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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Redkina Ludmila Ivanovna, Zakiryanova Irina Aksanovna

The purpose of the study is to analyze the key aspects of a preschool and primary education teacher’s professional competence formation in the conditions of multicultural education. In modern sociocultural realities, a teacher’s multicultural competence is of particular importance, assuming one’s willingness to form the ability of one’s students to live in peace and harmony with people of different nationalities, to build their life in a multicultural environment on the basis of mutual respect, mutual understanding, mutual acceptance. According to the authors, the most expedient is the introduction of multicultural information integratively into the study of all academic disciplines, thereby implementing an interdisciplinary model which allows covering a large number of students, and at the same time avoiding their overload and unnecessary economic costs.

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лизации субъектной активности студента в процессе обучения в вузе [Электронный ресурс] // Фундаментальные исследования. - 2014. -№ 11-9. - С. 2055-2060. - URL: https://fUnda-mental-research.ru/ru/article/view?id=3 5895.

5. Соколов В. В. Метод оценки валеоло-гического сознания обучающихся [Электронный ресурс] // Физическая культура, спорт и здоровье. - Йошкар-Ола: МарГУ. - 2017. -№ 30. - С. 138-141. - URL: https://www.elibra-ry.ru/download/elibrary_32791992_59814431.pdf.

6. Якушкина М. С. Образовательная среда и образовательное пространство как понятия современной педагогической науки // Академический вестник Института педагогического образования и образования взрослых РАО «Человек и образование». - 2013. - № 2 (35). - С. 66-69.

7. Ясвин В. А. Образовательная среда: от моделирования к проектированию. - М.: Смысл, 2001. - 368 с.


L. I. Redkina, I. A. Zakiryanova

УДК 37.013








U ntroduction. A preschool and primary education teacher's professional competence is one of the key competencies among a teacher's professionally and personally significant qualities ne-

cessary for the implementation of effective activities aimed at transferring the culture and social experience accumulated by mankind from older generations to new ones, at creating pedagogical conditions for children's personal development, as well as activities related to the ability to solve many other pedagogical tasks in the educational activity process. Currently, there are a large number of classifications of professional competence components. Thus, the analysis of the works of L. S. Vygotsky [19], E.A Klimov, S. L. Rubinstein [15], and other scientists makes it possible to identify the following professional competence components:

- socio-legal competence, that is knowledge and skills in the field of interaction with public institutions and people, as well as knowledge of professional communication and behavior methods;

- personal competence, that is the ability to constantly professional growth and professional development, as well as self-realization in professional work;

- special competence, that is readiness to independently perform specific types of activities, the ability to solve typical professional tasks and evaluate the results of one's work, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills in the specialty;

- autocompetence, that is an adequate understanding of one's own socio-professional characteristics and knowledge of technologies for overcoming professional destructions;

- extreme competence, that is the ability to act in suddenly complicated conditions, in case of accidents, technological processes violations (L. S. Vygotsky; S. L. Rubinstein; E. A. Klimov).

According to J. Raven, an author of the book Competence in Modern Society, professional competence is associated with such skills as: to work independently without constant guidance; to take responsibility on their own initiative; to take initiative without asking others how to do it; to notice problems and look for ways to solve them effectively; to analyze new situations and apply existing knowledge for such analysis; to get along with other people; to assimilate any knowledge on one's own initiative; to make decisions based on sound judgments.

These skills acquire particular importance in the context of pedagogical activity because the success of innovative transformations in society is directly dependent on a Teacher, without whom it is impossible to imagine the further life path of a person, a future specialist of any professional profile. Therefore, the work aimed at improving teaching staff professional competence, increasing their scientific and general cultural level, developing their creative potential, readiness for continuous self-education, the ability to flexible socio-pedagogical thinking, especially in a multicultural society, should be given the closest attention.

The aim of this work is to analyze the concept of a preschool and primary education teacher's professional competence which is considered in the context of one's professional activity within a multicultural education. Special attention is paid to the problem of multicultural competence formation as the most important component of a teacher's professional competence who implements one's pedagogical activity in a multicultural environment.

