UDC 339.92+330.342.146(477)
doi: 10.12958/1817-3772-2020-4(62)-180-189
T. Tokarskyi,
PhD (Economics), ORCID 0000-0002-3924-1253, e-mail: [email protected],
National Institute for Strategic Studies, Kyiv
Setting up the issue. As of today, the leading vector of Ukrainian society's development is the establishment of a socially oriented state, which is integrated into the world economy on the basis of the national economy's competitiveness aimed at providing for proper living conditions. The essence of a socially oriented economy is in the point that the state is a guarantor of the decent and safe life of the people. State management of the market economy is aimed at ensuring stability and legality of all processes, which in their turn extend to social institutions.
The experience of forming a social market economy in European countries allows us to formulate the basic principles of this type of economic system:
- rule of law - as a social market economy can be realized in a state governed by the rule of law only;
- sustainability of economic growth as a material basis of well-being;
- freedom of economic activity of business entities within the framework of current laws;
- social security, which involves preventing the occurrence, blocking and compensation of negative consequences of social risks and threats by ensuring the systemic and coordinated nature of all components of public policy;
- social justice, which is realized through equal access of citizens to all types of resources, economic redistribution of income and support for socially vulnerable groups;
- social solidarity, which means equal responsibility of different social groups, and consensus being the highest level of society development;
- subsidiarity, according to which the distribution of powers between bodies of different territorial levels should be carried out in such a way as to bring the decision-making process as close as possible to the citizen. Each level should ensure sufficient volume and quality of social services in accordance with national standards;
- social partnership as a mechanism of functioning of a developed social organism and a system of legal and organizational norms, principles, structures, measures aimed at ensuring interaction between employees, employers, public authorities on social and labor issues;
- mutual responsibility, which provides a clear definition and division of areas of social responsibility of all levels of government and administration, society and each individual.
Based on these considerations, a number of priority tasks should be outlined that need to be accomplished to ensure the economic security of the state.
Human capital is undoubtedly the key value of any society. Its development can be ensured by providing conditions for the development of each individual, with due account to his or her interests. In the context of economic globalization, human capital is the direct and main productive force. World Bank analysts note that the production component of GDP in developed countries is 18-20%, and 80% of total national wealth and it directly depends on the quality of human capital [1, p. 238]. Implementation of incentives for human activity, disclosure, preservation and development of socio-demographic, educational, cultural, intellectual and informational, mental and other components of human resources - determines the human dimension, the social orientation of public policy. Therefore, the main priority of public policy is the reproduction and accumulation of human capital.
The strategic course for European integration, as a priority of domestic and foreign policy, chosen by Ukraine, provides the modernization of all spheres of people's lives at the state and local levels in accordance with the broad context of the development strategy of the European Union. The Europe 2020 Socio-Economic Development Strategy presented in early March 2010 [2] is based on the following development priorities:
- economic development based on knowledge and innovation;
- promoting the development of a more resource-efficient, environmentally friendly and competitive economy;
- ensuring a high rate of employment, achieving social and territorial cohesion.
According to the Strategy, to further increase competitiveness and sustainable growth of the economies, the EU Member States are to launch long-term reforms.
Ukraine, of course, must abide by common European values. At the same time, the implementation of the provisions of the Association Agreement between the European Union, and its Member States, the European Atomic Energy Community of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part, (from 21.03.2014 and 27.06.2014) [3], provides for the institutional integration of social policy, mechanisms and levels of social security, expansion of participants in the institution of social partnership, involvement in the social dialogue of civil society actors, etc. The implementation of these
tasks can be ensured, on the one hand, taking into account the peculiarities of the domestic socio-economic system and the previous trajectory of development, on the other - the introduction of key elements of the European social model, high social standards and the implementation of active employment policies.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Among the researchers of economic security problems one can name the following Ukrainian and foreign academicians: O. Vlasyuk, R. Datskiv, E. Dmitrenko, Y. Zhalilo, V. Zagariy, L. Kozak, O. Lyashenko, I. Mi-gus, V. Margasova, G. Tarasyuk.
At the same time, a number of works were devoted to the issues of formation of the welfare state and the development of social factors of economic security. These are publications by O. Amosha, V. Antonyuk, M. Deich, L. Didkivska, O. Ilyash, E. Libanova, O. No-vikova, I. Sakhan, N. Solonenko, N. Ushenko and others.
