Научная статья на тему 'Integration in multi-language space'

Integration in multi-language space Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
multilingual education / educational technology / target language

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Abdukarimova Zamira Borugulovna, Koichumanova Nurgul Maametovna

the article is considered the problems of the formation and development of multilingual education in the Kyrgyz Republic. It is also indicated the mechanisms of training multilingual staff in universities of the republic.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Integration in multi-language space»



1 2 Abdukarimova Z.B. , Koichumanova N.M.


2Koichumanova Nurgul Maametovna - Doctor of Philology Science, Professor, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, INSTITUTE OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE, BISHKEK, KYRGYZ REPUBLIC

Abstract: the article is considered the problems of the formation and development of multilingual education in the Kyrgyz Republic. It is also indicated the mechanisms of training multilingual staff in universities of the republic.

Keywords: multilingual education, educational technology, target language.

In 2008, the Concept of multicultural and multilingual education in the Kyrgyz Republic was developed (and published in January 2009) and approved by the Ministry of Education.

The concept was developed in order to correct the situation in the educational system of the country: universities cannot currently offer training in their native language in most specialties due to the lack of the necessary number and quality of scientific and methodological literature, as well as the lack of teaching staff who are able to teach professionally in other languages than Russian. Graduates of Kyrgyz-language schools have difficulties in entering university and in the process of study.

Social instability, as a result of which the young generation is not ready for life in a multicultural environment, stimulated to raise multilingual education to the rank of state policy.

Modern research shows that the spread of multilingualism in the world is a natural process due to fundamental changes in the economy, politics, culture and education. [7] Purposeful, systematic understanding of the phenomenon of multilingual education began relatively recently, if except the search of effective methods of teaching foreign languages. Indeed, the efforts of researchers have focused mainly on the problems of bilingual education (learning the native and foreign languages) as the most common form of multilingual education. The processes related to the development of a third language and, moreover, even more languages, are the least studied and have become the object of study only recently - in connection with the plans of the European Commission to legalize trilingual education.

According to the concept of UNESCO, the concept of "multilingual education" involves the use of three languages in education at least: native, regional or national and international language [7].

Language policy and the principle of multilingualism have become priority issues when creating the European Union. In 1995, the European Commission published an official report on educational issues, which set the goal of trilingualism for all European citizens. The Commission emphasized the importance of multilingual communication skills in a single market in the information age [9]. Annually since 2007 the problems of multilingual, education and culture are reviewed at meetings of the European Commission. Moreover, the European Commission provides grants for multilingual research using e-learning tools (for example, the Babylon & Ontology project: "Multilingual and cognitive e-Learning Managing Systems via PDA phone").

Based on the Review of the situation on the use of languages in education in the Kyrgyz Republic, the first attempt to introduce multilingualism in Kyrgyzstan was made in 2000-2004.The Swiss organization CIMERA, and then the association "Til-Dil", introduced two- and three-language models of education in kindergartens and elementary schools in Bishkek, Jalal-Abad, Naryn, Osh, and Chui regions. The method was successfully tested, but the initiative did not

become widespread. Different models of multilingual education are used in Turkish lyceums, Kyrgyz-Turkish universities, German gymnasium, AUCA, etc. [4]

Multilingual education in the republic is enshrined in the following legislative acts: the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Education", the National Program for the Development of the State Language and the Improvement of Language Policy in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2014-2020.The concept of multicultural and multilingual education in the Kyrgyz Republic [1-6] and others, which constituted its legal basis. The above documents define the role and place of multilingual education, the principles of creating a modern effective system for managing multilingual education.

The program for the introduction of multilingual education for 2017-2030 will be implemented in three stages.

At the first stage (2018-2020), a transformation is carried out in the system of training pedagogical personnel (on the basis of two higher educational institutions of the republic - Osh State University and KSU named after I.Arabaev); the system of advanced training includes the tasks of multilingual education; ensures the sustainability of multilingual education programs in pilot kindergartens, schools and universities; language support for teachers working in pilot educational organizations, etc.

