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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sidash Yu., Mytchenok M.

The article analyzes peculiarities of advanced training and probation of research and educational personnel at higher educational institutions (HEI), presents importance of a continuous professional development for research and educational staff in the field of dentistry. To undergo on-the-job training in Ukraine or abroad is organized with the aim to develop and consolidate practically professional competence acquired during theoretical training in order to carry out tasks and duties on the established post, to master domestic and foreign experience, to develop personal qualities with the purpose to fulfill professional tasks on a new, higher and more qualitative level in the field of the profession. Advanced professional training abroad results in extension of experience obtained from specialist in other countries, learning scientific achievements and mastering innovation medical equipment and educational technologies; conducting a scientific study on the subject researchers are specialized in, which can further improve their professional competence.

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Таким чином трансформаций, що впроваджу-ються, у вищш освт спрямованi на пвдвищення якостi освгга, охоплення бшьшо! кiлькостi молодi, забезпечення економiчно! ефективностi освiти. Вщ-повщно, загальною тенденцieю е створення в унь верситетах середовища, iнновацiйного в ycix аспектах оргашзацп i змiстy вищо! освiти. Цьому мае сприяти i урядова полiтика, i дiяльнiсть закладiв вищо! освгга щодо акредитацiйних вимог, фшансу-вання, забезпечення якостi освiти, оцiнювання, пвд-тримки наyковцiв та експертiв у розвитковi i впро-вадженнi нових педагопчних моделей, методiв, форм, проектш та бiзнес моделей на рiвнi окремих навчальних закладiв, подготовка навчально-викла-дацького складу до впровадження пропонованих iнновацiй i освiтнiх моделей.

Список лггератури

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8. Кузнецова О. Ю. Перспективи шшомовно! освгга у вищих навчальних закладах в евроштегра-цшному вимiрi // Вюник Житомирського державного ушверситету iменi 1вана Франка, 2013. Вип.6. С.76-81.

9. Кузнецова О. Ю. Питання шшомовно! освiти в контекстi iнтеграцiйного розвитку вищо! освгга у £врош // Педагопчш науки: теорiя, iсторiя, шновацшш технологii / Сумський державний педа-гогiчний унiверситет iM. А. С. Макаренка. 2014. Вип.5. С. 10-19.

10. Кузнецова О. Ю. Перспективи застосу-вання новiтнiх технологiй у викладанш iноземних мов у закладах вищо! освгга// Матерiали мiжнарод-ного науково-методичного семiнару «Проблеми та перспективи навчання iноземних мов у ЗВО» (23 сь чня 2019 р. ). Харшв. ХНАДУ. - С. 64-67

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Sidash Yu.,

Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, The department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Associate Professor, Poltava, Ukraine Mytchenok M.

Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University», Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Associate Professor, Chernivtsi, Ukraine


The article analyzes peculiarities of advanced training and probation of research and educational personnel at higher educational institutions (HEI), presents importance of a continuous professional development for research and educational staff in the field of dentistry. To undergo on-the-job training in Ukraine or abroad is organized with the aim to develop and consolidate practically professional competence acquired during theoretical training in order to carry out tasks and duties on the established post, to master domestic and foreign experience, to develop personal qualities with the purpose to fulfill professional tasks on a new, higher and more qualitative level in the field of the profession.

Advanced professional training abroad results in extension of experience obtained from specialist in other countries, learning scientific achievements and mastering innovation medical equipment and educational technologies; conducting a scientific study on the subject researchers are specialized in, which can further improve their professional competence.

Keywords: probation, advanced training, research and educational personnel.

Present system of medical education includes basic medical education, post-graduate medical education and continuous professional development which are logically connected with one another.

The quality of the professional skills obtained becomes more important in provision competitive capability at the labor market, since it is the quality of medical education that maintains the level of development in the country and its economic growth.

According to the National Strategy of Education Development in Ukraine during the period including 2021 one of the long-term tasks concerning development of post-graduate education is development of standards on post-graduate pedagogic education focused on improvement of the retraining system, advanced training courses and probation of pedagogical, research and educational personnel and managers of educational institutions [5].

