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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Galiakhmetova Albina Tagirovna, Lutfullina Gulnara Firdavisovna

The article presents the results of a study of the activities of the university to solve an urgent problem - the problem of improving the quality of education. One of the promising areas for improving the quality and efficiency of education in universities in modern conditions is the formation and development of global competencies among students. The aim of the study is to develop and theoretically substantiate the process of increasing the effectiveness of the teacher's work on the development of global competencies among students in the process of teaching foreign. The concept of “global competence” is gaining popularity and significance in many areas of life, as well as in education. Knowledge of foreign languages is undoubtedly an important condition for the globalization of education. Digital interactive technologies contribute to the effective learning of foreign languages. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that its results can significantly improve the quality and effectiveness of education in a vocational school. The theoretical provisions developed in the study give teachers of educational organizations the necessary ideas about new principles and ways of organizing the educational process based on the formation and development of global competencies among students. The structure of the educational process developed by the authors, educational modules in academic disciplines in the context of the implementation of digital interactive technologies can assist teachers in designing and conducting training sessions on learning foreign languages as an important means of forming and developing global competencies among students. The conducted research makes it possible to plan specific steps for educational work at the university, which in turn contributes to the achievement of the main goal of education in the context of globalization - the production of competitive specialists. An approach is proposed to improve the efficiency of this activity based on the implementation of digital interactive technologies.languages based on the implementation of digital interactive technologies.

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6. Гаджиева, П.Д. Правовое просвещение и правовое воспитание как необходимое условие формирования правосознания у подрастающего поколения / П.Д. Гаджиева, М.А. Курбанов // Мир науки, культуры, образования. - 2019. -№ 1(74). - 264-266.

7. Денисенко, И.К. Правовая социализация и правовая компетентность личности / И.К. Денисенко // Гуманитарные, социально-экономические и общественные науки. - 2012. - № 1-2. - С. 45-49.

8. Ендовицкая, Е.А. К проблеме формирования правовой компетентности у подростков и старших школьников в системе дополнительного образования / Е.А. Ендовицкая // Вестник научной сессии факультета философии и психологии. -Вып. 20. - 2020. - С. 125-131.

9. Жигулин, А.А. Понятие правовой компетентности / А.А. Жигулин // Научное образование. - 2020. - № 3(8).-С. 52-54.

10. Завражин, В.В. Правовая компетентность детей и молодежи: сравнительный анализ / В.В. Завражин // Бизнес. Образование. Право. - 2019. № 4 (49). - С. 395-400.

11. Карпушина, Л.В. Психология ценностей российской молодежи / Л.В. Карпушина, А.В. Капцов. - Самара: Изд-во СНЦ РАН, 2019. - 252 с.

12. Колокольцева, О.В. Проблемы и перспективы воспитательной работы с молодёжью / О.В, Колокольцева // Базис. -2019. - № 2(6).- С. 45-48.

13. Микаилов, Д.А. Педагогические условия формирования правовой компетентности будущего бакалавра педагогического образования Автореф. дис... канд. пед. наук / Даниял Алиевич Микаилов. - Махачкала, 2019. - 24 с.

14. Парсонс, Т. Система координат действия и общая теория систем действия: культура, личность и место социальных систем / Т. Парсонс // Американская социологическая мысль. - М.: Изд-во МГУ, 1996. - С. 462-478.

15. Попова, Т.В. Социально-педагогическое сопровождение несовершеннолетних в условиях роста социальных рисков беспризорности в обществе / Т.В. Попова // Современные исследования социальных проблем. - 2017. - Т.8. - № 6-2.-С. 155-160.

16. Уразакова, Г.С. Деловая игра как способ формирования правовой компетентности подростков / Г.С. Уразакова // Перекрестки истории. Актуальные проблемы исторической науки. Материалы XV Международной научной конференции. -Астрахань: Астраханский университет, 2019. - С. 197-198.


