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Ph. D. Vesselin Petrov Rangelov Prof. dr Vladimir Shtiliyanov
UNIVERSITY OF FORESTRY, School "Ecology and Landscape Architecture", Department "Park
and landscape design", Sofia , Bulgaria
Abstract. Juggling landscaping activities with other measures to modernize spaces between residential blocks imposes a more detailed analysis on the use and maintenance of alleys, available and newly designed tree and shrub vegetation and park furniture.
Keywords: Spaces, courtyard, residential complex, landscaping, living, urbanism, urban planning, public works
Object of research: Spaces between blocks of flats in old residential complexes in Bulgaria.
Discussion: The vegetation contributes to the formation of a favorable microclimate for people. This is achieved through changes in speed and direction favorable north-westerly winds by increasing humidity and reduce solar radiation during the summer heat. For better ventilation of spaces appropriate use of deciduous trees with high crowns, and for wind-protecting functions and prevent snowdrifts most appropriate use of coniferous stands. When the vegetation is combined with the larger or smaller water areas in the space, the positive effects are more noticeable as factors to maximize comfort.
Sanitary and hygienic conditions in landscaped block spaces is much healthier since the values of harmful gases, noise, dust, carbon and sulfur dioxides are minimized.
It is known that air pollution in major cities consistently exceed permissible limits. In ground air layers with few interruptions, establish significant amounts of smoke, soot, ash, dust and harmful gases that result from burning various combustible materials from industrial, residential and public buildings, increased road traffic. Wind and vehicles carried these small particles of diverse origin and they laid up on the roofs and facades of buildings, streets, sidewalks and the inter spaces.
For many years in almost all Bulgarian cities exercises continuous monitoring of quantitative concentrations of these pollutants in the air and the area of their distribution. In this aspect may no doubt be argued that their limitation is due to the vegetation, which is a key building block in park development theory and practice. Through the leaves, branches and trunks of trees and shrubs such harmful to the human body substances persist, reducing their concentration in the air, and then they rain washed away the top soil layer. Dust retention and gas-absorbing properties of different types of trees and shrubs are not the same. Committed during the so-called. planned economy research in this area defined as the plants with a rougher texture of the leaf mantle and with hairs on leaves themselves are better suited to combat atmospheric pollution. Such plants are elm, silver linden, sycamore, lilac, viburnum leaf wrinkled, much of evergreen shrubs and conifers. It is relevant here to mention the biggest mistake is made in the past by planting a large amount of pyramidal poplars in the cities because of their rapid growth and not demanding to soil conditions. However, studies have shown that they retain the harmful substances about 5 times less than the aforementioned trees and shrubs, and due to its fast growth are some of the not long-lived trees.
During the reflections in the post-socialist reality these negative consequences on the overall appearance of the plant volumes urban quite deepened due to ongoing totally wrong policies. Since the necessary actions for replacement, trimming or completely remove old and dangerous trees are much more expensive to plant flowers, naturally today focuses on creating colorful figures who sought immediate effect to approval by ordinary citizens. They are satisfied with transient beautiful and colorful views and are not interested in the purity of air and quickly forget about the unfortunate incident in adverse weather conditions and storms.
Although almost forgotten, today is the issue of exceeding the limit values for noise pollution in the city, especially in residential complexes, which represent one of the most important components of the system "work - recreation - habitation." It is not necessary to prove the adverse impact that noise has on human health and the already proven positive qualities of the vegetation in this aspect.
As were built in the past, these green areas are categorized into so-called green areas for public use. In the context of this analysis, which highlighted some pressing needs in changing their status, it is more appropriate that they go in another category - namely green areas for limited use and become more independent status.
Modern standards for landscaping account multifunctional importance of trees and shrubs and provide its location, species composition and quantity depending on the environmental planning of the urban framework. The general rule imposed by theory and practice, is a green area not less than 70% of the total inter-territory. A recommended rate to provide the necessary balance between green space in such spaces and the number of residents in nearby units is not less than 5-6m2 / inhabitant.
An important element of the overall landscaping Decision and architectural elements and facilities. They must meet certain specific requirements related to park development theory and practice. First, they must be aesthetically regarding design, proportions and materials from which they are constructed. Second, and very important condition is to match their functional purpose to avoid common manifestations of kitsch in this direction. Their harmonious inclusion in the landscape through appropriate scale and color is the third specific requirement in the landscape design. Finally, fourth, their number should correspond to the estimated attendance of the inhabitants of the residential block spaces.
Conclusions: When analyzed impacts are properly accounted and included in a long-term vision for development, organization of green areas in blocks of flats can be brought to an acceptable alternative to the present imbalance in the overall development of residential areas. This imbalance
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results in several key areas: danger of excessive compaction of construction in areas with market potential decline and deterioration of vacancy and depopulation of the complexes completely unkempt appearance regarding their landscaping and public works. Violation of the ecological characteristics of the environment, the transformation of green areas between the blocks in parking lots and commercial spaces, the impossibility of proper organization of crop volumes, flooring and architectural elements and facilities in all cases distorts the comfort of living and, most importantly, to creating prerequisites for worsening health characteristics of residents in these residential areas.
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д. т. н., проф. Кошевой Н. Д. аспирант Кошевая И. И. магистр Бельмега А. В.
Украина, Харьков,
Национальный аэрокосмический университет им. Н. Е. Жуковского "ХАИ"
Abstract. Methods and the software are developed for optimization of composition plans of experiment by means of greedy algorithm and algorithm of simulation of annealing. The comparative analysis of the results of optimization received by different methods is carried out. Efficiency of application of the developed combined method in comparison with other methods of optimization is shown. Working capacity is confirmed by approximation or coincidence of the optimum plans received by this methods and method of branches and boundaries.
Keywords: optimization, method, experiment planning, greedy algorithm, optimum plan, cost, time expenditure.
Постановка проблемы. Планирование эксперимента ставит задачу получения математической модели при минимальных стоимостных и временных затратах. Эта задача особенно актуальна при исследовании дорогостоящих и длительных процессов.
При синтезе плана эксперимента, количество факторов которого больше четырех, возникает еще и проблема длительности построения оптимального плана.
Анализ последних исследований и публикаций. Известны примеры построения композиционных планов, основанные на использовании следующих методов оптимизации: метод последовательного приближения и метод ветвей и границ [1]. Эффективность