INTERACTIVITY IN TEACHING NATIONAL REGIONAL COMPONENT IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Bolina M. V., Naumenko L. S., Shmidt E. A., Bolshakova K. S., Chelpanova E. V.

Introduction. The article deals with the research results of application of interactive learning into the teaching process. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the need of using interactive methods for intensifying the process of developing conversational skills by university students of the English language. The methodology and organization of the study include the analysis of normative documents and pedagogical, psychological, and methodological literature on the studied problem, generalization of advanced pedagogical experience and experience of the authors in the field, pedagogical modelling; empirical methods, such as scientific observation, questionnaires, testing, and interpretive methods (qualitative analysis of results, mathematical processing of data).Research results and discussion. The results obtained demonstrated the increased number of students with high and medium level of conversational skills (by 36,8% and 27% accordingly). Conclusions. The key findings may be described in terms of the interactivity model developed by the authors: methods, approaches, content, measurement and diagnostic material for the implementation of this model. The positive experimental testing results prove the effectiveness and practical significance of the research.

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Интерактивные методы в реализации национально-регионального компонента при обучении иностранному языку

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Болина Марина Владимировна,

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры английского языка и методики обучения английскому языку, Южно-Уральский государственный гуманитарно-педагогический университет E-mail: bolinamv@cspu.ru

Науменко Людмила Сергеевна,

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры английского языка и методики обучения английскому языку, ЮжноУральский государственный гуманитарно-педагогический университет

E-mail: naumenkols@cspu.ru

Шмидт Екатерина Александровна,

старший преподаватель кафедры английского языка и методики обучения английскому языку, Южно-Уральский государственный гуманитарно-педагогический университет E-mail: shmidtea@cspu.ru

Большакова Ксения Сергеевна,

старший преподаватель кафедры английского языка и методики обучения английскому языку, Южно-Уральский государственный гуманитарно-педагогический университет E-mail: 20061983@mail.ru

Челпанова Елена Владимировна,

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой английского языка и методики обучения английскому языку, Южно-Уральский государственный гуманитарно-педагогический университет E-mail: chelpanovaev@cspu.ru

Введение. В статье рассматриваются результаты исследования, посвященного применению интерактивного обучения в учебном процессе. Цель исследования - обосновать необходимость использования интерактивных методов для интенсификации процесса развития разговорных навыков у студентов высших учебных заведений, изучающих английский язык. Методология и организация исследования включают анализ нормативных документов и педагогической, психологической и методической литературы по изучаемой проблеме, обобщение передового педагогического опыта и наработок авторов в данной области, педагогическое моделирование; эмпирические методы, такие как научное наблюдение, анкетирование, тестирование и интерпретационные методы (качественные анализ результатов, математическая обработка данных). Результаты исследования и обсуждение. Полученные результаты продемонстрировали увеличение числа студентов с высоким и средним уровнем разговорных навыков (на 36,8% и 27% соответственно). Выводы. Новизна исследования заключается в описании разработанной авторами модели интерактивности, и методов, подходов, контента, измерительно-диагностического материала реализации этой модели. Положительные результаты экспериментальной проверки доказывают эффективность и практическую значимость исследования.

Ключевые слова: интерактивное обучение, обучение, ориентированное на студента, международное общение, преподавание иностранных языков, университетское образование.

Статья подготовлена при финансовой поддержке «МГПИ им. М.Е. Евсевьева» по договору на выполнение научно-исследовательских работ от 04.05.2023 г. № МК-35-2023/2 по теме «Подготовка будущих учителей иностранного языка к реализации национально-регионального компонента общего образования».


It is a well-known fact that the idea of active learning goes back to ancient Greece. The interactive approach to learning gained ground at the beginning of the twentieth century. It was underlain by the ideas of the American teacher, psychologist and philosopher John Dewey who opposed the active search activity of students to traditional learning. [3]

The idea of interactivity in education revived at the end of the twentieth century. In 1994 Johnson D. and Johnson R. published five elements essential for group learning: positive interdependence, individual responsibility, face to face interaction, social skills, and information processing skills. Those elements provide effective learning; achieving higher order social, personal and cognitive skills of solving problems; providing argumentation; making decisions; planning and organizing. [2]

In recent years, an interactive approach to teaching has gained popularity afresh with the appearance of computer programs, internet resources and online learning [1]. Today some researches only interpret this notion as teaching with the use of the internet resources. However, there is a broader interpretation of interactivity: the ability to interact or to be in a conversational mode with something (for example, a computer) or somebody (for example, a human).