However, the peculiarities of economic transformation require a comprehensive study of social aspects of economic security in the context of European integration, which determines the relevance of further research.
The purpose of the article is to study the social aspects of economic security through the paradigm of modern European integration processes.
Presentation of the main material. Practice shows that one of the priority directions of Ukraine's movement towards the European Union is the imple-
mentation of a purposeful social policy. In our opinion, the institutionalization of its new model should be implemented taking into account the following aspects:
- social criteria are basic when assessing economic growth in the medium and long term;
- rejection of paternalistic views should not be equated with the removal of the state from social functions;
- the formation of the market of social services and the introduction of insurance systems should be accompanied by a proportional increase in income of the employed population;
- mechanisms of social policy should be developed based on real opportunities and interests of different social groups.
The formation of institutional principles should be based on strategic concepts of social policy of the European Union, ILO conventions and provisions (provisions of ILO Conventions № 117 "On the main objectives and norms of social policy" [4], ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on September 16, 2015, and № 102 "On minimum standards of social security", ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on March 16, 2016) [5]. In particular, Article 1 of the ILO Convention № 117 clearly states that the social policy of the state should be aimed primarily at achieving the well-being and development of the population, as well as at encouraging its desire for social progress (Fig. 1):
social development inclusiveness
competitive conditions for development
accessibility and high quality if social services
decent work, healthy longevity
high quality of life, including working life
Fig. 1. Strategic concepts of social policy of the European Union, the adaptation of which will contribute to economic security
Compiled by the author after [6, p. 106].
In other words, modern ideology, based on the principles of human protection from major social risks (disability, impoverishment, etc.) and, partially, social paternalism, must be reconsidered in the context of principles of social inclusion. Improvement of existing approaches to social programming should start with a focus on the development and implementation of fundamental for social development of state targeted programs which are implemented in the context of domestic and international social issues. Reorientation of domestic social policy requires correction of the forecasting and monitoring system of implementation of various levels of social development programs, in particular state targeted social programs in terms of revision of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of social support programs.
The demographic problem is one of the urgent for the current stage of development of Ukraine and, at the same time, perhaps the most difficult one. The existing demographic potential of the country, which should provide a basis for the development of social components of economic growth, significantly limits the opportunities for activating the innovative levers of its development. As can be seen from the forecasts of experts [7, p. 43], demographic problems will be exacerbated by such negative trends as: reduction, aging and declining share of the working age population, as a result of maintaining a low share of the population of younger age groups. Limited opportunities to reconcile the family responsibilities of women with work (due to the lack of networks of preschool institutions, the existence of certain gender restrictions and stereotypes in the employment of women with children) make it difficult to increase women's economic activity.
At the same time, it should be noted that an inefficient health care system is a deterrent to the development of human capital, which narrows the possibilities for its reproduction in the future. The low level of income of a large part of the population, and, as a consequence, the strengthening of property stratification in the society, leads to limited access to health care for low-income groups. In addition, inefficient management of the medical sector, problems with the financial provision of health care facilities (which significantly limit the possibilities of their modernization), problems with staffing (due to the low level of wages of medical workers) lead to the reduced quality of medical services. Accordingly, it does not reduce the morbidity of the population, and gradually narrows the opportunities for reproduction of human capital.
Human life and health are recognized by the Constitution of Ukraine (Article 3) [8] as the highest social values. Everyone has the right to health care, medical assistance and medical insurance. The Ukraine-2020 Strategy of Sustainable Development recognizes implementation of health care reform as one of the top priorities [9]. The goal of state policy in this area is a radical, systemic reform aimed at creating a patient-oriented system capable of providing medical care for all citizens
of Ukraine at the level of developed European countries. The European Union's European Health Strategy 2020 program has been identified as a benchmark for reform.
Within the framework of priority tasks on the way to building a welfare state, an important task is to strengthen the environmental component in the economic system of the state. This requires, first of all, the creation of a system of economic and legal mechanism of material incentives for business to environmental responsibility, which can be tax benefits, regulation of prices for resources and environmentally friendly products, public procurement, concessional loans for environmental protection measures and more. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the coercive social and environmental component of business responsibility by increasing penalties (established amounts of fines for violations of environmental legislation should correspond to economic losses from environmental violations and exceed the cost of precautionary measures). The priority condition for ensuring stable production rates is the introduction of new and improvement of existing environmentally hazardous technologies and equipment.
