Научная статья на тему 'Kazakhstan integration into the global community through implementation of three-lingual education'

Kazakhstan integration into the global community through implementation of three-lingual education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
multilingual education / multiculturalism / integration / interdisciplinary / competitiveness / мультилингвальное образование / поликультурность / интеграция / междисциплинарность / конкурентоспособность

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Antimonova Olga Nikolaevna, Ibragimov Marat Fagimovich

аt present, Kazakhstan integrates into the world community through introduction of new educational technologies that promote the development of specialists that meet international standards. These technologies have their core in multilingual education, to which Kazakhstan multiculturalism contributes. Multilingual education concept implementation is shown in the example of M. Kh. Dulaty Taraz State University.

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в настоящее время интеграция Казахстана в мировое сообщество осуществляется на основе внедрения новых образовательных технологий, способствующих формированию специалистов, соответствующих мировым стандартам. В основе таких технологий лежит мультилингвальное образование, которому способствует поликультурность Казахстана. Реализация концепции мультилингвального образования показана на примере Таразского государственного университета им. М.Х. Дулати.

Текст научной работы на тему «Kazakhstan integration into the global community through implementation of three-lingual education»



1 2 Antimonova O.N. , Ibragimov М^. (Republic of Kazakhstan)

Email: Antimonova559@scientifictext.ru

1Antimonova Olga Nikolaevna - Senior Lecturer;


Abstract: at present, Kazakhstan integrates into the world community through introduction of new educational technologies that promote the development of specialists that meet international standards. These technologies have their core in multilingual education, to which Kazakhstan multiculturalism contributes. Multilingual education concept implementation is shown in the example of M. Kh. Dulaty Taraz State University.

Keywords: multilingual education, multiculturalism, integration, interdisciplinary, competitiveness.


ОСНОВЕ ВНЕДРЕНИЯ ТРИЯЗЫЧНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ 12 Антимонова О.Н. , Ибрагимов М.Ф. (Республика Казахстан)

1Антимонова Ольга Николаевна - старший преподаватель;

2Ибрагимов Марат Фагимович - преподаватель, кафедра иностранных языков, Таразский государственный университет им. М.Х. Дулати, г. Тараз, Республика Казахстан

Аннотация: в настоящее время интеграция Казахстана в мировое сообщество осуществляется на основе внедрения новых образовательных технологий, способствующих формированию специалистов, соответствующих мировым стандартам. В основе таких технологий лежит мультилингвальное образование, которому способствует

поликультурность Казахстана. Реализация концепции мультилингвального образования показана на примере Таразского государственного университета им. М.Х. Дулати. Ключевые слова: мультилингвальное образование, поликультурность, интеграция, междисциплинарность, конкурентоспособность.

The issue of integrating Kazakhstan into the global economy, which involves economic, political, socio-cultural and other activities, is incessantly worked out by the Republic's first president and government. According to N.A. Nazarbayev, "...Kazakhstan stands alone and is strong in its multinationality. An exceptional multiculturalism is formed on its land ... Kazakhstan multiculturalism is a progressive social development factor. Eurasian roots of Kazakhstan nations support uniting of Oriental, Asian, Western, European streams and creating a unique, Kazakhstani version of multiculturalism development" [1].

To make Kazakhstan and its citizens competitive it is proposed to implement in stages a cultural project "Tri-unity of languages", according to which it is necessary to develop Kazakh language as state language, Russian language as a language of inter-ethnic communication and English language as a language of successful integration into the global economy.

Three-lingual education concept also suggests becoming/shaping a multicultural personality with a certain selection of content, teaching/learning guidelines, development of special technology using multilingual phrasebooks, dictionaries and courseware.

Presently, there is a standards optimization underway; standards needed by appropriate departments to take further steps for this process to succeed in view of world standards, global trends, and experience gained during three-lingual education project implementation.

Multicultural education content is polydimensional and notable by high degree of interdisciplinarity, which helps to consider problems of multicultural education as part of student courses.

At M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz State University there is a systematic work in progress to establish a good three-lingual education system. In the light of implementation of RoK state program of education development for 2011-2020 and "Tri-unity of languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan" cultural project the University Academic Council opened 4 special faculties in 2013. In 2018-19 student groups with multilingual education were started for twelve more specialties. So, the University (students and teachers) shows a growing interest to three-lingual education.

A department for Three-lingual education and Teachers competency building was created to organize and control multilingual teaching/learning process in M. Kh. Dulaty TarSU; its duties are: to provide sustainable development of multilingual education programs; to work out a package of regulatory documents, which regulate introduction of three-lingual education; to organise a phased introduction of three-lingual education for priority specialties; to exercise interconnection and coordinate activity of education institutions that conduct training on three-lingual education; to arrange the University teachers' advanced training in leading universities of countries near and far abroad, to improve their professional knowledge and skills to work in specialty; review and improve course programs, organised within the University; to exercise interconnection and coordinate activity of education institutions that conduct teachers' competency improvement; prepare materials for the University Academic Council and administration (rector's office) concerning issues of three-lingual education and arrangement, support and teachers' competency improvement; control over execution of orders, regulations, instructions and directions of higher institutions, Academic Council and University administration decisions; to prepare reports, information, references on multilingual education and teachers' competency improvement for higher authorities.

Multilingual education and Teachers' competency building department works in close cooperation with "Foreign languages" and "Foreign philology and Translation business" departments. The department teachers have developed a combined test which is offered to all first year students to identify their basic language level in English. Results are reviewed and student lists are made who are recommended to continue their studies in three-lingual groups. Group curators do some explanatory work with students regarding studies in groups of three-lingual teaching/learning.

The next stage of study is a selection of teachers to work in three-lingual groups. They also take a test (on-line) to identify their language level. Besides, teachers-candidates must present their drafts (study guides, methodical guidelines, and course didactic and innovative content). At this moment one can talk about a need to increase the number of teachers who could fully conduct classes in English on major subjects, applying interactive methods, case-study methods, competency approach, critical thinking and innovative technologies.

At M.Kh. Dulaty TarSU special classrooms are equipped for three-lingual groups to teach studied courses in English, fitted with modern digital audio- and video- equipment, computers connected to the internet, interactive boards and other aids that help compensate for the lack of language environment. New language labs are started.

Therefore, it is safe to say that at M. Kh. Dulaty TarSU a great attention is given to three-lingual teaching/learning to make graduates of M. Kh. Dulaty TarSU competitive in Kazakhstan and around the world.

In general, three-lingual teaching/learning program envisages creation of a new education model, education that helps to make a generation competitive in the context of globalization; a generation fluent in language. Knowledge of Kazakh, Russian and English language will give young people a key to world markets, world science and new technologies and will speed up Kazakhstan integration into the global community.

References / Список литературы

1. Message of the head of state to people of Kazakhstan of January 27, 2012 "Socio-economic modernization is the main vector of Kazakhstan development"// Kazakhstan truth. January 28, 2012. Issue # 32.

2. Kunanbayeva S.S., Ivanova A.M., Chaklikova A.T., Duisekova K.K. Concept of language education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty, KazAbylai Khan UIRandWL, 2012.

3. Khazhimukhan T.K. Formative and Summative Assessment Methods in the Context of Foreign Languages Education//III International scientific and Practical Conference "Competency-based modeling of foreign languages education for specific purposes", KazAbylai Khan UIRandWL, Almaty, 2015.

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