UDC 378

candidate of pedagogical sciences,

associate professor Galiakhmetova Albina Tagirovna

Kazan State Power Engineering University (Kazan);

doctor of philology, professor Lutfullina Gulnara Firdavisovna

Kazan State Power Engineering University (Kazan)


Annotation. The article presents the results of a study of the activities of the university to solve an urgent problem - the problem of improving the quality of education. One of the promising areas for improving the quality and efficiency of education in universities in modern conditions is the formation and development of global competencies among students. The aim of the study is to develop and theoretically substantiate the process of increasing the effectiveness of the teacher's work on the development of global competencies among students in the process of teaching foreign. The concept of "global competence" is gaining popularity and significance in many areas of life, as well as in education. Knowledge of foreign languages is undoubtedly an important condition for the globalization of education. Digital interactive technologies contribute to the effective learning of foreign languages. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that its results can significantly improve the quality and effectiveness of education in a vocational school. The theoretical provisions developed in the study give teachers of educational organizations the necessary ideas about new principles and ways of organizing the educational process based on the formation and development of global competencies among students. The structure of the educational process developed by the authors, educational modules in academic disciplines in the context of the implementation of digital interactive technologies can assist teachers in designing and conducting training sessions on learning foreign languages as an important means of forming and developing global competencies among students. The conducted research makes it possible to plan specific steps for educational work at the university, which in turn contributes to the achievement of the main goal of education in the context of globalization - the production of competitive specialists. An approach is proposed to improve the efficiency of this activity based on the implementation of digital interactive technologies.languages based on the implementation of digital interactive technologies.

Key words: global competence, digital interactive technologies, foreign language, education.

Аннотация. В статье представлены результаты исследования деятельности университета по решению актуальной проблемы - проблемы повышения качества образования. Одним из перспективных направлений повышения качества и эффективности образования в вузах в современных условиях является формирование и развитие глобальных компетенций у студентов. Целью исследования является разработка и теоретическое обоснование процесса повышения эффективности работы преподавателя по развитию глобальных компетенций у студентов в процессе преподавания иностранного языка. Концепция "глобальной компетентности" набирает популярность и значение во многих сферах жизни, а также в образовании. Знание иностранных языков, несомненно, является важным условием глобализации образования. Цифровые интерактивные технологии способствуют эффективному изучению иностранных языков. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в том, что его результаты могут значительно повысить качество и эффективность обучения в профессиональном училище. Теоретические положения, разработанные в исследовании, дают преподавателям образовательных организаций необходимые представления о новых принципах и способах организации образовательного процесса, основанных на формировании и развитии глобальных компетенций у учащихся. Разработанная авторами структура учебного процесса, модули по учебным дисциплинам в контексте внедрения цифровых интерактивных технологий могут помочь преподавателям в проектировании и проведении учебных занятий по изучению иностранных языков как важного средства формирования и развития глобальных компетенций у учащихся. Проведенное исследование позволяет планировать конкретные шаги по воспитательной работе в университете, что, в свою очередь, способствует достижению главной цели образования в условиях глобализации - выпуск конкурентоспособных специалистов. Предложен

подход к повышению эффективности этой деятельности, основанный на внедрении цифровых интерактивных технологий.языки, основанные на внедрении цифровых интерактивных технологий.

Ключевые слова: глобальная компетентность, цифровые интерактивные технологии, иностранный язык, образование.

Introduction. Nowadays, the world is becoming more globalized and interconnected, it is becoming more important for students to acquire competencies that help them interact between cultures and solve problems in their professional life and other areas and succeed in the global economy. In this regard, "the formation and development of global competence" is an area of education that has been gaining momentum in educational organizations around the world in recent years and will continue to develop and improve. Modern society needs not only a competent specialist in their field, but a professional who can participate in the effective solution of various problems, local, regional and international global problems, take an active position in modern society and be ready for innovations [4].

Global competencies are understood as "the ability to critically consider problems of a global nature and intercultural interaction from different points of view; be aware of how cultural, religious, political, racial and other differences can affect people's perceptions, judgments and views; engage in open, respectful and effective interaction with other people based on shared respect for human dignity" [3, P. 6]. However, the formation of global competencies does not stop with the end of school. That is why vocational education at any level is the main source of learning and mastering knowledge about the world for students of the new generation.

Today, a "globally competent" specialist should not only be professionally trained, but also be able to make independent decisions, show initiative, be capable of innovation, and be able to work in a team [1]. Therefore, the vocational education system must prepare its graduates for any possible changes, developing in them such qualities as constructiveness, mobility, dynamism, as well as knowledge of foreign languages. The level of development of this knowledge and qualities will determine the competitiveness of a graduate in the labor market.

Speaking about scientists who dealt with the problems of developing and implementing methods for the formation of global competencies we can name Veronica Boix Manzilla , Anthony Jackson, M. Binkley, O. Ershtad, J. Ehrman, S. Reisen (USA), G. Beetham, L. McGill (UK) and others.

Russian scientist Tatiana Koval studied the global competencies formed in the process of teaching students at school and students at the university. She developed the structure of global competence, and also made a generalization of the elements of global competence using the example of the discipline "Foreign Language" [2].

