IRSTI 16.31.02
A.A. Raimbekova 1, M.P. Eshimov 2, S.R. Nurtileuova 3 1 2 Cand. Sci. (Philology), associate professor, 3 Master of Arts, senior lecturer 1 2 3 KazNU named after al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan email:
In this article, innovative forms of education in teaching Russian as a foreign language in the initial stage, methods of new technologies, and the use and practice of training of Russian as a non-native language are considered. This analysis of the advantages and short-comings of using new multimedia educational systems in the practice of teaching RAF are provided. The authors give examples of this technology as used during their work with new lexicon and the creation of new grammatical constructions. The assimilation of a system of linguistic concepts, the stage-by-stage mastering all types of speech activity, and the mastering of language skills as well as their application in communicative activity are analyzed. In working with information technologies in learning Russian it is expedient to use various multimedia sources.
Key words: Russian as foreign, innovative forms and methods of training, state and professional standards, multimedia technologies
International relations are developing more and more in the social sciences. Thus, the equipment used for the practical acquisition of a foreign language and its culture becomes one of the most important characteristics of a top expert in the field of teaching. And, in the high school system of Kazakhstan, as in many countries of the world, there are serious changes. Pedagogical technologies are connected with the broad "use of new information technologies which give the chance fully to open didactic functions of these methods and to realize the potential educational opportunities put in them. As of today, free access to the necessary information is required, and in information centers all opportunities in existing scientific, cultural, and information centers of the whole world are created within a comprehensive study of this or that problem to form own independent opinions" [1; 127].
Within higher educational institutions there is a distinct need to produce experts of a high professional level who are capable of solving difficult, modern problems. In this regard, innovative forms and methods of teaching, the refusal of a formalistic approach to training, and the use of new modern technologies in the implementation of practical purposes and tasks become the main objectives of state policy formation for education in Kazakhstan.
There are diverse problems in the practical training of foreign students in Russian phonetics and intonation within the different types of speech activity. So, in terms of audition, the student must learn to accurately perceive the overall phonetic shape of Russian words in the speech stream and the rhythmical- intonation design of speech. Likewise, the student must create a plan for expression, a contextual plan, and must learn and understand the importance of pronouncing statements emerging from the interaction of lexicon, syntax, intonation and context. In the process of mastering phonetically correct oral language the student should learn in full Russian articulation based on the use of syllables, words, and phrases, primarily in the full style of pronunciation, in order to acquire all of the diverse types of switches in articulation from one articulation to the another within a word, phrase, or syntagma.
The problems of training highly qualified specialists also include the formation of a student's benchmark, standardizing requirements for future experts, the ability to take these independently, and the constant improvement of knowledge of the specialty. In this sense, producing experts who know a foreign language becomes important.
The Russian language holds a strong position within the economic, legal, and educational space of Kazakhstan, being the language of international communication. Therefore, the use of the technologies which increase the efficiency learning Russian is of particular importance.
Our main goal is the concrete description of the initial tactics for training foreigners in Russian the language, predetermining all the components of the training process; contents, training materials, and control.
As our work has an advisory nature, the basic communicative competence of adult foreigners is noted, and the daily, non-professional, communicative needs of pupils are considered during their stay in Kazakhstan.
A peculiar feature of the pre-university grade level is the intensity and short period of foreign language learning that is required to master a language in a volume sufficient to carry out further educational activity. For the communicative competence of pupils of Russian and their adaptation to their new educational environment it is necessary to use the most rational and effective possibilities for out-of-class, independent work which is carried out by innovative methods of training, in particular, by means of modern multimedia. The introduction to the educational process by use of occupations is an effective means of helping foreign citizens to adapt to training at the pre-university stage. In reference to the exercises "at a pretext stage, the teacher needs to remember their general plan and the difficulty level, moving from one difficulty in one exercise before recognizing the phenomena of similar forms, as well as remembering the repetition of the studied material in small doses over a long period bringing skills to automatism, and the complexity of exercises", etc. Although the constant communicative focus on oral speech within concrete educational situations and in scientific fields must remain one of the main and indispensable conditions [2; 221].
