Научная статья на тему 'Использование технологии портфолио при итоговой оценке знаний студентов по курсу «Академическое письмо» на английском языке'

Использование технологии портфолио при итоговой оценке знаний студентов по курсу «Академическое письмо» на английском языке Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
портфолио / зачет / академическое письмо / Portfolio technology / final test / academic writing

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Е Г. Линючкина

Данная статья описывает использование технологии портфолио для оценки знаний студентов по курсу «Академическое письмо». Портфолио является прекрасной альтернативой другим существующим методам оценки, так как благодаря данному методу студенты представляют свои достижения в наглядной и креативной форме, а преподаватель может объективно оценить знания студентов по курсу «Академическое письмо», полученные в течение семестра, и общий уровень владения английским языком. Портфолио включает основные термины курса, их определения и примеры различных типов академического письма, выполненные студентами.

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As the title implies the article describes the portfolio technology and its use as a final test of knowledge on the course “Academic writing”. Portfolio is a good alternative to the other existing forms of final test because it gives a chance to the student to show his or her knowledge vividly, to express his creativity and at the same time allows the lecturer to estimate both the level of English and the mastered knowledge of the paragraph and essay’s writing. Portfolio includes all the terms of the course, their determinations and examples of different types of academic writing produced by the students.

Текст научной работы на тему «Использование технологии портфолио при итоговой оценке знаний студентов по курсу «Академическое письмо» на английском языке»

УДК 81


Е.Г. Линючкина

evalinyu@mail. ru

Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, г. Казань, Россия

Аннотация. Данная статья описывает использование технологии портфолио для оценки знаний студентов по курсу «Академическое письмо». Портфолио является прекрасной альтернативой другим существующим методам оценки, так как благодаря данному методу студенты представляют свои достижения в наглядной и креативной форме, а преподаватель может объективно оценить знания студентов по курсу «Академическое письмо», полученные в течение семестра, и общий уровень владения английским языком. Портфолио включает основные термины курса, их определения и примеры различных типов академического письма, выполненные студентами.

Ключевые слова: портфолио, зачет, академическое письмо.

Для цитирования: Линючкина Е.Г. Использование технологии портфолио при итоговой оценке знаний студентов по курсу «Академическое письмо» на английском языке // Казанский лингвистический журнал. 2018. Том 1, № 3 (3). С. 125-12.



E.G. Linyuchkina

evalinyu@mail. ru

Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia

Abstract. As the title implies the article describes the portfolio technology and its use as a final test of knowledge on the course "Academic writing". Portfolio is a good alternative to the other existing forms of final test because it gives a chance to the student to show his or her knowledge vividly, to express his creativity and at the same time allows the lecturer to estimate both the level of English and the mastered knowledge of the paragraph and essay's writing. Portfolio includes all the terms of the course, their determinations and examples of different types of academic writing produced by the students.

Keywords: Portfolio technology, final test, academic writing.

For citation: Linyuchkina E.G. The use of a portfolio technology for the final test of knowledge of students on the course "Academic writing" in English Languade // Kazan linguistic journal. 2018. Vol. 1, No. 3 (3). Pp. 125-12.

It's no secret that the standard procedure of examination or test is not always the best way to test the student's knowledge of a particular subject. This concerns particularly the applied disciplines such as Academic Writing. By means of an oral quiz or test it is impossible to adequately assess the range of knowledge and skills of students on the subject, including the correct use of grammar, vocabulary and punctuation of a foreign language, a plan of the essay, the organization and structure of the text, the

correct selection of types of evidence and paragraphs, etc. In our view, the most appropriate way to test students' knowledge and skills in this specialty is the method of a portfolio.

Recently, the method of portfolio is beginning to spread in the pedagogical practices of foreign and Russian lecturers and school teachers. The term portfolio appeared in 15th-16th century and meant a folder with the works of artists or architects, collected for admission to the Academy of Fine Arts. Later, in the 19th century the same word denoted an album wit photos. And only in the second half of the 20th century, the term portfolio assumes one of the present meanings - a collection of individual educational achievement. The term first appears in the US, then Europe and Japan, and only in the 90s of the last century it finally comes to Russia.

