Original paper
© A.N. Begjanova1H_
1Qoraqalpoq davlat universitet, Nukus, Qoraqalpog'iston
KIRISH: Xitoyning oilaviy panel tadqiqotlari (CFPS) ma'lumotlar to'plami va tizimli tenglama modelidan foydalangan holda, ushbu maqola ota-onalarning hayotidan qoniqishi va ota-onalarning hissiy farovonligi funktsiyasi sifatida oila daromadining bolalarning hissiy farovonligiga bevosita va bilvosita ta'sirini o'rganadi. Birinchidan, ushbu maqolaning empirik tahlili shuni ko'rsatadiki, oila daromadi bolalarning hissiy farovonligi natijalariga, shu jumladan tushkunlik, umidsizlik, nochor va ma'nosiz his-tuyg'ularga ijobiy ta'sir ko'rsatadi. Ikkinchidan, topilmalar shuni ko'rsatadiki, oila daromadi ota-onalarning hissiy farovonligi bilan sezilarli darajada bog'liq bo'lib, bu orqali bolalar farovonligiga ta'sir qiladi. Avlodlararo hissiy uzatish mexanizmi tasdiqlangan. Shaxsiy his-tuyg'ularni boshqarish qobiliyati nafaqat shaxsiy salomatlik, balki bolalar salomatligi va farovonligi bilan ham bog'liq bo'lgan muhim mahoratdir. Bundan tashqari, ota-onalarning hayotdan qoniqishlari oila daromadlari va ota-onalarning hissiy farovonligi o'rtasida vositachi bo'lib xizmat qiladi. Agar ota-onalar o'z hayotlaridan ko'proq qoniqish hosil qilsalar, ular hissiy muammolarni boshdan kechirish ehtimoli kamroq. Oxirida siyosatning oqibatlari muhokama qilinadi.
MAQSAD: Ushbu maqolaning maqsadi Respublikamizda kam ta'minganlikning oldini olish chora-tadbirlari va mavjud kam ta'minlangan oilalarning bolalariga yordam berish, ularni qo'llab-quvvatlash kabi imkoniyatlarini yaratish.
MUHOKAMA VA NATIJALAR: Ta'kidlash joizki, yoshlar o'rtasida ma'naviy-axloqiy munosabatlarni shakllantirish, dunyoqarash bilan bog'liq g'oyalarni oilaviy an'analar, obrazlar, urf-odatlar orqali singdirishni ta'minlaydigan ijtimoiy-psixologik omil va shart-sharoitlarni bilish juda muhim. bu muhim vazifadir. Yoshlar dunyoning mazmuni va mohiyatini tushunish zarurligini his qiladi, uning sirlari orasida oila va nikoh, oila va insoniy munosabatlar bilan bog'liq qadriyatlar bor. Ammo rivojlanishning ushbu davrida ziddiyatlar va noto'g'ri stereotipik g'oyalar, yomon odatlar va ko'nikmalar shakllanishi mumkin. Bu yerda oila muhitining sog'lomligi, uning azaliy qadriyatlari milliy va umuminsoniy ma'naviyat tamoyillari bilan uyg'unligi har bir o'g'il -qizda sog'lom dunyoqarash va oilaviy fazilatlarni shakllantirishga asos bo'lmoqda. Zero, yoshlar, ayniqsa, o'smir bolalarda o'zgalarning g'oyalariga, ijtimoiy me'yorlarga zid bo'lgan oqimlarga nisbatan mafkuraviy immunitetni shakllantirish, ularda eng ilg'or g'oyalarni to'g'ri idrok etish, jamiyatda oilaning muqaddas
o'rni, jamiyat hayotidagi muqaddas o'rni va jamiyat hayotidagi ahamiyatini oshirish. Vatan tushunchalarida tarbiyalash esa mohiyatan pedagogik vazifadir.
XULOSA: Ota-onalarning ma'lum darajada pedagogik bilimga ega bo'lishi ham zarur va muhimdir. Oila va ta'lim muassasalari o'rtasidagi hamkorlikning asosiy g'oyasi ota-onalarga pedagogik yordam ko'rsatishdir.
Kalit so'zlar: kam ta'minlanganlik, moddiy yordam, oila kodeksi, barqaror va mustahkam oilan, oila va ta'lim muassasalari.
