Научная статья на тему 'Интерактивный потенциал неформального интервью'

Интерактивный потенциал неформального интервью Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Маршалкова В. О.

The genre of the informal interviews becomes a pragmatic sphere of simultaneous implementing two functions: providing messages and making the speech influence. The impact function is manifested in a multidimensional way in this publicist style of communication where the primary goal appears to make the respondent believe in the speaker's being right and accept the speaker's opinions expressed in his/her replicas. Within the frameworks of the informal interview this goal is implemented through both the argumentative schemes and models and making speech impact on the addressee's emotional and volitional spheres. Matching various meanings and involving the reader into the informal conversation appear to be the interviewer and the interviewee's discursive objectives, and under favorable communicative circumstances it is also the perlocutionary result of the informal interview when the reacting interlocutor successfully creates meanings through common communicative strategies. The common nature of these strategies makes spontaneous discourse and created meanings serial related, harmonious, and allows realizing the meaning through the game of well-known discursive models.

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The genre of the informal interviews becomes a pragmatic sphere of simultaneous implementing two functions: providing messages and making the speech influence. The impact function is manifested in a multidimensional way in this publicist style of communication where the primary goal appears to make the respondent believe in the speaker's being right and accept the speaker's opinions expressed in his/her replicas. Within the frameworks of the informal interview this goal is implemented through both the argumentative schemes and models and making speech impact on the addressee's emotional and volitional spheres. Matching various meanings and involving the reader into the informal conversation appear to be the interviewer and the interviewee's discursive objectives, and under favorable communicative circumstances it is also the perlocutionary result of the informal interview when the reacting interlocutor successfully creates meanings through common communicative strategies. The common nature of these strategies makes spontaneous discourse and created meanings serial related, harmonious, and allows realizing the meaning through the game of well-known discursive models.

Текст научной работы на тему «Интерактивный потенциал неформального интервью»

DOI: 10.18522/2070-1403-2016-59-6-96-102


UDC 81 V. Marshalkova

Don state technical university Rostov-on-Don, Russia sunnyvika@mail.ru


[Маршалкова В.О. Интерактивный потенциал неформального интервью]

The genre of the informal interviews becomes a pragmatic sphere of simultaneous implementing two functions: providing messages and making the speech influence. The impact function is manifested in a multidimensional way in this publicist style of communication where the primary goal appears to make the respondent believe in the speaker's being right and accept the speaker's opinions expressed in his/her replicas. Within the frameworks of the informal interview this goal is implemented through both the argumentative schemes and models and making speech impact on the addressee's emotional and volitional spheres. Matching various meanings and involving the reader into the informal conversation appear to be the interviewer and the interviewee's discursive objectives, and under favorable communicative circumstances it is also the perlocutionary result of the informal interview when the reacting interlocutor successfully creates meanings through common communicative strategies. The common nature of these strategies makes spontaneous discourse and created meanings serial related, harmonious, and allows realizing the meaning through the game of well-known discursive models.

Keywords: mass media, informal interview; communicative strategies and tactics; interview reader; subjective interpretation of events and facts.

Linguistic pragmatics exploring the dialogic communication patterns in the aspect of the speech act theory is aimed at identifying the extra-linguistic grounds of choosing the means of influence on the recipient allowing the speaker to achieve the perlocutionary purposes of his/her verbal actions [2, 3, 10]. In the linguistic and pragmatic aspects it seems possible to make the systemic differentiation of the meaning levels actualizing in the genres of informal communicative activities as the result of implementing the choice of linguistic means of influence. From the point of view of linguistic pragmatics the speech genre of informal interview implements the principles of discursivity, dialogical intentionality and linguistic and informational survey practice, actualizes the relationship between information fields and speakers' systems of conceptual ideas, forms its paradigm of linguistic and stylistic peculiarities as well as conceptualizes various thematic varieties (interview-monologue interview-portrait, interview-quiz and etc.).

The pragmatic basis of the interview forms the universal dialogic model of linguistic communication which allows to speak about the fact of the interview uni-versalization as quite an effective language practice and the genre form in conditions of information society developing and functioning not only in the style of mass communication, but also in other spheres of public communication (science, culture, and etc.) [5, 9]. The topical aspect of modeling and forecasting as well as linguistic analysis of the interview texts reveal the novelty of linguistic and pragmatic research paradigm operating with such interpretation categories and techniques that allow to identify the dominant genre forms of linguistic and informational expressing all possible mass information means.

As the informal communication pragmatic features could be interpreted such settings as the speech anonymity, finding out a comprehensive solution, the dominance of emotions over reason, the sensitivity to the massage recipient's needs, the question-answering communicative dynamics, the potential lack of reasoning in the judgments, dynamic updating of personal meaning when presenting the information, bearing on the everyday experience, the undifferentiated meaning and emotion flow in the image spontaneously modeled, the quickness of information completing, the primate of the socio-cultural perceptions and stereotypes over the objective contacts and relations, and the unsustainable nature of information processing [8].