Foreign language teaching should focus on the formation of intercultural global competence, intercultural interaction. In an interconnected world, no country is an island. In today's globalized world, talent is mobile and skilled workers can find work in many parts of the world. Knowledge of foreign languages is an indisputable fact to achieve this goal. The educational opportunities of the "Foreign Language" discipline for the formation of global competencies are:

a) intercultural communicative approach;

b) implementation of digital interactive educational technologies [1].

Presentation of the main material of the article. Information and communication educational technologies are one of the types of innovative teaching technologies. They are focused on broad interaction of students both with the teacher and with each other in the process of forming professional competencies. One of the main tasks of the current teacher is to make the learning process interesting for students, dynamic and modern. Teachers use interactive technologies. Information and communication technologies are gradually penetrating all areas of education. This is facilitated by the global informatization of society, the dissemination of the latest computer technology and modern software in schools and universities, the creation of state and international programs aimed at informatization of education. Interactivity (in the context of an information system) is the ability of an information and communication system to react differently to any user action in an active mode. It is a prerequisite for the functioning of a highly effective learning model, the main goal of which is the active involvement of everyone in the educational and research processes. The implementation of the latest technologies in the learning process increases visibility, facilitates the perception of the material. This has a beneficial effect on the motivation of pupils and students and the overall effectiveness of the educational process.

A. An interactive teaching model.

An interactive teaching model implies active interaction not only with the teacher but also directly between students. Interactive forms of foreign language classes are: project activities, modeling of various life situations, role-playing games, solving problems in groups, involving statements in a foreign language. To help the teacher various interactive learning technologies are being developed, methods that make the lesson interesting and rich. These include, among other things, the use of interactive equipment.

The purpose of using interactive technologies is to implement a competency-based approach in education, to form readiness for independent implementation of professional research, to solve professional problems in the framework of the formation and development of global competencies of students.

Tasks of using interactive technologies:

1) to improve the quality of the presented material (Introduction of interactive technologies allows you to use various visual material, presentations, videos and much more in the classroom for effective learning of a foreign language);

2) to increase an interest in a foreign language (Learning with the use of interactive technologies encourages the active participation of each student in the teaching process; a facilitated form of material presentation using animation and computer-aided design elements promotes involvement in the discussion);

3) to establish trusting relationships (Interactive tools help to establish interaction and allow you to maintain good contact with the audience, which ultimately increases the student's motivation and contributes to a high percentage of knowledge assimilation);

4) to intensify activities to study the characteristics of the life of representatives of different cultures, nationalities, religions; on the formation of the ability to understand the differences in their activities and to determine constructive ways of their coexistence and interaction.

B.General characteristics of digital technologies.

Language lab. Comparatively new are digital laboratories, which include sensors, analyzers and special equipment. They allow teachers to develop the skills of foreign speech recognition, speaking and listening skills. On the basis of Kazan State Power Engineering University, there is a special classroom equipped with laptops and GrammarLab software, which allows interacting with students at this site. Students have at their disposal a linguistic laboratory equipped with laptops with Internet access, headphones, microphones, speakers, a projector and an interactive whiteboard. This allows you to practice and control various skills in teaching listening, speaking, grammar, writing. There is an excellent opportunity both for teamwork in a group and for students to complete individual assignments.

The Department of Foreign Languages purchased interactive resources on grammar GrammarLab of three levels of difficulty: Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced. This allows teachers to work in the system with students enrolled in undergraduate,

graduate and postgraduate programs, as well as with those who are trained in English at an increased level of complexity under the professional retraining program "Translator in the field of professional communication". The teacher has the opportunity to create a course for each separate group and choose his own learning path.

Another indisputable advantage of the course is the presence of exercises of different types, entrance, intermediate and final tests for each topic, as well as a video that explains each studied grammatical phenomenon or rule. The teacher, having sent this or that task to the group, can observe the results of its implementation in the Journal. The system itself evaluates the work of students, calculates the percentage of completion, and also provides generalized information on the group.

Electronic textbooks, which are an addition to traditional textbooks, have become indispensable in the English language classes on the practice of speech. These resources are freely available on the Oxford University Press website and can be used both as additional material in the classroom and for students' independent work. Here are exercises on grammar, vocabulary, speech practice, as well as audio and video by topic and additional links to authentic sites dedicated to the topic under study.

