ІННОВАЦіЙНЕ ПіДПРИєМНИЦТВО В УКРАїНі: АКСіОЛОГіЧНИЙ АСПЕКТ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Ignatovych N., Gura V.

The value descriptions of innovative entrepreneurship are considered. Nowadays it is a motive force of not only economy de velopment but also the whole society. The important role of innovations in everyone''s life is shown. It is proved that innovationsare also the means of survival for modern entrepreneurship in a changeable market environment. It is determined, that innovative activity is impossible without deep knowledge, scholarship and aspiration to improve quality of commodities, services, attain the put aims, realize a business-idea. It is researched, that passio adjusted people are able to initiate and carry out entrepreneurship innovative development. Important influence of spiritual, mental and ethical factors on entrepreneurs'' activity is analyzed. Ab sence of these factors in economic space during many years in Ukraine hasn''t resulted mass innovative character of entrepre neurship. It is established that for overcoming this situation it is necessary to appeal to the passionarity spiritual sources, use traditional national values. Domestic entrepreneurship must obtain necessary spiritual energy in an order to become the leadingfactor of the Ukrainian economy innovative development, to provide its modern modernization, to carry out a transition to post industrial society.

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JEL 031

UDC 330.341.1

N. Ignatovych, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, V. Gura, PhD in Economics, Assistant Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


The value descriptions of innovative entrepreneurship are considered. Nowadays it is a motive force of not only economy development but also the whole society. The important role of innovations in everyone's life is shown. It is proved that innovations are also the means of survival for modern entrepreneurship in a changeable market environment. It is determined, that innovative activity is impossible without deep knowledge, scholarship and aspiration to improve quality of commodities, services, attain the put aims, realize a business-idea. It is researched, that passio adjusted people are able to initiate and carry out entrepreneurship innovative development. Important influence of spiritual, mental and ethical factors on entrepreneurs' activity is analyzed. Absence of these factors in economic space during many years in Ukraine hasn't resulted mass innovative character of entrepreneurship. It is established that for overcoming this situation it is necessary to appeal to the passionarity spiritual sources, use traditional national values. Domestic entrepreneurship must obtain necessary spiritual energy in an order to become the leading factor of the Ukrainian economy innovative development, to provide its modern modernization, to carry out a transition to postindustrial society.

Keywords: innovations, innovative entrepreneurship, value descriptions, passionarity, entrepreneur's initiative, economy in-

novative development.

Problem statement. Nowadays the modern world has transformed into the environment of permanent innovations introduction that obtained mass and planetary character. Without innovations it is impossible to imagine life. Process of implementation, manufacturing and distribution new, improved products and services are provided by various enterprises: from small to the powerful multinational corporations. Entrepreneurship aims to be innovative. As it has become already not a necessity, but an exigency, a main condition of survival and existence in the market environment.

Innovative entrepreneurship is an economic activity that consists in creation and management an innovative enterprise with the aim of development, introduction and commercial use different kinds of innovations. Innovations in this case come forward as a specific instrument of innovative entrepreneurship [1].

Entrepreneurial innovative activity is directly related to knowledge improving, bringing innovative idea to developments of a concrete product, service or technology that have demand at the market, with settling to get an innovative income. Such activity expects realization the whole complex of practical measures on preparation and productive process organization, product and technology modification, personnel retraining for executing new job, application of new technologies, equipment, that is undertaken by the organizer of economic process - entrepreneur.

Any entrepreneurial activity is commercial on the nature, that is why in any case it provides income (profit) re-cepience. But, similarly both relations between people are not limited to only the economic sphere and innovative activity can realize far outside entrepreneurial activity.

Under contemporary conditions in the developed countries of the world innovations become a powerful motive force of economy development and its competitiveness increase. In a counterbalance in the domestic economy innovations until now have become the decisive factor of development. The Ukrainian economy continues to keep uninnovative character. Thus negative tendencies in this field increase. For instance, from 2001 to 2011 the amount of enterprises that carry on innovative activity grew short almost on one third. For over 20 years of the Ukrainian independent economy development technological and innovative lag from the developed countries only has raised, its structure has become worse accordingly, in particular, part of engineer, science intensive industries diminished substantially, but part of raw material industries has grew into a decision role.