Another challenge to economic security is to ensure physical, social and economic availability of a sufficient number of safe and quality foods that meet the needs and preferences of the population, as well as sufficient for their active and healthy lifestyle [10, p. 39]. These tasks lie in the field of food security, which is an important component of economic security, given the need for the state to adequately meet the primary needs of the population in food as one of the basic factors of life and human capital development.
In addressing food security, priority must be given to the development and effective use of the powerful agricultural potential of our country, which can act as a locomotive for the development of the social sphere in rural areas, the national economy and its effective integration into the world economic space. Therefore, in the process of further convergence with the European and the world markets, increasing the efficiency of the agricultural sector is one of the priorities of state policy of modern Ukraine in the context of strengthening the state economic security.
Building a welfare state, which Ukraine has proclaimed in the Constitution, requires shaping of a new paradigm of transformation in the socio-economic sphere, in which labor market is the determining component. The aggravation of internal socio-economic processes in the labor market is under the influence of an unstable external environment. There is a need to adapt it to uncertainty with the subsequent transition from the stage of adaptation to the stage of effective development. Low adaptation of the Ukrainian labor market leads to deepening labor market disparities, rising unemployment, job losses and layoffs, underemployment, declining incomes, social tensions, and increased legal and illegal labor migration. The development of an adequate state employment policy should be based on the
results of comprehensive monitoring and scenario forecasting of the dynamics of structural and cyclical changes in the labor market. Forecasting labor market trends should take into account, in addition to domestic economic, influential external factors in the context of a variety of direct and feedback links with other macro-economic and demographic processes.
Theoretical and applied research of social and labor relations of employment as a conceptual strategy to
ensure labor market security resulted in the establishment of a systemic approach to its formation in the short, medium and long term (Fig. 2).
Employment policy priorities can be considered in two dimensions: economic and social. The economic dimension involves the creation of decent high-productivity jobs, which is hampered by the country's low economic development and low productivity.
Market security guarantees
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Fig. 2. Directions of state policy in the sphere of labor market security and employment aimed at ensuring the economic security of the state
Compiled by the author.
Another macroeconomic condition for the transformation of the labor market is the transition from the policy of promoting to the policy of ensuring full productive employment in Ukraine. Priority tasks of economic policy are as follows: ensuring implementation of national projects to create jobs; investment and innovation projects in those areas of economy which provide for the employment of highly qualified workers; development of production clusters, small and medium business; development of infrastructure projects. Ensuring effective employment requires innovative methods of state regulation in this sphere.
The need to ensure decent work in Ukraine is an urgent need for the development of the labor market and social relations and meets the requirements for the implementation of plans for the implementation of EU legislation set out in Annex XL to the Association Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part (from 21.03.2014 and 27.06.2014), as it provides for the gradual adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to EU legislation and standards in the social and labor sphere. These include standards in the areas of employment, social policy, equal opportunities and the prevention of any discrimination, reform of the pension system, protection of workers' labor rights, improving occupational safety and health. The implementation of the provisions of the
Agreement will contribute to the improvement of social and labor relations taking into account international norms, which are important in the formation of a balanced economic policy of the state; raising social standards of the working population, social protection, quality of working life, ensuring decent wages. It is important not only to increase the income of the population, and consequently the quality of its life, but also to improve the system of social support [11, p. 31].
The issue of increasing social guarantees and their provision in accordance with the requirements and obligations of Ukraine in connection with the ratification of the International Labor Organization Convention № 102 on minimum standards of social security and the European Social Security Code [12] is growing. The effectiveness and efficiency of wage policy depends not so much on the rapid increase in the minimum wage, but on the successful implementation of public policy aimed at: promoting effective economic development, ensuring a decent wage, a fair system of income taxation, combating and eliminating "shadow" wages in terms of tight budget savings.
