Научная статья на тему 'The problem of integration of students in multicultural educational space of medical university'

The problem of integration of students in multicultural educational space of medical university Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tskvitariia Tatyana

In the context of globalization, sustainable formation and functioning of a multicultural society, we consider the problem of the integration of students into the university multicultural educational space as relevant. The article discusses the peculiarities of psychological adaptation of foreign citizens into the multicultural environment of a unified educational space of the university, the possibility of their mutual integration. The questions about the need to adapt the educational system in order to form the knowledge, competencies, skills and behavioral models necessary for an innovative society and innovative economy and about the formation of a system of continuous education in a multicultural educational environment are raised. Within the framework of the competence paradigm, the competences of a modern person are highlighted, which reflect the level of professional and general culture, practical experience and which contribute to the successful integration of the individual in terms of intercultural communication into the educative and educational space of the university. The leading methodological principle of the educational process organization is also highlighted. It is the reliance on multicultural dialogue and the selection of the ethnocultural component in education. In accordance with this, special requirements are also imposed on the teacher. One of these requirements is cultural competence and the ability of the teacher to smooth out conflicts based on the knowledge of the students` national mentality, manifestations of tolerant attitude towards the students. Thus, the successful integration of students into the multicultural educational space of the university becomes possible when an educative and educational environment at the university with multi-level pedagogical support and humanistic pedagogy approaches implementation are created.

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Проблема интеграции обучающихся в поликультурное образовательное пространство медицинского университета

В условиях глобализации, устойчивого формирования и функционирования поликультурного социума, нам представляется актуальной проблема интеграции обучающихся в поликультурное образовательное пространство вуза. В статье рассматриваются особенности психологической адаптации иностранных граждан в поликультурную среду единого образовательного пространства вуза, возможности их взаимной интеграции. Поставлен вопрос о необходимости адаптации системы образования для целей формирования необходимых для инновационного общества и инновационной экономики знаний, компетенций, навыков и моделей поведения, формирование системы непрерывного образования в условиях поликультурного образовательного пространства. В рамках компетентностной парадигмы выделены компетенции современного человека, которые отражают уровень профессиональной и общей культуры, опыта практической деятельности и способствуют успешной интеграции индивида в условиях межкультурной коммуникации в образовательном и воспитательном пространстве вуза. Выделяется также и ведущий методический принцип организации образовательного процесса опора на поликультурный диалог и выделение этнокультурного компонента в обучении. В соответствии с этим, к преподавателю также предъявляются особые требования. Одним из таких требований является сформированная культурологическая компетенция и способность преподавателя сглаживать конфликты на основе знаний национального менталитета обучающихся, проявления толерантного отношения к студентам. Таким образом, успешная интеграция обучающихся в поликультурное образовательное пространство вуза становится возможной при создании в вузе образовательной и воспитательной среды, с многоуровневой педагогической поддержкой и реализации подходов гуманистической педагогики.

Текст научной работы на тему «The problem of integration of students in multicultural educational space of medical university»

DOI 10.23947/2414-1143-2019-18-2-34-38 UDC 378.1


© Tatyana A. Tskvitariia

Rostov State Medical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation


In the context of globalization, sustainable formation and functioning of a multicultural society, we consider the problem of the integration of students into the university multicultural educational space as relevant. The article discusses the peculiarities of psychological adaptation of foreign citizens into the multicultural environment of a unified educational space of the university, the possibility of their mutual integration. The questions about the need to adapt the educational system in order to form the knowledge, competencies, skills and behavioral models necessary for an innovative society and innovative economy, and about the formation of a system of continuous education in a multicultural educational environment are raised. Within the framework of the competence paradigm, the competences of a modern person are highlighted, which reflect the level of professional and general culture, practical experience and which contribute to the successful integration of the individual in terms of intercultural communication into the educative and educational space of the university. The leading methodological principle of the educational process organization is also highlighted. It is the reliance on multicultural dialogue and the selection of the ethnocultural component in education. In accordance with this, special requirements are also imposed on the teacher. One of these requirements is cultural competence and the ability of the teacher to smooth out conflicts based on the knowledge of the students' national mentality, manifestations of tolerant attitude towards the students. Thus, the successful integration of students into the multicultural educational space of the university becomes possible when an educative and educational environment at the university with multi-level pedagogical support and humanistic pedagogy approaches implementation are created.

