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Ключевые слова
professional activity / pedagogical process / mutual visits.

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Mytchenok M., Kotelban A., Moroz P., Mytchenok O.

The article is devoted to the methodological aspects of training scientific and pedagogical staff of higher educational institutions to professional activity. It is established that a fairly effective form of professional development. The competence of teachers is mutual attendance. After all mutual visits its an effective form of adoption of professional and pedagogical experience of colleagues and improvement of pedagogical skills teachers.

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Mytchenok M.,

Bukovinian State Medical University, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, PhD, Associate Professor, Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Kotelban A., Bukovynian State Medical University Department of Pediatric Dentistry, PhD, Associate Professor, Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Moroz P.,

Bukovynian State Medical University, Department of Surgery № 1 PhD, Associate Professor, Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Mytchenok O. Bukovinian State Medical University, Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, PhD, Associate Professor, Chernivtsi, Ukraine


The article is devoted to the methodological aspects of training scientific and pedagogical staff of higher educational institutions to professional activity. It is established that a fairly effective form of professional development. The competence of teachers is mutual attendance. After all mutual visits its an effective form of adoption of professional and pedagogical experience of colleagues and improvement of pedagogical skills teachers. Keywords: professional activity, pedagogical process, mutual visits.

In modern conditions, higher education is a source of security for society with scientific personnel and specialists of the highest qualification, therefore it is considered as the most important subsystem of the whole social system production. It plays a special role in the reproduction and development of culture, science, forms of socio-economic relations between the state and society. Requirements to the level of professionalism of specialists are constantly growing, and it is relevant to the need of creation of the system of continuing education and determines the system of higher education, where the problem of the training of highly qualified pedagogical staff becomes especially important [3, 5].

At the present stage of development of society world of medical pedagogical science is looking for new priorities in education and upbringing of physician-students. Changing the nature and content of work puts before our society the serious tasks related to bringing the Ukrainian education to the level of developed countries by reforming its conceptual, structural and organizational principles. Raising the level of education and training highly qualified specialists of the medical field is an important component of the educational process at the stage of integration of Ukraine in Bologna process. One of the most important areas of European integration is the field of higher education, where it took the form of the Bologna Process.

Requirements for modern classes are: clarity of definition of educational goals; their unity with education and upbringing goals; adherence to clear lesson structure; determining the optimal content and selection of training lesson material in relation to the opportunities due to the level of training students; providing classes with the necessary technical equipment; choice the most rational methods and techniques of teaching; software cognitive quality of students; combination of

teamwork with differentiated approach to learning; implementation of interdisciplinary connections; connection of theoretical knowledge with practice [2, 6].

The urgent task of modern medical education is to improve quality training of highly qualified specialists, in particular students-dentists in terms of future practice. Optimization of learning process through control visits mutual attendance of classes by the staff of the department is aimed at providing assistance to young assistants in solving improvement tasks educational process in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna process Ukraine.

Every teacher must strive to reach high levels professional competence to express their individuality, to implement their educational potential within the chosen medical profession.

The purpose of this article is to reveal the methodological aspects of mutual attending classes as a form of additional teacher training for professional activity and improving the quality of teaching disciplines by mutual attendance of practical classes.

The quality of educational activities of scientific and pedagogical staff depends, first of all, on their professional qualification - deep mastery of educational material and appropriate methodological techniques teaching.

The main purpose of mutual attendance is ensuring a constant exchange of best practices in the education-training process, coordination of the amount of educational material, methodical methods and terminology of the order of teaching discipline, logical sequence and interrelation of teaching to the related disciplines. Obviously, in mutual visits to classes it is advisable to participate with all people without exception of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the department: from beginning teachers to master teachers and innovators.

According to Sinkevich SV, in addition to the direct purpose (advanced exchange experience), mutual

attendance at classes should be considered as a form of additional and professional training of scientific and pedagogical staff. In the progress such as classes, teachers receive (restore) practical skills from the most difficult topics and issues in academic disciplines [8].

On the other hand, the presence (participation) in scientific and pedagogical classes composition motivates the teacher to constantly review and refine educational material of the lesson.

During mutual visits, young teachers should be addressed special attention to the amount of information, disclosure of topics and educational issues, theoretical and practical orientation of the content, accessibility and completeness issues under consideration, selection of the main content sections, persuasiveness of the given examples.

In order to analyze and implement best practices educational material on the discipline during class attendance should determine (including from personal experience) completeness and depth the knowledge received by students, correctness of their estimation by the teacher classes, the teacher's ability to own the audience, to maintain it properly discipline, the presence of feedback (interaction), the degree of achievement educational goals, the use of visual aids and technical means training, as well as the ability to use them methodically competently. To belong take into account the communicative skills and personal qualities of the teacher: simplicity and intelligibility, culture and imagery of speech, correctness pronunciation, general erudition, appearance and adherence to teaching tact.

It should be born in mind that the reciprocal visits are an important tool that improves the quality of teaching, but without their help it is impossible to identify and immediately correct any gaps in teaching.

Scientific and pedagogical staff that participates in attending classes, it is necessary to adhere to the basic requirements of pedagogical ethics. It is necessary to enter the classroom with the head of the class, be present from the beginning to the end, it is not allowed to interfere in the work of the teacher, to do to him remarks during the lesson, as well as at other times in the presence of the students, perform other actions that may distract them.

The purpose of mutual visits and analysis of practical classes is not only assessment of the methodology of the lesson, but also the improvement of educational process, exchange of experience, introduction of modern innovative technologies in the educational process in accordance with the provisions of the Bologna Declaration [8].

