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Ключевые слова
education / health / development / physical education / patterns / formation

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kudratullo Nematulayevich Urinbayev

This article examines the development of physical culture in the general system of upbringing of preschool children. Since the correct physical education of children is one of the leading tasks of preschool institutions. Since good health obtained in preschool age is the foundation of the general development of a person.

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Kudratullo Nematulayevich Urinbayev

Teacher of the Department of Interfaculty Physical Culture and Sports Faculty of Physical Culture, Andizhan State University


This article examines the development of physical culture in the general system of upbringing of preschool children. Since the correct physical education of children is one of the leading tasks of preschool institutions. Since good health obtained in preschool age is the foundation of the general development of a person.

Keywords: education, health, development, physical education, patterns, formation.


In no other period of life is physical education connected so closely with general education as in the first six years. In the period of preschool childhood, the child lays the foundations of health, longevity, all-round motor readiness and harmonious physical development. A sick child who lags behind in physical development gets tired faster, he has unstable attention and memory. This general weakness also causes a variety of disorders in the activity of the body, not only leads to a decrease in ability, but also undermines the will of the child. No wonder the outstanding teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength in knowledge, and faith in their own strength depend on the health and cheerfulness of children. Therefore, it is extremely important to organize physical education classes in childhood, which will allow the body to accumulate strength and ensure further comprehensive harmonious development of the personality. At present, in a number of children's institutions work on physical education is carried out by the organizers of physical training. But in most preschool institutions, teachers are still involved in conducting physical education classes.

Since health is the first and most important human need, which determines his ability to work and ensures the harmonious development of the individual. It is the most important prerequisite for knowing the world around, for self-affirmation and human happiness. Active long life is an important component of the human factor.

A healthy lifestyle is a way of life based on the principles of morality, rationally organized, active, working, tempering and, at the same time, protecting from the adverse effects of the environment, allowing you to maintain moral, mental and physical health until a ripe old age.


Personality, as is known, is formed in the work, especially in the leading activity. For the teacher is that of teaching activities, the development of which started during the training. Educationally purposeful activity "breeds" (Leontiev) the necessary professional and personal qualities, which then ensures the success of professional work.

Building a unified system of psycho-pedagogical support of primary school teachers in the process of training in high school would, in the opinion of Zapesotsky, enhance their personal and professional development.

A. Zapesotsky wrote that the directions of support can be: the actual teaching and pedagogical interaction; interaction on the basis of the research activities; interpersonal interaction of educational process; interaction on the basis of targeted counseling and educational support to students.

To regulate and measure their performance, enhance its effectiveness, the teacher uses a variety of methods of self-examination, self-control, self-esteem and self-correction, trying to achieve a high level of professionalism and to develop not just the individual, and the individual-best style of its activities.

Pedagogical orientation of the individual as an integral quality, including in its substructure interest and inclination to pedagogical work, love for children, and focus on the development of the individual student.

Educational qualification or professional the necessary knowledge, skills, teaching skills.

Teaching abilities, in particular, teaching, academic, perceptual, organizational, expressive voice, communication, reflective, management, strong-willed (authoritarian), actor (elements), suggestive, projective, constructive, creative, and some others.

Teacher identity of the teacher as a set of ideas about themselves and their profession, self-assessment, definition of their goals and perspectives.

Personality of the teacher is the pivotal factor in academic work, because self-realization of the individual teacher, psychic development aimed at the student is the main content of the teacher. However, in all labor there is a result, in the teacher's

work is training and education students. Consequently, the formation of the ability to achieve the best results in their work and to objectively assess their well beyond the scope of training teachers.


According to the definition of the World Health Organization, "health is a state of physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects."

In general, we can talk about three types of health: physical, mental and moral (social) health.

The theory of physical education of preschool children, having a single content and subject of study with the general theory of physical education, at the same time specifically studies the laws governing the development of a child in the process of his education and training.

The theory of physical education of preschool children takes into account the possibilities of the body's working capacity, emerging interests and needs, the forms of visual-effective, visual-figurative and logical thinking, the originality of the prevailing type of activity, in connection with the development of which the main changes in the child's psyche take place and the child's transition to a new one is prepared. the highest stage of its development. In accordance with this, the theory of physical education of children develops the content of all forms of organization of physical education and the optimal pedagogical conditions for its implementation.

