprehension of the existing methods and approaches to the use of ICT in teaching a foreign language. By analyzing these approaches, the teacher is able to take into account, adapt and modify these methods and approaches with regard to the needs of a particular course. The use of this principle is even more important due to the fact that pedagogical science still faces the problem of combining non-computer, traditional and computer training technologies: in one case it may appear possible and useful, in another case such combination shows little effectiveness or generally has a negative influence on the learning process.

The principle of a self-sufficient computer environment suggests that all the students' needs during their work in the environment are to be fully assured. According to this principle, if, for example, a student needs an automatic translator or a database to perform a task, the environment should have both this tool and this resource. We consider self-sufficiency to be useful at the early stages of learning a foreign language, when a student is only learning to master the techniques of working with the environment, but it is more complicated, if necessary, to predict all the student's needs at the later stages. When a higher level of the skills development is achieved, a student is able to construct his or her own environment, chooses the necessary means, and lack of self-sufficiency in this case stimulates to develop the environment and conditions its openness, dynamism and variability.

Thus, the linguo-didactic principles of communication and problematicity, or their synthesis, make up the basis for the methodical tools in mastering foreign-language verbal communication.

Virtual Linguodidactic Environment

According to Larisa Dunaeva, it is the environmental knowledge which gives rise to the pragmatist, personal, individualized, systematic, complex, problematic, developmental, differentiated, relational, situational, event-related, communicative and other approaches, which are equally topical for the theory and methods of teaching foreign languages. These approaches make the teacher evaluate the outside environment from the didactic point of view, discover pedagogical possibilities in its objects, select and combine them, taking into account the educational purposes [3].

In order to create an intense language environment, we have defined the authentic multimedia components of the linguo-didactic environment, which we have been selected according to the following criteria: brevity of the news, repetition, availability of the resource in the country where the language is learned, multiple formats and genre variety. Thus, we have integrated France Info, Europe 1, RFI, France Inter, France Culture and RTL radio stations in the educational environment. These radio stations broadcast brief news items, which are repeated over a certain period of time; talk shows; interviews with the guests from various spheres of life including literature, culture, politics, economy; sports; health programs. In turn, the TV5 Monde, iTélé, France 24, BFM TV, Canal plus television channels offer different genres of discourse (interview, abstracts, reports, conversation, discussion, commentary, review); Le Figaro, Le Parisien, Le Monde, Le Point, l'Express, La Croix, Le Nouvel Observateur, Courrier International, Paris Match, La Tribune, Marianne, 20 Minutes, Notre temps newspapers and magazines offer texts in different formats (audio, video, graphics, photography) and genres (interview, abstracts, reports, conversation, discussion, commentary, review). The above-listed points ensure that the student is plunged into French language environment and acquires communicative and oral bilingual skills.

Moreover, we have considered the education-centered criterion and the following education program sites to be included in the environment: «7 jours sur la planète» (TV5 Monde site) with audio- and video-recordings of the current news reports and exercises which are aimed at developing listening, writing and speaking skills correspondingly (A1-B2 levels); «Le journal enfrançais facile» (RFI site) offer-saudio-newsand commentary in a simplified language (А1-А2 levels); «Apprendre à écouter» (RFI site) offers news reports aimed at improving listening skills, tasks with automated online-keys and questions to the audio-texts; «Bonjour de France.com» is designed for leaners with different levels of French (vocabulary, grammar, listening, country studies, business language).

The fact that the French-speaking environment has learning functions should be recognized as undeniable, and this is embodied through French television, radio stations, newspapers, magazines, books, theatrical productions and, of course, French speech at the university, in the streets, in museums, at exhibitions, but at the same time the environmental surrounding itself "is not capable of influencing the mastery of the language, unless it acts as a psychological factor - i.e. does not stipulate students' specific attitude towards it and specific activities for its development " [4], that is, if it is not planned and organized by the teacher. Continuing this idea, one should turn to the works by V.A. Fedosov, who regards the linguistic environment as a combination of two components - the native speakers of the foreign language environment and a language system serving different spheres of communication. He sees learning in the language environment (in his terminology - "in the speech environment") "as a certain type of language contacts, namely as a kind of artificial, specially organized, controlled contacts, in contrast to natural, spontaneous, uncontrollable contacts" [5].