The purpose of attending classes is: to qualify the level of training programs; to check the quality of educational achievements; to use the active and interactive teaching methods and innovative technologies; to organize the independent work of students; to form the general education (specific) skills and abilities of students; to create the ways and methods of formation of internal learning motivation; to implement the basic principles of developmental learning; to form the methods of using teaching aids; to use the opportunities of educational material for holistic development student's personality; use of interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary connections, formation of basic knowledge; teacher 's work with rational use of study time; method of formation conscious work discipline, etc. The practical training is limited in time (90 minutes). During this

time, you have the opportunity to demonstrate not only structural elements of the lesson, but also the pedagogical findings of the teacher, creation its system of educational work with students [7].

The teacher-visitor prepares to attend classes of his colleague, reviews the journal, assesses the state of student and individual performance work with low-achieving students, gets acquainted with the material of the topic and recommended literature, both basic and additional. At attending the lesson of the teacher-visitor is present at the lesson from the beginning to end, records their observations, analyzes the lesson, evaluates visualization of classes, student activity, the degree of mastery of practical skills of examination of the patient and the work of the teacher in general.

The distinguish between the topic of the lesson and the content of the study is assessed material, application of methods, techniques and forms of educational cognitive work of students, activity of the teacher, activity of students, feedback methods, methods of assessing knowledge of basic disciplines, current material and students' ability to use theoretical knowledge in specific clinical situation. Attention is paid to use didactic and visual materials.

An important element of the evaluation of the lesson is the definition of the degree of implementation of the plan and the achievement of its goals and tasks, presentations in the class, comments and suggestions on positive and negative sides of the lesson, analysis of stages and elements of the lesson, generalization and conclusion regarding the attended lesson [1, 4, 6].

The main criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the class is the quality of knowledges, skills and abilities acquired by students under the guidance of a teacher [2].

The teacher-visitor, with the participation of the head of the department, summarizes and checks, comments and wishes and recordes in the journal mutual visits and brings to the notice to teachers of the department.


Thus, the main purpose of mutual-visits training is to provide a constant exchange of best practices and participations in the educational process, coordination of the scope of training material, methods and procedures for teaching disciplines in different study groups, logical sequences and the relationships of teaching related disciplines. In the mutual visits - educational classes are attended by everybody without exception, scientific and pedagogical employees of the department: from teachers of beginner level to teachers-masters and innovators. Mutual attendance is one of the most important elements of pedagogical process that improves the quality of teaching subjects, improving and enhancing the methodological level of educational process in the higher education.


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8. Sinkevych S.V. Vzaiemne vidviduvannia zaniat yak forma dodatkovoi pidhotovky vykladachiv viiskovo-spetsialnykh dystsyplin do profesiinoi diial-nosti. Pedahohichni nauky. 2015. № 1 (74). S. 227-235.



Moroz P.,

PhD, Associate Professor, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, Department of Surgery № 1 Bukovynian State Medical University Kotelban A.,

PhD, Associate Professor, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, Department of Pediatric Dentistry Bukovynian State Medical University Mytchenok M.,

PhD, Associate Professor, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, Department of Pediatric Dentistry Bukovynian State Medical University Mytchenok O.

PhD, Associate Professor, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Bukovinian State Medical University


Scientific and technological progress, which has covered all areas of medicine, encourages not only the active introduction of new technologies in the treatment process, but also the development of new science-intensive technologies for diagnosis, treatment of patients and prevention of various complications. Keywords: group activity, surgery, study, high educational institution, medicine.


The staff of the Department of Surgery №>1 BSMU for many years is the locomotive of scientific and technological progress in surgery in Bukovina.

The Clinic of the Department of Surgery is a regional methodological center for providing surgical care to the population of Chernivtsi region. The base of the clinic is the Department of General, Thoracic, Vascular Surgery and Proctology of Chernivtsi Regional Clinical Hospital, which encourages a wide range of scientific, technical and technological research.

The clinic of the department performs a wide range of modern surgical interventions on the esophagus, digestive organs, lungs, rectum, blood vessels, developed methods of diagnosis, surgical and conservative treatment and prevention of postoperative complications. Employees of the department were the first in Bukovyna, back in 1996, to perform laparoscopic surgery in planned and emergency surgery, and in 2020 performed hemicolonectomy.

Methodological approach for self-improvement of the team

In 2011, the Regional Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery and Gynecology was established on the basis of the Department of Surgery and departments of

the regional clinical hospital. The task of the Center was to more widely introduce into the treatment process methods of laparoscopic and thoracoscopic surgical interventions, development of new and improvement of existing methods of operations.

The Center has implemented laparoscopic operations for acute appendicitis, acute and chronic cholecystitis, inguinal and femoral hernias, hernia of the esophageal orifice of the diaphragm, esophagus, with some complications of peptic ulcer disease, conjunctival disease, thorax, pleura, thymus, Raynaud's disease, performed transthoracic neurophrenicotomy developed by the staff of the department. With the involvement of gynecologists, surgical interventions are performed for infertility, ovarian cysts, salpingitis, ectopic pregnancy, uterine fibroids.

Laparoscopic interventions in emergency surgery have been introduced - appendectomies, viscerolysis, autopsy and rehabilitation of delimited peritoneal abscesses are performed. These operations are performed mainly by employees of the department.

The Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery and Gynecology trains doctors at the postgraduate stage of training, provides consulting and methodological assistance to medical institutions of the region.

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