Key words: educational space, competence approach, competence, psychological adaptation, multicultural educational space.

[Т.А. Цквитария Проблема интеграции обучающихся в поликультурное образовательное пространство медицинского университета]

В условиях глобализации, устойчивого формирования и функционирования поликультурного социума, нам представляется актуальной проблема интеграции обучающихся в поликультурное образовательное пространство вуза. В статье рассматриваются особенности психологической адаптации иностранных граждан в поликультурную среду единого образовательного пространства вуза, возможности их взаимной интеграции. Поставлен вопрос о необходимости адаптации системы образования для целей формирования необходимых для инновационного общества и инновационной экономики знаний, компетенций, навыков и моделей поведения, формирование системы непрерывного образования в условиях поликультурного образовательного пространства. В рамках компетентностной парадигмы выделены компетенции современного человека, которые отражают уровень профессиональной и общей культуры, опыта практической деятельности и способствуют успешной интеграции индивида в условиях межкультурной коммуникации в образовательном и воспитательном пространстве вуза. Выделяется также и ведущий методический принцип организации образовательного процесса - опора на поликультурный диалог и выделение этнокультурного компонента в обучении. В соответствии с этим, к преподавателю также предъявляются особые требования. Одним из таких требований является сформированная культурологическая компетенция и способность преподавателя сглаживать конфликты на основе знаний национального менталитета обучающихся, проявления толерантного отношения к студентам. Таким образом, успешная интеграция обучающихся в поликультурное образовательное пространство вуза становится возможной при создании в вузе образовательной и воспитательной среды, с многоуровневой педагогической поддержкой и реализации подходов гуманистической педагогики.

Ключевые слова: образовательное пространство, компетентностный подход, компетенция, психологическая адаптация, поликультурное образовательное пространство.

Tatyana A. Tskvitariia - associate professor of pedagogics Faculty of professional development and professional retraining of experts Rostov State Medical University, candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation.

Цквитария Татьяна Александровна - доцент кафедры педагогики ФПК и ППС РостГМУ, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, г. Ростов-на-Дону, Российская Федерация.

Modern challenges of the time determine the specifics of the modern society existence and dictate the need to transform the educational paradigm. The new social order states that education should takes into account the existing diversity of the world and contributes to the successful students' integration into the modern multicultural environment of a unified educational space of the university, country and civilization. Today education is becoming a powerful factor in changing the whole society and the individual, ensuring its high mobility and, at the same time, integration into various social groups. In modern society, education has become one of the most extensive spheres of human activity [3].

One of the development directions and implementation of new approaches is the international human capacity building in the field of science, education, technology and innovation. For the innovation economy an "innovative person" is needed, which is not only capable of making full usage of science and technology achievements, but also focused on creating innovations, implementing them into all spheres of public life. This implies the education system adaptation for the formation of knowledge, competencies, skills and behavioral models necessary for an innovative society and an innovative economy, the formation of a system of continuing education in a multicultural educational environment [3].

Multicultural educational space is characterized by cultural diversity and contributes to the process of natural socio-cultural interaction of its participants. The change of the region, the country of residence stimulates students to build their livelihoods in new, not always psychologically favorable conditions. Psychological adaptation to the new country can be successful and unsuccessful, and integration in the host society, social activity, vital capacity and psychological well-being become significant indicators.

Choosing a new region or country for education, the person is not always ready for the difficulties that he will face from the moment of arrival. The main problems of foreign students are such as: new living conditions in the hostel, new weather conditions, academic requirements of the university, academic load, new living conditions in the university hostel, the need to communicate in other language, the need for constant interaction with people of different cultures, difficulties of adapting to the other way of life and the absence of relatives. All these have a significant impact on the students' adaptation. Foreign students spend most of their time (both academic and leisure) at the university. In addition, students have different levels of language training. This affects the level of their psychological well-being and the process of their adaptation to the multicultural educational space.

One of the main tasks of the university is not only the formation of the students' competences necessary for the future profession, but also ensuring the successful process of their adaptation and integration in the new socio-cultural environment. The success and effectiveness of adaptation will be determined primarily by the conditions that are created by the university in the educative and educational spaces. The educational environment of the university that provides educating for foreign citizens is multicultural. In the single educational organization, foreign students can study not only from neighboring countries (Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Belarus, Uzbekistan and others), but also from far abroad (Sri Lanka, Brazil, China, India, Nigeria, Malaysia and others).