C. Services and systems of distance learning.

Moodle. In the modern school, new tools for collective use are increasingly used - they are designed to develop skills and abilities of project activities, teamwork [4]. These include cloud services and distance learning systems that allow you to diversify the formats for conducting classes - from teleconferences to broadcasting lectures from universities. In our work we use the services teams, zoom, Moodle. In connection with the recent experience of distance work with students, Moodle has firmly entered the work of teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages, which contains all the necessary materials for a foreign language study program. Students can use it at any time and from any device, both in class and outside the university. In their courses, teachers upload texts, audio, video, links to the necessary resources, create exercises for practicing certain topics, forums for discussion and feedback with students, as well as tests for entrance, intermediate and final control.

The video hosting You Tube allows to access video materials in all studied languages. This makes it possible to train the skills of foreign language perception both as performed by professional announcers (National Geographic, BBC) and pronounced by ordinary people in various everyday situations (dialogues, interviews). In addition, video support makes it possible to visually represent the phenomena, places, processes in question.

Also for additional work, we recommend that students use various Internet resources. Such, for example, as Barabuk, which is a service for memorizing information on your mobile device. You can learn foreign words, idioms and any other text and graphic information with Barabuk. Liveworksheets - creation of interactive sheets that can be used both for self-test and as an independent work for the teacher to check it.

Various Internet resources that allow to consolidate knowledge on the topics studied, as well as communicate with native speakers online, for example, busuu.com, conversationexchange.com and others.

The interactive component is a direct component of practical English lessons. The practice of speech involves its use of language in communication situations.

Interactive board. Currently, interactive boards are used in foreign language lessons. Using interactive boards during the lesson gives students the opportunity to see realistic 2-D and 3-D models of objects of study, to observe their changes and control them simply by touching the board with their hands. This technology makes it possible to implement the principles of developmental education in practice. The teacher using the interactive board can interact with students online throughout the class. Interactive boards, electronic online dictionaries are a type of interaction between a student and a primitive reactive component.

The teams, zoom, google.meet programs provide the kind of interactivity that can be characterized as visual distance interactive activity. This type combines two types of communication: 1) visual oral through the screen; 2) written through chat.

Presentations, videos on you tube are a visual form of information presentation, which is characterized by passive perception and serves as a stimulus for subsequent interactive activities.

The moodle platform includes a rigorous set of interactive tools - a forum and an assignment, which are forms of written communication. Forum is a variant of chat as a direct interaction. The assignment involves commentary as a delayed interaction between student and teacher.

The open education platform open.edu contains a set of recorded video lectures with control tools - tests. The creators provide a strict set of tools for interactive interaction - conversation and mutual appreciation. These are types of written communication. Conversation is a variant of chat as a way of direct interaction. Mutual appreciation suggests commentary as a tool for delayed interaction between students.

Electronic courses and textbooks at the Grammar Lab site include tests, assignments, videos, listening, an automatic assessment and reporting system, while there are no interactive components. The teacher's role is limited to tutoring, since he is an observer of the educational process. Knowledge is obtained as a result of the electronic presentation of information and is consolidated through a complex of all types of tasks. Knowledge is not used in terms of communication. The lack of interactivity is the main drawback. The role of the teacher is irreplaceable in teaching foreign languages. Digitalization cannot replace humans.

Some aspects of the practical application of digital technologies in the classroom in the discipline "Foreign language" imply the widespread use of various forms of educational activities of students. For active involvement in the educational process, in addition to traditional techniques, students are offered interactive types of work through Internet resources for practicing lexical units (Energy industry, Oxford University Press), grammatical units (Grammar lab, Moodle), monologue statements (analysis of training videos on a topic from you tube).

The study, consolidation and development of lexical material on the topic is carried out through the use of various means: handouts, the use of training videos (taking into account intra-subject and inter-subject connections with disciplines) with intrasystem courses at the moodle site of Kazan State Energy University. For example, as part of a study of a specific topic, a video (you tube) can be viewed and then discussed, combined with a traditional source of information on the topic, in the form of an overview text file. The connection between theory and practice is carried out through the disclosure of the practical significance of knowledge and training in the application of knowledge in practice.

The grammatical aspect of the lesson involves practicing skills in real time on the interactive platform Grammar lab, which includes both training and control-test exercises on given topics with an immediate result of the mastery of the teacher and the student.

Practicing the skill of viewing reading is carried out in the form of joint work for students. Students are invited to view the materials posted on various thematic sites and help to identify, for example, the positive and negative aspects of a phenomenon. For a clearer understanding and complete assimilation of the material, the image is displayed on an interactive whiteboard. Through the use of digital technology, the teacher establishes contact with the audience and retains its attention. Analysis of answers to questions is carried out tactfully, students think logically and express their opinion.

