SIMULATION TECHNOLOGIES IN MEDICINE BEST FOR FUTURE DOCTORS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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study / high educational institution / medicine

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kotelban A., Mytchenok M., Moroz P., Mytchenok O.

Simulation technologies a future, best for the acquisition of practical skills, abilities and knowledge, based on realistic modeling and simulation of the clinical situation using a variety of modern training equipment. Mastering and practicing skills during classes allows future doctors to more thoroughly prepare the student for further independent activity, compared with the theoretical analysis of the clinical situation, especially for students of foreign nationals. The simulation class is divided into such stages: initial assessment of students' knowledge, theoretical examination of skills, simulation training, debriefing, final testing and anonymous questionnaires. A checklist has been developed to objectively assess a particular skill or clinical scenario. Practical traini ng gives students the opportunity to work out the algorithm of actions in a specific clinical situation; optimize teamwork and clearly distribute team responsibilities. Thus, the use of simulation technologies in medicine increases students' interest in the learning process and is an important part in improving the professionalism of future doctors

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Kotelban A.,

PhD, Associate Professor, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, Department of Pediatric Dentistry Bukovynian State Medical University Mytchenok M.,

PhD, Associate Professor, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, Department of Pediatric Dentistry Bukovynian State Medical University

Moroz P.,

PhD, Associate Professor, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, Department of Surgery № 1 Bukovynian State Medical University Mytchenok O.

PhD, Associate Professor, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Bukovinian State Medical University


Simulation technologies - a future, best for the acquisition of practical skills, abilities and knowledge, based on realistic modeling and simulation of the clinical situation using a variety of modern training equipment. Mastering and practicing skills during classes allows future doctors to more thoroughly prepare the student for further independent activity, compared with the theoretical analysis of the clinical situation, especially for students of foreign nationals. The simulation class is divided into such stages: initial assessment of students' knowledge, theoretical examination of skills, simulation training, debriefing, final testing and anonymous questionnaires. A checklist has been developed to objectively assess a particular skill or clinical scenario. Practical training gives students the opportunity to work out the algorithm of actions in a specific clinical situation; optimize teamwork and clearly distribute team responsibilities.

Thus, the use of simulation technologies in medicine increases students' interest in the learning process and is an important part in improving the professionalism of future doctors.

Keywords: study, high educational institution, medicine.

Today the development of medical education in Ukraine and the world requires new approaches in the organization of the pedagogical process. After all, it is the student's independent work during study and practice that distinguishes the educational process of higher education from secondary education. This independence involves the entire educational process, both at home and in lectures and practical classes. In the independent work of the student his individual features which he inherited and got in a family, school and collective are defined. He has already created his own dynamic stereotype in the system of work, study, daily routine, and now he has to change it and create a new one under new conditions in another country. You have to overcome yourself in many ways, change some habits, and sometimes develop new ones.

At the same time, traditional forms of medical education do not always provide effective training before a healthcare professional begins to work actively with patients. Simulation training allows to solve the problem of high-quality mastering of practical skills and teamwork in providing dental care.

Simulation training - a modern technology for the acquisition of practical skills, abilities and knowledge, based on realistic modeling and simulation of the clinical situation using a variety of modern training equipment. Mastering and practicing skills during classes allows you to more thoroughly prepare the student for

further independent activity, compared with the theoretical analysis of the clinical situation, especially for students of foreign nationals.

The main features of simulation training can be considered:

• availability of an artificially created simulated learning environment;

• the possibility of using mannequins or extras for the completeness and realism of modeling the object in a particular situation;

• practice of specific practical skills with the use of modern equipment without harming human health;

• practice teamwork in a simulated specific situation;

• availability of experienced teachers (instructors) who have extensive experience in medical and educational work.

The advantages of simulation training are:

• reduced stress of the student (listener) during the first independent manipulations;

• a large number of repetitions to practice skills;

• practice of actions in rare and life-threatening conditions;

• development of both individual skills and team interaction;

• objective assessment of the achieved level of


The simulation lesson is divided into several stages: initial assessment of students' knowledge, theoretical examination of skills, simulation training, debriefing, final testing and anonymous questionnaires. A checklist (checklist) has been developed to objectively assess a particular skill or clinical scenario. Practical training gives students the opportunity to work out the algorithm of actions in a specific clinical situation; optimize teamwork and clearly distribute team responsibilities. The use of simulation technologies in medicine increases students' interest in the learning process and is an important part in improving the professionalism of future doctors.

Thus, the teacher's main task is to teach the student to hear, see the information received, and more importantly - to speak. The vast majority of modern students have a small vocabulary, inability to express their thoughts, especially when it comes to scientific material with complex special terminology. Simulation training allows to increase the assimilation of educational material, quality and efficiency of the educational process and, most importantly, to practice the skill on a mannequin, which contributes to the formation of students' motivation to learn.


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