Materials and Methods. The methodology-cal basis of this study is the works of both Russian (L. S. Vygotsky, S. L. Rubinstein, E. A. Kli-mov, A. N. Dzhurinsky, O. V. Khukhlayeva et al), and foreign scientists (L. Gurlitt, G. Sharrelmann, H.-G. Gadamer and others). Studies of a teacher's professional competence designed to ensure the effectiveness of solving pedagogical, scientific, methodological, organizational and managerial tasks are dedicated to the research of such scientists as C. §anli & A. Bostancioglu, I. O. Ibragimov & A. N. Nyudyurmagomedov, M. S. Vijay Kumar, R. J. Marzano, J. S. Marzano & D. P. Pickering, J. Knight, H. Walberg and others.

A special role in the analysis of the problem of a preschool and primary education teacher's professional competence is given to the development of human society cultural heritage as the most important aspect of a teacher's professional competence formation within a multicultural education in the works of such researchers as C. C. Ye§ilbursa, H. R. Markus & S. Kitayama, G. Adams & H. R. Markus, E. Yalginkaya and others.

The main methods in this study are the analysis of scientific and methodological literature on pedagogy and psychology, as well as practi-

cal experience that allows identifying key aspects of a preschool and primary education teacher's professional competence formation within a multicultural education; comparison and generalize-tion of pedagogical experience, concretization and theoretical design.

Results and Discussion. Summarizing the approaches of a large number of scientists to this problem study, it can be argued that pedagogical competence is a process and result of creative professional activity, an integrated indicator of a teacher's personal and activity essence due to the level of one's humanistic and creative orientation realization. Pedagogical activity is complex and multicomponent. Of all the variety of its components, three main ones can be identified: substantive, methodological and socio-psychological components. In their entirety, they form the internal structure of the pedagogical process. With a more detailed consideration of the components mentioned above, we consider it appropriate to designate such structural-forming competencies that are essential for a teacher:

1. Subject competence the content of which includes the possession of certain techniques and means of teaching in the process of educational activity (specialty). This is a set of skills and abilities necessary to stimulate the activity of both individual students and the team as a whole. It also includes skills related to choosing the right pedagogical style, tact, tone in communication, with a pe-dagogically appropriate impact on students' attention, on their activities pace.

2. Productive competence which implies the ability to work, get results, make constructive decisions and be responsible for them. It should be noted that most scientists consider this competence to be the most important since it is the result of pedagogical influence on students that determines the educational process.

3. Psychological competence which provides for the ability to apply psychological methods of pedagogical influence in the organization of interaction in the process of educational activity. In order to better understand one's students, to determine the ways of their personal development, each teacher must possess the necessary knowledge from the field of psychology.

4. Information competence which means knowledge of information technologies, the ability to work with various sources of information, critically process the information found in accordance with the goals and objectives of the pedagogical process.

5. Communicative competence which assumes the ability to design effective communication (pedagogical communication) both with one's colleagues and students and their parents; the ability to simply explain complex concepts in the process of educational activity.

6. Autocompetence which means the ability to self-development, creativity, personal and professional self-education, competitiveness, and ultimately - to successful self-realization in pedagogical work. After all, the indicator of true professionalism is the desire of a teacher oneself to learn, to learn something new in order to always be interesting to one's students; to show by one's example a craving for knowledge; to master modern creative pedagogical technologies and implement them in one's work. Only a creative teacher can educate a student's creative personality.

7. Moral competence which is coupled with a willingness to live in accordance with tradition-nal moral norms, rules of behavior and life, values accepted in society.

8. Multicultural competence associated with the willingness to form students' qualities such as: the ability to live in peace and harmony with people of different nationalities, races, beliefs; to build their life in a multinational and multicultural environment based on mutual respect, mutual understanding and mutual acceptance.