The informal interview as an optimal combination of the interlocutors' physical and verbal actions runs in a quite standard way, within the frameworks of one and the same cognitive scenario. Its participants display the trust to each other which is based on their knowledge of this common scenario which makes their future actions more or less predictable. The general scenario frames the interlocutors' perceiving acts, imposes them with a certain sequence of visible pictures of the world, fixing the features of human coexistence with other people. This framing as well as the trust of the interview participants to each other is extremely important for the process of the dialogic communication as it lays the foundation for the rational understanding and sharing the truths about the objective world which are common for everybody. Within the frameworks of informal interviews the interviewer and the interviewee are spontaneously designing the current dialogical replicas for information saturating the third party of the communicative act, that is the reader whose actual needs the informal conversation must meet.

The interviewee narrating about his/her personal experience for the subsequent readers predetermines the speech event that goes beyond the customary dialogical replica exchange. As the result, the interviewer becomes a passive participant in the conversation, asking questions on behalf of the reading audience. The interviewee with the support on the informal conversation initiator's questions displays the competence in determining what dialogue point could be characterized with a special sensitivity to the readers' interests and models the conceptual part of his/her replica accordingly often resorting even to the fictional facts [4, p. 97; 7, p. 160].

While being informally interviewed the recipient is to perceive adequately the transmitted information. As we believe, the following conditions should be observed:

• the recipient is to have some idea of the essential qualities of the conversation object;

• the information from the interviewer should be currently the most relevant to the interviewee from the entire flow of the information;

• the interviewee is to be able to create the images of the available sets.

From this it follows that for mutual understanding it is essential that the informal interview partakers have at least approximately equal amounts of meanings. It is most likely that if the interlocutors have no the full match in their sets of mean -ings, the interviewee would find possible options available at the current moment. This selection accuracy determines the adequacy of understanding, the degree of approximation to what was reported by the interviewer.

The reader extracts the implicit meaning from the interview text on the basis of these images as they reflect the interviewee's interacting with other people; interviewee's certain verbal and non-verbal actions which in the cultural and personal spheres turn out to be significant [6, p. 110]. Through the images partially reconstructed from the interviewee's replicas the reader mentally reproduces this or that episode from the latter's life. In other words, the images created by the interviewee activate the reader's individual imagination. This causes the subjective interpretation of events and facts, which eventually becomes the basis for a variety of further interpretations. As the result, the interviewee's name turns out to be on everyone's lips, his popularity among the audience considerably increases.

The special and familiar character of the details from the interviewee's private life provides a splendid opportunity for both the speaker and the reader to access their memory and reconstruct certain images of some significant episodes: people in ver-

bal/non-verbal interactions with each other and involved in the well recognized activities [11, p. 258; 12, p. 52]. Constructing details and episodes on the part of the reader in the process of interview replica perceiving, in its turn, becomes the pragmatic basis for joint participating in meaning creating on the level of spontaneous interview.

The interviewer, whose constructive role is «blackout» in the formal conversation, is faced with the following dilemma. Any attempt to prevail in the informal conversation, turn a vivid communication into the question-answering routine may adversely affect the interviewee's narrative. Implementing such kind of efforts leads to transforming the informal interview into a casual spontaneous talk. In this regard, it appears that it is necessary to make a comparative analysis of the common talk and the informal interview with the identification of similarities and differences between the two speech genres.

The many facets of the informal interview concept offer such a broad field of activity for researchers that are still insufficiently studied. In particular, one of the most important categories of the informal interview is the cohesion. First of all it is necessary to distinguish «the cohesion» and «the coherence». The coherence means the text content connectivity, whereas the cohesion implies not only the semantic cohesion within the paragraph unities or between them, but first of all the linguistic means of communication between two or more elements in the text [1, p. 31]. The cohesion is a special type of text links providing a logical sequence and interdependence of individual messages, facts, actions, and etc. It is defined by the text system in the course of its development and is therefore an essential feature of the informal interview text.

The informal communication as a structural component of global social communication has the following differences from the communication of official character: the specificity of the subject and object structures; formation conditions (informal character of the current situation, weak influence from the formal social structures, a high proportion of interpersonal interaction, confidence, the pragmatic importance of judgments about information, but not its content); the presence of the intermediary-recipient, the reading audience for which the information is given in an interpreted way, in the context relevant to this audience. The genre of the informal interview realizes two pragmatic functions: providing messages and making an impact. The latter feature, in its turn, is widely displayed in the modern journalistic style where the main purpose is to make the recipient believe in the text sender's being

right and accept his/her point of view. This goal is achieved in journalism both by logical reasoning, and through the emotional impact. These both effects are widely used and in the informal interview genre what brings this genre with journalism.

Thus, we define the informal interview as a transitional discursive form that combines the characteristics of the official interview genre, which is a status-oriented type of dialogical discourse and genre of the discussions concerning the personality-oriented specific type of discourse. The informal interview texts are destined for publishing in various popular illustrated magazines. In this regard, the strategies of active involving the interlocutor into the spontaneous conversation spread its pragmatic action not only on the interviewer, but on the further readers. In other words, these strategies are relevant to both written and oral discourse. The emotional involving the interlocutor into the dialogue is the necessary conditions for the implementing the spontaneous informal interviews as a particular genre that is characterized by the dual interlocutor.


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_17 ноября 2016 г.

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