© А.Н. Бегжанова1И
1 Каракалпакский государственный университет, Нукус, Каракалпакстан_
ВВЕДЕНИЕ: используя набор данных китайских панельных исследований семей (CFPS) и модель структурного уравнения, в этой статье рассматриваются прямые и косвенные влияния семейного дохода на эмоциональное благополучие детей как функция удовлетворенности жизнью родителей и эмоционального благополучия родителей. Во-первых, эмпирический анализ этой статьи показывает, что семейный доход оказывает положительное влияние на результаты эмоционального благополучия детей, включая подавленность, безнадежность, беспомощность и бессмысленные чувства. Во-вторых, результаты показывают, что семейный доход в значительной степени связан с эмоциональным благополучием родителей, через которое и оказывается влияние на благополучие детей. Подтвержден межпоколенческий механизм передачи эмоций. Способность контролировать личные эмоции является важным навыком, связанным не только с личным здоровьем, но и со здоровьем и благополучием детей. Кроме того, удовлетворенность жизнью родителей служит посредником между семейным доходом и эмоциональным благополучием родителей. Если родители более удовлетворены своей жизнью, они с меньшей вероятностью будут испытывать эмоциональные проблемы. Политические последствия обсуждаются в конце.
ЦЕЛЬ: целью данной статьи является создание возможностей для предотвращения бедности в нашей Республике, а также помощь и поддержка детей из существующих малообеспеченных семей.
ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ И РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: следует подчеркнуть, что очень важно знать социально-психологические факторы и условия, обеспечивающие формирование духовно-нравственных отношений у молодежи и привитие представлений, связанных с мировоззрением, через семейные традиции, образы и обычаи. это важная задача. Молодые люди испытывают потребность познать смысл и сущность мира, среди его тайн - семью и брак, ценности, связанные с семьей и человеческими
Iqtibos uchun: Begjanova A.N. Kam ta'minlangan oilalar farzandlarining hissiy xususiyatlari. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №9. B.423-430.
Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal
отношениями. Но в этот период развития могут формироваться конфликты и ошибочно стереотипные представления, формироваться вредные привычки и навыки. Здесь здоровье семейной среды, совместимость ее древних ценностей с принципами национальной и общечеловеческой духовности служат основой развития здорового мировоззрения и семейных качеств у каждого мальчика и девочки. Ведь формирование идеологического иммунитета у молодежи, особенно у детей подросткового возраста, по отношению к чужим идеям, по отношению к течениям, противоречащим общественным нормам, в правильном восприятии ими самых передовых идей, священной роли семьи в обществе и воспитание в понятиях Родины есть, по сути, педагогическая задача.
ВЫВОД: также необходимо и важно, чтобы родители имели определенный уровень педагогических знаний. Основная идея сотрудничества семьи и образовательных учреждений - оказание педагогической поддержки родителям.
Ключевые слова: бедность, материальное обеспечение, Семейный кодекс, стабильная и крепкая семья, семья и образовательные учреждения.
Для цитирования: Бегжанова А.Н. Эмоциональные характеристики детей из низкодоходных семей. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №9. С. 423-430.
© Aydana N. Begjanova1®
1Karakalpak State University, Nukus, Karakalpakstan_
INTRODUCTION: utilizing the Chinese Family Panel Studies (CFPS) dataset and the structural equation model, this paper examines the direct and indirect influences of family income on children's emotional wellbeing as a function of parents' life satisfaction and parents' emotional wellbeing. Firstly, the empirical analysis of this paper shows that family income exerts a positive influence on children's emotional wellbeing outcomes, including depressed, hopeless, helpless, and meaningless feelings. Secondly, the findings show that family income is significantly associated with parents' emotional wellbeing, through which children's wellbeing is affected. The intergenerational emotional transmission mechanism is validated. The ability to control personal emotions is an important skill, related not only to personal health but also to children's health and wellbeing. Furthermore, parents' life satisfaction serves as the mediator between family income and parents' emotional wellbeing. If parents are more satisfied with their own lives, they are less likely to experience emotional problems. Policy implications are discussed in the end.
AIM: The purpose of this article is to create opportunities for the prevention of poverty in our Republic and to help and support the children of existing low-income families.
© 2024, ISSUE 9
Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal
DISCUSSION AND RESULTS: it should be emphasized that it is very important to know the social psychological factors and conditions that ensure the formation of spiritual and moral relations in young people and the inculcation of concepts related to the worldview through family traditions, pictures and customs. and is an important task. Young people feel the need to know the meaning and essence of the world, among its mysteries, family and marriage, values related to family and human relations. But during this period of development, conflicts and wrongly stereotyped stereotypes may be formed, harmful habits and skills may be formed. In this place, the health of the family environment, the compatibility of its ancient values with the principles of national and universal spirituality serve as a basis for the development of healthy outlook and family qualities in every boy and girl. After all, the formation of ideological immunity in young people, especially in children of teenage age, in relation to foreign ideas, in relation to trends contrary to social norms, in their correct perception of the most advanced ideas, the sacred role of the family in society. and education in the concepts of Motherland is essentially a pedagogical task.
