Arzikulov Otabek Ali o'g'li
Associate Professor, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan
Mamirova Madinabonu Bekhzoz qizi student, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan
otabek_0791 @mail .ru
Abstract: The article describes the state of development of small business and private entrepreneurship and the factors affecting it, the socio-economic aspects of the development of the sector and the evaluation of structural changes.
Key words: Small business, entrepreneurship, statistical analysis, creation coefficient, export potential, statistical methods, statistical evaluation.
Annotatsiya: Maqolada kichik biznes va xususiy tadbirkorlikni rivojlantirish holati va unga ta'sir etuvchi omillar, tarmoq rivojlanishining ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy jihatlari va tarkibiy o'zgarishlarga baho berilgan.
Kalit so'zlar: Kichik biznes, tadbirkorlik, statistik tahlil, yaratish koeffitsienti, eksport salohiyati, statistik usullar, statistik baholash.
Development of the national economy on the basis of free competition in the conditions of the pandemic is one of the most urgent issues of today.
It is known that, although sufficient favorable opportunities and conditions have been created for the development of entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan, its share in the economy is still lower than the level of the developed countries of the world, and there are organizational, economic, legal and social issues that are waiting to be solved in this area. many problems. In today's conditions of increasingly strong competition in the world, it is one of the most important feature to fundamentally increase the competitiveness of our economy, to strengthen support for enterprises that produce products for export, and to comprehensively encourage the participation of farms, small businesses and private enterprises in export activities.
The adoption of the Decree PF-6314 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 15, 2021 "On measures to further reduce the administrative and tax burden for business entities, and to improve the system of protection of legal interests of business" is the most important , aimed at further strengthening the legal protection of private property, creating favorable conditions for small business and private entrepreneurship and comprehensive support[1].
From this point of view, today in the process of further liberalization and deepening of economic reforms in Uzbekistan, the statistical analysis of the state of development of small business entities, the study and evaluation of its impact on the country's economy are of great importance in making decisions on the development of the sector. Because, in the conditions of the pandemic, the development of small
entrepreneurship, the formation of a class of owners, the filling of markets with consumer goods, the creation of a competitive environment, and the elimination of unemployment are among the main priorities for the country. Under these conditions, entrepreneurship, including small entrepreneurship, and ensuring its efficiency is one of the important factors in ensuring employment and increasing income of the population in the regions of our country, increasing export potential, and ensuring stable socio-economic development.
In particular, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan's February 7, 2017 "Strategy of Actions for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021" also set priority tasks such as ensuring the stability of the national economy and supporting and developing the private sector. was given[2]. In order to ensure the implementation of these priority tasks, comprehensive support of small business and private business entities in the regions of our republic is of great importance in ensuring their stable development.
Especially in the current conditions, the role of small business and private entrepreneurship in the development of the national and regional economy is increasing. This industry occupies a leading position in filling the domestic market, satisfying the material needs of the population for products and services, and supporting exports[3].
According to statistical analysis, the subjects of Jizzakh region have a significant contribution to the development of the small business sector in our republic. Today, the permanent population of the region is 1 million. There are 410.5 thousand people, in which the number of labor resources is 773.8 thousand people (57.5 percent), the number of economically active population is 600.1 thousand people (42.5 percent), the number of people employed in the economy is 534.0 thousand people (37.8 percent)[4].
Along with the growth of the permanent population in the region, the number of people employed in the economy is also increasing. For example, in 2016, the growth rate of the population employed in the economy in the region was 103.0% compared to the previous year, and this indicator was 99.6% in 2020[5].
Also, the volume of innovative goods, works, and services produced by small enterprises and micro-firms increased dramatically during the analyzed period. In particular, these innovative products in the region amounted to only 55.1 billion soums in 2016, but by 2020, they reached 456.5 billion soums or increased by 8.2 times [6].
According to our analysis, in the studied years, the level of general profitability in small business entities of the region was decreasing[7]. For example, in 2016, the overall rate of profitability of small business entities of the region was 14.9 percent, but it decreased significantly year by year (14.0 percent in 2017, 11.6 percent in 2018 respectively), and in 2020 this percentage the indicator was only 2.8 percent.
1. It is necessary to support and encourage export-oriented production in the field of small business in the region. For this purpose, the development of special
"Uzbek foreign trade houses" that can successfully sell the goods and services of small business entities in the foreign market, the implementation of the international system of quality management, increasing the competitiveness of goods and services, the efficiency of providing transport services for exported goods it is necessary to develop improvement measures.
2. It is necessary to develop a clear goal and strategy for the effective organization of innovative development in the field of small business. In this case, it is appropriate to determine the integral indicators of the innovative development of small business entities and determine the forecast indicators in the future.
1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 15, 2021 No. PF-6314 "On measures to further reduce the administrative and tax burden for business entities and improve the system of protection of legal interests of business". National database of legislative information, 16.09.2021, No. 06/21/6314/0876.
2. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 No. PF-4947 "On the strategy of actions for further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan". Collection of Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2017, No. 6, Article 70.
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