New requirements concerning higher education under conditions of its reforming concerning quality of work of scientific and research and educational personnel stipulate the necessity of continuous development and advanced training starting after getting higher medical education, Internship training, and lasting during the whole professional life of a specialist including improvement of the abilities and skills obtained [1, 3, 9].

The main aim of advanced training and probation of research and educational personnel is their professional development by means of extending and improvement of professional knowledge, skills and abilities, acquiring experience according to the state policy in the field of education and providing quality of higher education, duties and tasks associated with their professional activity [8].

Probation ensures not only competence improvement within the profession acquired earlier by research and educational personnel at higher educational institutions, but consolidates practical experience as well.

Objective of the study is to analyze probation (on-the-job training) periods of research and educational personnel at medical establishments.

On-the-job training of research and educational personnel is the most effective pattern of professional training which provides maximum registration of one's own subjective experience and presents an independent kind of additional professional education ensuring goal-directed mastering and development of new professional competence or correction of that obtained earlier.

The current legislation of Ukraine assumes probation and advanced training of research and educational personnel and practical physicians both in Ukraine and abroad. These periods of probation and advanced training are carefully controlled by the authority of an educational institution.

Thus, the process of advanced training and probation of research and educational personnel in Ukraine is regulated by the Regulations on advanced training and probation of research and educational personnel at higher educational institutions approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine dated 24.01.2013 № 48 [4].

This document determines the details and order of advanced training for research and educational personnel at higher educational institutions of I-IV levels of accreditation (further - HEI) irrespective of their forms of property and subordination, and standardizes the order of probation of the above staff as one of the forms of advanced training.

The Regulations on advanced training and probation of research and educational personnel at higher educational institutions are developed according to the Laws of Ukraine «On Higher Education», «On Education», «On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activity», the Law of Ukraine № 2745-VIII «On Professional Pre-Higher Education», the Regulations «On the Order to Realize the Rights on Academic Mobility», approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 12, 2015, № 579, «On the Order of Advanced Training of Pedagogic and Research-Educational Workers», approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 21, 2019 № 800, the University Statute.

Probation of research-educational (pedagogical) workers at HEI is carried out according to the Law of Ukraine «On Professional Pre-Higher Education» and plan on advanced training.

The main tasks of advanced training and probation of research-educational (pedagogical) workers are the following:

- improvement of acquired earlier or new competence within the range of professional activity or field of knowledge considering the requirements of an appropriate professional standard (dentistry);

- obtain experience to fulfill additional tasks and duties within the range of a specialty, profession and position according to the quality standards of higher education.

Probation of research-educational (pedagogical) workers is carried out according to the individual programs considering a specialty, term and curriculum of education.

Probation curriculum is formed according to the specialization and tasks set for a person undergoing on-the-job training.

The individual probation curriculum should contain information on its volume (duration), and additional issues concerning probation of research-educational workers.

The individual probation curriculum can assume the following:

- independent theoretical training;

- acquiring organizational and professional skills;

- learning theoretical bases to organize educational process and educational standards at higher educational institutions;

- learning the patterns of European educational systems and peculiarities of work with them;

- mastering methods to assess students' progress,


Advanced training including probation should be held no less than every five years.

According to V.M. Moroz's opinion probation of research-educational (pedagogical) workers at HEI

should not be related to the time criterion. The main indicator indicative of the necessity to organize learning of this or that specialist should be the level of teaching a professional subject equal to the state standard of education quality, and (or) the result of analysis of the annual report submitted by a person at the department on the amount of fulfillment of the contract terms [2].

Probation of research-educational (pedagogical) workers in other countries is carried out according to the Ukrainian legislation on the basis of international agreements.

Before educational institutions accepted the European system of transition and accumulation of credits, the term of probation for teachers lasted for months -from 1 to 10 months depending on the complexity of an individual plan of probation and practical experience. At present the term of probation is calculated according to ECTS credits or national credits, and it cannot be more than 32 national credits (48 ECTS credits). One day of probation is estimated as 6 hours 0,2 ECTS credit [10].

Research-educational (pedagogical) workers who completed probation are given a document on postgraduate training. After receiving the certificate research-educational workers should present a report on their probation. This report is heard and discussed at the meeting of a structural unit of the institution. The meeting has the right to approve or refuse the report, to give recommendations and/or conclusions.