Business development as a resource for job creation is possible by reducing the institutional burden. To create a favorable regulatory climate, it is important to study the experience of countries that are leaders in ensuring the ease of doing business [13]. Thus, among the
leading countries in the index of ease of doing business should be mentioned the following: New Zealand, Singapore, Denmark, Hong Kong, the Republic of Korea, Georgia, Norway. In this ranking, Ukraine ranks 71st among 190 countries. One of the weak links for Ukraine is investor protection, where Ukraine ranks 75th. Among the leading countries on this issue are New Zealand, Singapore, China, Canada and the United States. According to the results of this rating, the issue of taxation is acute for Ukraine. Strong administrative commitments apply to the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Singapore, and Canada.
A characteristic feature of modern society is the spread of information and communication technologies, which affects the change in the organization of labor. In such conditions, the strategy of economic development of the state should be based on the improvement of employment policy aimed at innovative development and the creation of additional conditions for the involvement of the unemployed in socially useful activities. One of the alternatives to stable employment is the development of non-standard forms of employment, in which 30-35% of employees work in Western countries.
The next of the most important priorities of labor market regulation in terms of increasing employment is to improve the sectoral and vocational structure of employment. The employment structure formed in Ukraine does not meet the needs of innovative economic development; there are not enough specialists in the field of high technologies. An important initiative for economic growth will be the expansion of employment in science, science-intensive industries, highly qualified services (educational, consulting, IT, communications, etc.). In particular, it is advisable to develop and implement a program aimed at developing human resources in the production of high-tech products (defense industry, electronics, telecommunications, aerospace, pharmaceuticals, etc.).
The demographic situation in the country, depopulation requires the implementation of the principles of containment and mitigation of the consequences of the reduction of the working age population and the increase in the cost of maintaining the elderly (pensions, health care, etc.). The effects of the declining working age population can be mitigated by pursuing a policy of encouraging active lifestyles for older people, and thus providing opportunities, especially for highly qualified older people. Further initiatives to organize retraining and retraining courses for the elderly will be useful here, so that they have the opportunity to adapt to the new profession, position, specialty offered by the employer. The initiative to gradually exclude an elderly person from professional activity will be relevant, i.e. the use of such mechanisms as reduction of the working day (week), flexible schedule, remote forms of employment, home work. The increase in the cost of pensions, medical care or long-term maintenance (nursing homes, etc.) can be curbed by reforming the relevant programs. Therefore, in order to benefit from economic growth
from expanding employment in an aging population, the focus should be on job creation, which allows skilled workers to maintain economic activity longer and jobs that reduce the cost of providing services to older people (stimulating employment in social areas). services, health care.
In terms of effective employment, the issue of interaction between labor markets and education remains urgent to address in our country. Prolonged imperfections in the interaction of labor and education markets have had a negative impact on both markets, leading to non-compliance of professional qualification standards with production requirements, deteriorating the quality of training and exacerbating the imbalance of vacancies by profession. The purpose of cooperation between labor and education markets is to meet the needs of all stakeholders, which on the one hand allows to balance the supply and demand for skilled labor, to achieve higher quality education (improving its content and improving the form), and on the other - to satisfy all stakeholders in relevant educational products and services.
One of the biggest obstacles for constructing a new model of socio-economic development at the present stage in our country is the high level of "shadowing" of employment, which makes it impossible to accelerate economic reforms, increase social living standards on integration into the European community. The high level of "shadowing" of employment is a reflection of the spread of economic crime, corruption in public authorities, illegal economic activity and a consequence of low legal and tax culture and the weakness of socioeconomic institutions. A significant level of "shadowing" is seen as a threat to vital national interests. The urgency of the problem of legalization of employment and wages in Ukraine today is due to its scale and extremely negative and devastating consequences for both the state and workers. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the state policy of Ukraine is the concentration of efforts of all branches of government on the comprehensive implementation of radical economic, administrative, managerial and organizational measures to legalize employment and wages.
Reduction of informal employment in Ukraine and its legalization requires first of all the implementation of employment policy measures that have a strong anticrisis focus, in particular:
- coordination of government efforts at all levels in the implementation of policies in the field of labor application and reducing the scale of its "shadowing";
- employment policy should be aimed at ensuring a socially acceptable level of unemployment by promoting the redistribution of labor by economic sectors, territories and types of employment in the interests of structural change and productivity growth with the maximum possible social support for the unemployed;
- ensuring the balance of supply and demand in the labor market and improving the quality of vocational education should be ensured through the adoption of professional standards, which will combine the market
requirements of employers for training. The developed professional standards will allow carrying out objective certification and current assessment of the personnel of the enterprises and will allow creating an objective basis concerning branch standards of payment.