In this research, we interpret interactivity as a special form of organizing educational process as cooperation of learners in mastering educational material through exchanging their knowledge, ideas and methods of studying. Furthermore, we should regard interactive learning as a multidimensional phenomenon because it solves three problems simultaneously: cognitive, communicational, and social-oriented.

Using interactive technologies demands reconsidering the role of the teacher who loses his central position and whose activity gives way to the activity of students. The teacher acquires the role of an organizer, assistant and consultant. He stimulates motivation to learning and provides comfortable atmosphere in the group. Learner roles are well defined. Learners become members of a community - their fellow learners and the teacher - and learn through interacting with the community. Learning is not viewed as an individual accomplishment but as something that is achieved collaboratively. Every student makes his own individual contribution to understanding and mastering learning material and developing thinking skills. [5, p. 90] Implementing interactive learning makes a great impact on intellectual activity, the spirit of competition and rivalry, which become apparent when people are collectively searching for truth.

In order to make educational process more interactive, one can introduce various forms, methods and techniques into the process. N.N. Surtaeva describes more than twenty technologies, having interactive features in her monograph. [7, p. 48-49]

There is no doubt that interactivity should be a natural component of the English language learning as it helps to achieve the strategic aim of learning any foreign language - gaining intercultural communicative competence that is the ability and psychological readiness to take part in successful international communication. [4]

The main objectives of the study include:

1) to study scientific literature on the problem;

2) to develop a methodological model of interactive learning.

3) to include the national regional component into the learning content;

3) to experimentally test the model in the learning process;

4) to analyze the results obtained.


For our research, we have chosen the following interactive means: conversational learning technology (M.M. Bakhtin, L.S. Vygotskii, V.S. Bibler etc.); discussion method (M.V. K^apMH, G.A. Kitaigorodskaya, l.P. Kolobova, S.G. Korostelova etc.), cooperative learning (R. Slavin, R. Johnson, D. Johnson, J. Aronson etc.); gaming technology (F. Shiller, I.E. Berland, A.N. Le-ontiev, D.B. Elkonin etc.). It is worth mentioning that alongside with communicative competence those methods help to form certain meta-subject skills which - as practice shows - many students lack.

Fifty-six first-year students of the faculty of foreign languages of South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University took part in the research. The experiment was held under natural educational conditions within the framework of the subject "Oral and written speech practice" during one academic year.

To achieve the goal of the research we worked out a methodological model of developing conversational skills which involves the application of interactive learning into the teaching process (Figure 1).

Society Requirements of Federal International Students' needs

requirements State Educational communication as a

Standards for Higher practical objective of

Education learning foreign


Methodological foundation (approaches)

systematic interactive communicative student-centered

Learning targets

Pragmatic: receptive and productive

communication skills

Cognitive: sociocultural skills, strategies of perceiving national cultural differences

Pedagogical: mindedness, empathy



individual activity__whole class activity

group activity


Linguistic component: spheres and situations of communication, language material

Foreign cultural component: background vocabulary, linguacultural realia, culturally-tinged lexis

National regional component:

Texts "Chelyabinsk", "Our University", Discussion themes: "My native place", "Sightseeing in the South Urals" My Hometown" etc.









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Fig. 1. The Interactivity Model

While planning the experimental process we took into consideration the major principles of interactive learning strategies for higher education according to I. Yu. Tarkhanova:

- active and self-directed learning;

- relying on students' cognitive experience and research practice;

- reflection-oriented activity;

- cooperation within groups;

- learning activity outside university learning environment. [7]

For the national regional component of the content we have chosen: geographical position, nature, climate, ecology, history and sights of the South Urals. As our students come from different parts of the region, they prepared multimedia presentations about their native towns and villages. They shared interesting information and spoke about advantages and disadvantages of living in those places. Those who have pen-pals in the English-speaking countries used that material in their correspondence.

Conversation as well as any other activity is stipulated by situation, which can provide the way of developing communicative skills, the basis of selecting language material etc. There can be:

1) natural and simulated situations,

2) linguistic (description) and nonlinguistic (illustration) situations,

3) micro-situations and macro-situations,

4) social-status situations (parent - child, salesman -customer),

5) role situations (characters),

6) activity situations (work, study, dispute, preparation for a holiday).

