Научная статья на тему 'Improving the combing technology and tool for sowing the cotton'

Improving the combing technology and tool for sowing the cotton Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Mamatov Farmon Murtozevich, Berdimuratov Parakhat Tajimuratovich

For protection of sowing the cotton from rain and inclusions of formation of soil scabs, there is proposed the combing technology, providing the formation of combs simultaneously with the sowing of seeds. It is established that application of combing technology with simultaneous formation of combs shall increase the amount of raising of plants into 17.8% and raise the crop capacity of cotton to 8.3% in comparison with the traditional methods

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Текст научной работы на тему «Improving the combing technology and tool for sowing the cotton»

Mamatov Farmon Murtozevich, Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute, professor, Head of the Department of scientific-applied researches and Innovation E-mail: fmamatov50@mail.ru Berdimuratov Parakhat Tajimuratovich, Turin polytechnic university Tashkent, Senior research fellow-applicant (Republic of Uzbekistan)


Abstract: For protection of sowing the cotton from rain and inclusions of formation of soil scabs, there is proposed the combing technology, providing the formation of combs simultaneously with the sowing of seeds. It is established that application of combing technology with simultaneous formation of combs shall increase the amount of raising of plants into 17.8% and raise the crop capacity of cotton to 8.3% in comparison with the traditional methods.

Keywords: cotton, sowing machine, technology, rake-forming machine, rain stream, seed bed, comb.

Introduction. It is known that available traditional middle combs, compactor 3 is condensed by its roller

4 after placement of seeds in a groove partially closes up it and condenses the soil. Coverer 5 close up seeds on established depth, and roller with a conic rim 6 condenses the soil.

Rake-former of comb 1 is executed in the form of a metal box in form of a isosceles trapeze with an open bottom and narrowed on length of side edges. The top basis of the former in output narrowed part is supplied with a mechanism of consolidation of soil of comb. Formation of comb with a necessary density is provided by design geometrical data of a box.

One of main requirements to parameters of comb is an opportunity to protect a seed bed from its flooding by rain streams and therefore to protect from a scab forming. It is known that when forming combs their sidewalls are showered at an angle natural slope. Therefore, when dumping the soil in the field there are formed a bed in form reminding the isosceles triangle. However for work of working bodies of seeders at top of such combs, it is necessary to have the platform which has to be with a width of 160-170 mm [1, 25-28]. For this purpose it is necessary to cut off its top, therefore, after it such a crest before crops turns into isosceles trapeze (fig. 2). A form by which it is assumed as a basis for carrying out the subsequent calculations.

technology of sowing the cotton on smooth field is very sensitive to climatic changes. In sowing the cotton on smooth field with abundant rain streams there happens the flood of seed bed, that causes the decrease of germination of seeds and scab forming [1, 25-28].

Now in our republic there widely spread the combing technology of sowing the tilled crops [2, 125-126; 3, 27]. At comb sowing there are created the favorable water and temperature conditions for fast and full raise of seeds. Therefore formation of combs along with sowing is a necessary operation.

Objects and methods of researches. Object of researches is a rake- former for formation of combs along with sowing the seeds of cotton and technological process realized by it.

Researches in laboratory and field conditions were conducted on O'z RH 63.06: 2001. "Tests of agricultural machinery. Sowing cars. Program and test methods".

Discussion of results. In the Tashkent state agricultural university of Uzbekistan there is developed a technology of sowing with simultaneous formation of combs [4, 15]. Offered technology is carried out as follows (fig.1): rake-former 1 moving across the field forms and condenses the comb, then runner-form ploughshare 2 going after him opens a groove on the

Section 11. Technical science

Figure 1. Technology of sowing with simultaneous forming the combs: a - from side; 6 - from up

From (fig. 2) it is seen that for ensuring protection cross-sectional area of rainfall in row-spacing during a of a seed box against flooding the cross-sectional area of day (QBm). a groove of a row-spacing of SCDKM has to be more than

Figure 2. Scheme on definition of comb parameters

Proceeding from it, there is formed the following dependence for definition of minimal admissible height of comb

H = 0,5(BM-b)tgp — [(BM-b)tgpf -4QcBMtgMl) where ¡3 - is an angle of natural slope, hail; b - width of height of comb, mm;

Bm - width ofrow-spacing, mm; Q - daily settling, mm. It is known that under influence of rainfall the combs settle. Coefficient the considering soil Fig depending on height of a comb makes K = 0,85-0,90 [5, 102-115]. Actual height of bed also depends on size of height of roughness of a surface of the field h which is on average equal to 30-40 mm. Having substituted Bm = 900 mm and Q = 34 mm and also values of b parameters, and & = 32-41o [5, 12-14] in (1) we find that H = 49,5mm,

■ Max

H = 39,6mm. With account of shrinkage of the soil, ac-

MUH ' O '

tual minimum height of bed H1 and width of bed on the basis of b is determined by the following dependences

H = H + h, bm = 2H1ctgß



Inserting into (2) the values of H, b, & and h we will get: H1 > 100 mm; bgi > 390.

Taking into account comb parameters on the basis of calculations the rake- former parameters are determined: width of entrance edge of runner b = 150-180 mm, width of output edge of runner B = 288-323 mm, a tilt angle of side dump to direction of movement a = 16-17°, length of dump is L =203-215 mm, height of side dump h = 141-150 mm, angle of installation of side dump to horizon &y = 42-45o.

We have made a prototype of rake-former to the cotton seeder and conducted the comparative laboratory field researches. Experiments were made in the following options: crops of cotton on the smooth field (control); crops on the combs, created along with crops of cotton.

By researches it is established that at crops rake-former provides formation of crests with the required parameters: height of crests was 10,1-10,7 cm, and after seal of seeds of coverer and roll-on - 12,0-13,0 cm. Observations have shown that at crops on crests hit of a rain stream in a seed bed is eliminated and emergence of shoots, development of plants accelerates, re-sowings of cotton is excluded.

At offered way of crops there are created favorable temperature, water and air conditions. Crops of cotton on combs, prepared along with crops provide the optimum temperature of soil at the beginning of April at

depth of4,0-5,0 cm in limits 12-14 o C at humidity ofsoil of 12-13% and density of soil within 1,04-1,16 gm/cm3 that contributed to good development of plants. As a result of application of plants seeding offered and developed for it the seeder quantity productivity of cotton has risen to 9,9% in comparison of productivity of cotton seeded on the smooth field increases by 17,8%.

Conclusion. At crops of cotton seeds on combs with simultaneous formation of combs the rises of plants increases, and productivity of cotton increases in comparison with a smooth way of crops.


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4. Patent of the RUz No. FAP 00473. Device for crops on combs / Sayfi E. H., Duskulov A. A., Isakov A. A., Ber-dimuratov P. T., Khalilov R. D., Urimbayev O. K. // Official bulletin.- 2009.- No. 7. - 99 p.

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