A common understanding of the term "portfolio" has not yet been developed, although most of the work on its study, development and implementation has been ongoing for over 20 years. E.E.Fedotova, T.G.Novikova, A.S.Prutchenkova, Varvus K. should be noted among the researchers of this concept. In 2004, by order of the Russian government guidelines for construction of various models and the use of portfolios of pupils of secondary school were developed. Earlier there was also developed the Russian version of the language portfolio, based on the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages." Although most of the works on the use of the method of portfolio develop its use in secondary schools, we consider it appropriate to use it in high school as well.

It is common practice to distinguish between two basic types of portfolio according to its goal1: portfolio of the achievements of the student, which includes specially selected works, and thematic, subject portfolio. Thematic portfolio is a collection of works of the student in a subject made for a semester or a whole course. Portfolio of the student on the course "Academic Writing" allows the student to combine all the tasks carried out during the course in one work and submit it to the instructor during the pass to demonstrate all the skills acquired during the course.

The course Academic Writing is based on the textbook "Academic Writing From Paragraph to Essay" by Dorothy E Zemach, Lisa A Rumisek. As part of the course, students gradually learn information about the preparation to the process of writing an academic article, paragraph structure, the types of paragraphs, and the structure of an essay, the use of modal verbs, adjectives, and introductory structures and so on. Each chapter contains at least one creative task offering the student to write a part or a whole essay of academic nature.

Type of assesment announced to the students at the beginning of the semester encourages their motivation for a thorough and conscientious implementation and checking of homework. Later homework can be included into the final portfolio and is submitted to the teacher at the pass. Moreover, general literacy of the texts written by the students is also checked during the semester, this allows the students to make the final product more literate in terms of grammar, style, punctuation and spelling, which is beneficial to both students and teachers.

We assume that the portfolio on the subject of Academic writing should contain not only extracts from the essays and full academic texts written by students, but also the core sample of theoretical

material on the subject. Thus, during the preparation of the portfolio the student will have to revise all the definitions and terminology used in the course.

At the pass, the student presents his work to a lecturer in a written or printed form. Portfolio allows not only to evaluate the work done by the student, but also to check the independence of its performance and the knowledge of the course by means of posing additional questions.

Definitions of the main terms and sample essays and paragraphs can be presented together or in different parts of the portfolio. The following definitions are studied during the course and are to be presented in the portfolio: topic, paragraph, essay, pre-writing, drafting, reviewing, revising, proofread, brainstorming, making a list, freewriting, mapping, topic sentence, supporting sentence, concluding sentence, main idea, details, explanation, example, types of paragraph: descriptive, process, opinion, problem, comparison\contrast; introduction, main body, conclusion, thesis statement, outline, unity, coherence. The definitions for the abovementioned terms are given and students are able to show their understanding of the terms by underlining them in their own texts. Moreover, grammatical structures used and studied during the course can also be mentioned in the portfolio and underlined in the paragraphs and essays written by the students to enhance their work. These are conditional structures, comparative and contrasting structures, using adjectives, using prepositions, transitions, modal auxiliaries, connectors of cause and effect.

Though the named terms, structures and other theoretical information are to be present in the portfolio, the form of it still gives each student a unique possibility to show not only his or her knowledge and skills but also his or her creativity making preparation of the portfolio an interesting task.

The following example is a part of the portfolio of the first-year master student of ecology. Another advantage of the use of the portfolio technique is that the student is able to choose the topic for his works according to his main specialty and thus develop his skills in writing based on the topic and vocabulary best known by one. The example of part of the portfolio on Academic writing devoted to the problem of soil pollution (with original grammar):

[Soil pollution with crude oil and oil products has become an important problem of ecology (The topic sentence). {Atfirst petroleum products thatjnfltrgte_ into the. soil degrade its. physical, and chemical propertiesjuch_as_soil_ texture, soil reaction, (pH), cation.ejchange. capacity.. and etc. Thenjhe color, ofthe, soil_ bec_ome_s_ darker^ its_sjructure_ is degrade. and_the.plant cover is_ disturbed, because. morphological. properties.of th.e_ soil _also.change. As_ a _resul_t_of soil degradation is „erosion, degradation, .cryogms.. TrдnsJ[ormдtion_ of_petroleum_ hydrocarbons _ leads _ to „the _fojm_ation„ _of_ very, toxic _ compounds „with _gr_inogenic_ and„mUtggenic_pr.op_erties.} „(Supporting sentences, _m_дn.s_ of support— details, Therefore .(introductory .construction), jh_s__soils_ can't_ us_ _in_ agriculjure._ To solve this problem have been developed the methods of recultivation of soils.(The concluding sentence)] - (The Introduction)

[The main sources of pollution by hydrocarbons are the oil pipelines and oil fields. Large areas of land are exposed to pollution from oil spills in these areas. Therefore (introductory construction), now scientists need_(modal auxiliaries) Jo devote much attention for studying of the processes of natural

bioremediation and the development of methods for remediation of polluted soils with a view to return them to agriculture.

