INFORMATION AND INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN THE TEACHING OF THE UZBEK LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ruzikulova G.F.

This article discusses the introduction of information and innovative technologies in education has led to the emergence of new technologies and forms of education for the processing and transmission of educational information. The article discusses the main issues and the effectiveness of the use of information and innovative technologies in teaching the Uzbek language.

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UDC 10.02.02

Ruzikulova G.F.

"International House-Tashkent" Academic Lyceum at the TIIM


Abstract: This article discusses the introduction of information and innovative technologies in education has led to the emergence of new technologies and forms of education for the processing and transmission of educational information. The article discusses the main issues and the effectiveness of the use of information and innovative technologies in teaching the Uzbek language.

Key words: Information and innovative technologies, interactive learning, innovative methods and forms in teaching the Uzbek language

In the educational process, new information and innovative technologies are not separated from each other, since the widespread introduction of new innovative technologies will change the paradigm of education and only modern information technologies ensure the effective use of new innovative technologies.

The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Development and Implementation of the State Educational Standard for Continuing Education Systems", the Presidential Decree "On Measures to Strengthen the Material and Technical Base of Higher Educational Institutions and Radically Improving the Training of Highly-Qualified Personnel" put forward the requirements for revising and reforming the education system in our country that are being successfully implemented.

To this end, continuous education has now been introduced, educational institutions are equipped with the latest equipment, new pedagogical and information and communication technologies are used in the educational process, which contribute to improving the efficiency of the educational process, and through the introduction of the latest scientific achievements implements the tasks of bringing up creative, active, spiritually rich, well-developed personality Relevance teaching of the Uzbek language is currently not in doubt, however There are a number of problems in the organization of educational process and teaching methods. The problems of organizing the educational process are connected, first of all, with the development of methods of using information technologies in the educational process, that is, which technologies and in what volume to use when training. The introduction of information technology in the learning process changes the traditional view of education, making it possible to:

- improvement of the methodology and strategy of selecting the content, methods and organizational forms of education, corresponding to the tasks of the development of the student's personality in the modern conditions of informatization of society;

- the creation of methodological training systems focused on the development of the student's intellectual potential, on the formation of skills to independently

acquire knowledge, to carry out information and training, experimental and research activities;

- creation and use of computer testing, diagnosing, monitoring and evaluating systems;

- realization of the possibilities of electronic textbooks (EC) as a means of learning, object of study, means of management, means of communication, means of information processing.

For the process of teaching the Uzbek language there is always its own technology, characteristic of those methods and means that the teacher uses when organizing and conducting classes. Learning technology, on the one hand, is perceived as a set of methods and means of processing, presenting, measuring and presenting educational information, and on the other hand, it is the science of how the teacher influences students and interact with them in the learning process using the necessary technical or information tools. The use of information technology in the study of the Uzbek language allows you to replace many of the traditional teaching aids. In many cases, such a replacement turns out to be effective, as it allows the pupils to maintain an interest in the subject being studied, and allows them to create an informational environment that stimulates the interest and inquisitiveness of the child. In the educational process, the computer allows the teacher to quickly combine a variety of tools that contribute to a deeper and more conscious assimilation of the material being studied, saves lesson time, and allows you to organize the educational process according to individual programs. Teaching the Uzbek language with the use of computer technology is gradually becoming a new educational standard, which is being introduced into all structures that provide training and retraining of specialists. Computer training systems, in comparison with courses on video cassettes, where information is presented sequentially, have powerful branching capabilities and allow students to directly engage in a topic of interest to them.

To study the Uzbek language, modern computer tutoring systems are developed using multimedia technology. Today, multimedia technology is one of the promising areas of informatization of the educational process. Multimedia computer technologies give the teacher the opportunity to quickly combine a variety of tools that contribute to a deeper and more conscious assimilation of the material being studied, save lesson time, saturate it with information. The methods of teaching the Uzbek language are closely related to the nature of the presentation and perception of information, and in connection with this fact it should be noted that the use of multimedia technologies significantly influences the nature of the presentation of information, and, consequently, the teaching methods. The creation of computer networks has provided a completely new way of communicating in teaching the Uzbek language. The latest advances in data transmission technology, taking into account the latest inventions in the field of teaching the Uzbek language, open up unlimited possibilities for data processing and transmission. For teaching the Uzbek language on the basis of network technologies, a completely new kind of educational materials Internet-textbook has appeared. An Internet textbook also has

the same qualities as a computer textbook, plus the ability to replicate with little to no media — there is one version of educational material on the Internet and the student-user has access to it in a way that is familiar to him.

Due to the substantial restructuring of the content of education, with the introduction of new innovative technologies, the approach to the organization of educational activities has changed. The introduction of new innovative technologies makes it possible to more effectively organize the learning process, provides the student with new tools, methods and sources for obtaining educational material. To improve students' learning activities with the use of innovative technologies, elementary knowledge of modern information technologies, technical capabilities of communication technologies is needed, you need to be able to use information resources, be able to work independently with the help of modern computer technology, and actively work, make decisions to changing living conditions. Innovative technologies have an integrating property in relation to all other technologies that new technologies, methods and teaching methods are developed so that the student can achieve success in life using all of their capabilities.

The modern teacher of the Uzbek language needs not only the presentation of interesting classes, but also powerful tools for composing such classes, as well as means of controlling students' knowledge, tracking their progress and problem areas in teaching. In the process of teaching the Uzbek language with the use of innovative technologies, the computer acts not only as a source of information, but also as a means of learning and a powerful tool to activate the process of cognitive activity, contributing to the development of flexibility of thinking and the formation of the ability to navigate and adapt to its activities. Therefore, the teacher should set a goal - to provide a positive motivation for learning, to intensify the cognitive activity of students, and to achieve this goal, in addition to mastering knowledge, it is equally important to master the techniques with which you can receive, process and use new information.

At the moment, in the teaching of the Uzbek language for the development of students' cognitive and creative activities, modern innovative technologies are used that improve the quality of education, effectively apply study time and reduce part of the reproductive activity of students by reducing the time. Innovative technologies in teaching the Uzbek language are focused on individualization, distance and mobility of the educational process, despite the age of students and level of knowledge, and also presents a large number of innovative technology techniques that can be applied to the lessons in the learning process.

One of the methods of active learning of the Uzbek language with the use of innovative technologies is problem-based learning, a project method, interactive technologies, business games, integrated lessons, etc. In a business game, several players interact, make decisions in a situation that simulates the real, and the teacher guides game, analyzes and evaluates the actions of players. Each of the participants plays a certain role, he makes decisions and can quickly see the result, thus gaining his own experience. When learning the Uzbek language, business games provide directional activity for pupils' mental processes: they stimulate thinking when using

problem situations, ensure memorization of the most important things in class, stimulate interest in the discipline under study, and develop the need for independent learning. To increase the motivation of the educational process, the use of the project method is one of the most successful methods for teaching the Uzbek language.

The project method is a flexible model of the organization of the educational process, focused on the self-realization of students by developing their intellectual and physical capabilities and creative abilities in the process of studying educational material. When learning the Uzbek language, students perform various projects, such as creating crossword puzzles, cartoons, educational and educational games, etc. Thus, organizing the teaching of the Uzbek language based on information and innovative technologies ensures a higher quality of students' knowledge due to clear planning lesson, increasing motivation when studying the content of the subject. In the process of learning the Uzbek language, students form the ability to work with information to complete the assignment, put forward their ideas, and analyze educational material.


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