But each technique, especially in new, modern, multimedia, educational systems, has advantages and shortcomings. For example, the lack of direct contact between the teacher and students, in our opinion, complicates perception and the implementation of training material. Also, the virtual electronic environment of RAF training excludes the stage of mentally connecting the perceived picture from the cognitive process. Perhaps, this environment will accelerate the process of the perception of speech material and nonverbal information, but trainees have no connection of this to cognitive activity. Therefore, there is no direct opposition of distance learning and real teaching.
The training model of communicative competence can be used during any situation, both for distance learning, and for traditional class work with the use of computer technologies. Therefore, there is an imperative need for the creation of a new generation of manuals. It is necessary to remember that a "dialogical" form of exercises should include the introduction of lexicon constantly. It is also appropriate to train not only the terminological and general scientific lexicon, but also office lexicon for scientific prose and modal and estimated lexicon for oral forms of communication [3; 109].
In recent years research techniques of teaching RAF have been actively conducted, including experiments in the field of the implementation of computer technologies in the training of foreign languages. It is known that modern computer programs can evaluate individual needs and student interests, and various strategies for the assimilation/acquisition of language. These programs can also differentiate ways of presenting training material, provide individual forms of training, create a wide range of incentives for the involvement of students in foreign-language speech activity, and increase the contact time of contact with the language learned.
Interactivity, independence, individualization, and, as a consequence of all that, a personal approach to training focused on the student, formulate new requirements for the use of computer training materials during a lesson. Today, various computer software (such as electronic dictionaries and training programs), regional geographic and Internet training materials, methodical data, as well as psychological and linguistic literature appear to aid the RAF teacher.
But, not only are such computer opportunities as electronic dictionaries rather easily used to expand a lexicon. Multimedia opportunities as well as the use of complex animation techniques in the teaching of RAF allow for facilitating non-native language opportunities for improving the visual memory of students considerably.
The teacher can use these methods in teaching RAF in order to get the students involved in training. Most important is the fact that the imitation of reality by means of multimedia means happens in a dialogue mode. "The effect of reality" of the events is created by means of communication, such as the communication of fictional heroes. And, to remain "in this world it is necessary to react to the events around you by means of "live" communication. Thus, students in this case are participants in a game, and thus their interest and motivation in studying of a language automatically increases" [4; 110].
When future undergraduates appeared in the student body and the subject of "specialty language" did not have any relevant teaching materials, we were faced with the necessity of creating them.
Having experience in heuristic learning, we understand that not all known principles of heuristics can be used by us in the present moment. In the past, we have worked with advanced students. Thus, we
could talk to students as equals, together, to choose the necessary grammatical or textual material, as well as the controlling materials.
Now the task is complicated by the fact that prospective graduate students know everything about their profession in their own native language, but we require that they talk about their profession in the target language, realizing that students are at the initial stage of in their learning. When creating the textbook the "Language of Occupation: the Art," we decided to try to work in a different format.
The effectiveness of the learning system significantly increases with the use of the pedagogy of cooperation, focused on the involvement of the learner in the educational process, as well as the joint work of the teacher and the student. The pedagogy of cooperation focuses on educational partnerships, and suggests a number of principles:
1. Teaching without coercion is to make the student a co-author of the lesson, to instill in him or her the confidence to remove the feeling of fear is natural for every first-time learner of a new language. The teacher needs to put before the students a challenging goal, to point out its exceptional difficulty, and to inspire confidence that the goal will be achieved. Thus, we made the proposal for the joint preparation of the training manual on the "Language of Occupation: the Art." This work motivated Afghan students to study sophisticated terminology, to study subjects about art, and to work up texts in their native language. Tests were translated and adapted, and prepared for the study and analysis of the lexical, grammatical, syntactical, elements of the language, but without coercion and according to their own will. However, this process was not uncontrolled. The logic of the occupation, its structure, purpose, and fundamental tasks allowed the teacher to skillfully guide the enthusiasm of the students in the process of language acquisition.
2. The idea of support includes subject-verbal information reference signals, which means the development of memory, logic, and spatial thinking. It is not a scheme, and the set of keywords, signs, and other reference signals are specially arranged and show the logic of the studied material in the form of a compact shape (sometimes colored) reference circuit, which greatly facilitates the memorization and understanding of the material and eliminates the possibility of cramming. For us, its use in the classroom consisted of an animated model of the Russian sentences, the preparation of sentences for modals, the preparation of virtual constructions in real sentences, and the use of the new language terminology.
