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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Egamberdieva G.N., Usmonova G.B.

In this article highlights of indicators of physical development in children and their dependence on the habitat.

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UDK 61

Egamberdieva G.N.

teacher Usmonova G.B. teacher

Fergana Public Health Medical Institute

Uzbekistan, Fergana


Annotation: In this article highlights of indicators of physical development in children and their dependence on the habitat.

Key words: indicator, physical development, children, habitat.

In modern pedagogical science, physical culture is considered as part of the general culture of society and the individual, one of the spheres of social practice aimed at strengthening health and improving its level, comprehensive development of physical abilities of the individual and their use in educational, creative and creative activities, in everyday life. It is the school that is the only institution where it is possible to carry out work on the formation of healthy lifestyle skills and dynamic monitoring of the functional state of children's health.

However, in the practice of such work, there is a traditional, sometimes scientifically unsubstantiated approach to the use of means and methods of physical education, which naturally complicates the effectiveness of their practical activities and leads to a decrease in students' interest in physical education lessons, especially senior classes. The observed shortcomings in the content of the lesson, a standard set of exercises conducted according to a template, sometimes without taking into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren and the specifics of sections of the school curriculum, an insufficiently high methodological level of organizing and conducting lessons, a lack of sports equipment and equipment in the hall is primarily expressed in dissatisfaction with classes, premature fatigue and attenuation, unwillingness to actively engage.

All this leads to a decrease in the overall level of physical fitness of students, non-compliance with educational standards, a decrease in the amount, volume and quality of work performed in the classroom, a drop in interest in classes and, as a result, poor attendance of physical education lessons. Full-fledged physical development involves a process of physical preparation, the result of which is physical fitness achieved when performing motor actions necessary for mastering, or performing professional or sports activities by a person.

Physical fitness is characterized by the level of functionality of various body systems and the development of basic physical qualities. Assessment of the level of physical fitness is carried out according to the results shown in special control exercises for strength and endurance

Currently, in pedagogy, the problem of educating students in accordance with the development of their personality, including physical, is the most urgent. Taking into account the conditions of the social and ecological environment, the dynamics of physical development of students is of particular importance as a factor reflecting the level of physical development of the body, especially at the stage of the first years of study. Insufficient, limited motor activity contributes to the emergence and acute course of diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, vegetative vascular dystonia, obesity and a number of other diseases.

The model of systematic comprehensive work on the preservation and promotion of children's health includes the following blocks:

Health-saving infrastructure of an educational institution: the creation of a hygienically complete living environment and the recruitment of medical and pedagogical personnel to solve problems of preserving and strengthening children's health and preparing them for school.

Rational organization of the educational process.

Organization of the motor regime and physical fitness work.

Educational and educational work with children: organization of work on the formation of an understanding of the value of health and a healthy lifestyle.

Organization of a system of educational and methodological work with teachers, specialists and parents.

Prevention and dynamic health monitoring. An effective method of preserving and strengthening children's health is fortification, prevention of posture disorders and flat feet.

The health-saving environment includes several components: regime; balanced nutrition; subject-developing space of the group, gym and other special premises.

The regime is the correct distribution in time and the appropriate sequence in meeting the basic physiological needs of the child's body: sleep, eating, wakefulness. The regime is economical, cost-effective, healthy, educates the discipline and will of the child. Every person should have a will, since a weak-willed person is inferior to strong-willed people. He works for them or instead of them, without receiving satisfaction, thereby depriving himself of higher joys, condemning himself to the joys of the second, lower grade.

Sleep is one of the components of the regime. During rapid growth and development, lack of sleep is extremely dangerous. We all know that during sleep, brain cells replenish the energy expended. Lack of sleep leads to fatigue, irritability, memory impairment, etc. It means that the child should sleep his norm. Adults should help him with this.

Nutrition for children should be balanced, so a child with a reduced or increased appetite should cause anxiety in adults.

During wakefulness, children develop skills, habits, including hygiene skills: proper and prolonged brushing of teeth, mouthwash after each meal, washing at least up to the waist - all this is a serious matter that must be done carefully and daily. Morning exercises, water procedures, physical culture increase the body's resistance.

The health-preserving and developing orientation of the environment ensures the emotional well-being and preservation of the physical health of preschoolers; maximum development of creative potential, physical and intellectual capabilities.

The most important part of health-saving technology is the ecological space. A comfortable temperature is maintained in the group.

Indoor plants fill the air with aromas, phytoncides, purify it and create psycho-emotional comfort. The design of the group is important, since the child's health is also affected by what he sees. The warm color scheme creates a cheerful atmosphere. Since ancient times, there has been a color treatment -chromotherapy.

The red color awakens the will to live, increases physical strength, efficiency.

Orange is the most joyful color, helps to overcome nervous breakdowns, increases appetite.

Yellow color creates a joyful, cheerful mood, increases mental abilities.

Green is the color of inner harmony.

Blue is the color of altruism and peace.

Purple color increases creative activity.

Being in a group affects physical health. In the course of directly organized activities, it is necessary to alternate intellectual and motor activity: use plastic, game techniques, physical training, finger games.

Scientists have proved that the level of speech development is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. There are many acupuncture points on the hands, massaging which can affect the internal organs of a person, reflexively connected with them. Children's cleaning of their workplace contributes to the activation of movements. While performing the task, the child can stand, sit at the table or on the floor.

Children have different moods, but the teacher always creates a positive emotional background, music contributes to this, it sets the mood, is an element of relaxation, you can use audio recordings with the sounds of nature. It is necessary to create an atmosphere of psychological comfort in the group: a respectful attitude to the child's personality, attention to his opinion, choice.

The teacher praises the children for each achievement, maintains an atmosphere of tolerance for the failures of the child: prevents the possibility of

ridicule from peers and encourages admiration for the work of comrades. Play activity helps to keep children healthy: relieve stress, establish communication.

Humor relieves fatigue well. Adults have great respect for everything that children have done. Children prepare gifts, exhibitions for parents, participate in the design of a group, a plot, etc.

The main indicator of the positive impact on the child's health of any health-saving technology is the interest in organized activities, the desire to act. Activity can become a source of long-lasting and stable health, a feeling of a happy life or, conversely, an early and serious illness, vegetating on the principle of "a day is lived - and okay!"... And this is formed from childhood, it all depends on how the child is accustomed to activity. In a family where they work together, a friendly atmosphere arises - it gives rise to respect for work.

Life shows: happiness and health are most often obtained from early childhood, and the means for this joyful coincidence is one: proper upbringing. So it turns out that education, health, happiness are inextricably linked.

The long-term process of physical education cannot be successfully carried out without careful consideration of the age characteristics of the development of secondary school students, their level of physical fitness, the characteristics of the development of motor qualities and the formation of motor skills and abilities. That is why strict regulation of physical activity, in the rational construction of the process of physical education, should be carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of those involved.


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