The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature has shown that the problem of teacher's personality development within a multicultural professional and educational space which is interrelated with the problem of a preschool and primary education teacher's professional competence, is among the insufficiently developed both in the construction of this phenomenon conceptual models and in the definition of recommendations for existing educational practice.

Since the beginning of the XX century, the idea of multiculturalism has been developing in

the world which has become a fundamental trend of modern cultural and civilizational development. L. Gurlitt, G. Sharrelmann included ethnic and world cultures in this concept which, in their opinion, contribute to the development of universal consciousness and affirm the concept of a single world. According to these scientists, the unification of culture is unacceptable. Researchers have linked multiculturalism with the freedom of spiritual development of the individual and the people: a person cannot profoundly and consciously master culture if alien ideas and views are imposed on one, if the development of one's natural powers and abilities is not ensured.

It is known, that the process of interaction between the environment and a person is two-sided: on the one hand, the environment through its structural components affects human development; on the other hand, a person, entering into social relations with other people, objects and phenomena, creates this environment giving it a certain social quality. Such interaction manifests itself especially clearly in the process of educational activity when the development of cultural values takes place.

Since the achievements of a cognitive nature represent the totality of mankind's material and spiritual heritage, to the extent that the development of the initial scientific provisions is also the acquisition of cultural values. As a result, the didactic concept of culture was formulated - the education and upbringing of younger generation by means of culture. According to H.-G. Gadamer in his work "Truth and Method": "Now 'education' is closely connected with the concept of culture and ultimately denotes a specific human way of transforming natural inclinations and capabilities" [4, p. 27].

The process of interaction, such as the appropriation and creation of new cultural values by a person, within the educational system is creation: it is connected with culture in its dynamic aspect. The education system multiculturalism and huma-nization which characterize the modern stage of its development places high demands on teaching staff general and professional training, on the manifestation of their creative individuality. In this


context, we will pay special attention to the concept of multicultural competence which has been reflected in a fairly wide cycle of research in various scientific fields.

The analysis of the existing approaches of psychological and pedagogical sciences in the definition of the concept under consideration allows us to identify the main competences:

- a teacher's multicultural competence is an integrative characteristic of the professionalism level which is determined by the state of a teacher's professional and cultural education, one's experience and individual characteristics, one's motivated desire for continuous self-education, the potential for the formation of the world multicultural humanistic picture during the educational process based on the dialogue of cultures;

- a prospective teacher's multicultural competence is one's complex, professional and personal quality which is formed on the basis of tolerance in the process of professional training, is characterized by awareness of one's own multicultural identity and manifests itself in the ability to solve professional tasks effectively;

- a prospective teacher's multicultural competence is a professionally significant integrative quality of personality which combines the motives of cognition and acceptance of the common and specific in each culture as values; knowledge of the laws and ways of life and development of a multicultural society and the ability to apply them in practice.

Education in a multicultural society is a pedagogical process in which usually two or more cultures are represented differing by language, ethnicity, nationality or race. It is advisable to talk about such education when a certain person seeks to understand others' specific system of perception, cognition, thinking, others' system of values and actions in communication with people of another culture, integrate new experiences into one's own cultural system and change them in accordance with someone else's culture. The multicultural educational process encourages, along with the knowledge of someone else's culture, the analysis of one's own culture system.

In this context, the aim of all educational organizations is not only to familiarize students with

different ethnic cultures, but also to teach them to live in a community. Bearing in mind that the process of education includes three components: training, development, upbringing, we consider the process of multicultural education in the aspect of upbringing.

The problem of a multicultural approach to the system of higher education acquires particular importance in the process of teaching special disciplines since it is at the student age that there is an active process of choosing values and life orientations, determining ideological positions, designing the main vector of one's personal and professional orientation. It is during the student years that the period of social maturity, spiritual search begins, the issues of communication culture, the field of ethnic aspects of intercultural relations are actualized.