3. The lack of negative assessments in the classroom prevents splitting students into achievers and under-achievers. This applies particularly to the Afghan students. It is these students who have received a higher education at home, and who have worked in a university as teachers. There is no need to demonstrate their ignorance of a given subject. The lack of negative assessments makes the atmosphere in the classroom easier and motivates the students.
4. The idea of free choice allows for the opportunity to develop individual qualities of language learning for the student, as the student can create a task that he is interested in solving. Shatalov gives the disciples a hundred tasks, and they chose to resolve any of them in any quantity. This freedom of choice is the easiest way to develop creative thought. In our case, this freedom is in the choice of themes and texts together.
5. The idea of acquainting the student with topics before he or she begins the current training. This happens due to the fact that a student himself / herself proposes a topic for study, for example, the "Fine Arts of Afghanistan," and is then given the task of finding short texts on this opic. Then, together, the teacher and the student determine the research requirements, and the teacher adapts the text and prepares it for implementation.
6. The idea of large blocks is that the learning process does not consist of individual lessons or training sessions, but of blocks of "immersion" in different topics, working with hypertext. The material comes in large blocks, and so it is possible to increase the volume of the material for study, to establish logical connections, and to distinguish the main point.
7. The idea of introspection is to teach students individual or collective introspection in their study of language.
8. The idea of personal approach is to use techniques in which each student feels like a human being, and thus feels the personal attention of the teacher.
9. The idea of dialogical thinking consists of a dialogue between teacher and students, of a friendly and attentive attitude to the statements of students, of the encouragement of ideas and thoughts of students regardless of whether they are right or wrong, of promoting student activity, of cooperation
between teachers and students in finding solutions to educational problems and issues, and of contributing to the development of students' creative abilities, as well as their motivation to learn a language.
10. The intellectual background of the joint activities in the learning process and outside of it (such as in museums, leisure time, etc.). The goal of every teacher is always a variety of specific pedagogical actions and tasks. It requires a teacher to implement creative solutions, to use creative thinking, to develop new ideas, and to take an unconventional approach [3, 6].
The apology method of cooperation pedagogy proposes the following concepts:
• The idea of joint educational activities of the teacher and the student is bound by mutual understanding and joint analysis of the progress and results of this activity.
• Collaborative relationships are multifaceted; but most important is the "teacher / student" relationship. Traditional education is based on the position of the teacher as subject, and the student as the object of the pedagogical process. This provision is replaced by the idea the concept of collaboration, which holds that the student is the subject of his or her own training activities.
• Two subjects of the same process have to work together as partners. To make this a collaboration of the more experienced with less experienced, none should stand above the other [7].
Understanding the basic principles and concepts of the pedagogy of cooperation, and taking them as a basis, we proceeded to the creation of the textbook the "Language of Occupation: the Art," which is intended for students preparing to study, or currently studying, at the Academy of Arts of Kazakhstan.
Also, there is the important fact that the students themselves are "creators" of this reality, and thus the direction of communicative actions and subjects depend upon them. Students have the possibility of continuous interaction with the program. Thus, at any time, it is possible to request necessary information, to present it in the various convenient forms, and to receive assessment from the program on the correctness of the students' actions.
By means of various gestures and a mimicry it is possible "to show" various emotions which are experienced by the participants of dialogues. It is possible to continue communication infinitely, but it is also possible to interrupt it at any place and to continue next time. Thus, the possibilities of interactive communication are boundless. The development of multimedia dialogue systems led to emergence of textbooks, encyclopedias, atlases, and magazines, as well as fiction with "live" pictures and sound. The training of oral speech in a foreign language, especially in a specialty not in the language of the higher educational institution, is a difficult and labor-intensive process as within student speech there have to be elements of the corresponding text genre, such as scientific style. The work of the teacher is facilitated by the fact that this speech can be close to as many as 30 parameters of the educational text which has been used as the basis for training, and having a smaller quantity of any situational opportunities [5].
The computer is unlike the more-irritable living teacher, and it can wait patiently as long as necessary to correct the pupil's errors. And, it is not important whether this is the correction of a foreign-language accent, the elimination of errors in oral speech, or the elimination of grammatical defects. Now, multimedia technologies are one of the most explosively-developing directions of new information technologies in education.