Conclusions. Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn about the main characteristics of digital interactivity: 1) a clear selection of interactive interaction tools (task, chat, mutual check, massive online survey); 2) separation of written (chat in the form

of conversation and forum tools) and oral types of interaction (through the screen); 3) remote means of communication (video / audio communication at a distance); 4) the possibility of mass delayed remote communication.

For the formation of global competencies of future specialists, digital interactive technologies have a number of advantages (in contrast to other technologies), namely:

- the opportunity to study with any teacher around the world or in any educational organization around the world;

- the ability to study at a convenient time and place, without interrupting the main activity;

- the ability to implement a student-centered approach to learning, design and implement individual trajectories of student development;

- the possibility of informal communication with representatives of other nationalities and cultures (pen pals, social networks, forums, etc.) to establish intercultural ties, transfer experience and practice of a foreign language;

- the ability to increase the rate of learning, which depends on the speed of information transfer, and is an urgent need in the global world;

- the ability to study remotely.

Thus, digital interactive educational technologies are a powerful resource in the study of the discipline "Foreign language".

These resources are vital to improve the efficiency of the formation and development of global competencies among university students. Today, all educational organizations are linked through cyberspace around the world. Students communicate even when they are thousands of kilometers apart. Global competence will become even more important, despite the call for nationalism or some disillusionment with globalization. Regardless of what political events may be, we must enhance the global competence of students who are the future of our country.


1. Deardorff Darla K. Identification and assessment of intercultural competence as a student outcome of internationalization // Journal of Studies in International Education. - 2006. - No 3. - P. 241-266.

2. Коваль Т.В., Дюкова С.Е. Глобальные компетенции - новый компонент функциональной грамотности // Отечественная и зарубежная педагогика. - 2019. - Т. 1, № 4 (61). - С. 112-123.

3. Manzilla V, Jackson A. Educating for global competence: Preparing our youth to engage the world. - Asia Society. - 2019.

4. Mazumder A. Making A Global Engineer: Culture And Technology. Annual Conference & Exposition. - Austin, Texas, 2009.


UDC 378.005

candidate of pedagogical sciences,

associate professor Gasanenko Elena Aleksandrovna

Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk);

candidate of pedagogical sciences,

associate professor Pikalova Elena Anatolievna

Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk);

candidate of philological sciences,

associate professor Lomakina Yekaterina Alexandrovna

Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk)



Annotation. The article considers one of the pedagogical conditions for the university students' readiness formation to create an image. This condition is university students' mastering of image-making skills within the framework of autonomous activity in English classes. The autonomous students' activity in the professional training process is especially relevant in connection with the introduction of new educational standards and affirmation of the students' independence priority in learning activities. The article describes the main techniques providing this condition, which consist in the analysis of specific situations in the process of image-making. The means of students' autonomous activity in English classes as the basis of student's image-making are considered. The authors analyze and characterize the university students' autonomous activity, the implementation of which forms the image of a future specialist.

Keywords: Image-making, autonomous activity, autonomous activity methods, autonomous activity means, English language, university student.

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается одно из педагогических условий формирования готовности студентов университета к созданию имиджа. Этим условием выступает овладение студентами навыками имиджмейкинга в рамках автономной деятельности на занятиях по английскому языку. Автономная деятельность студентов в процессе профессиональной подготовки особенно актуальна в связи с введением новых образовательных стандартов и утверждением приоритета самостоятельности студентов в учебной деятельности. В статье описаны основные приемы, обеспечивающие это условие, которые заключаются в анализе конкретных ситуаций в процессе имиджмейкинга. Рассматриваются средства автономной деятельности студентов на занятиях по английскому языку как основа имиджмейкинга студента. Авторы анализируют и дают характеристику автономной деятельности студентов университета, реализация которой формирует имидж будущего специалиста.

Ключевые слова: имиджмейкинг, автономная деятельность, методы автономной деятельности, средства автономной деятельности, английский язык, студент университета.

Introduction. The development vector of Russian society is aimed at strengthening the role of the individual in all processes of democratic transformation, which entails serious changes in the understanding of the concept of professionalism as a result of a person's entry into professional activity at a qualitatively new level. At present, as it is noted, the understanding of a successful professional in professional activity is determined primarily by the degree of availability of information related to professional activity, the ability to navigate in the professional environment, the ability to understand the overall picture of the professional world, the ability to present himself as a successful specialist, the ability to work in a team and autonomously.

Modern pedagogical science unequivocally positions the autonomy of the educational process of a university student as a necessary condition for the development of an integral, successful personality of a student [2].

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