Научная статья на тему 'Интеграция как роль информационных технологий в передаче знаний'

Интеграция как роль информационных технологий в передаче знаний Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Общество и инновации
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Ключевые слова
здравоохранение / информатизация / эффективное управление / учебный процесс / информационное пространство / качество образования. / healthcare / informatization / effective management / learning process / information space / quality of education.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Рустам Хамроев

В статье исследуется важность внедрения информационных технологий в систему образования, влияние информационных технологий на качество образования. Рекомендуется создание и использование электронных учебников в учебном процессе. Это важно в ситуации недостаточного обеспечения учебной и методической литературой, а также как способ разрешения противоречия между желанием охватить как можно больше демонстрационного материала и практичностью. Поскольку для освоения специализированной среды программирования требуется время и определенные навыки, электронные учебные пособия можно создавать в хорошо изученной программе подготовки презентаций. Подчеркивается использование программных продуктов, основанных на концепции «электронного пациента». Статья призывает к приобретению знаний, профессиональных навыков и умений, а также практических навыков не столько лечебнодиагностических манипуляций, сколько освоенных методов продуктивной мыслительной деятельности, обеспечивающих правильную, быструю и экономичную диагностику и эффективное лечение. Статья будет полезна студентам, преподавателям вузов, персоналу и руководству системы образования.

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Integration role of information technologies in knowledge transfer

The article examines the importance of introducing information technology into the education system, the impact of information technology on the quality of education. The creation and use of electronic textbooks in the learning process is recommended. This is important in a situation of insufficient provision of educational and methodological literature, as well as a way to resolve the contradiction between the desire to cover as much demonstration material as possible and practical. Since it takes time and some skill to master the specialized programming environment, e-tutorials can be created in a well-studied presentation preparation program. The use of software products based on the concept of “electronic patient” is emphasized. The article calls for the acquisition of knowledge, professional skills and abilities, and practical skills are not so much therapeutic and diagnostic manipulations as mastered methods of productive mental activity that provide correct, quick and economical diagnosis and effective treatment. The article will be useful to students, university professors, staff, and management personnel of the education system.

Текст научной работы на тему «Интеграция как роль информационных технологий в передаче знаний»

Жамият ва инновациялар -Общество и инновации -Society and innovations

Journal home page: https://inscience.uz/index.php/socinov/index

Integration role of information technologies in knowledge transfer


Bukhara Medical Institute



Article history:

Received January 2021 Received in revised form 15 January 2021 Accepted 20 January 2021 Available online 10 February 2021

Keywords: healthcare informatization effective management learning process information space quality of education

The article examines the importance of introducing information technology into the education system, the impact of information technology on the quality of education.

The creation and use of electronic textbooks in the learning process is recommended. This is important in a situation of insufficient provision of educational and methodological literature, as well as a way to resolve the contradiction between the desire to cover as much demonstration material as possible and practical. Since it takes time and some skill to master the specialized programming environment, e-tutorials can be created in a well-studied presentation preparation program.

The use of software products based on the concept of "electronic patient" is emphasized.

The article calls for the acquisition of knowledge, professional skills and abilities, and practical skills are not so much therapeutic and diagnostic manipulations as mastered methods of productive mental activity that provide correct, quick and economical diagnosis and effective treatment.

The article will be useful to students, university professors, staff, and management personnel of the education system.

2181-1415/© 2021 in Science LLC.

This is an open access article under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.ru)

1 Senior Lecturer, Department of Biophysics and Information Technology, Bukhara Medical Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan

E-mail: hamroev16@mail.ru

Axborot texnologiyalarining integrallashgan o'rni

bilimlarni uzatishdagi

Kalit soZlar:

sog'liqni saqlash axborotlashtirish samarali boshqarish o'quv jarayoni axborot maydoni ta'lim sifati


Mazkur maqolada axborot texnologiyalarini ta'lim tizimiga joriy etishning ahamiyati, axborot texnologiyalarining ta'lim sifatiga ta'siri ko'rib chiqiladi.

O'quv jarayonida elektron darsliklarni yaratish va ulardan foydalanish tavsiya etiladi. Bu o'quv va uslubiy adabiyotlarning etarli darajada ta'minlanmaganligi sharoitida, shuningdek, namoyish materiallarini iloji boricha ko'proq qamrab olish istagi va amaliylik o'rtasidagi ziddiyatni hal qilish yo'li bilan muhimdir. Ixtisoslashtirilgan dasturlash muhitini o'zlashtirish uchun vaqt va malaka talab etilishi sababli, elektron darsliklar yaxshi o'rganilgan taqdimotga tayyorgarlik dasturida yaratilishi mumkin.

"Elektron bemor" tushunchasiga asoslangan dasturiy mahsulotlardan foydalanish ta'kidlangan.