Analysis of the last researches and publications. The problems of research innovative development different

aspects of modern entrepreneurship are observed in numerous scientific works of many well-known Ukrainian and Russian specialists such, as V. Geets, S. Glaz'ev, D. L'vov, A. Gal'chinskiy, Y. Bazhal, V. Zyanko, V. Sizonenko, Y. Yakovec and etc.

Unsolved earlier part of general problem. Many theoretical efforts are spared to the search of investments sources, priority directions determination their realization with the aim of embodiment in life the domestic entrepreneurship development innovative model. At the same time in existent researches it isn't enough attention is spared to axiological aspect illumination of innovative entrepreneurship development.

An aim of the article is researching the role of spiritual, mental and ethical factors for providing modern innovative entrepreneurship development in Ukraine.

Statement of research main material. Long time in our society the point of view prevailed, that it is enough to give freedom to entrepreneurial initiative in an order to overcome technological lag, promote efficiency and competitiveness of our economy, provide its innovative development, to carry out economy contemporary modernization. However, as the real experience of economy development in post-soviet countries for past twenty years has certified, that hopes on the use of entrepreneurial initiative as a factor of innovative breach realization in these countries economies, progressive technological changes providing, initiation of the new technological structure development have mainly turned useless. Without regard to all efforts the role of innovative entrepreneurship in these countries and, especially, in Ukraine remains not high. In practice in spite of certain innovative potential of economic development presence in Ukraine, the effective mechanisms of its realization are absent until now. Besides "to the numerous problems of the past ( innovations negativism by economic agents, the innovative system inertance, slowness of realization the newest scientific decisions and input of technologies) the new was added, related to the loss of many scientific schools, science financing in unproper size, limit nature of investment sources for innovative development" [2, p. 86]. As a result of this science development in Ukraine remains mainly dissociated from activity of domestic entrepreneurship, which in majority do not have practically motivations to innovative activity.

In our view, one of leading reasons, that considerably stipulated innovative insolvency of modern entrepreneurship development, consists in that during market reformation of post-soviet economy from society eyeshot spiritual and mor-

© Ignatovych N., Gura V., 2013

ally-valued measuring of entrepreneurial activity fully turned out. Reformers-liberals dictated dogma to society, that it is enough to pass state property in the hands of private entrepreneurs, as they automatically will grow into "effective owners", will provide the economy growing, population welfare, country's prosperity on the basis of long-awaited innovative development. The intracommunication of innovative function that distinguishes entrepreneurship from business was absolutely ignored thus, with its personality function that predetermines the motivational features of entrepreneurial activity, in particular reason of innovative activity.

Consequently instead of innovations realization, progressive technological changes, that needs enormous tension of entrepreneurs creative forces, persistent overcoming by them the real difficulties of forming the newest technological structures, the new entrepreneurship elite directed their initiative and creative capabilities mainly on the natural rent appropriation, substituting for depreciation and investments by a current income, "privatizing" of workers salary's part and on realization shadow practices doing business. At these terms large business in no way could grow into motive force of innovative development.

As the Russian scientist Y. Yakovets, innovative development is able to initiate and carry out only the passio adjusted people [3, p. 313]. The passionarity spirit can give to them emergency forces for decision and realization the most difficult, incredibly heavy tasks, that need enormous tension of all human forces and that it is impossible to decide on principles especially material encouragement. Pas-sionarity inspires people on the most powerful performing, initiates their energy and possibility for successfully operating, to resist to the most dangerous situations, offer resistance and overcome obstacles in unfavourable terms. The passionarity spirit is generated by not aspiring to the pragmatic aims of the personal enriching, not by the utilitarian values of appropriation weal by a subject and economic benefit receipt by an individual, but personality's service to the high spiritual ideals, real mental and ethical values. The prominent German philosopher F. Nietzsche, exposing to criticism a Christian moral, forced to admit its necessary property - ability to initiate person's spiritual energies: "However moral owns not only various facilities of intimidation,. - it is able to "inspire" [4, p. 5].