CONCLUSION: also, it is necessary and important for parents to have a certain level of pedagogical knowledge. The main idea of cooperation between family and educational institutions is to provide pedagogical support for parents.
Key words: poverty, material support, Family Code, stable and strong family, family and educational institutions.
For citation: Aydana N. Begjanova. (2024) 'Emotional characteristics of children from low-income families', Inter education & global study, (9), pp. 423-430. (In in English).
Today, through an impressive social institution like the family, it is one of the most urgent issues to form children's belief in such values, and thereby to create positive moral attitudes towards the family. It is a matter of state importance to create spiritual and moral relations in this sacred place and through it to educate a person as a perfect person with healthy beliefs and a new way of thinking. The government of Uzbekistan regards family issues as a priority task at the level of state policy. According to Article 63 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the family is considered the main link of society and has the right to be protected by society and the state. Other legal documents on motherhood and childhood protection have been adopted and practical measures have been defined. For example, on August 22, 1994, the decree "On social protection measures for low-income families" was issued, and the scope of providing material and moral support to families in need was expanded. 1998 was declared as the "Year of the Family" in the Republic of Uzbekistan in order to further increase the role and participation of the family in the development of society, to improve the legal, socio-economic, spiritual and moral interests and well-being of families, and to strengthen the state support and consistent provision. Based on this, a state program on measures to ensure the interests of the family was developed. The Scientific and Practical Center of the Republic "Family" was established under the Women's Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The "Family
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Code" of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dedicated to the legal regulation of family life issues, has been adopted. Indeed, raising a child is a very delicate process. First of all, the educator must have a specific goal in mind. Democratic and humanitarian ideas, legal thinking based on the superiority of our national values, ideas of national independence in spiritual nourishment, instilling love for work, everything is coordinated in education.
However, parents who are family educators, kindergarten teachers, neighborhood civil society, school teachers, and responsible employees of juvenile inspectorates should also be responsible for education. Otherwise, a small problem can cause a big rift in families and cause them to lose faith in life. Of course, the main places of socialization, i.e. school, neighborhood, and general public activities play a role in the formation of a person's consciousness and ideology. However, despite this, the basis of the child's social orientation is determined by family relations. In this place, the great scholar and thinker of our countryman, Abu Ali Ibn Sina, is one of the figures who spread creativity in almost all fields of science. It is known that every child is gifted in some aspect. First of all, it is up to mothers to realize the child's ability, i.e. talent, bring it out and give the right direction.
Because only they communicate more with the child. The mother is responsible for the development of literacy, and a young child trusts her more. A wise woman plays an important role as a communicator between father and children, along with being more responsible for the health of the family environment and education. He tells his children how much they need their father, who is the head of the family, that they should not look directly into their eyes, that they should always keep a distance between themselves and their father, and a number of similar words of respect. He tells the father about the needs of the children. Indeed, in our values, the proportion given to the father is very high. "Father is pleased with God" or "Don't even go on the roof of the house where your father is sleeping" are not said for nothing. A woman who knows how to see far, always respects her husband in front of her children in an exemplary manner.
This is one of the most important aspects of the educational process according to our traditions. The ancient Roman philosopher Epictetus says: Father's strictness is a wonderful medicine: it is more sweet than bitter. Of course, the father's principledness and strictness in the family teaches the child to discipline. A young child who has learned discipline does not shy away from work and fulfills the tasks assigned to him on time. He approaches every job with responsibility.
The parents' payment for child support in extended day groups in general education institutions of families identified as low-income through the information system of the "Unified Register of Social Protection" will be covered by the following funds, respectively:
• Women's Support Fund included in the "Women's Register";
• Support young people included in the "Youth Register".
Furthermore, although this mediation mechanism may help explain the causal relationship between family income and children's emotional wellbeing to some extent, a higher family income may not necessarily lead to better parents' emotional wellbeing; on the contrary, it may lead to upset and nervous feelings. One of the innovative contributions
Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal
of this paper to the academic field is the establishment of a linkage via another mediator. Previous studies found wealth to significantly benefit life satisfaction, which may be highly related to a healthier emotional status. Therefore, this study employed parents' life satisfaction as the mediator of the connection between family income and parents' emotional wellbeing, finally proposing the following hypothesis: a higher family income is linked to higher parents' life satisfaction, which leads to better parents.
Empirical methods were designed to investigate the relationship between family income and children's emotional wellbeing. On the basis of the discussion of previous literature, this study proposes the following hypothesis: a higher family income results in better children's emotional wellbeing. In order to test this proposed hypothesis and to empirically estimate the relationship, this paper firstly used the multivariate regression method, with the model specification shown below. Motional wellbeing, and, subsequently, better children's emotional wellbeing.