The issue of strengthening social dialogue, which is an important tool in the work to protect the interests of human labor, achieving social justice remains important issue in the field of stabilization of the situation on the labor market. In times of crisis, consensus building among key stakeholders and their democratic participation in finding solutions are paramount. In Ukraine, the weakness of the trade union movement and the lack of effective associations of employers necessitates the expansion and strengthening of the role of the state in establishing social dialogue between employers and employees, reconciling contradictions between them, reducing tensions in society. At the same time, Ukraine's strategic course towards European integration reinforces the need to implement the concept of decent work through the implementation of its main priorities through the mechanisms of social dialogue. This requires intensification of the activities of all-Ukrainian trade unions to expand the scope of sectoral agreements and meaningful fulfillment of obligations in the field of employment, safety and working conditions, compliance with social guarantees, etc. The development of social dialogue using the best elements of international experience is associated with the formation of high social responsibility of the state, business, trade unions, NGOs to solve problems in the field of social and labor relations and improve the quality of working life.
The process of globalization, which is characterized by growing economic interdependence of countries around the world as a result of increasing volumes and dynamization of cross-border movements of goods, services, capital, labor, technology, contributes to competition, the emergence of new forms and methods, provides additional competitive advantages. Under these conditions, the intellectualization of the factors of social production is the dominant factor in creating unique competitive advantages in the long run. The experience of developed countries demonstrates the need for a holistic and effective national innovation system, the main purpose of which is to ensure the competitiveness of the national economy and improve the level and quality of life. This is achieved by increasing the volume of stimulation of innovation activity, increasing the volume of production of knowledge-intensive products and increasing incomes; creation of new jobs in the field of scientific and technical activities and in the field of hightech production; raising the educational level of the population; creating favorable conditions for the development, preservation and effective use of intellectual potential. At the same time, due to the influence of external and internal factors there is a possibility of certain dangers in such areas as the formation and reproduction of labor potential, social development in the region, labor
market and employment, migration at state and regional levels [14, p. 42].
The issue of urgent nature remains the financial support of the development of the sphere, which necessitates the improvement of the mechanism of state payments for the field of research, distribution and control of their use. Limited and inefficient use of budget resources requires the improvement of relations between the subjects of budget policy by supporting the development of scientific and technical sphere by identifying shortcomings in the organizational, regulatory and legal nature and adjusting the functional responsibilities of government. The key task in the field of improving the budget support of scientific, technical and innovative spheres is the introduction of an effective scientifically sound system for evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of the use of budget funds. No less important element that can affect the quality of budget support is budget control. Improving the financial situation in the research and innovation sphere can be achieved to some extent by redistributing and concentrating budget funds in priority areas.
The basis for the reproduction of scientific and technical potential is the staffing of the industry. The analysis of human resources shows the crisis of the actual staffing system of scientific organizations of Ukraine and the practical absence of actions (legislative, economic, administrative) aimed at slowing down the negative processes. It is known that the key to increasing the level of income is investment, development of scientific and technical thought and the work of professional, highly educated, talented people [15, p. 259]. Attempts to preserve traditional structures and state regulation by individual elements of this system lead to an increase in sectoral disparities in the system of training scientific personnel and threaten the scientific and technological development of domestic enterprises. In fact, some components of the system of production of scientific personnel perform functions that do not ensure its integrity.
The process of human resources formation should take place on the basis of priority for the state scientific areas in which the training of scientific personnel should be carried out. The system of scientific personnel training must be coordinated with the needs and priorities of scientific and technical development. Overcoming structural imbalances requires the introduction on a regular basis of personnel forecasts that will provide a rapid response to changes in demand and supply of specialists. Due attention should be paid to the quality and consistency of training of highly qualified scientific personnel in postgraduate and doctoral studies of higher education, as well as academic institutions. Due attention should be paid to expanding the range of training of specialists with new technical, technological, social and economic technologies. The issue of training management staff for science and developing and applying new high standards remains important. The shortage of a new type of management specialists, as well as their lack of
motivation to make responsible decisions, creates an insurmountable barrier to the introduction of new developments and leads to the degradation and outflow of national intellectual potential.