The modern competence paradigm affects not only the knowledge sphere, but also the personal qualities, consciousness and activity of the student. The personal knowledge that is the basic component of the professional culture of the future specialist can be considered as the basis of professional competence [3]. The most significant competences (according to the European study in the framework of the project Tuning, 2006), being necessary for modern human, reflect the level of professional and general culture, experience of practical activities and promote successful integration of the individual in the conditions of multicultural space:

- The ability to analyze and synthesize;

- The ability to study;

- The ability to solve the problems;

- The ability to apply knowledge in practice;

- The ability to adapt to new situations;

- The care of a quality;

- The ability to work independently and as a team;

- The ability to manage the information [1].

The presented competencies are partially formed by the time an individual enters the higher education institution, but continue to be actively formed in the process of learning and communicating in the conditions of the multicultural educative and educational university space, including the adaptation period. Psychological adaptation of foreign students is a dynamic, multi-level process that causes changes in the motives and scope of needs, requiring expenditure of physical and psychological strength and the availability of adaptive capacity. This process goes through several stages:

- The inclusion in the university educational space;

- The understanding and accepting the basic norms of a multi-ethnic team and developing the own behavioral line;

- The formation of a sustainable positive attitude towards learning activities, overcoming the language barrier [2, pp. 111-113].

The adaptation potential is commonly understood as the entire complex of individual and social resources that are used for adaptation purposes. In the course of adapting to the changing conditions of society, personal reserves are used (the adaptation potential, the basis for implementing ways to overcome the negative impact on the individual).

For the assistance of successful integration of foreign students into educational space of the medical university in Rostov State Medical University the educational work on the constant basis is organized. For understanding of legal features of stay in the legal framework in the territory of other country, the acquaintance of students with "The provision on the foreign citizens who are in the territory in the Russian Federation", the separate Federal laws, the rights and duties of foreign citizens is organized. The organization and holding fact-finding excursions in the university are obligatory that provides understanding of features and rules of studying in educational process. Also sightseeing tours, visits of theaters for acquaintance with new sociocultural conditions are organized. Foreign students are involved in the organization and holding excursions and other forms of rest in festive and the days off, in participation in university, city actions, national festivals of acquaintance with history, culture, traditions of the people of Russia and the Don region. For example, students with pleasure prepare carrying out evenings "Let's get acquainted". Foreign students of the medical university participated in the Festival of the Russian language, science and culture which is carried out on the basis of Southern Federal University and preparatory faculties of Rostov State Medical University and Don State Technical University with the presentation on the subject "The City in which I study". Similar communication with foreign students of other universities of the region give the chance of broad communication

that contributes to the development in foreign students of the tolerant attitude towards representatives of other national and ethnic communities, allows to improve the culture of international communication. Of course, the work on integration of foreign students into educational space of higher education institution takes place with the assistance of the Russian students that allows to hold the meetings debates on topical issues of the present concerning youth.

The most important component of successful psychological adaptation of students to the multicultural university educational space is the cultivation of tolerance, the respectful attitude to the foreign culture, readiness to understand the foreign religion and inter-ethnic cooperation. Multicultural educational environment is an important factor in the formation of intercultural communication of foreign students and it is a combination of purposefully designed interconnected and interdependent possibilities of the educational process for the formation of competencies of future specialist.

The specificity of teaching foreign students in the multicultural environment requires the usage of certain educational technologies and methodological approaches. The reliance on the multicultural dialogue and the selection of the ethnocultural component in education become the main methodological principle. In accordance with this, special requirements are also imposed on the teacher:

- The teacher gives information not only in terms of educational material, but also provides assistance in various life situations;

- The teacher develops special guidelines for foreign students;

- The teacher takes into account the lack of students' language training;

- The teacher has a well-developed cultural competence and he is able to smooth out conflicts based on the knowledge of the national mentality [4, pp. 76-78].

In many ways, the psychological comfort and success of adaptation and integration are due to personal potential, the level of emotional stability and mental stability of foreign students. The effectiveness of the educational process also depends on the methodical preparation and organization of the teaching staff work and the hard work of the students themselves. Successful psychological adaptation to the university multicultural educational space, thus, becomes possible with pedagogical support and when the approaches of humanistic pedagogy are followed.


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ISSN 2414-1143

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_26 May, 2019

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