The teacher should consider the level of a student group when selecting training material and determining of the presentation sequence. Animation and computer graphics are a means of the representation of the value of this or that image, and contain necessary visual reference points for the implementation of a specific action. They promote the prevention of mistakes in the communicative process, and allow for the fast assimilation of certain grammatical phenomenon. This process is operated and controlled on the pupils' side.
It is possible to create videos of different kinds, such as on observation, on value judgment, on the recognition of the phenomenon studied, on training, and on speech. The texts offered in various textbooks can be used as the scenarios for subsequent video clips to be used for the purpose of establishing the grammatical material studied, as well as for auditions, readings, and the development of speech.
Analysis of the theoretical material shows the possibility for the creation of student presentations of information pages in the form of text and graphic screens, animated inserts, video clips, and illustration programs. Students have an opportunity to leaf through pages of information backwards and forwards, to watch the application of theory from the beginning to the end, and to find the necessary section according to a table of contents.
Using the possibilities of computer graphics and complex animation, we created a small video series allowing a new approach for the development of verbs of motion; one of the most difficult subjects in Russian. The text as the main educational unit when training in a foreign language must, especially during the first stages and for students with weak knowledge, be played and listened to repeatedly in various sections [6].
The complexity of specific distinctions of verbs, a large number of verbal prefixes, questions of compatibility, the variability of grammatical constructions, all of these complicate the free use of prefixed verbs in the speech of foreigners.
An accurate system of presenting verbal prefixes and perhaps a larger number of exercises connected with them is necessary for the development of skills in using verbs in practical speech. But, the use of animation simplifies this process by allowing the student to see "visually" a moving subject, to independently create possible types of direction, to choose various situational options, and, as a result, "to draw" and remember this picture a multiple number of times.
The video series consists of three main stages to supply grammatical material at the initial level: 1) acquaintance and use of nouns; 2) acquaintance and use of adjectives; 3) acquaintance and use of verbs. At the same time, the algorithmic principle of the evolution of understanding of grammatical constructions is used, creating logical thinking in a step by step approach, from simple to difficult.
During the first stage there is the creation of the concept of an object, a noun, and the questions; кто? что?
During the second stage we expand the object by determining the object sign; what? And, during the last stage we expand the action of a subject to that of a subject moving. Personal pronouns are given during the first stage. Possessives, along with adjectival conjugation, are given during the second. For example:
Это дом. Это мой дом. Эте^мой красивый дом. Там мой красивый дом. Там стоит мой красивый дом.
By the third stage students get acquainted with different types of case forms as well as means for managing verbs.
Как? Где? Почему? Зачем? С кем? Откуда?
The teacher builds students' acquaintance with verbs by exercising case forms. For example: V3 - звонить - позвонить V4 - видеть - увидеть говорить - сказать учить - выучить дарить - подарить и др. покупать - купить и др. V5 - встречаться - встретиться V6 - работать - поработать общаться - пообщаться отдыхать - отдохнуть знакомиться - познакомиться гулять - погулять и др.
The use of complex animation and computer graphics help to simplify the process of perception of language by means of visual means considerably. The student sees an object animated out of an inanimate object.
And, the students themselves participate in the process of the reconstruction of an object, determining its cases and/or endings, by investing lifeless linguistic objects with the animated properties. Using different animation options, the student can create images, allocating them with distinctive properties at the same time. It brings forth creative opportunities for the reconsideration of reality and the properties of communication in the training process.
The subsequent stage consists of the subject's symbols. The possibilities of animation allow for modifying a subject's symbols to appear visually opposite. And, together with this modification, students may store a subject's symbols at a subconscious level. This process is interesting in that it gives students the chance to recreate additional symbols which help them to see a subject from a new angle. Allocating various symbols to a subject, the students automatically remembers their "verbal" form as they began a certain task, for instance, "to draw a beautiful subject," or "to create big forms," etc. It is obviously possible to achieve this goal, and to teach the students during a limited period to speak about problems of their own specialty and to understand the speech of native speakers by means of innovative and traditional methods, but placing resolute emphasis on the principle of communicativeness both in training, and in the creation of the training materials and manuals used [7].