Maqolada bilim, kasbiy ko'nikma va malakalarni egallashga chaqiriladi va amaliy ko'nikmalar terapevtik va diagnostik manipulyatsiyalar emas, balki to'g'ri, tezkor va tejamli tashxis qo'yish va samarali davolanishni ta'minlaydigan samarali aqliy faoliyatning o'zlashtirilgan usullari hisoblanadi.

Maqola talabalar, universitet professor-o'qituvchilari, xodimlar va ta'lim tizimining boshqaruv xodimlari uchun foydali bo'ladi.

Интеграция как передаче знаний

Ключевые слова:

здравоохранение информатизация эффективное управление учебный процесс информационное пространство качество образования

роль информационных технологий в


В статье исследуется важность внедрения информационных технологий в систему образования, влияние информационных технологий на качество образования.

Рекомендуется создание и использование электронных учебников в учебном процессе. Это важно в ситуации недостаточного обеспечения учебной и методической литературой, а также как способ разрешения противоречия между желанием охватить как можно больше демонстрационного материала и практичностью. Поскольку для освоения специализированной среды программирования требуется время и определенные навыки, электронные учебные пособия можно создавать в хорошо изученной программе подготовки презентаций.

Подчеркивается использование программных продуктов, основанных на концепции «электронного пациента».

Статья призывает к приобретению знаний, профессиональных навыков и умений, а также практических навыков не столько лечебно-диагностических манипуляций, сколько освоенных методов продуктивной мыслительной деятельности,

обеспечивающих правильную, быструю и экономичную диагностику и эффективное лечение.

Статья будет полезна студентам, преподавателям вузов, персоналу и руководству системы образования.


The learning process is extremely complex and multi-component. The effectiveness of training depends on the activity of teachers and students, the availability of educational tools, organizational, scientific and methodological excellence of the educational process, the need for scientists in society and many other factors that have not yet been identified. Society requires high efficiency of education, based on its socio-political and economic needs. Undoubtedly, the use of modern information technologies most of all affects the effectiveness of training.

Today information technologies are one of the most important factors influencing the development of our society. Information technologies are also present at different stages of human development, and the peculiarity of the modern information society is that information technologies occupy a leading place among all existing technologies, especially new technologies.


Since the possibilities of information technology are endless, the problem of information (communicative) adaptation of a person in society arises. Modern society has realized that the future is unthinkable without informatization of all spheres of human activity. The stream of information that a person encounters every day, every hour, becomes more and more powerful. The rapidly growing flow of information leads to the fact that every year the gap between the total amount of scientific knowledge and that part of it that is assimilated in an educational institution is increasing.

The modern student must:

• be able to adapt to various life situations;

• to acquire independently a system of necessary subject knowledge for solving practical problems;

• possess the skills to overcome stereotypes of thinking;

• develop the ability to adapt in a changing information environment; be flexible, mobile, discerning, tolerant, creatively proactive, competitive.

In this regard, the priorities in the methods and methods of teaching change from the presentation of ready-made knowledge to teaching methods of searching, storing, selecting, high-quality processing of information and its use.

The informatization program is a set of measures aimed at ensuring the use of operational knowledge in all types of school activities.

The purpose of a modern lesson is the formation of imaginative thinking and vivid ideas about the subject. Great opportunities for its implementation lie in the use of a computer in primary school.

The modern education system provides for the use of a variety of innovative technologies. This has two main advantages, qualitative and quantitative.

The qualitatively new possibilities are obvious if we compare verbal descriptions with direct audiovisual performance.

Quantitative advantages are expressed in the fact that the multimedia environment is much higher in information density.

The development of new information technologies in education stimulates the development of software tools and applications that implement methodological ideas related to semi-automatic or automatic access to educational information, verification of the correctness of the results obtained, assessment of initial and current training, and so on.

It can be argued that the competent use of the capabilities of modern information technologies in primary school contributes to:

• enhancing cognitive activity, improving the quality of schoolchildren's performance;

• achieving learning goals with the help of modern electronic teaching materials intended for use in the classroom in primary school;

• development of skills of self-education and self-control among junior schoolchildren; increasing the level of learning comfort;

• reducing didactic difficulties among students;

• increasing the activity and initiative of younger students in the classroom; development of information thinking of schoolchildren, the formation of information and communication competence;

• Acquisition of computer skills by primary school students in compliance with safety rules.

A modern specialist must have fundamental information training, since with an increase in the volume of scientific and technical information, an educational institution is not able to provide the subject of training with a full volume of knowledge for his entire conscious life. Therefore, the "core" of professional competence is not the awareness of the student, but the ability to use new technologies that have social value and great motivational stimulating value; solve the problems that have arisen in different areas of activity.