Probation results are considered during the following attestation of research-educational workers. Peculiarities of probation of research-educational workers abroad are established by the Regulations on Education and Probation of Students (scientific probation), postgraduates, junior scientific assistants, doctoral candidates, scientific and research-educational workers at leading higher educational institutions and scientific establishments abroad [7, 11]. This kind of probation is rather topical for HEI personnel who are planning to obtain academic degrees.

In 2016 the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine changed the order to give academic degrees. Thus, one of the main criteria to assess research-pedagogical and scientific activity for the applicants for academic degrees (Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher) is undergoing probation at HEI, a scientific (or scientific-technical) institution of the country which is a member of the Economic Cooperation Organization and Development, and/or the European Union [6].

Probation in Ukraine or abroad is carried out with the purpose to form and consolidate in practice professional competence obtained as the result of theoretical training to perform duties and tasks on a certain position, learning domestic and foreign experience, formation of personal qualities in order to fulfill professional tasks on a new, more advanced level within the range of one's specialty.

Advanced professional training abroad results in extension of experience obtained from specialist in other countries, learning scientific achievements and mastering innovation medical equipment and educational technologies; conducting a scientific study on the

subject researchers are specialized in, which can further improve their professional competence.


Rapid development of the information society promotes scientists to continuous progress and improvement of knowledge in various ways. One of them is probation or on-job-training which is considered as a useful exchange of scientific ideas, experimental experience. It helps to realize one of the basic principles of current European educational policy - mobility of educators. Therefore, multiple view possibility of medical scientific probation, and abroad in particular, makes this form of advanced training effective considering development of professional skills of research-educational workers. On-job-training of research-educational workers is carried out according to the procedure clearly determined by the Ukrainian legislation, though it requires certain improvement considering requirements of modern education.

This form of advanced training for research-educational activity, improvement of professional skills by the educators at higher educational institutions is efficient and promising.


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Mytchenok M.,

Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University», Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Associate Professor, Chernivtsi, Ukraine Mytchenok O.

Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University», Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Associate Professor, Chernivtsi, Ukraine


The article is devoted to the methodological aspects of training scientific and pedagogical staff of higher educational institutions to professional activity. It is established that a fairly effective form of professional development. The competence of teachers is mutual attendance. After all mutual visits its an effective form of adoption of professional and pedagogical experience of colleagues and improvement of pedagogical skills teachers.

Keywords: mutual visits, classes, professional activity, pedagogical process.

In modern conditions, higher education is a source of security for society with scientific personnel and specialists of the highest qualification, therefore it is considered as the most important subsystem of the whole social system production. It plays a special role in the reproduction and development of culture, science, forms of socio-economic relations between the state and society. Requirements to the level of professionalism of specialists are constantly growing, and it is relevant to the need of creation of the system of continuing education and determines the system of higher education, where the problem of the training of highly qualified pedagogical staff becomes especially important [4, 6].

At the present stage of development of society world of medical pedagogical science is looking for new priorities in education and upbringing of physician-students. Changing the nature and content of work puts before our society the serious tasks related to bringing the Ukrainian education to the level of developed countries by reforming its conceptual, structural and organizational principles. Raising the level of education and training highly qualified specialists of the medical field is an important component of the educational process at the stage of integration of Ukraine in Bologna process. One of the most important areas of European integration is the field of higher education, where it took the form of the Bologna Process.

Requirements for modern classes are:

- clarity of definition of educational goals;

- their unity with education and upbringing goals;

- adherence to clear lesson structure;

- determining the optimal content and selection of training lesson material in relation to the opportunities due to the level of training students;

- providing classes with the necessary technical equipment;

- choice the most rational methods and techniques of teaching;

- software cognitive quality of students;

- combination of teamwork with differentiated approach to learning;

- implementation of interdisciplinary connections;

- connection of theoretical knowledge with practice [3, 7].

The urgent task of modern medical education is to improve quality training of highly qualified specialists, in particular students-dentists in terms of future practice. Optimization of learning process through control visits mutual attendance of classes by the staff of the department is aimed at providing assistance to young assistants in solving improvement tasks educational process in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna process Ukraine.

Every teacher must strive to reach high levels professional competence to express their individuality, to

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