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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Kuvanov V.A., Mikhailovsky S.P., Agaev R.A., Davydov M.V.

Objective of the study was to establish the dependence of the success of competitive activity on the level of development of the physical qualities of student freestyle wrestlers. Methods and structure of the study. 112 students from four universities of St. Petersburg involved in freestyle wrestling took part in the scientific experiment. The following scientific methods were used in the work: theoretical analysis and generalization of data from special scientific and methodological literature, questioning, pedagogical observation (stenography, timing of fights and training sessions), testing, instrumental methods for assessing various aspects of readiness, methods of mathematical statistics. Results and conclusions. The conducted correlation analysis made it possible to determine a group of indicators of special physical fitness, which largely determine the success of the competitive activity of student freestyle wrestlers. This complex included indicators of the quantity, quality and time of throws in special tests.

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Influence of physical qualities on the efficiency of competitive activity of freestyle wrestlers

UDC 796.82

PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Kuvanov1 PhD, Associate Professor S.P. Mikhailovsky1 PhD, Associate Professor R.A. Agaev2 M.V. Davydov3

1Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg 2State Marine Technical University, St. Petersburg 3Baltic State Technical University "VOENMEH" named after D.F. Ustinov, St. Petersburg

Corresponding author: kuwanov@mail.ru


Objective of the study was to establish the dependence of the success of competitive activity on the level of development of the physical qualities of student freestyle wrestlers.

Methods and structure of the study. 112 students from four universities of St. Petersburg involved in freestyle wrestling took part in the scientific experiment. The following scientific methods were used in the work: theoretical analysis and generalization of data from special scientific and methodological literature, questioning, pedagogical observation (stenography, timing of fights and training sessions), testing, instrumental methods for assessing various aspects of readiness, methods of mathematical statistics.

Results and conclusions. The conducted correlation analysis made it possible to determine a group of indicators of special physical fitness, which largely determine the success of the competitive activity of student freestyle wrestlers. This complex included indicators of the quantity, quality and time of throws in special tests.

Keywords: wrestling, freestyle wrestling, assessment of physical fitness of student-wrestlers.

Introduction. Assessment of the physical qualities of wrestlers is an important link in the management of the training process and is based on identifying those qualitative features of the wrestlers' movement apparatus that determine their sports results [2, 3]. Information about the qualitative features of the physical fitness of students of freestyle wrestlers can be the starting point in predicting the success of competitive activity and determining the direction of the impact of training tasks on the improvement of certain qualities [1, 4].

Objective of the study was to establish the dependence of the success of competitive activity on the level of development of the physical qualities of student freestyle wrestlers.

Methods and structure of the study. To achieve this goal, the following scientific methods were used: theoretical analysis and generalization of data from special scientific and methodological literature, a sur-

vey in the form of a questionnaire, pedagogical observation (shorthand, timing of fights and training sessions), testing, instrumental methods for assessing various aspects of preparedness, methods of mathematical statistics. The study involved 112 student wrestlers from four universities in St. Petersburg.

Results of the study and their discussion. As a result of the correlation analysis, a set of indicators included in the definition of speed-strength qualities was determined (Table 1).

These are indicators interconnected with the effectiveness of the attack and the reliability of the won tactical actions: the time of squats with a partner on the shoulders (r=-0.831; p<0.01), the length of a triple jump from a place (r=0.647; p<0.05), the time shuttle run 4x10 m (r=-0.818; p<0.01). The effectiveness of the throws depends on the timely and fast execution of a technical action with the application of an "explosive"


Table 1. Matrix of significant correlates of general physical fitness with indicators of competitive activity

General physical fitness Indicators of competitive activity

tests The qual- Attack Protection Activity Reliability of The quality of

ity of lost efficiency efficiency won tactical the actions won

techniques actions

10 pull-ups on the bar, s 398 597 470 -219 -054 -353

10 squats with a partner, s -831 -317 -010 -498 -371

10 forward bends with a -356 -099 -381 -435 -056 -073

partner, s

Triple jump, cm 379 647 -239 115 -711 -241

10 hanging leg raises on -349 -095 -321 -406 -023 -100

the bar, s

Shuttle run 4x10 m, s -213 -818 -078 -313 006 -469

Rope climbing, s 126 -210 -348 008 -463 -513

The maximum number of 364 210 648 653 317 018

pull-ups on the crossbar,

number of times

Maximum number of squats 164 013 -034 690 -700 -216

with a partner, number of


The maximum number of 301 -111 400 031 -107 28

slopes with a partner, num-

ber of times

Shuttle run 4x10 m, with a -146 -030 171 -308 -100 -087

partner on the shoulders,


1600 m run, s 046 -071 005 -634 -024 -031

effort, which explains this correlation between the effectiveness of an attack and the reliability of tactical actions with indicators that determine speed-strength qualities. The obtained indicators are informative for assessing the speed-strength qualities of qualified student freestyle wrestlers.