Information technologies are of particular importance in all spheres of human life, especially in training. Thanks to information technology and the Internet, students get the opportunity to work together on projects (the localization of the partner does not matter), access to information banks not only of their school or university, but also to other sources in the country and abroad. They can participate in teleconferences.

The specificity of competent teaching by means of information technology lies in the fact that students do not assimilate the ready-made knowledge proposed by the teacher, but the conditions of the origin of this knowledge are traced. Favorable conditions are created for the formation and development of the personal qualities of students in the process of educational activity.


In primary courses, the use of information technology helps the teacher to visualize the necessary didactic units of educational information, to increase the interest of younger

students in mathematics, to promote the accumulation of supporting facts and methods of activity by the model.

When using information technologies in the learning process, a significant change in the educational process occurs:

• reorientation to the development of thinking, imagination as the main processes of cognition necessary for quality learning;

• effective organization of cognitive and independent activity of students is ensured;

• the ability for cooperation, self-improvement, creativity, etc. is shown.

When using information technology, all the main stages of the lesson are still preserved.

Within the framework of a traditional lesson, electronic versions of some of the educational material make the process of acquiring knowledge complex and effective. They allow us to talk about the formation of key competencies of schoolchildren, which are:

• ability for systemic thinking, for independent actions in conditions of uncertainty and unpredictability;

• willingness to take responsibility for the work performed;

• the ability to independently and effectively solve problems that have arisen in the process of practical activity;

• readiness for positive interaction and cooperation with classmates;

• the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively, actively contribute to the settlement of conflicts in solving the problems that have arisen;

• ability to quickly and flexibly apply their knowledge and experience in solving practical problems;

• readiness to acquire new knowledge and strive for self-improvement;

• understanding the importance of using information technologies and their possession in the learning process;

• the ability for subjective self-esteem, reflection and other.

In mathematics lessons, with the help of a computer, it is possible to solve the problem of the lack of mobile visibility, when children, under the guidance of a teacher, compare geometric shapes by superimposing geometric shapes on the monitor screen, analyze the relationship of sets. The computer is also a powerful stimulus for the creativity of children. The screen attracts attention, which sometimes cannot be achieved with frontal work with the class. On the screen, you can quickly transform warped text by turning scattered sentences into coherent text. But in order for primary school students to be able to use the computer as a learning assistant in accordance with their desires, it is necessary to take care of the universality of their user skills. Students have the right to use modern means of work today. With the help of modern technical and audiovisual means and intensive teaching methods, students can be interested and facilitate the assimilation of material.

Multimedia lessons help to solve the following didactic tasks:

• master the basic knowledge of the subject;

• systematize the acquired knowledge;

• develop self-control skills;

• to form motivation for learning in general and for mathematics in particular;

• to provide educational and methodological assistance to students in independent work on educational material.

Information technologies present information in various forms and thus make the learning process more efficient. The saving of time required for studying a specific material is on average 30%, and the acquired knowledge is retained in memory much longer.

When using information technologies in the learning process, a significant change in the educational process occurs:

• reorientation to the development of thinking and imagination, as the main processes of cognition necessary for quality learning;

• effective organization of cognitive and independent activity of students is ensured;

• the ability for cooperation, self-improvement, creativity, etc. appears.

In the learning process, the use of electronic textbooks is justified in a situation of insufficient provision of educational and methodological literature, as well as as a way to resolve the contradiction between the desire to cover as much of the demonstration material as possible and the practical possibility of its production. Since it takes time to master a special software environment, as well as some skills, electronic teaching aids can be created in a well-studied presentation preparation program. For active students (circle members), a course project is set - the creation of an electronic manual. The course project stipulates the topic, specific material, form of presentation of this material. As it is created, the student is accountable for his work and defends the finished product. The lessons of the entire computer science course are based on the same principle, only the topic of the project is determined by the teacher himself.

The use of test control systems is justified in cases of the emergence of a psychological barrier "teacher - student", to reject the system of fixed variants of tests and standards, to increase the objectivity and speed of assessment of test results.

The use of software products based on the concept of "electronic patient" is justified by the fact that simulator programs create problematic situations in the field of diagnostics and (or) treatment tactics. They are aimed at acquiring knowledge, professional skills and abilities, while practical skills mean not so much therapeutic and diagnostic manipulations as mastered methods of productive thinking activity, which provides correct, quick and economical diagnosis and effective treatment.


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Thus, the use of information technologies in the study of medical informatics is a necessary component of the formation of the information culture of a future specialist. Strategic guidelines in the formation of the information culture of medical college students are:

- increasing professional competence;

- Ability to work in an information and educational environment;

- tolerance, sociability, ability to cooperate;

- readiness for self-education throughout life;

- the ability to apply the knowledge gained in the field of information culture in practice.


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