LEARNİNG THROUGH CREATİVE DRAMA İN TOURİSM EDUCATİON Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
Tourism education / experience-based learning / creative drama / students’skills.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Turker Nuray, Tabak Tolgahan

This paper aims to examine the creative drama, the teaching methods, its role and importance and advantages in learning in tourism education. Therefore, adopting the qualitiative method of document analysis, secondary sources (articles, dissertations, books) are used in order to examine the topic in detail. In addition, the results of various research concentrating on creative drama in tourism education revealed in the study. Therefore, the content of the topic will be interpreted in order to elicit meaning, gain understanding, and develop empirical knowledge (Corbin & Strauss, 2008)

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Bir xalqning yuksalishi yoki yuksalmasligi o'sha xalqning yosh avlodlariga bog'liq, yoshlarining yuksalishi yoki passivlashishi olayotgan ta'limiga, ta'lim esa muallimlarga bog'liqdir.


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Turker, Nuray

Karabuk Universitesi Safranbolu Turizm Fakultesi, Karabuk, Turkiye

Tabak, Tolgahan

Karabuk Universitesi Safranbolu Turizm Fakultesi, Karabuk, Turkiye

Annotation: This paper aims to examine the creative drama, the teaching methods, its role and importance and advantages in learning in tourism education. Therefore, adopting the qualitiative method of document analysis, secondary sources (articles, dissertations, books) are used in order to examine the topic in detail. In addition, the results of various research concentrating on creative drama in tourism education revealed in the &udy. Therefore, the content of the topic will be interpreted in order to elicit meaning, gain under&anding, and develop empirical knowledge (Corbin & Strauss, 2008)

Keywords: Tourism education, experience-based learning, creative drama, &udents'skills.

Today, lecture method (or also called as transmissive method) is widely used in tourism education in many countries. In this teacher-centered method, &udents are the passive li&eners and as they memorize the content of the course, they may not gain the professional skills which are essential for the tourism indu&ry. Therefore, there is a need for creative teaching methods such as experiential learning or creative drama that &udents can gain skills by practising, living and having fun (Ozogul et. al., 2020).

Drama put the &udent at the center of experience-based learning and give the &udent a central role in determining and examining the course content (Ozogul et. al.,

2020). Creative drama is the impersonation of a purpose, idea, using techniques such as improvisation, role playing, based on the life experiences of the members of a group (Adiguzel, 2016). Creative drama is the improvisational act that the participants create based on their own creative inventions, original thoughts, subjective memories and knowledge, without a pre-written text (Can and Canturk-Gunhan, 2009).

According to San (1996) creative drama is "a game-like process in which individuals reorganize old cognitive patterns by using improvisation, role playing and similar theater or theater techniques in group work, they interpret and activate a life and event, a thought, sometimes an ab&ract concept or behavior, through the review and reinterpretation of observations, experiences and emotions." Creative drama is a learning tool that is effective in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor development of &udents (Can and Canturk-Gunhan, 2009).

In drama, experience-based teaching method is used. Experience-based learning enables &udents to participate in the course more actively. This kind of learning also ensures that the &udent learns permanently. Although there is no claim that every theoretical subject is taught with drama, however, &udents' gain in the affective and the cognitive field will enable them to get prepared for their social and professional lives. (Ozogul, 2019). In tourism education creative drama is useful in order to prepare &udents for working life. In fact, research show that Tourism Management &udents identify the lessons as boring in the exiting teaching sy&em as this sy&em encourages &udents to memorize and there are only a few practical courses (Zencir, Qo§kun, & Gunay Akta§, 2016).

Regarding the literature, there are a few &udies related to tourism education and creative drama (Arm&rong, 2003; Sezerel, 2017; Benjamin and Kline, 2019; Sezerel and Ozogul, 2019). The low number of research &udies shows that its use in tourism education is &ill new.

In his &udy Arm&rong (2003) attempted to determine whether the role-playing technique is effective in teaching professional skills on su&ainable tourism management. Sezerel (2017) determined the views of &udents on the creative drama method and its effectiveness on tourism education. Benjamin and Kline (2019) inve&igated the effect of improvisation technique on individuals' confidence and on improving collaborative learning environments. Sezerel and Ozogul (2019), on the other hand, discussed the applicability of the expert mantle approach in touri& guiding education and examined the perceptions of the &udents towards the courses.

Studies show that creative drama facilitates learning, increases the memorability of the information, and prepares the &udent for working life. This type of learning is enjoyable and fun. In addition, research show that creative drama contributes to the development of many skills that &udents might need in their professional life such as communication, teamwork, time management, problem-solving, critical and creative thinking.

Ozogul et. al (2020) determined that the creative drama method is more convenient in learning and the course content are catchy compared to the traditional learning methods. Activities carried out in the course contributed to &udents to get prepared for working

life because these activities consi& of similar situations that they might encounter when working in tourism indu&ry. Learning through creative drama is enjoyable, it provides internalization of information and the course content. The content can be easily underwood. It is an interactive learning that it contributes to personal development of the &udent. It also improves the learning abilities of &udents and develops the professional and communication skills.