The indicators of the maximum number of pull-ups on the bar and squats with a partner on the shoulders, the running time of 1600 m constitute a complex that is included in the definition of the activity and effectiveness of protection. The maximum number of pullups is associated with the effectiveness of protection (r=0.648; p<0.05) and activity (r=0.653; p<0.05). The maximum number of squats with a partner is significantly associated with activity (r=0.690; p<0.05) and negatively with the reliability of won tactical actions (r=-0.700; p<0.05).

The meaning of this relationship is that the wrestlers, who have an advantage in strength endurance, during the fight most successfully control the opponent's actions with the help of a grip and show high activity. During a competitive duel, they are mainly aimed at carrying out a technical action and are distinguished by a certain straightforwardness of wrestling. Therefore, they win very little duels on warnings, as evidenced by the negative relationship with the indicator of the reliability of tactical actions won.

The use of selected informative indicators makes it possible to evaluate the endurance of qualified wrestlers.

Thus, the correlation analysis data made it possible to determine the most informative indicators of general physical fitness: the maximum number of pull-ups on the bar, the length of a triple jump from a place, the time of ten squats with a partner on the shoulders, a shuttle run of 4x10 m. Less informative, but important in assessing endurance turned out to be a 1600-meter run and the maximum number of squats with a partner. Such indicators as shuttle run time 4x10 m, with a partner on the shoulders, the maximum number of pull-ups on the crossbar in the hang, are not informative.

Evaluation of speed-strength qualities and endurance by a set of indicators adequately reflects the general physical fitness of wrestlers. The use of these tests also implies monitoring the development of endurance in wrestlers during the training process.

Table 2 presents statistically significant correlations of indicators of special physical fitness with competitive activity. The most informative indicators are the quality and quantity of throws in accelerations (special test No. 2). The quality of the execution of techniques has a highly informative relationship with the effectiveness of the attack (p<0.01); at the 5% significance level - the relationship with the effectiveness of the defense, the reliability of the won tactical actions and the quality of the won actions. The indicator of the number of throws in accelerations significantly correlates with the effectiveness of the attack (r=0.630; p<0.05) and the effectiveness of the defense (r=0.750; p<0.05).

Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I March I № 3 2023

Table 2. Matrix of significant correlates of tests of special physical fitness with indicators of competitive activity

General physical fitness Показатели соревновательной деятельности

tests The quality of lost techniques Attack efficiency Protection efficiency Activity Reliability of won tactical actions The quality of the actions won

Special test No. 1 - execution time, s -341 -212 -164 093 248 -271

Special test No. 1 - quality of performance, c.u. 413 643 356 254 077 328

Special test No. 2 - the number of throws in acceleration, times 314 630 750 296 409 301

Special test No. 2 - the quality of the execution of techniques, c.u. 213 880 700 329 -780 639

Special test No. 3 - execution time, s -128 -341 242 -651 -495 -501

Special test No. 3 - the quality of the execution of techniques, c.u. 461 730 568 323 124 590

The number of throws in acceleration reflects the functionality of the wrestlers and the ability to attack every minute of the fight, which is one of the requirements of the competition rules. If the wrestler does not carry out active attacking actions within a minute, he receives a warning for passivity.

The time and quality of the performance of 60 throws in the special test No. 3 is significantly related to the activity (p<0.05) and the effectiveness of the attack (p<0.05). Taking into account that this test (conditional name - pressing) models the tactics of a continuous offensive, this dependence is explained by the presence of special physical qualities in the wrestlers to maintain activity throughout the entire fight and conduct techniques that are evaluated by the judges.

The performance quality indicator of 18 tricks in the special test No. 1 (code name - spurt) has a significant relationship with the effectiveness of the attack (r=0.643; p<0.05). Completion of a special test No. 1 reflects the ability of wrestlers to attack an opponent unexpectedly and in a variety of ways, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the attack. It should also be noted the feedback, the influence of wrestlers' special motor skills on increasing the effectiveness of an attack in a competitive duel.

The conducted correlation analysis made it possible to determine a group of indicators of special physical fitness, which largely determine the success of the competitive activity of student freestyle wrestlers. This complex included indicators of the quantity, quality and time of throws in special tests.

Conclusion. The results of the analysis of the received data testify that for the characteristic of the general and special physical readiness of the qualified wrestlers the indicators revealed in the course of research can be used.



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