Communication and Information Technology serves as an inexhaustible source of acquiring communicative and oral bilingual skills. It demonstrates the French language as it is used in real everyday social life, opposing it to the language in the classroom - flawless and ready to fulfill didactic functions.

Ways to Overcome Listening Comprehension Difficulties

Listening skills are more often described as the ability to identify and understand what other people are saying. Listening comprehension skills involve detecting, extracting separate words from the speech stream, understanding a speaker's accent and pronunciation, and as a result, BEING capable of extracting the general meaning. Practice shows that those students, who have been studying French for several years in their home country, find themselves in a foreign language environment, they are often unable to understand native speakers in real communication. At the same time, they have no difficulty coping with lexical and grammatical tests, reading, writing and expressing their thoughts within the framework their language level. Most students find it more difficult to listen to a recorded text than to read the same text on paper, since listening in real life communication presupposes understanding the message at the first attempt while the reading material can be read multiple times. Moreover, speech on the radio or television cannot be listened to at a slower speed while reading may be carried out at a comfortable speech rate.

As foreign language learners, students are struggling with predicting what people are going to say and are not always able to guess unknown words based on the context without panicking.

This situation is associated with the following reasons:

1) insufficient attention is paid to working on developing listening skills in class;

2) insufficient attention is paid to the development of students' listening skills and abilities in the course of their independent work;

3) considerable difference between the recordings of educational texts and authentic texts occurring in real communication (the rate of speech and the level of background noise are higher, the phonetic and prosodic characteristics of the speech sounds differ);

4) the perception of speech by ear is complicated by the lexical, grammatical, stylistic and sociocultural peculiarities of authentic texts.

The solution to these problems lies in the successful organization of the listening comprehension course.

In order to solve the first problem, it is necessary to consider listening comprehension as a separate aspect.

When solving the second problem, a wide field for activity is provided directly by both real and virtual language environment. In the conditions of a foreign language environment, it is necessary to have a learning course that includes students' independent work organized by the teacher. In such a course the learning process should be based on the use of capabilities of the language environment. It should be mentioned that teachers' guidance is advisable. It is preferable that the teacher could give students feedback and comments on their performance. This approach promotes error correction and provides encouragement, which leads to students' higher motivation. Students start gaining confidence in their ability to deal with listening tasks and to overcome difficulties.

The virtual language environment has also significant potential for organizing independent students' work aimed at developing listening comprehension skills. Its main advantage is students' access to authentic samples of spoken speech.

When organizing independent work within the framework of a learning course, the use of a virtual linguo-didactic environment is gaining great importance. This is how we use "Padlet" and "Google Classroom" platforms. The advantages of these platforms are:

• student access to authentic spoken texts;

• work with the given text is organized by the teacher (pre-text, text-to-text, post-text assignments);

• preparatory work is organized by the teacher (working on and memorizing the lexical material necessary for understanding the recorded texts);

• possibility to listen to texts multiple times;

• possibility to perform learning exercises multiple times;

• automatic control for some types of tests;

• teacher control over assignments;

• instant student access to self-study materials.

In order to solve the third problem, it is necessary to bring educational listening tasks closer to the conditions of real communication, i.e., to select authentic material for the learning course. As an example the following sources could be used: online lectures, radio and TV news, films, TV shows, announcements, interviews, short stories, songs etc.

G. Brown and G. Yule categorize spoken texts into three broad types: static, dynamic, and abstract. Texts that describe objects or give instructions are static texts; those that tell a story or recount an incident are dynamic texts; those that focus on someone's ideas and beliefs rather than on concrete objects are abstract texts [6].

In order to solve the fourth problem, it is necessary to arrange joint work between the teacher and the student. As stated in the documents of the Council of Europe, the main task of the foreign language teacher is to "teach the student how to learn" [7]. The teacher's task is to highlight the important lexical, grammatical, stylistic and cultural units and to organize students' work so that they could successfully assimilate the given information and as a result, acquire listening comprehension skills. It should be noted that these are minimum requirements. Since the time devoted to classroom lessons is limited and class should be focused on listening, the task of mastering new vocabulary can be given as part of students' independent work. This is achieved by using the resources of the virtual language environment.