Different techniques such as improvisation, role play, letters, &ill image, holding a meeting, pantomime, writing in role, teacher in role, nonverbal improvisation, narrative technique, creative writing, drawing pictures, writing a &ory with pictures are used in drama for effective learning in tourism education. One of the influential techniques of drama is the role playing that in this technique &udents take on a role where they can be as creative as possible. Improvisation refers an immediate, spontaneous acting of a given situation or object. In the &ill image, actions and words are frozen in the game like a photo. The imaginary photographs are analyzed by other &udents/participants who are outside of that improvisation (Ozogul, 2019).

In the letter technique, in order to add a new thought, focus or tension to the exiting drama, letters are given to the members of the &udent group by the teacher. When the teacher takes part in drama &udies along with the &udents, it is called teacher in role. Writing in role is writing a report, letter, po&card, court decision letter, meeting announcement, etc. from the person in the role played.


1. Adiguzel, O. (2016). Egitimde yaratici drama, 9. Baski, Ankara: Pegem Akademi.

2. Arm&rong, E. K. (2003). Applications of role-playing in tourism management teaching: An evaluation of a learning method. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport &Tourism Education, 2 (1), 5-16.

3. Benjamin, S. & Kline, C. (2019). How to yes-and: Using improvisational games to improv(e) communication, likening and collaboration techniques in tourism and hospitality education. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 24, 130-142.

4. Can, B., Canturk-Gunhan, B. (2009). The self efficacy beliefs scale towards the using of creative drama method. e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, 4(1), 3443.

5. Corbin, J. & Strauss, A. (2008). Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

6. Ozogul, T. (2019). Turizm egitim ve ogretiminde yaratici drama yonteminin ogrenci ba§arisina, tutumuna, goru§lerine ve ba§arinin kaliciligina etkisi: otel yonetimi dersi ornegi. Anadolu Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler En&itusu (Unpublished PhD Dissertation) Tezi, Eski§ehir.

7. Ozogul, T., Gunay Akta§, S., Sezerel, H., Adiguzel, O. (2020). Turizm egitiminde yaratici drama yontemi: ogrenmedeki rolune, ders surecine ve duygu durumuna yonelik ogrenci goru§leri. Journal of Tourism Theory and Research, 6(1), 1-19.

8. Sezerel, H. & Ozogul, T. (2019). Ogrenciyi merkeze almak: Turi& rehberligi

egitiminde uzman mantosu yakla§imi. Dokuz Eylul Universitesi i§letme Fakultesi Dergisi, 20 (1), 167-197.

9. Sezerel, H. (2017). Turizm egitiminde yaratici dramanin uygulanabilirligi var mi? K. Birdir (Ed.) in Proceedings Book (pp.848-856). Mersin. Fir& International Congress on Future of Tourism: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Su&ainability (Futourism 2017)

10. Zencir, E., Qo§kun, i. O. ve Gunay Akta§, S. (2016). Turizm Fakultesi ogretim programlarinin degerlendirilmesi ara§tirmasi: Anadolu universitesi ornegi projesinin tanitimi. 17th National Tourism Congress Proceedings Book, Mugla, 20-23 October pp. 1035-1043.


Umarova Navbahor Shokirovna

Nizomiy nomidagi Toshkent davlatpedagogika universiteti

kafedra mudiri, PhD, dotsent Raimdjanova Gulasal Baxtiyar qizi

Nizomiy nomidagi Toshkent davlat pedagogika

universiteti magi&ranti

Annotatsiya: ushbu tezisda talabalar dunyoqarashi, tafakkurini rivojlantirishda kreativlikning o'rni va uni aniqlash usullarining nazariy tahlillari berib o'tilgan.

Kalit so'zlar: tafakkur, kreativlik, faoliyat, usul, ta'lim.

Annotation: this thesis gives a theoretical analysis of the role of creativity in the development of &udents ' worldview, thinking and methods for its determination..

Key words: thinking, creativity, activity, method, education.

Ma'lumki jamiyat va tabiat o'rtasidagi munasabatlarning tadbiq etishga mo'ljallangan fanlardan bittasi psixologiya hisoblanadi. Psixologik bilimlarni ijtimoiy hayotning barcha jabhalarida tatbiq etish ko'lami kengayib borishi uning mas'uliyati va nufuzi ortayotganligidan dalolat beradi. Huddi shu bois psixolog mutaxasislarga nisbatan ijtimoiy buyurtmaning ko'payishi ularni hozirgi zamon talabiga javob beradigan darajada tarbiyalashni taqazo etmoqda. Shaxs tarbiyasi, uning ijtimoiy-psixologik kamoloti har qanday davlatning bosh &rategik masalalaridan biridir. Chunki, shaxsni ma'lum ezgu g'oyalar, ijtimoiy-psixologik va yuksak intellektual talablar asosida tarbiyalamay turib har jihatdan kamol topishga qodir jamiyatni qurib bo'lmaydi. Zero, bu jarayonda eng avvalo ta'lim-tarbiya tizimi, uning mazmun-mohiyati, ta'lim tizimini takomillashtirishga xizmat qiluvchi psixologik tamoyillar muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi [1,12].

Bu jarayonning keng ko'lamda amalga oshirilishi uchun esa eng avvalo ta'lim tarbiya bilan shug'ullanuvchi barcha xodimlarga ayniqsa psixologlarga juda katta ma'suliyat yuklaydi. Buning uchun har qaysi ota-ona, u&oz va murabbiy har bir bola timsolida avvalo shaxsni ko'rishi zarur. Ana shu oddiy talabdan kelib chiqqan holda,

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