On the one hand, natural communication situations at the lesson are limited within the framework of learning activity; on the other hand, foreign language teaching gives us an opportunity to discuss unlimited number of things. Thus, the English lesson began with the traditional question: "What's the news?". Students shared their news, emotions, plans, discussed the weather, complained about their problems etc. That kind of warming-up allows both to activate their knowledge and to give them a chance to speak about what

Table 1. Levels of communicative independence

they are really interested in. The teacher didn't dominate in that situation, he was just another participant of the conversation as everyone else.

To facilitate the interactivity of the teaching process every unit was followed either by a discussion or by a role-play. For example, at the end of the unit "Getting acquainted" the students, divided into groups, discussed some features of English communicative culture and national traditions ("So many countries, so many customs"). It was followed be the role-play po-lilogue "Getting acquainted". The students thought of a new identity (name, age, occupation, background etc.) and "got acquainted" again. That simulated situation models the real communication which is impossible in learning conditions. Unit "Study" included the discussion of the best ways of learning foreign languages. Unit "Shopping" concluded with the role-play "Fashion Show" where the students in turn played the roles of models and fashion designers etc.

It goes without saying, that all discussions and role-plays were preceded by a great amount of preparatory exercises and tasks. Besides, practically at every lesson students in pairs and groups discussed different matters and problems connected with the current language material. Any moment of the lesson, any text or listening task, any phrase in the exercise, any current event might be an occasion for talking, expressing their point of view and sharing their cognitive experience.


Practice shows that the use of interactive methods and techniques in a foreign language class relieves the tension of students, makes it possible to change the forms of activity, switch attention to the key issues of the topic of the lesson. In the end, the quality of material presentation and the effectiveness of its assimilation, and, consequently, the motivation to learn a foreign language on the part of students, significantly increases.

In order to evaluate the results of mastering communication skills we developed the content of levels based on the criteria of communicative independence (Table 1).

Level of communicative independence Conversational means Conversational skills Interactive means Forms of control

low (with the use of semantic props) diché phrases, model dialogues; making simple remarks, asking simple questions conversational learning technology questioning dialogue

medium (with the use of structural props) structural schemes stating point of view, reacting to partner's remarks discussion opinion and choice dialogue.

high (without any props) speech situations making complex remarks, expressing opinion, giving arguments role-play, discussion, cooperative learning; polilogue

According to the results of the intermediate attestation, we determined the level of the conversational skills of the first year students. The number of students who demonstrated high and medium level of mastering those skills increased by 36,8% and 27%

accordingly. The number of students with a low level decreased by 29%.

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In their final reflection the students admitted the efficiency of using interactive methods and technologies within the framework of the subject "Oral and written

speech practice", increasing motivation to the subject. Moreover, they favorably responded to the incorporation of the national regional component into the English language study.


Thus, as a result of students' personal inclusion into the process of learning based on the principle of interactivity, which is going under the conditions of their motivated participation in the cognitive activity, independent operation of language material which is mastered consciously and securely, learning becomes more effective, students develop intellectual skills, abilities of self-study and self-organization.

After getting acquainted with interactive methods and the national regional component content in the first year, students will have the opportunity to get a new angle on that material while mastering the subject "Methods of Teaching and Upbringing" in the second year. It seems particularly important to future teachers, on to use an interactive approach for teaching foreign languages. On the other hand, it is equally essential to know more about the place they live in and learn how they will be able to apply that knowledge in practice in the future, mastering a set of skills and abilities necessary for the successful solution of various professional tasks that they will use in their future professional activities. [8] The role change from keeper of knowledge to facilitator of learning presents a challenge and an opportunity for educators to change the way their students learn. The research results proved the efficiency of the applied interactive approach with incorporated national regional component to learning foreign languages.


The research was funded by Federal State Budget Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Mordo-vskiy State Pedagogical Institute named in honor of M.E. Evseviev", project No. МК-35-2023/2; Registration Date 04.05.2023, Field of Research: 07 Humanities and Social sciences, ГРНТИ Codes: 14.23.05, 14.23.09. Grant title: "Regional component of school education in pre-service foreign language teachers' training".


1. Блэр Р. Инновационные подходы к преподаванию языка [Innovation approaches to language teaching] / Р. Блэр: Том 10. - Университет Калифорнии: Ньюбери Хаус, 1982. 257 с.

2. Джонсон Д. Учиться вместе и в одиночку, кооперированное, конкурентное и индивидуальное учение [Learning together and alone, cooperative, competitive, and individualistic learning] / Д. Джонсон, Р. Джонсон. Нидхэм Хайтс, MA: Прентис Хол, 1994.

3. Дьюи Дж. Дьюи об образовании [Dewey on Education] / Дж. Дьюи, избранное, вступление и комментарии Мартин С. Дворкин. - Нью-Йорк: Университет Колумбия, 1965. 134 с.

