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Ключевые слова
ethnocultural competence / primary school teacher / professional training.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — U.I. Samadova

The article reveals the problem of the formation of ethno-cultural competence of future primary school teachers. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the process of development of the globalization of education is current-ly underway, in connection with which multicultural education becomes relevant, where the culturological component of the content of education is of particular importance. Teachers face the task of educating a person with intercultural competence, formed on the basis of ethnic culture. The primary school teacher is a key figure in the educational process, a translator of the spiritual heritage of the people to the younger generation. The ethno-cultural competence of a teacher is considered as a set of professional and personal characteristics that determines the readiness and ability for ethno-cultural education of younger students, organizing activities to familiarize them with the national culture, fostering a positive, tolerant attitude and respect for the culture and traditions of other peoples.

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U.I. Samadova


The article reveals the problem of the formation of ethno-cultural competence of future primary school teachers. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the process of development of the globalization of education is currently underway, in connection with which multicultural education becomes relevant, where the culturological component of the content of education is of particular importance. Teachers face the task of educating a person with intercultural competence, formed on the basis of ethnic culture. The primary school teacher is a key figure in the educational process, a translator of the spiritual heritage of the people to the younger generation. The ethno-cultural competence of a teacher is considered as a set ofprofessional and personal characteristics that determines the readiness and ability for ethno-cultural education of younger students, organizing activities to familiarize them with the national culture, fostering a positive, tolerant attitude and respect for the culture and traditions of other peoples.

Key words: ethnocultural competence, primary school teacher, professional training.

The system of higher education provides for a set of measures to improve the quality of preparing students for teaching activities in a multicultural educational environment, capable of implementing the ethno-cultural education of students. To contribute to the preservation, development and promotion of the cultural achievements of the people is one of the important tasks of the teacher. We agree with the opinion of V.A. Slastenin that the mission of a teacher is to be a carrier, a translator of the values accumulated by the people, language, culture, traditions and folklore [1]. The ethno-cultural education of younger schoolchildren provides, first of all, the formation of ethnic identification and socialization in a multicultural educational space. In this regard, the function of the teacher is as follows [2.p.20]:

-transmitting (transferring to the younger generation the accumulated cultural and historical experience of the people, spiritual values);

-developing (formation of ethnic self-consciousness, education of tolerance and respect for the culture and traditions of one's own and other peoples);

-differentiating (studying the national and cultural needs of children);

-integrating (organization of positive interaction and cultural mutual enrichment of representatives of different nationalities).

Ethno-cultural education of junior schoolchildren will be able to be carried out by highly trained, "ethno-" "culturally" "competent" teachers. The word "culture" from the Latin language is translated as "cultivation", "processing", "land improvement". In the works of the German educator I.G. Herder gives the meaning of the concept of "culture" in the context of the history of mankind [3]. In the explanatory dictionary of V.I. Dahl, the concept of "culture" is considered as "processing, care, cultivation, cultivation" and "mental and moral education". In the ethnic context, "culture" is understood as the spiritual and material values of the people, traditions and rituals, language and folklore, which are passed down from generation to generation. The term "competence" from the Latin language means "I achieve, I correspond, I approach". In the explanatory dictionary of V. Dahl, "competence" is the terms of reference provided by law, charter or other act to a specific body or official; knowledge and experience in a particular area [4]. The problem of professional competence of a teacher is the subject of research by many scientists (B.S. Gershunsky, T.V. Dobudko, A.K. Markova, N.N. Lobanova, L.M. Mitina, O.S. Orlov, Yu. N. Kulyutkin, G.S. Sukhobskaya and others). The analysis of the study made it possible to identify the main approaches to the study of the concept of "competence" [5, p. 23]. E.V. Bondarevskaya, L.S. Kolmogorova, E.V. Popova, N.S. Rozov consider this concept in the context of pedagogical culture; D.M. Grishin, M.I. Lukyanova, A.K. Markova, N.V. Matyash, E.M. Pavlyutenkov, A.I. Piskunov, O.M. Shiyan reveal competence in pedagogical activity; A.I. Panarin, R.Kh. Shakurov - as a professional and personal characteristic of a teacher, B.S. Gershunsky, T.G. Brazhe, N.I. Zaprudsky, O.E. Lomakin - as a quality of the level of preparedness of a teacher and as a result of systemic education.