Thus, we have identified the main ways to solve the problems underlying under-formed speech listening skills.

In the process of teaching students listening comprehension skills, there have been identified difficulties associated with 1) the form of text presentation (speech rate; background noises; phonetic reduction; individual characteristics of the speaker's pronunciation; underdeveloped student's listening skills); 2) the content of the text (unfamiliar vocabulary; unfamiliar grammatical forms of words; lexical and grammatical constructions; the use of words in a figurative sense; colloquial vocabulary); 3) underdevelopment of receptive mechanisms (short-term memory; long-term memory; comprehension of information; paraphrasing).

If we are talking about overcoming the first group of difficulties, it is desirable to gradually build up the level of difficulty in the process of performing the exercises. Listening materials should be graded according to the students' language level. Authentic texts are usually hard to adapt to educational needs. Nevertheless, the materials should progress step by step and favor authenticity, as the final goal is to understand real language spoken by native speakers.

The gradual transition from the familiar patterns of educational texts to the most difficult examples of live speech, from dialogues that are easier for perception to dialogues that have the acoustic characteristics of real communication, ensures a more successful performance of listening exercises and gradual formation of listening comprehension skills.

As far as the phonetic reduction of sounds is concerned, it is important that the student could develop not only the imitative way of acquiring new skills but was also capable of performing meaningful reflection.

N.D. Gal'skova and N.I. Gez look at such difficulties as factors that determine the successful speech, and include the pace of speech, the volume of the spoken text and its reference points for perception / memorization in different situations of verbal communication [8].

The work associated with overcoming difficulties, related to the content of the text, is carried out in combination with the work directed at the spoken text and the underdevelopment of receptive mechanisms.

Within the framework of the virtual linguo-didactic environment, it is possible to organize work with the structures of spoken language (based on the material of a video material, a TV show or a movie). The student should guess the meaning of colloquial expressions from the context. The discussion of correct answers can be carried out both on the virtual educational platform and at the lesson.

When organizing work devoted to overcoming difficulties associated with the underdevelopment of receptive mechanisms, the approach from reading to listening can ne applied. Exercises aimed at the development of psycholinguistic mechanisms are first performed on graphic material in a virtual linguo-didactic environment and are further performed on acoustic material.

Dealing with the difficulties from the third group implies the use of exercises for the development of grammatical skills, paraphrasing skills, and others.

Organization of a course on listening comprehension skills. Listening training presupposes two main parts: work in the classroom under the guidance of a teacher and students' independent work. The work at the lesson includes: preparatory exercises based on the material learned in the course of independent work; speech exercises based on preparatory ones. Preparatory exercises are based on the material studied and consolidated in the course of students' independent work, the material itself is pre-selected by the teacher and taken from authentic texts, which will later be used for speech exercises. Moreover, for the preparatory exercises done at the lesson, the acquired material is presented in its acoustic form where all the phonetic characteristics of real-life communication are taken into account.

It should be noted that one of the most important methodological principles is the principle of speech anticipation. This principle is critical when introducing new lexical units during the lesson. Listening for specific words, information, gist contributes to the development of listening skills with anticipation.

The preparatory exercises in class are, on the one hand, feasible for the student, since they are mainly built using familiar material, but on the other hand, they represent identical samples of real communication in terms of their phonetic characteristics and in terms of the way they are presented. This approach allows the teacher to regulate the process and to gradually built up difficulty within the framework of the preparatory exercises.

When students master the material in the classroom, less time is given to preparatory exercises, and more time is devoted to speech exercises. In respect of texts from different communication spheres, at first more attention should be paid to the texts on everyday topics, and in the future the focus should be shifted to the informational and socio-cultural spheres. This division is preferable due to the increased level of complexity of texts from the informational and sociocultural spheres, and due to the need for linguo-cultural adaptation to the country of the target language.

The part of independent work, which involves communication guided by a teacher in a real language environment, refers mainly to the everyday sphere of communication and represents the implementation of communicative models in class within the framework of one communication situation.

Listening comprehension tasks using the language environment can involve both the direct participation of the recipient in the dialogue, and active listening to the dialogues of native speakers in the context of real communication. In this case, attention should be focused on understanding the message and on comprehension difficulties that may occur (unfamiliar thesaurus, pronunciation peculiarities, inability to detect and extract words from the speech stream, etc.). In addition to developing listening comprehension skills, this approach also helps to develop self-control skills.