There are biological, chemical and mechanical methods for liquidation of oil pollution of soil.

Mechanical method of remediation is the removal of soil to landfill for decomposition. Chemical methods of remediation are divided into burning, fire management, soil leaching and drainage of the soil. Biological recultivation must (modal auxiliaries) comprise bioremediation and phytoremediation. The complex of these activities restores productivity and economic value of contaminated land. After recultivation of the soil it physical, chemical and biological properties are restored because the level of concentration of oil products is reduced.] (The main body)

[There are thousands of accidents of oil spill that happen every year on the territory of the Russian Federation which lead to decrease soil productivity. Of course (introductory construction), there are methods of soil reclamation, but it is not always possible to restore the original fertility, restore soil biota and completely eliminate the effects of man-made pollution. Therefore (introductory construction), to maintain a favorable biological environment, we shouldjmodal auxiliaries) pay more attention to this issue.] (The conclusion)

Portfolio is a unique method, which can present all the different stages of writing, including pre-writing techniques such as freewriting:

Soil pollution is a big problem. It effects its texture, ph, etc. Soil can't be used in agriculture. The main sources of pollution by hydrocarbons are the oil pipelines and oil fields. Different decisions of the problem can be found. Accidents of soil damage occur very often and we have to take care of it.

Making a list: -Soil pollution.-Texture, soil reaction (pH), cation exchange capacity.-erosion, degradation, cryogens.- biological, chemical and mechanical methods for liquidation of oil pollution of soilproblems of soil reclamation


Outline of the essay can also be present in the portfolio of the student to make his work full:

1. Introduction - Soil pollution has become an important problem of ecology.

2. Main body:

• The main sources of pollution

• methods for liquidation of oil pollution of soil:mechanical, chemical, physical. 3. Conclusion - we have to pay attention to the problem of soil pollution.

Portfolio presents the whole range of works of the student during the semester in one paper and thus is a good alternative to the commonly used types of final test for the course of Academic writing.


1. Dorothy E. Zemach, Rumisek Lisa A. Academic Writing From Paragraph to Essay. Macmillian. 2003.

2. Загвоздкин В.К. Портфель индивидуальных учебных достижений - нечто большее, чем просто альтернативный способ оценки. Школьные технологии. 2004. № 3. 32-36 с.

3. Старовикова И.В. Использование технологии портфолио для организации независимых студентов. Вестник Омского Университета, № 4 (66). 2012.

4. Ушакова А.В. Развитие идеи портфолио в практике образования в России. URL: http://aspirantura-olimpiada.narod.ru/index/0-103, (дата обращения: 12.01.2016).


1. Dorothy E. Zemach, Rumisek Lisa A. Academic Writing From Paragraph to Essay. Macmillian. 2003. (in English).

2. Starovikova I. V. Using technology portfolio for the organization of independent students. Vestnik Omskogo Universiteta. Vol. № 4 (66). 2012. (in Russian).

3. Ushakova A.V. Development of the idea of portfolio in the practice of Russia education. URL: http://aspirantura-olimpiada.narod.ru/index/0-103, (data obrasheniya: 12.01.2016) (in Russian).

4. Zagvozdkin V.K. Individual portfolio of academic achievements - something more than just an alternative method of evaluation. School technology. 2004. №3. P.32-36 (in Russian).

Автор публикации

Линючкина Ева Григорьевна — старший преподаватель, Казанский федеральный университет, ул. Кремлевская, 18, 420008, г. Казань, Россия.

E-mail: evalinyu@mail.ru

Author of the Publication

Eva G. Linyuchkina - Senior Lecturer, Kazan Federal University, 18 Kremlevskaya str, 420008, Kazan, Russia.

E mail: evalinyu@mail.ru

Поступила в редакцию: 29.10.2018. Принята к публикации: 15.11.2018.

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