The analysis of modern research in the field of higher education allows us to assert: nowadays vocational education is not only the training of a specialist, teaching subjects and disciplines, but, above all, creating conditions for the development of a free, tolerant personality, ready to function in the complex problems of modern culture who lives and works in a multicultural environment, is attracted to the interpenetration of world and national pedagogical cultures. The student's entry into the world of pedagogical culture of various peoples and times is accompanied by an endless analysis and formation of new meanings, deep connections with the past, present and future, the development of humanity which are of exceptional importance in mastering adequate universal ethics and values of relationships with people of other nationalities, in the revival of the spiritual and moral foundations of personality, the development of tolerant interethnic communication mechanisms (Dzhurinsky; Khukhlaeva, Khaki-mov & Khukhlaev; Azizova, Savotina, Bocha-rov & Zenkina).

The analysis of scientific literature indicates that the system of multicultural competence formation can be successful under the following didactic conditions:

- ensuring the integration of multicultural knowledge with the main program material of disciplines studied within the higher education;

- ensuring the interrelation of contact and independent activity of students in the process of multicultural competence formation;

- mastering the various ethnic groups values of education, elements of their national education system.

The first didactic condition should be implemented within the framework of educational activities since it provides for the connection of multicultural knowledge with the main content of educational disciplines. To ensure this relationship, it is necessary to analyze regulatory documents, theory and practice of education which, in turn, allows us to identify five models for introducing regional local historical and cultural material into the content of general education. These models are universal and can be used to fill the content of education with multicultural information, namely:

- an interdisciplinary model involving the distribution of relevant information across all academic disciplines;

- a modular model implemented for the study of disciplines of the humanities cycle by including special topics or modules reflecting the multicultural information field;

- a single-subject model involving in-depth study of ethnic culture, mother tongue, history, geography of a country (or a region) in classes in academic disciplines most suitable for this purpose;

- a comprehensive model implemented in the form of integrative courses in which certain aspects of national culture can be presented in the interrelation of history and culture, and local history and culture, folk studies and related disciplines;

- a complementary model that provides for familiarization of perspective teachers with eth-nocultural information in the process of organizing classroom and extracurricular activities.

Proceeding from this, in the process of educational activity it is possible to implement interdisciplinary, modular, monopredject, complex models of introducing multicultural information into the content of education which can be achieved through academic disciplines, integrated courses, electives, special modules, lesson topics, special techniques, methods and methodological approaches which enhance multicultural specificity.

The analysis of the main professional educational programs of bachelor's and master's degree of humanitarian orientation allows us to assert that today among the list of basic and variable disciplines there are practically no those that would provide for the purposeful multicultural competence formation (Azizova, Savotina, Bocharov & Zenkina).

Undoubtedly, the introduction of new ethno-cultural disciplines through the organization of additional classes, elective courses will significantly increase the educational load. Taking into account the fact that the process of multicultural competence formation is time-consuming, we believe that multicultural information should be integrated into most academic subjects throughout the entire period of study since no single discipline can reveal all the ethnic diversity of cultural social space. The most appropriate, in our opinion, is the introduction of multicultural information integratively into the study of all existing academic disciplines, thereby implementing an interdisciplinary model that allows covering a large number of students, and at the same time avoiding their overload and unnecessary economic costs. But all this requires, first of all, a thorough study of all existing academic disciplines of the humanities cycle content potential since it is individual, has its own characteristics for integrating multicultural material. Multicultural information should be organically included in the academic disciplines, complementing them, but not overloading them with unnecessary information, as a result of which it is possible to divert attention from the study of the discipline itself.

Purposeful educational work on a person's multicultural competence formation as one of the basic components of a teacher's professional competence should begin as early as possible, at a time when not only a person realizes oneself as a representative of a certain ethnocultural group and systematizes knowledge about other peoples and their cultures, but also when the attitude towards them is realized, their peculiar 'assessment' is formed, and the foundations of a behavioral (life) model for one's own and other ethnic groups are laid.