Building a national innovation system involves not only the support and regulation of science and technology, but the implementation of strategic goals for the development of the innovation component. (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3. Innovation-based strategic social vectors of economic security in the context of global challenges
Compiled by the author.
The regulatory role of the state should be aimed at: identifying and supporting priority areas of innovation; formation and implementation of state, sectoral, regional and local innovation programs; creation of legal framework and economic mechanisms to support and stimulate innovation; protection of the rights and interests of the subjects of innovation activity; financial support for the implementation of innovative projects; directing credit and tax policies to stimulate innovation. Among the priority tasks on the way to the formation of the national innovation system is to promote the development of high-tech sectors of the Ukrainian economy and relevant cluster structures. In the context of building an innovative model, it is important to develop a system of technology transfer within the country. On the one hand, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for institutions and organizations engaged in scientific and technical activities to transform their scientific achievements into innovation and their implementation in production. On the other hand, it is necessary to create conditions for increasing the demand for scientific achievements by manufacturing enterprises, increasing the level of innovation activity of these enterprises. This requires: improvement of the current regulatory framework in
order to create favorable conditions for the commercialization of technology; introduction of effective, transparent mechanisms to stimulate and support scientific and innovative activities (including small business) that meet the requirements of international law; development of modern forms of educational and consulting activities in the field of innovative entrepreneurship, expansion of partnerships with leading foreign business schools through the organization of joint programs in the field of innovative entrepreneurship; achieving the optimal combination of mechanisms for generating and disseminating scientific and technical information in compliance with the principle of protection of intellectual property rights.
Conclusions and prospects for further research. During the long transformation period, Ukraine has accumulated serious problems causing negative consequences in measuring the level and quality of people's lives. Therefore, awareness of priorities and specific ways to face those challenges is one of the most acute and urgent tasks of our time. Fulfillment of these tasks is necessary prerequisite for further social progress and economic security of the state. The complexity and scale of the tasks of the state in ensuring the economic secu-
Ekohomihhhh bichhk ^OH6acy № 4(62), 2020
rity, overcoming the problems in the field of human capital accumulation and achieving European standards in the national social sphere, requires a systematic approach in the state's management efforts. The systemic approach envisages, first of all, coordination of actions of all political actors both on vertical and horizontal levels.
Implementation of Ukraine's national priorities of state policy in social sphere should result in the establishment of a favorable social environment, which, together with a competitive economic space, will constitute the basis for social progress. Efficient state policy in social sphere will lead to the formation of a socially prosperous society.
At the same time, peculiarities of transformation of Ukraine's economy require further research in the sphere of adaptations of Ukraine's social policy to the common European social policy and its economic and security dimensions.
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Токарський Т. Б. Пщвищення економ1чноТ без-пеки шляхом евроштеграцшних реформ украТн-ського сощального сектору
Вщповщно до статп 1 Конституцп Украни - Ук-рана е демократичною, соцiальною та правовою державою. Розбудова високорозвинено! сощально1 дер-жави в Украiнi потребуе формування концептуально! моделi й механiзмiв ii функцiонування. Активна й ефективна сощальна полiтика повинна стати мщним пiдIрунтям усебiчного iнновацiйного, соцiального роз-витку краши, iнтегрування в Свропейський Союз, тд-ставою розбудови сощально! держави з конкуренто-спроможною, сощально орiентованою ринковою еко-номiкою, здатною забезпечити людський розвиток, гiдний рiвень та якiсть життя громадян.
У пропонованш статтi об1рунтовано проблему за-безпечення економiчноi безпеки держави й запропоно-вано шляхи досягнення европейських стандарпв для нацiональноi соцiальноi сфери. Визначено, що обра-ний Украшою стратегiчний курс европейськоi штегра-ци е прiоритетом внутрiшньоi i зовшшньо! полiтики, що передбачае модернiзацiю вах сфер життя громадян на державному й мюцевому рiвнях вiдповiдно до широкого контексту стратеги розвитку краш Свросоюзу.