At the second stage (2022-2025), a transition will be made from the testing of multilingual education programs using native, state and official languages to system implementation.

At the third stage (2026-2030) there will be a systematic introduction of multilingual programs, including English. Multilingual education programs will include other foreign languages.

If the traditional method of teaching languages uses a grammatical approach, then in the framework of the implementation of multilingual education in teaching languages, the communicative approach is a priority. Thus, the main task is to teach children to speak, understand, read, write in a second language, enter into communication, and express their thoughts orally and in writing.

This Concept, considering multilingual education as an effective tool for preparing the young generation for life in an interconnected and interdependent world, focuses on an in-depth study of the state Kyrgyz language in a harmonious interaction with Russian and English. Special attention is paid to professionally oriented language teaching with the aim of training specialists fluent in several languages, which will undoubtedly increase the competitiveness of specialists.

Today there are 78 schools (about 3%), 17 kindergartens, 5 pedagogical institutions of higher education take part in piloting. In 49 pilot schools the teaching in Kyrgyz and Russian is the target languages: Russian or Kyrgyz; in 28 schools - teaching in minority languages (Uzbek, Tajik) -target languages: Kyrgyz and Russian; in one school (Zhetigen) languages of teaching: Kyrgyz, Russian and English. Total: 376 pilot classes, 10144 students, and more than 500 teachers [3].

It should be noted that the introduction of multilingual education has caused a number of problems. The need for knowledge of several languages in the modern world and the demand for a society of a multicultural personality are obvious and they are motivated to learn. However, professional orientation of pupils involves their trilingual training in basic subjects of the future specialty. For example, future economists should acquire knowledge of economics, economic theory in three languages, etc. In the conditions of secondary education, it is necessary to organize the educational process in such a way that graduates have a sufficient level of multilingual competence for the subsequent continuous improvement of speech and communicative competence in three languages. This requires a special design of the learning process in non-language disciplines, which would contribute without an increase in hours in the curriculum to achieve both the implementation of the standard for mastering the content of the academic discipline, and mastering three languages within the chosen discipline. This problem has not yet been solved in educational institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic.

However, there are successful solutions to the above problems on the introduction of multilingual education, as evidenced by the diagnosis of future graduates. Language development occurs under conditions of a qualitative strengthening of the process of both linguistic and cultural interaction. For example, knowledge of languages introduces the cultural heritage of the peoples of


the languages studied, there is a rethinking of their own individuality, based on the commonality of human values. The introduction of such a model of training and education in the school allows you to create fully harmoniously developed personality, ability to freely navigate in the international space, owns the state, Russian and English languages at a fairly good level. Practice shows that the majority of applicants connect their future profession with knowledge of English, consider foreign language skills necessary for obtaining prestigious work and career advancement in the future, and believe that knowing several languages will help them strengthen their social status and take a decent position in modern multilingual society, in other words, to be communicatively adapted in any environment.All these factors indicate the joint functioning of the state, Russian and English languages in a single communicative and sociocultural space.

On the other hand, there are difficulties of a psychological and linguistic-pedagogical nature associated with the individual characteristics of the students' personality, their ability to switch from one language to another, the level of training and the amount of knowledge in the field of languages.

Throughout the system requirements and resource conditions to ensure the implementation of programs in multilingual education are basic requirements for human resources.

As you know, multilingual education is inextricably linked with the implementation of the basic parameters of the Bologna process, the correlation and unification of curricula with European education standards. The main mechanism for the practical implementation of this should be the principle of "double entry of knowledge": language education through the study of the actual language disciplines and the teaching of individual, for example, mathematical and natural science disciplines in a foreign language, socio-humanitarian disciplines in the state or Russian languages [4].