4. Кашлев С.С. Технология интерактивного обучения / С.С. Кашлев. - Minsk: Belarusskii vera-sen, 2005. 176 с.

5. Ричардс Дж. Подходы и методы обучения иностранному языку [Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching] / Дж. Ричардс, Т.С. Роджерс. Кембридж Юниверсити Пресс, 2001.

6. Суртаева Н.Н. Гуманитарные технологии в современном образовательном пространстве: монография / Н.Н. Суртаева. Омск: BOUDPO «IROOO», 2009. С. 48-49.

7. Тарханова И.Ю. Интерактивные стратегии организации образовательного пространства в вузе / И.Ю. Тарханова: учебное пособие. Ярославль: ЯГПУ, 2012. 67 с.

8. Челпанова Е.В. Формирование интерактивной компетенции будущих учителей как фактор их профессионального развития [Formation of future foreign language teachers' interactive competence as a factor of their professional development] / Е.В. Челпанова, Е.Б. Быстрай, В.М. Мошкович, Л.А. Белова, А.А. Шабали-на // Международный журнал экосистем и экологии (IJEES). - 2022, Vol. 12 (4). С. 421-432. URL: https://ijees.net/images/pdf/ElenaVChel-panova1 ElenaBBystray1 VictorMMoshkovich1 Lar-isaABelova1AnastasyaAShabalina1 FORM-ATIONOFFUTUREFOREIGNLANGUAGE-TEACHERS%E2%80%99INTERACTIVECOMPE-TENCEASAFACTOROFTHEIRPROFESSIONAL-DEVEL0PMENTpage421-432;-069a1320ea.pdf (Дата обращения 30.07.2023)


Bolina M.V., Naumenko L.S., Shmidt E.A., Bolshakova K.S., Chelpanova E.V.

South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk

Introduction. The article deals with the research results of application of interactive learning into the teaching process. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the need of using interactive methods for intensifying the process of developing conversational skills by university students of the English language. The methodology and organization of the study include the analysis of normative documents and pedagogical, psychological, and methodological literature on the studied problem, generalization of advanced pedagogical experience and experience of the authors in the field, pedagogical modelling; empirical methods, such as scientific observation, questionnaires, testing, and interpretive methods (qualitative analysis of results, mathematical processing of data). Research results and discussion. The results obtained demonstrated the increased number of students with high and medium level of conversational skills (by 36,8% and 27% accordingly). Conclusions. The key findings may be described in terms of the interactivity model developed by the authors: methods, approaches, content, measurement and diagnostic material for the implementation of this model. The positive experimental testing results prove the effectiveness and practical significance of the research.

Keywords: interactive learning, student-centered learning, international communication, teaching foreign languages, university education.


1. Blair, R.W. Innovative approaches to language teaching, Vol.10, California University, Newbury House. 1982& 257 p.

2. Johnson, D., Johnson, R. Learning together and alone, cooperative, competitive, and individualistic learning, Needham Heights, MA, Prentice-Hall, 1994.




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3. Dewey, J. Dewey on Education, selections, with an introduction and notes, by Martin S. Dworkin, New York: Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1965. 134 p.

4. Kashlev, S.S. Interactive learning technology, Belarusskii vera-sen, Minsk, 2005. 176 p

5. Richards, J., Rodgers, Th.S. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, Cambridge University PressYu, 2001.

6. Surtaeva, N.N. (2009), Humanitarian technologies in modern educational space: monograph, Omsk, BOUDPO "IROOO". 2009. P. 48-49.

7. Tarkhanova, I. Yu. Interactive strategies of organization of educational process in higher education: study guide, Yaroslavl, YaGPU, 2012. 67 p.

8. Chelpanova, E.V., Bystray, E.B., Moshkovich, V.M., Belo-va, L.A., Shabalina A.A. Formation of future foreign language teachers' interactive competence as a factor of their professional development", International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES), 2022. Vol. 12 (4), pp. 421-432. URL: https://ijees.net/images/pdf/ElenaVChelpanova1ElenaB-Bystray1VictorMMoshkovich1LarisaABelova1AnastasyaAS-habalinalFORMATIONOFFUTUREFOREIGNLANGUAGE-TEACHERS%E2%80%99INTERACTIVECOMPETENCEAS-AFACTOROFTHEIRPROFESSIONALDEVELOPMENT-page421-432;-069a1320ea.pdf (Accessed 30.07.2023)

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