During the third stage, which is the most difficult, there is the movement of a subject. In Russian the definition of the movement directions is complicated by the need to use various prefixes having a contextual value changing depending on the given situation. For the foreigner, the time of the
performance of the movement, the interval in time and space, the nature of the performance of the movement, and the category of the person performing the operation, also has a certain difficulty. All this together can almost not be explained to a foreign student without additional illustrative resources. And, in this case, complex animation has to potential to be one of the most productive methods for illustrating action in a characteristic interval of time and space.
The simplest route in various directions with use of prefixed verbs is presented in the following image. The convenience of a video clip would be that, showing a certain direction of action, the teacher can comment on the process of an explanation of value using separate prefixes, then change the direction and, as a result, a verb. Students see the whole process in operation, and furthermore can create various routes, using verbs of motion. Here we used verbs in the past tense, but an animation would create the possibility for creating imaginary actions in the future as well as for recreating the process of synchronous performance of action in the present.
As a sample we created a video series on the subject the "Formation of Prefixed Verbs," but the teacher, at his or her own discretion, can choose and create various subjects, objects, and dialogues. And, using the possibilities of computer graphics, the teacher can achieve result quicker, using the ability to define properties of a subject, symbols, and the actions of a subject, as well as the ability to build phrases independently by knowing the system's design and necessary formulas:
For example: 1 + V3=A3 + O3 Он позвонил своему другу.
1 + V4=A4 + O4 Моя мама купила красивое платье.
1 + V5=A5 + O5 Мы познакомились с умным человеком.
1 + V6=A6 + O6 Моя подруга работает в иностранной компании и др.
Before beginning to work with a verb, the teacher acquaints students with a noun, the categories of number, animated and inanimate nouns sorted by case, and nominals.
Then with the use of an adjective the teacher analyzes categories of number, sort, and case. There are synonyms and antonyms of adjectives, the determination of a subject's symbols, and the creation of interrogative and affirmative forms.
The subsequent stage consists of verb formation. The teacher remains on the formation of prefixed forms of verbs in detail.
It is known that verbs of motion are divided into 2 groups. Verbs of the first group designate the movement which happens at once or in a certain direction. These are verbs of the unidirectional movement.
Verbs of the second group designate the movement which happens many times or in various directions. These are verbs of multidirectional movement.
1 group: идти, ехать, бежать, лететь, плыть.
2 group: ходить, ездить, бегать, летать, плавать.
By means of animation it is possible to show and explain easily to foreign students on the distinction between unidirectional and multidirectional movement.
During the formation of the prefixed forms of the verb the main complexity for the student consists in abundance of verbal prefixes, each of which has its own value. And, often foreigners are confused in the use of these prefixes and pretexts when determining the direction of movement. Animation and computer graphics allow for showing these three-dimensional motions in a certain situation. Subsequently, the students themselves can create the directions of movements necessary by asking a question and using various verbs and pretexts.
This picture is from the video created by us and used in our lessons. It is visible as an object which takes an action and changes the direction of movement. This animation allows for displaying the "reality" of events, the student together with the protagonist participates in animated story. Subsequently, by working off of the values of each prefix and by using questions of the direction of actions (for example, to? from where?), it is possible to add this video series with various dialogues. It is possible to introduce other protagonists as well. In this fragment we use only the verbs идти - ходить, but subsequently it is possible to create videos using other verbs. For example, плавать - плыть, идти -ходить, летать - лететь.
Also, the animation and computer graphics help the students to visualize values of some pretexts, for example "in," "on," "because of," "from under," "through," etc. When choosing the volume of lexical and grammatical material and the sequence of its representation the teacher has to consider the students' levels in perceiving this information.
During the selection of material and the determination of its presentation sequence the teacher can, considering level of the group, introduce some prefixes with verbs of motion, which can be used subsequently in either a lower or a higher grade level. In other cases, the teacher may give these prefixes special attention as important for a particular sphere of communication and necessary for understanding of certain texts.
Animation and computer graphics are a means of representing the value of prefixed or un-prefixed verbs of motion containing the necessary visual reference points for the completion of specific actions.