The language environment provides extensive potential for training listening skills and abilities both within the framework of the everyday communication, and within the framework of the sociocultural one. The listening material may deal with almost any area of life. It might include street gossip, proverbs, new products, and situations unfamiliar to the student. As a rule, in a spontaneous conversation, speakers frequently change topics and the content is not well organized. In many cases listeners cannot predict what native speakers are going to say, whether it is a news report on the radio or TV or an everyday conversation, etc.

Independent work in a virtual language environment implies the use of both a lin-guo-didactic environment and the site of French radio stations, television, newspapers, magazines, which represent a virtual language environment.

Библиографический список

The most common type of tasks used in the course both for practicing new material and for monitoring what has been learned are tests. Tests can include both closed-type tasks of different forms - single choice, multiple choice, matching, selection from a list, - and open type - filling in the blanks. There are keys for all test tasks and checking is carried out in automatic mode. This system automatically calculates the scores obtained for each test. This enables students to see the correct answers after completing the assignment and ensures the most effective self-control.

The second type of assignment is discussion. While participating in discussions, students can express their thoughts on a given topic as well as engage in communication with each other.

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The third type of assignments are open-ended assignments presupposing independent work outside the virtual linguo-didactic environment and checking directly in class. In this case, we are talking about watching video news stories on the websites of French TV channels and completing a number of open-ended tasks that do not imply a single correct answer. The most effective control methods are frontal polling, conversation, etc. Such tasks help to engage students' interest and help them learn listening comprehension skills subconsciously. Examples may include expressing one's opinion, agreement or disagreement, answering questions and taking notes. Task based exercises are more interactive than traditional ones as they improve students' listening comprehension skills but also encourage them to use their language knowledge in an active way.

In the field of preparatory exercises, the virtual linguo-didactic environment is used not only to consolidate and memorize new material but also for partial presentation and semantization of the material.

Thus, learning listening comprehension skills within the framework of the thematic block is built according to the following scheme:

Preparatory work in a virtual language environment

• students get acquainted with the lexical and grammatical material on the topic of the lesson;

• students perform a number of preparatory exercises based on the new material;

• students complete a test based on new studied material;

• students read a text containing the studied lexical and grammatical material and do a post-text task to check their reading comprehension.

Classroom work

• preparatory exercises in a recorded form based on material studied in graphic form;

• speech exercises - work with the audio texts of the thematic block.

Independent work in a virtual language environment

• watching or listening to audio materials and doing speech exercises with auto-check or checking at the next lesson.

It should be emphasized that the most serious independent work is required in preparation for listening to news reports from the media, since this group of texts contains unfamiliar vocabulary which is the foundation for understanding the meaning and often prevents students from a successful listening experience.

Work with material from television series is organized according to a different principle as each episode is usually long and contains detailed information. At the same time students are motivated to watch such TV series on their own.

Independent work with TV series

• watching an episode of a TV series;

• performing a test aimed at checking the understanding of both general information and details, as well as at developing the mechanism of speech segmentation and training phonemic hearing;

• participation in the discussion (in writing) aimed at developing the mechanism of anticipation, as well as mastering specific features of French colloquial speech.

Classroom work with a television series

• checking students' understanding of the spoken structures in the form of discussion;

• language, cultural, linguistic and cultural commentary given by the teacher in case students experience difficulty while watching.

Thus, consistent and systematic organization of work on acquiring listening comprehension skills is vital both in classroom learning and in the conditions of independent students' work.

Conclusion. The above-mentioned facts allow concluding that for improving the quality and effectivity of teaching foreign languages in any of its aspects, the ICT should be implemented not episodically but permanently in the teaching practice. The complex systematic implementation is possible only with the creation of a specific informational environment, which will include both paper and electronic resources, together with the resources on magnetic media, supporting the disciplinary training in all its variability.