Сучасну iдеологiю, що 1рунтуеться на принципах убезпечення людини вiд основних соцiальних ризикiв (втрати працездатностi, зубожiння тощо) та, частково, сощального патерналiзму, слiд переглянути в кон-текстi принципiв соцiальноi шклюзп. А вдосконалення наявних пiдходiв сощального програмування варто розпочати з концентраци на розробленнi й виконаннi основоположних для соцiального розвитку державних цшьових програм, що реалiзуються у контексп внут-рiшньоi' та мiжнародноi сощально].' проблематики.
Переорiентацiя вiтчизняноi соцiальноi полггики потребуе корекцii' прогнозно-монiторинговоi системи виконання рiзнорiвневих програм соцiального розвитку, зокрема державних цшьових сощальних програм у частит перегляду критерив ощнювання ефек-тивностт програм соцiальноi пiдтримки населения.
Ключовi слова: европейська тегращя, економiчна безпека, соцiальна держава, сощальна полгтика, соща-льне партнерство, економiчна полiтика, економiчна система.
Tokarskyi T. Improving Economic Security through European Integration Reforms in Ukraine's Social Sector
According to the Constitution of Ukraine (Article 1), Ukraine is a democratic, social and rule of law state. Developing a highly developed welfare state in Ukraine requires shaping its concept model and mechanisms of its functioning. Active and efficient social policy should become a solid foundation for comprehensive innovative, social development, integration into the European Union, the basis for developing a welfare state with a competitive socially oriented market economy capable of ensuring human development, decent standards and quality of life.
This article substantiates the problem of ensuring the economic security of the state and suggests the ways to achieve European standards in the national social sphere. Ukraine has chosen the strategic course of the European integration as a priority of its domestic and foreign policy. This course provides for modernization of all spheres of life at the state and local levels in accordance with the broad context of the development strategy of the EU member states.
Modern ideology, which is based on the principles of protection of citizens from major social risks (disability, impoverishment, etc.) and, partially, social paternalism, should be reconsidered in the context of principled of social inclusion. Improvement of existing approaches to social programming should start with a focus on the development and implementation of fundamental for social development state targeted programs on domestic and international social issues.
Reorientation of domestic social policy requires correction of the forecast-monitoring system of implementation of multilevel social development programs, in particular state targeted programs in terms of revision of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of social support programs.
Keywords: European integration, economic security, welfare state, social policy, social partnership, economic policy, economic system.
Токарский Т. Б. Повышение экономической безопасности за счет евроинтеграционных реформ украинского социального сектора
Согласно статье 1 Конституции Украины - Украина является демократическим, социальным и правовым государством. Развитие высокоразвитого социального государства в Украине является актуальной потребностью формирования концептуальной модели и механизмов ее функционирования. Активная и эффективная социальная политика должна стать прочной основой всестороннего инновационного, социального развития страны, интеграции в Европейский Союз, основанием развития социального государства с конкурентоспособной социально ориентированной рыночной экономикой, способной обеспечить развитие общества, достойный уровень и качество жизни граждан.
В предлагаемой статье обоснована проблема обеспечения экономической безопасности государства и предложены пути достижения европейских стандартов для национальной социальной сферы. Обозначено, что выбранный Украиной стратегический курс европейской интеграции является приоритетом внутренней и внешней политики, предусматривает модернизацию всех сфер жизни граждан на государственном и мест-
ном уровнях в соответствии с широким контекстом стратегии развития стран Евросоюза.
Современную идеологию, основанную на принципах страхования человека от основных социальных рисков (потери трудоспособности, обнищания и т.д.) и, частично, социального патернализма, следует пересмотреть в контексте принципов социальной инклюзии. А совершенствование имеющихся подходов социального программирования стоит начать с концентрации на разработке и выполнении основных для социального развития государственных целевых программ, реализуемых в контексте внутренней и международной социальной проблематики.
Переориентация отечественной социальной политики требует коррекции прогнозно-мониторинговой системы выполнения разноуровневых программ социального развития, в частности государственных целевых социальных программ в части пересмотра критериев оценки эффективности программ социальной поддержки населения.
Ключевые слова: европейская интеграция, экономическая безопасность, социальное государство, социальная политика, социальное партнерство, экономическая политика, экономическая система.
Received by the editors: 30.10.2020 and final form 29.12.2020