Learning and taking into account the regularities of the potential capabilities of a child of each age period, the theory of physical education provides for the requirements of a scientifically grounded program of the entire educational and educational complex of physical education (motor skills and abilities, physical qualities, some elementary knowledge), the assimilation of which provides children with the necessary level of physical fitness for admission to school [1].

Exceeding the requirements, accelerating the pace of education of children, bypassing the intermediate links of the program, should be considered unacceptable, since this causes unbearable stress in the body, harming the health and neuropsychic development of children. On this occasion, Academician A.V. Zaporozhets warns about the dangerous position of the supporters of the so-called artificial acceleration, who strive to unreasonably use the capabilities of a small child and, through super-early, maximally forced training, bring him as quickly as possible to high levels of physical and spiritual development. Physical education at the same time

comprehensively solves the problems of mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education [2]. In all forms of organization of physical education of children (classes, outdoor games, independent physical activity, and so on), the attention of the educator is directed to the upbringing of a thinking child, consciously acting according to his age capabilities, successfully mastering motor skills, able to navigate in the environment, actively overcome difficulties encountered , showing a desire for creative searches.


The theory of physical education of preschool children is constantly developing and enriched with new knowledge obtained as a result of research covering the diverse aspects of child education. Research data, tested in the mass practice of children's institutions, are introduced into programs, teaching aids, textbooks and practical work with children, contributing to the progress of the entire upbringing and educational process. Thus, the theory of physical education of preschool children contributes to the improvement of the entire system of physical education [1].

To carry out physical education of children, this means:

• Be able to analyze and assess the degree of physical health and motor development of children;

• Formulate the tasks of physical education for a certain period (for example, for an academic year) and determine the most important of them, taking into account the characteristics of each of the children;

• Organize the upbringing process in a specific system, choosing the most appropriate means, forms and methods of work in specific conditions;

• Design the desired level of the final result, anticipating the difficulties on the way to achieving the goals;

• Compare the results achieved with the initial data and the tasks set;

• Have self-esteem of professional skill, constantly improving it [5].

A direct relationship was established between the level of children's motor activity and their vocabulary, speech development, thinking. Under the influence of physical exercises, physical activity in the body increases the synthesis of biologically active compounds that improve sleep, have a beneficial effect on the mood of children, and increase their mental and physical performance.

By nature, a child is ready to constantly move, in movement he learns the world [4].

In the process of physical education, health-improving, educational and educational tasks are carried out.

Among the health-improving tasks, a special place is occupied by the protection of life and strengthening the health of children, and all-round physical development, improving the functions of the body, increasing activity and general performance.

Taking into account the specifics of age, health-improving tasks are defined in a more specific form: to help the formation of the curvature of the spine, to develop the arches of the foot, to strengthen the ligamentous-articular apparatus; promote the development of all muscle groups, especially the extensor muscles; the correct ratio of body parts; improving the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory system.

In addition, it is important to increase the general working capacity in children, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the child's body, the tasks are determined in a more specific form: to help the correct and timely ossification, the formation of spinal curves, to promote the correct development of thermoregulation. To improve the activity of the central nervous system: to promote the balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition, their mobility, as well as to improve the motor analyzer, sense organs.

The first seven years of a child's life are characterized by intensive development of all organs and systems. A child is born with certain inherited biological properties, including the typological characteristics of the main nervous processes (strength, balance and mobility). But these features are only the basis for further physical and mental development, and the determining factor from the first months of life is the environment and the upbringing of the child. Therefore, it is very important to create such conditions and organize upbringing in such a way that a cheerful, positively emotional state of the child, full-fledged physical and mental development is provided [3].

The natural forces of nature can be used as an independent tool. Water is used to cleanse the skin, mechanical action

Physical exercise is the main specific means of physical education that has a versatile effect on a person. They are used to solve the problems of physical education: they promote the implementation of mental, labor, and are also a means of treatment for many diseases [7].

Movement, physical exercise are considered a specific means of physical education. Motor activity is a biological need of the body, the degree of satisfaction of which depends on the health of children, their physical and general development.

The sooner the child realizes the need for his direct involvement with the riches of physical culture, the sooner an important need will form in him, reflecting a

positive attitude and interest in the physical side of his life. CONCLUSION

Thus, a reasonable choice of content and methods for the development of physical qualities is an important aspect of increasing the effectiveness of physical education.

In didactics, however, only general teaching methods are considered, that is, methods that do not take into account the specifics of individual subjects. The study of the possibilities of concrete implementation of general methods in primary teaching of mathematics through their modification and adaptation.


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