Thus, entrepreneurship acquires the passionarity spirit, when it is base on not simply realization of own private interest, but on a desire to serve foremost to the higher ideals, moral and spiritual values, on organic combination of own private interest with social meaningful interests. Known German economist and sociologist M. Weber, thoroughly analyzing motive forces of entrepreneurs innova-tive-investment activity in west countries, proved to the conditionality of this activity by the protestant moral norms. The protestant appearing caused forming for entrepreneurs attitude toward the economic activity as to implementation of religious duties, that stipulated a grant by them absolute priority to the aims of capital accumulation, investments realization in entrepreneurship development due to selfconsumption interests sacrificing, assisted the observance of ascetic way of life. The spirit of religious asceticism generates entrepreneurial passionarity that becomes the innovative development source. "We can extend horizon of Weber's conversation, - the outstanding Russian philosopher O. Panarin, - and, leaning on modern data, to make a conclusion, that not only protestant ethics is able to tame the spirit of individualistic consumption in behalf on piling up, but also other types of religious ethics. Yesterday's Japanese and today's China economic miracles confirm

this. Confucius-Buddha's ethic complex with not less efficiency tames irresponsibility of hedonistic individualism, than protestant" [5, p. 518].

Unfortunately, all these factors in no way influence on behavior of most modern business entities in Ukraine. And not only because the protestant does not have a historical root in Ukrainian space. Clear that a person can think and creatively operate, leaning on traditions of own history and culture, and high socio-humanitarian and spiritual values which are able to give the passionarity spirit to human activity in particular to entrepreneurs innovative activity, have the sources in national mentality and centuries-old spiritual traditions of nation. Orthodox tradition formed its own requirements to entrepreneurial activity. The most important was considered the necessity of entrepreneurship public utility. The unproductive use of wealth and entrepreneur's aimed only on personal consumption were definitely reprobated [6, p. 443]. At the terms of the modern society secularizing instead of religiously-spiritual motivation of entrepreneurial activity, its aspiration on service to the high ideals, mental and ethical values there is "values" prevailing of consumer society, so-called "moral" of success. The last is engrained not in traditional religious values, but in liberal ideology, that denies the metaphysical aspects of human existence, absolutizes the person autonomy as the individual, torn off not only from public values but also from higher senses of personality existence. Thus, known representative of modern liberalism L. fon Mises wrote: "Liberalism limits its attention entirely by earthly life and earthly aspirations. ...It kept indoors outside an inherent to its area and did not encroach on territory of religious faith or metaphysical doctrine" [7, p. 57].

Examining the utility of act as a criterion of its morality, the modern "moral" of success on post-soviet space forms entrepreneurial activity specific motivations, that have hedonistic aspiration opposite to the religious asceticism spirit. In other words the "moral" of success, directed to benefit maximization and boundless satisfaction of modern "economic person" selfish necessities, creates innovative development antimotivation. For the Ukrainian businessmen highly inherent exactly this "moral" that turns their actions to the immediate enriching in any method, generates their favour for shadow practices of entrepreneurial activity, to power "privatizing" with the aim of lobbying their own business interests. They give advantage to putting in money not in entrepreneurship innovative development (which needs large long-term investments that is determined by high risks in relation to their return), but in lobbying their own interests, that at the modern level of corruption in Ukraine is considerably more cost-effective and reliable business, brings a rapid and safe return.

"Moral" of success prevailing in the modern secularized society has become the result of its abandonment from ascetic ethics values, which take the sources from Christianity spiritual principles, and also other traditional religious confessions, and its transition to hedonistic "ethics" quasivalues of boundless consumption. It deprived modern entrepreneurship from the passionarity spirit, that generates innovative character of entrepreneurial activity.