Conclusion. Thus a preschool and primary education teacher's professional competence is a


set of structural-forming competencies: subject, productive, psychological, informational, communicative, moral, multicultural ones, as well as competence associated with the teacher's ability to self-development. In the context of multicultural education, a teacher's multicultural competence is of particular importance which implies one's willingness to form such qualities in one's students as: the ability to live in peace and harmony with people of different nationalities, races, beliefs; to build one's life in a multinational and multicultural environment on the basis of mutual respect, mutual understanding and mutual acceptance.

A preschool and primary education teacher's professional competence formation within a multicultural education involves the preparation of a highly educated professional, a person capable of creative activity, ready for self-determination and self-realization in professional, social, and personal life spheres, free from negative ethnocultural stereotypes, with the position of a world citizen, a member of the world community, ready to be responsible for the fate of this country and the entire planet.


Целью статьи является анализ ключевых аспектов формирования профессиональной компетентности педагога дошкольного и начального образования в условиях поликультурного образования. В современных социокультурных реалиях особую значимость приобретает поликультурная компетентность педагога, предполагающая его готовность формировать у своих учеников умение жить в мире и согласии с людьми разных национальностей, выстраивать свою жизнедеятельность в поликультурной среде на основе взаимоуважения, взаимопонимания, взаимопринятия. Наиболее целесообразным, по мнению авторов, является введение поликультурной информации интегративным путем в изучение всех учебных дисциплин, реализуя тем самым межпредметную модель, позволяющую охватить большое количество обучающихся, и при этом избежать их перегрузки и лишних экономических затрат.

Ключевые слова: профессиональная компетентность педагога дошкольного и начального образования, поликультурная компетентность, поликультурное образование.


The purpose of the study is to analyze the key aspects of a preschool and primary education teacher's professional competence formation in the conditions of multicultural education. In modern sociocultural realities, a teacher's multicultural competence is of particular importance, assuming one's willingness to form the ability of one's students to live in peace and harmony with people of different nationalities, to build their life in a multicultural environment on the basis of mutual respect, mutual understanding, mutual acceptance. According to the authors, the most expedient is the introduction of multicultural information in-tegratively into the study of all academic disciplines, thereby implementing an interdisciplinary model which allows covering a large number of students, and at the same time avoiding their overload and unnecessary economic costs.

Key words: a preschool and primary education teacher's professional competence, multicultural competence, multicultural education.


1. Adams G., Markus H. R. Culture as patterns: an alternative approach to the problem of reification // Culture & Psychology. - 2001. - 7 (3). - P. 283-296.

2. Azizova N. R., Savotina N. A., Bocha-rov M. I., Zenkina S. V. Formation of a teacher's professional competence. Multicultural and information competence. - Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2023. - 162 p.

3. Dzhurinsky A. N. Multicultural education in a multinational society: textbook and workshop for undergraduate and graduate studies. -Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2018. - 257 p.

4. Gadamer H.-G. Truth and Method: Fundamentals of Philos. Hermeneutics. - Moscow: Progress, 1988. - 704 p.

5. Gurlitt L. About creative education. - Moscow: Library of free education and protection of children, 1911. - 56 p.

6. Khukhlaeva O. V., Khakimov E. R., Khu-khlaev O. E. Multicultural education. - Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2017. https://urait.ru/ bcode/468745

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11. Knight J. High-impact instruction: A framework for great teaching. - Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2012. - 392 p.

12. Markus H. R. & Kitayama S. Culture and the Self: Implications for Cognition, Emotion, and Motivation // Psychological Review. -1991. - № 98 (2). - P. 224-253.

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15. Rubinstein S. L. Fundamentals of general psychology. - Moscow: Publishing House: Peter, 2002. - 720 p.

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А. С. Чертков

УДК 372.8


О ведение. Геймификация и эдьютейнмент («игразование») - познание мира, получение знаний в игровой форме - становятся важнейшими элементами образовательного процесса в высших и средних учебных заведениях. Инновационные игровые образовательные технологии позволяют педагогам успешно реализовать проблемно-ориентированный подход обучения как один из наиболее продуктивных процессов познания гуманитарных дисциплин.

Доступность и демократичность игровых цифровых форматов, предоставляемых в оснащенных для этого учебно -образовательных

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