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Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Kashchenko Ninel Volodymyrivna

The article is devoted to the problems of public policy reform in the context of the National Security Strategy of Ukraine. Challenges of the current system of public administration, including the defense sphere, are considered; emphasis is placed on the need for challenges to develop specific plans for the implementation of the adopted concept with the possibility of adjusting them in accordance with changes in the social and humanitarian spheres in Ukraine; the creation of an effective system of control over the course of reforms with broad public involvement is substantiated. The problem of state policy in the sector of national security of Ukraine, in connection with the Russian aggression, which appeared in the order of implementation of the socio-political life of the country and became the main idea of further development of our state. Due to the fact that during the years of independence in Ukraine did not pay enough attention to the problems of ensuring the required level of national security, the country faced various cutters of its existence. Effective state management of national security of Ukraine is a necessary condition for preserving the national sovereignty and territorial unity of Ukraine. It is proved that the created system, which functions in the state today, actually has many problems and structural shortcomings, there is a doubling of functions, inconsistency in decision-making, lack of efficiency in analyzing the political situation in Ukraine. A radical change in the entire structure, its focus on the best European standards should be the basis for reforming and leading the national security and defense sector. It is this aspect that raises the issue of improving the effectiveness of public policy mechanisms in terms of public administration and administration.

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UDC 321;323


Kashchenko Ninel Volodymyrivna,

graduate student of the Department of Management and Administration of the Municipal Higher Educational Institution "Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education", 21100, Vinnytsia, str. Hrushevskoho, 13, tel.: +38 (067) 455 11 02, e-mail: ninel-volodumurivna@gmaU.com, https://orcid, org/0000-0001-9178-205X

Кащенко Нтель Володимupitma,

астрантка кафедри управлтня та ад-мжстрування Комунального вищого на-вчального закладу "Втницька академгя неперервнт освгти", 21100, м. Втниця, вул. Грушевського, 13, тел.: +38 (067) 455 11 02, e-mail: ninelvolodumurivna@gmaiI. com, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9178-205Х

Кащенко Нинель Владимировна,

аспирантка кафедры управления и администрирования коммунального высшего учебного заведения "Винницкая академия непрерывного образования", 21100, г. Винница, ул. Грушевского, 13, тел.: +38 (067) 455 11 02, e-mail: ninelvolodumurivna@gmail. com, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9178-205X


Abstract. The article is devoted to the problems of public policy reform in the context of the National Security Strategy of Ukraine. Challenges of the current system of public administration, including the defense sphere, are considered; emphasis is placed on the need for challenges to develop specific plans for the implementation of the adopted concept with the possibility of adjusting them in accordance with changes in the social and humanitarian spheres in Ukraine; the creation of an effective system of control over the course of reforms with broad public involvement is substantiated. The problem of state policy in the sector of national security of Ukraine, in connection with the Russian aggression, which appeared in the order of implementation of the socio-political life of the country and became the main idea of further development of our state. Due to the fact

that during the years of independence in Ukraine did not pay enough attention to the problems of ensuring the required level of national security, the country faced various cutters of its existence. Effective state management of national security of Ukraine is a necessary condition for preserving the national sovereignty and territorial unity of Ukraine. It is proved that the created system, which functions in the state today, actually has many problems and structural shortcomings, there is a doubling of functions, inconsistency in decision-making, lack of efficiency in analyzing the political situation in Ukraine. A radical change in the entire structure, its focus on the best European standards should be the basis for reforming and leading the national security and defense sector. It is this aspect that raises the issue of improving the effectiveness of public policy mechanisms in terms of public administration and administration.

Keywords: security and defense sector, National Security Strategies of Ukraine, military policy, national security, civilian control.


Анотащя. Присвячено проблемам реформування державно!' пол^ики в контекст Стратеги нащонально!' безпеки Украши. Розглядаються викли-ки чинно!' системи державного управлшня, зокрема i оборонною сферою; акцентовано на необхщносп виклиюв щодо розроблення конкретних плашв реалiзацiï прийнято!' концепци з можливютю 1'хнього коригування вщповщно до змш сощально!' та гумаштарно!' сфери в УкраМ; обгрунтовано створення ефективно!' системи контролю за перебиом реформ Í3 широким залученням громадськость З'ясована проблема державно! пол^ики в секторi нащональ-но! безпеки Украши, у зв'язку з росшською агресш, яю постали в порядку виконання сусшльно-полггичного життя краши та стали головною щеею по-дальшого розвитку нашо! держави. У зв'язку з тим, що за роки незалежносп в УкраМ не звертали достатньо! уваги на проблеми забезпечення потрiбного рiвня нацiонально'í безпеки, краша постала перед рiзними ризиками свого ю-нування. Ефективне державне управлшня нащонально! безпеки Украши - це необхщна умова збереження нащонального суверенiтету та територiально'í едностi нашо! держави.