One of the effective ways to train multilingual staff is the training programs within the framework of academic mobility of students embedded in the system of multilingual training. Teaching in three languages and, as a result, possessing them almost perfectly will contribute to the academic mobility of students, their ability to navigate freely in international space, in culture and in the traditions of different nations.

One of the effective ways of primary training of multilingual personnel is the inclusion in the list of basic disciplines of standard curricula such disciplines as "Professional foreign language", "Professional Kyrgyz / Russian languages".

he study of the state of multilingual education in the republic and the analysis carried out show that there is an acute problem of insufficient language training for teachers of non-language disciplines, the lack of Russian textbooks in English in the major disciplines; the lack of a permanent system of advanced training abroad for teachers teaching in a foreign language.

The study of multicultural and multilingual education in the republic and the analysis is showed that there is an acute problem of insufficient language training of teachers in non-language disciplines, the lack textbooks in English in the major subjects; the lack of a permanent system of advanced training in abroad who teach foreign languages. In order to find the effective ways to train multilingual staff, it is necessary to solve the following problems:

• Discrepancyof current qualification requirements and characteristics with the requirements of a multilingual specialist;

• lack of regulatory and methodological support of multilingual education;

• lack of a unified concept of training multilingual specialists based on the competence-based approach;

• insufficient knowledge of the experience of foreign countries in the implementation of multilingual education;

• undeveloped mechanism for assessing the performance of a multilingual specialist.

So, the language policy of the Kyrgyz Republic puts forward a reasonable transformation of language culture: on the basis of equal use of three languages: state, international and international communication and allows us to implement a gradual entry into the mobile mega-cultural world.


1. Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Education". 30.04.2003. № 92.

2. Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, 07.06.2010.

3. The concept of multicultural and multilingual education in the Kyrgyz Republic. B., 2009. 119 p.

4. The concept of education development in the Kyrgyz Republic until 2020. Strategy of education development in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2012-2020. B., 2012.

5. The concept of unity strengthening of the people and inter-ethnic relations in the Kyrgyz Republic. B., 2013

6. The national program of the state language development and the improvement of language policy in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2014-2020. Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic from 2.06.2014.

7. Education in a multilingual world: UNESCO Instruction Document. Paris, 2003.

8. Resolution of Jogorku Kenesh. The program for the introduction of multilingual education in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2017-2030.

9. Teaching and Learning: Towards the Learning Society // European Commission's White Paper, 1995 Brussels: The European Union, 1995.


Йулдашева Саодат Манофовна - кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, кафедра педагогики и психологии,

Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в статье рассмотрены вопросы мотивации у специалистов педагогической сферы. Выделены главные и основные мотивы, влияющие на выбор данной профессии. Один из главных мотивов у педагогов, который рассматривается в работе, - это мотив власти. Стремление и реализация потребности власти в педагогической сфере — это неотъемлемая часть этой профессии. В работе рассматриваются теории Г. Мюррея и Д. Веррофа.

Ключевые слова: мотивация, профессиональная мотивация, мотив аффилиации, мотив власти.

Из мировой истории известно, что будущее любого государства тесно связано с состоянием развития образования [1]. Исходя из данной истины, можно сказать: мотивация является ведущим фактором, регулирующим активность, поведение, деятельность личности. Любое педагогическое взаимодействие с обучаемым становится эффективным только с учётом особенностей его мотивации.

Проблемы профессиональной подготовки специалистов педагогической сферы рассматриваются в работах многих отечественных и зарубежных исследователей (С.И. Григорьев, Л.Г. Гуслякова, М.В. Кондратьева, С.Г. Максимова, Л.В. Топчий, Е.И. Холостова, Г. Бернер, Х. Сведнер, Р. Томлиссон и др.).

Мотивация - один из важнейших факторов эффективности деятельности педагога. Профессиональная мотивация педагогов, прежде всего, должна характеризоваться отсутствием компенсаторного характера и быть высокой по шкалам аффилиации. Однако с повышением длительности стажа специалиста данной сферы может снижаться удовлетворенность работой и

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