© U.I. Samadova, 2022.

V.A. Slastenin developed a teacher professiogram based on a systematic and holistic approach to professional development and revealing creative potential. The professiogram systematizes the characteristic of the teacher, which ensures successful pedagogical activity. The main concept of professional development of a teacher is creative self-realization and development of emotional and volitional abilities [1]. In the works of D.M. Grishina, M.N. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova and others consider the active component as a backbone in the structure of professional competence. In the work of E.M. Pavlyutenkov, professional competence is revealed as a deep and fluent possession of the content of his subject and the presence of professionally important qualities of the teacher's personality. S.G. Molchanov considers professional competence as a set of philosophical, sociological, psychological, pedagogical knowledge, skills of modeling, programming, design, reflection and professionally significant personal qualities, such as creativity, the desire for self-knowledge, self-development and self-realization, etc. According to O.S. Orlov, a competent specialist has a set of pedagogical culture that allows him to solve the problems of education, as well as organize pedagogical interaction [6]. A.K. Markova considers competence as one of the components of professionalism, which is divided into special, social, personal and individual. Special competence is the presence of professional qualities of designing one's own development. Social competence is the ability to cooperate, communicate. Personal competence is the ability for self-reflection, self-development. Individual competence - self-realization of a person, readiness for professional growth.

F. Zeer defines the classification of professional competence and singles out socio-legal competence as its main components, i.e. knowledge and skills in the field of interaction with people, possession of methods of pedagogical communication; special competence, i.e. the ability to independently solve specific professional problems, self-reflection and self-improvement; personal competence, i.e. the ability for continuous professional growth, self-realization. Thus, many researchers consider the professional competence of a teacher as a professional and personal characteristic that determines the ability to solve specific situations and tasks that arise in real life, using knowledge, abilities, professional and life experience [7, p. 8]. Issues of ethno-cultural training of teachers, a systematic and holistic approach to the training of a national school teacher are considered in the works of G.N. Volkov [8, p. 20-23]. A.N. Nekrasova understands the concept of "ethnocultural competence" as a property of a person prepared for interethnic communication. V.N. Galyapin and T.V. Poshtareva, the main goal of the ethno-cultural competence of the teacher is the external and internal orientation of the personality. The external orientation is the consideration of ethnic characteristics, the desire for intercultural dialogue. Internal orientation -the teacher is not only a bearer of culture, but a translator, a conductor of cultural values [9].

B. Seryakova considers the concept of "ethno-cultural competence of a teacher" as a pedagogical phenomenon that characterizes the degree of assimilation of the culture of one's own and other peoples, the ability to transfer traditions, value orientations, and to implement ethno-cultural education. The author believes that the formation of ethno-cultural competence is carried out in the process of theoretical ethno-pedagogical training of future teachers and through inclusion in creative activity with immersion in the world of traditions and culture, as well as the formation of ethnic self-awareness of the future teacher [10]. V. Baidenko sees the concept of competence in the abilities of a specialist, which are based on knowledge, experience, inclinations obtained as a result of training, but implies not only their presence, but also their possession and application in solving specific situations and problems. A.B. Khutorskoy identifies the following competencies: value-semantic competence, which is associated with the value ideas of a person, his worldview; general cultural competence is the spiritual and moral foundations of family and social relations, cultural foundations of social and social phenomena; information competence is the ability to analyze and select the necessary information, transform and transmit it; communicative competence implies the ability to interact with people; social and labor competence is the possession of knowledge and experience in civil, social, social and labor activities.

Thus, the ethno-cultural competence of a teacher is a professional and personal characteristic that determines the readiness and ability to preserve, develop and transfer the cultural and historical achievements of the people, organize the activities of students to familiarize themselves with the national culture, foster respect for the culture and traditions of their own and other peoples.


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SAMADOVA UMIDA ISLOMBEK KIZI - Master student of the faculty Primary Education, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute.

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