Доведено, що створена система, яка сьогодш функщонуе в державi, фактично мае багато проблем та структурних недолшв, зус^чаеться по-двоення функцiй, неузгодженiсть у прийнятт рiшень, вiдсутнiсть опера-тивност в аналiзi полiтично'í ситуацй' Украши. Кардинальна змша усiе'í структури, орiентацiя ïï на найкращi европейськi стандарти мае стати основою реформування нащонального сектору безпеки й оборони та ке-рiвництва ним. Саме цей аспект актуалiзуе питання шдвищення ефектив-ностi механiзмiв державно!' полiтики в умовах публiчного управлiння та адмшютрування.

Ключовi слова: сектор безпеки та оборони, Стратепя нацiональноï безпеки Украши, военна полгтика, нацiональна безпека, цившьний контроль.



Аннотация. Посвящено проблемам реформирования государственной политики в контексте Стратегии национальной безопасности Украины. Рассматриваются вызовы действующей системы государственного управления, в том числе и оборонной сферой; акцентируется вниамние на необходимости вызовов по разработке конкретных планов реализации принятой концепции с возможностью их корректировки в соответствии с изменениями социальной и гуманитарной сферы в Украине; обосновано создание эффективной системы контроля за ходом реформ с широким привлечением общественности. Выяснена проблема государственной политики в секторе национальной безопасности Украины, в связи с российской агрессией, которые появились в общественно-политической жизни страны и стали главной идеей дальнейшего развития нашего государства. В связи с тем, что за годы независимости в Украине не обращалось должного внимания на проблемы обеспечения нужного уровня национальной безопасности, страна оказалась перед различными рисками своего существования. Эффективное государственное управление национальной безопасности Украины — это необходимое условие сохранения национального суверенитета и территориального единства нашего государства.

Доказано, что созданная система, которая сегодня функционирует в государстве, фактически имеет много проблем и структурных недостатков, встречается удвоение функций, несогласованность в принятии решений, отсутствие оперативности в анализе политической ситуации в Украине. Кардинальное изменение всей структуры, ориентация ее на лучшие европейские стандарты должна стать основой реформирования национального сектора безопасности и обороны и руководства им. Именно этот аспект актуализирует вопрос повышения эффективности механизмов государственной политики в условиях публичного управления и администрирования.

Ключевые слова: сектор безопасности и обороны, Стратегия национальной безопасности Украины, военная политика, национальная безопасность, гражданский контроль.

Problem statement. The problem of public policy in the security and defense sector of Ukraine in connection with Russia's aggressive actions arose in furtherance of execution of social and political life of the country and became the main idea of further development of our state. Due to the fact that during

the years of independence, the leadership did not pay enough attention to the problems of ensuring the necessary level of defense capability, the country's existence was threatened. The effective public governance of defense sector is a necessary condition for preserving national sovereignty and territorial in-

tegrity of Ukraine. Currently functioning system in fact has many problems and structural shortcomings, there is doubling of functions, inconsistency in decision-making and lack of efficiency in the analysis of military and political situation. The fundamental change in the entire structure and its focus on the best European standards should become the basis for reforming the national security and defense sector and its governance. It is this aspect that raises the issue of improving the effectiveness of public policy mechanisms in terms of public governance and administration.

Analysis of recent studies and publications. The risks and challenges of security problem, in particular, defense of Ukraine, are constantly in the focus of national scientists. The fundamental studies by Sytnyk, V. Bodrov, A. Se-menchenko, V. Kuzmuk, O. Zatynaiko, O. Reznikov, L. Poliakov, V. Telelym and others are known. At the same time, the current political situation in Ukraine requires constant analysis and adoption of new scientific and theoretical approaches to solve security problems of Ukraine. This is what confirms the relevance of the topic of this article.

Purpose of the article is to summarize the main aspects of public policy mechanisms in the field of public administration and to highlight promising ways for its modernization in terms of the adopted Concept of the development of the security and defense sector of Ukraine.

Given rather broad field of the problem under study, we will try to focus on the public governing aspects of defense construction, which is the military policy of the state.

Statement of basic study material.

According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 287/2015 dated May 26, 2015, the Revolution of Dignity (November 2013 - February 2014) against the corrupt authorities, which under pressure from the outside tried to interfere with the European choice of the Ukrainian people, deliberately ignoring the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, opened up the opportunities for our country to create new system of relations between citizen, society and state based on the values of freedom and democracy [115; 3].

The fundamental changes in the internal and external security environment of Ukraine make it necessary to create a qualitatively new system for ensuring national security of Ukraine, which is noted by the National Security Strategy of Ukraine approved by the same Decree of the President of Ukraine [5].

This Strategy is aimed at implementing by 2020 the priorities of public policy of national security defined by it, as well as the reforms provided for by the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU ratified by the Law of Ukraine No. 1678-VII [2] dated September 16, 2014, and the Sustainable Development Strategy "Ukraine 2020" approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 5/2015 dated January 12, 2015 [11].