Recently, there has been an increasing number of reports in the media related to suicide and extreme behaviors by children who are left behind by parents in rural China. For example, in 2015, four children committed suicide by drinking poison in Bijie in the Guizhou province, hurting many people. These events attracted wide public attention regarding the healthy development of children's psychological or emotional health. Subsequently, children's emotional wellbeing was highlighted by the central government. In 2016, the State Council of China issued notices on strengthening the care and protection for rural left-behind children, which stress the importance of strengthening the protection for left-behind children in rural areas of China, as they are more likely to be affected by psychological or emotional problems due to a lack of adequate care and the absence of parents Children's emotional wellbeing is not only related to their health, but also correlates with their future development. For example, the study by Elgar et al. demonstrated that income inequality experienced by female adolescents in early childhood affected their future health and wellbeing using pooled, multilevel data from the Health Behavior in School-Aged Children Study. In this context, children's emotional wellbeing and its influencing factors need to be examined.
This study used Chinese Family Panel Studies (CFPS) as the main data source for the empirical analysis. The Institute of Social Science Survey at Peking University conducted the base survey of CFPS in 2010. The survey was originally designed to collect the socioeconomic information of Chinese families and individuals, as well as children's characteristics such as health, education, and wellbeing. The CFPS investigation was carried out with a stratified sampling method including three levels: counties, communities, and households; each household was then selected according to the probability proportion to size (PPS). The main strength of this database is its national representativeness, as it investigated 25 provinces of China. Thus, this study used CFPS datasets in the wave of 2014, with a sample of 8616 children aged from 0 to 15 years old, to examine how children's family income affects their emotional wellbeing. All types of households were
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covered in the sample, such as two-parent and one-parent families; thus, the data are adequately representative of Chinese households.
As discussed in the beginning of this paper, emotional wellbeing is very important for children's current and future development. It should cover indicators reflective of their feelings, subjective satisfaction status, emotional problems, and so on. Six indicators were selected in this paper describing their feelings of depression, nervousness, restlessness, hopelessness, helplessness, and meaninglessness. These six indicators adequately reflect children's subjective feelings, psychological fluctuations, au tonomy, and negative attitudes toward life. A good emotional status is beneficial for children's physical and psychological health. As limited by the dataset, behavioral problems were not included. The six subjective questions were selected to reflect chil dren's wellbeing, overwhelmingly encompassing their emotions. The rich information of children's emotional wellbeing is a good expansion of existing studies related to this measurement.
The empirical analysis of this paper showed that family income exerted a positive influence on children's emotional wellbeing outcomes including depressed, hopeless, helpless, and meaningless feelings. Children of lower-income families suffered more frequently from emotional problems. This indicates the necessity to protect children's emotional wellbeing and psychological health in disadvantaged families. Furthermore, the results showed that age was a protective factor. Older children suffered fewer emotional issues, having experienced more positive and negative life events, having had more interactions with parents in dealing with difficulties, and having gained more knowledge and information from their family, school, or community. All these experiences help with overcoming emotional problems. Girls were found to experience fewer emotional troubles, potentially due to a warmer parental interaction and their greater maturity.
The contribution of this paper was to examine the direct and indirect influence of family income on children's emotional wellbeing through parents' life satisfaction and parents' emotional wellbeing. Firstly, family income was found to be significantly associated with parents' emotional wellbeing, through which children's wellbeing was affected. In low -income families, parents suffer a greater risk of experiencing negative life events, such as unemployment, divorce, separation, and poor family relationships. These negative life experiences and challenges pose parents at greater risks of experiencing emotional disorders such as sadness, depression, hopelessness, nervousness, helplessness, and meaninglessness. These negative emotions are then transmitted to their children. Parents with negative emotions are more likely to display them when talking and interacting with children.
This may result in less warmth during interactions, less encouragement, and fewer smiles, but harsher criticism, shouting, scolding, and beating, thereby creating an intergenerational emotional transmission mechanism. A higher likelihood of parents' negative emotions results in a higher likelihood of children's negative emotions.
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^Begjanova Aydana Nuratdinovna, "Pedagogika va psixologiya" kafedrasi assistant o'qituvchisi, [Бегжанова Айдана Нуратдиновна, ac^creHT кафедры педагогики и психологии], [Begjanova Aydana Nuratdinovna, is an assistant teacher at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology]; manzil: Qoraqolpog'ston Respublikasi Nukus shahri, Islom Karimov ko'chasi, 76, Nukus qalasi [adres: Respublika Karakalpakstan, g. Nukus, ulitsa Islama Karimova, 76], [address: Islam Karimov Street, 76, Nukus, Republic of Karakalpakstan]; E-mail: [email protected]