Answering a question, why didn't innovative entrepreneurship potential effectively realize in Ukraine and other post-soviet countries, which successfully providing economy modernization at first in the West countries, later in many East countries on the basis of modern innovative breach, we must pay attention to forming post-soviet entrepreneurship elite in 90th of XX centuries peculiarities that explain the specific of its psychological features and sym-

pathy to original "moral" values. "Why is in our entrepreneurship community such high percent of criminal relations and corruptibility"? - asking the Russian scientist N. Narochutska and answering this question thus: "Because entrepreneurship was interested for, I do not want to say about all, but far greater percent, than in European tradition, people with adventurous character, without moral taboos" [8, p. 47].

Exactly this is largely explaining a difference in attitude toward difficulties that unavoidable accompany innovative activity of large western companies and Ukrainian large business representatives. It is known that large western companies that carry out innovative activity, on the stage of mastering new technical and technological achievements run not only into technological difficulties but also with considerable financial complications, in particular with substantial reduction of incomes or even with losses. So, for example, the American company "General Electric" got losses in 120 million dollars at the production the unique automated plants of the future. Company "Cincinnati Mila-cron" only after ten years was able to get income from the production of robots. The large corporation of the USA "General Motors", beginning from 1980, invested 40 milliards dollars in the all plants modernization program, but it was pursued by failures. But all these failure do not restrain large companies favour to innovative development. Relying on future incomes, opening potential possibilities of scientific and technical progress new directions, reduction prices of products and increase their quality, they do not afraid initial high costs and difficulties in organizing innovative activity, which are considered necessary, as expect large benefits that later will be brought by mastering new technical and technological achievements [9, p. 260]. Similar economic behavior, directed to realization long-term strategic aims of innovative development, is not absolutely characteristic to modern entrepreneurship elite in Ukraine.

Conclusions. For achieving by the Ukrainian entrepreneurship according to classic views of confessed economists-theorists, in particular J. Shumpeter, immanent innovative character, we need such entrepreneurial elite, which economic behavior is predefined by the new valued code and

motivations based on it. Just the same passio adjusted elite, which entrepreneurial activity motivations include not only economic, but also higher, competent to inspire on serving to the large aims, will be able to undertake a hard work: innovative breach realization in country's modern economic development. The action of motivations able to inspire on serving to the large aims is related to the entrepreneur's presence of capacity for "acts and aims moral self-regulation", that "arises only out of education in the certain values system". Basis of morality in any society - Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Moslem are religious canons that set for earthly life moral scope, clear ideas about a sin and respectability" [8, p. 37]. Thus, only appealing to the passionarity spiritual sources, basing on traditional national values, The Ukrainian entrepreneurship is able to obtain necessary spiritual energy in an order to become the leading factor of our country innovative development, to provide its contemporary modernization, to carry out a transition to postindustrial society.


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Received 13.05.13

Н. Ігнатович, канд. екон. наук, доц.,

В. Гура, канд. екон. наук, доц.

КНУ імені Тараса Шевченка, Київ


Розглянуто ціннісні характеристики інноваційного підприємництва. Доведено, що інновації є засобом виживання сучасного підприємництва у мінливому ринковому середовищі. Визначено, що інноваційна діяльність неможлива без глибоких знань, освіченості та прагнення поліпшити якість товарів, послуг, досягти поставлених цілей, реалізувати бізнес-ідею. Досліджено, що лише пасіонарно налаштовані люди здатні ініціювати та здійснювати інноваційний розвиток підприємництва.

Ключові слова: інновації, інноваційне підприємництво, ціннісні характеристики, пасіонарність, підприємницька ініціатива, інноваційний розвиток економіки.

Н. Игнатович, канд. экон. наук, доц.,

В. Гура, канд. экон. наук, доц.

КНУ имени Тараса Шевченко, Киев


Рассмотрены ценностные характеристики инновационного предпринимательства. Доказано, что инновации являются средством выживания современного предпринимательства в динамической рыночной среде. Определенно, что инновационная деятельность невозможна без глубоких знаний, образованности и стремления улучшить качество товаров, услуг, достичь поставленных целей, реализовать бизнес-идею. Исследовано, что лишь пассионарно настроенные люди способны инициировать и осуществлять инновационное развитие предпринимательства.

Ключевые слова: инновации, инновационное предпринимательство, ценностные характеристики, пассионарность, предпринимательская инициатива, инновационное развитие экономики.

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