Animation and computer graphics also promote the prevention of mistakes in the use of verbs of motion, and allow for fast assimilation of certain grammatical phenomena in a process operated and controlled by pupils.
Also, the use of complex animation and computer technologies makes available such future opportunities as:
1. "Free" information navigation and a way into the Internet world network.
2. The use of text fragments, dialogue designs on visual materials, the creation of various videos and audio-works covering various levels and fields of grammar (in the accompanying image).
3. Work with various applications (text, graphics, and sound editors, as well as cartographic information).
4. The translation of hard-to-understand information into a simplified form by use of computer technology.
5. Increasing an image screen size (up to twenty-fold) or focusing on an images most interesting fragments, while maintaining the quality of the image.
6. The use of various software for scientific, research, or informative purposes.
7. The use of continuous musical or other audio corresponding to either a static or dynamic video
8. The use of video fragments from movies, videos, etc., as well as functions for "freeze frame," "time-lapse," and "scrolling" of a video.
9. Including image processing techniques in educational programs, as well as complex animation for the deep study of linguistic forms.
10. The creation of one's own "galleries" / selections of information provided in a given product.
11. Automatically viewing individual clips / "slideshow" of a product, as well as creating an animated "guide" to a product (oral and written user instructions). This includes game components and information components in the structure of a product. This constitutes the educational tutorial of RAF, which implements various types of information technologies.
Thus, it is clear that the advantages of using multimedia technologies (the expeditious use of information, the combination of audio-and visual material, etc.) in the organization of educational processes are very useful. The use of such technologies significantly makes educational information "come alive" by making it more clearly perceived and more easily assimilated.
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А.А. Раимбекова1, М.П. Ешимов2, С.Р. Нуртилеуова3 1 2 к.ф.н., доцент, 3 магистр гуманитарных наук, ст. преподаватель
' 2' 3 КазНУ им. аль-Фараби, Алматы, Казахстан, email:
В статье рассматриваются инновационные формы обучения русскому языку как иностранному на начальном этапе, методы использования новых технологий в практике обучения неродного языка. Приведен анализ преимуществ и недостатков использования новых мультимедийных образовательных систем в практике преподавания РКИ. Авторы приводят примеры использования данной технологии при работе с новой лексикой, построении новых грамматических конструкций. Анализируется усвоение системы лингвистических понятий, поэтапное овладение всеми видами речевой деятельности, овладение языковыми умениями и навыками и их применение в коммуникативной деятельности. При работе с информационными технологиями для изучения русского языка целесообразно использовать различные мультимедийные источники.
Ключевые слова: русский как иностранный, инновационные формы и методы обучения, государственные и профессиональные стандарты, мультимедийные технологии
Э.А. Райымбекова 1, М.П. Ешимов 2, С.Р. Нурттеуова 3
1 2 доцент^ ф.г.к., 3 гуманитария гылымыньщ магистр^ ага окытушысы 12 3 Эл-Фараби атындагы Каз¥У, Алматы, Казакстан, email:
Макалада бастауыш топта орыс тiлiн шет тш ретiнде окытудын инновациялык формалары, езге тiлдi окыту тэжiрибесiнде жана технологияларды колдану эдiстерi карастырылады. Орыс тшн шет тiлi ретiнде окыту тэжрибесшде жана мультимедиалык бiлiм беру жуйесш колданудын артыкшылыгы мен кемшiлiгi туралы сараптама жасалынады. Авторлар жана сездермен ж^мыс iстеуде жэне жана грамматикалык к¥рылымдарды жасауда аталмыш технологияны колдану Yшiн мысалдар да келтiрiп етедг Коммуникативтiк эрекетте лингвистикалык ^ымдарды менгеру жYЙесiн, сейлеу кызметiнiн барлык тYрлерiн бiртiндеп менгерту, тiлдiк бiлiктер мен дагдыларды колдану сынды мэселелер талданады. Орыс тiлiн Yйрену Yшiн ж^мыс кезiнде акпараттык технологияларды эртYрлi мультимедиялык дереккездердi пайдаланган жен.
Т}йт свздер: орыс тЫ1 шет тш реттде, инновациялыц оцыту эдгстерг мен формалары, мемлекеттж жэне кэсгби стандарттар, мультимедиалыц технологиялар
Received 03.12.2018.