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1. Vishnyakov S.A., Dunaeva L.A. Inoyazychnaya verbal'naya kommunikaciya: prepodavanie, izuchenie osvoenie v kontekste teorii sredovogo podhoda: monografiya. Moskva: Flinta; Nauka. 2017: 94 - 116.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 14.06.22

УДК 374.1

Kuznetsova E.V., senior teacher, Department of Professional Education Management, Institute of Education Development of the Republic of Bashkortostan

(Ufa, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

THE PEDAGOGICAL PROCESS OF FORMING THE COMPETENCE OF FINANCIAL LITERACY OF THE HEAD OF AN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION IN THE SYSTEM OF ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION. Financial literacy as a key skill of a modern person and professional is gaining popularity. Every year there is an update of training programs for financially literate behavior, while the main target audience is schoolchildren, students, teachers and socially unprotected segments of the population. The author of the article focuses on the importance of developing the skill of financially literate behavior, first of all, among the heads of educational organizations that play a key organizational and managerial role in the implementation of the mentioned educational process and on teaching financial literacy as a fundamental professional competence. The article also presents a theoretical understanding of the pedagogical process of forming the competence of financial literacy and the necessary pedagogical conditions for the success of this process.

Key words: pedagogical process, pedagogical conditions, competence of financial literacy, head of an educational organization.

Е.В. Кузнецова, ст. преп., Институт развития образования Республики Башкортостан, г. Уфа, E-mail: [email protected]


Финансовая грамотность как ключевой навык современного человека и профессионала набирает популярность. Ежегодно происходит обновление программ обучения финансово-грамотному поведению, при этом основной целевой аудиторией являются школьники, студенты, педагоги и социально незащищенные слои населения. Автор статьи акцентирует внимание на важности формирования навыка финансово-грамотного поведения в первую очередь у руководителей образовательных организаций, играющих ключевую организационно-управленческую роль в реализации упомянутого образовательного процесса, и на том, чтобы обучать финансовой грамотности как основополагающей профессиональной компетенции. В статье также представлено теоретическое осмысление педагогического процесса формирования компетенции финансовой грамотности и необходимых педагогических условий успешности этого процесса.

Ключевые слова: педагогический процесс, педагогические условия, компетенция финансовой грамотности, руководитель образовательной организации.

Невыполнение стратегических целей на пути достижения финансовой стабильности и роста ВВП страны - лишь следствие проблемы финансирования образования, которое играет ключевую роль в формировании интеллектуального капитала. Мутирующий процесс субсидирования системы образования под давлением дефицита государственного бюджета все чаще толкает управляющего образовательной организацией на поиск альтернативных каналов обеспечения.

Сегодня в рамках государственной программы реализуется проект повышения финансовой грамотности населения, «направленный на формирование навыков финансового планирования и рационального поведения на протяжении всего жизненного цикла человека», разрабатываются учебно-методические комплекты для различных социальных групп и возрастов. В приоритете - школьники, студенты и социально незащищенные слои населения [1-9].

Однако заметим, что решить проблему финансовой неграмотности и содействовать формированию новых навыков в сфере грамотного финансового поведения способна лишь личность (педагог, тренер) с уже сформированным описанным навыком, и это непременное условие.

В связи с этим отсутствие специфических адаптированных программ для руководителей образовательных организаций становится нежелательным упущением в процессе формирования профессиональных кадров. Именно руково-

дитель, влияя посредством управления на образовательную организацию, несет бремя ответственности как за успешность разработки учебных пособий и реализацию программ обучения, так и за разрешение возникающих финансово-хозяйственных трудностей.

Своевременность и актуальность вышеупомянутого вопроса поспособствовали формулированию цели настоящего исследования - создать инновационное в организационно-содержательном плане образовательное пространство, способствующее эффективному формированию компетенции «финансовая грамотность» в процессе профессиональной переподготовки и повышения квалификации, учитывающее также и образовательную потребность руководителей образовательных организаций.

Задача настоящей статьи - описать педагогический процесс и обозначить комплекс необходимых педагогических условий, способствующих эффективному формированию компетенции «финансовая грамотность» в процессе ДПО. Из широкого перечня методов исследования в основу положен теоретический анализ современных подходов к формированию компетенции «финансовая грамотность» у руководителей образовательных организаций в российской и зарубежной теории и практике; из практических - тестирование, анкетирование руководителей и заместителей руководителей образовательных организаций, проходивших профессиональную переподготовку в ИРО РБ г Уфы.

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