The National Security Strategy of Ukraine indicates current threats to this security, namely:

1) inefficiency of the national security system of Ukraine;

2) corruption and inefficient public administration;

3) economic crisis, depletion of financial resources of the state, decline in living standards of the population;

4) threats to energy, information and environmental security;

5) threats to critical infrastructure security, etc.

Given the importance of neutralizing the actions of these threats, the following main directions of public policy of national security of Ukraine were determined:

1) restoration of territorial integrity of Ukraine;

2) creation of an effective security and defense sector;

3) increase in defense capability of the state;

4) reform and development of intelligence, counterintelligence and law enforcement agencies;

5) public administration reform and new quality of anti-corruption policy;

6) integration into the EU;

7) special partnership with NATO;

8) ensuring national security in the field of foreign policy;

9) ensuring economic security;

10) ensuring energy security;

11) ensuring information security;

12) ensuring critical infrastructure security;

13) ensuring environmental security.

At the same time, the analysis of

provisions of the National Security Strategy of Ukraine shown that the issues of place and role of regions in ensuring the security systems of the state, firstly, are not sufficiently covered, and secondly, they need to be addressed in social and economic direction.

As O. Reznikova rightly states, it is the weakening of public institutions, distortion of main public administra-

tion mechanisms that should ensure the rule of law and strict compliance with legislation, unresolved acute problems of social and economic and humanitarian regional development that created the ground for destabiliza-tion of the national security system of Ukraine [15].

We also support the position of O. Iliash that urgency of the problem of the strengthened role of the state in ensuring security is enhanced by the fact that system of social and economic security in Ukraine is formed in parts, without sufficient theoretical and methodological substantiation [2].

As a result, negative phenomena and trends accumulate in the economy and social field, that are manifested in deformations of the social structure, economic loss, social and cultural degradation and weak social protection of citizens.

The National Security of Ukraine is a set of legislative and organizational measures aimed at permanent protection of vital interests of person and citizen, society and state, which ensures sustainable development of society, timely detection, prevention and neutralization of real and potential threats to national interests in law enforcement, anti-corruption, border protection and defense, migration policy, health, education and science, scientific, technical and innovation policy, cultural development of the population, ensuring freedom of speech and information security, social policy and pension support, housing and utilities, financial services, property rights protection, stock markets and securities turnover, tax and customs policy, trade and business, banking services,

investment policy, audit activity, monetary and currency policy, information protection, licensing, industry and agriculture, transport and communications, information technologies, energy and energy saving, functioning of natural monopolies, use of subsoil, land and water resources, mineral resources, environmental protection and other areas of public administration in case of negative trends for creation of potential or real threats to national interests [1].

The national interests are vital material, intellectual and spiritual values of the Ukrainian people as the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in Ukraine, determining demands of society and state, the implementation of which guarantees the sovereignty of Ukraine and its progressive development.

The security and defense sector is a set of public authorities that act under single leadership and are responsible for protection of national interests from external and internal threats.

The threats to national security are available and potentially possible phenomena and factors that pose a threat to the vital national interests of Ukraine.

According to L. Poliakov, the effectiveness of military policy depends on the adequacy of determining ways and means of protecting the national interests of the state in the military field and completeness of their subsequent implementation [4].

The long-term lack of necessary level of certainty in Ukraine's military policy led to an inadequate definition of necessary forces and means of combat struggle and constant fluctuations in the reform of defense sec-

tor. The events of 2014-2015 drew close attention of the Ukrainian society to the issues of defense capability of the state. As it turned out, for all the previous years of independence of our state, constant decrease in combat and operational capabilities of the national army was the only constant trend in this field. But this is not the only reason for heavy losses suffered by Ukraine as a result of external aggression combined with manifestations of separatism. These losses are largely due to the shortcomings of legal framework of the state defense, unpreparedness of the system for maintaining military security to take decisive effective actions under conditions of a severe military and political crisis [2].

The National Military Establishment is a set of public authorities, military units formed under the laws of Ukraine, whose activities are under democratic civilian control of society and are directly aimed at protecting the national interests of Ukraine from external and internal threats.

The defense, according to Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Defense of Ukraine", is a system of certain measures of the state to prepare for armed defense and its protection in case of the armed conflict [7]. In other words, defense concerns two components of military policy: preparation for possible armed conflict and use of military force in the armed conflict. The responsible central executive authorities are defined for implementation of public policy in various fields. They are also given additional powers to coordinate the activities of public authorities and local self-government authorities in implementing public policy in the

relevant field. According to scientists, "military security" and "defense" have a meaningful intersection in the component "preparation of the state for possible armed conflict". However, this does not prevent us from seeing the main generalized content of military policy in ensuring military security and defense, that is, the implementation of all these components. To implement the relevant policy, the main central executive authority and subsidiary authorities are appointed, which together with subordinate forces and resources are combined into a sector. In fact, each sector is the main tool of the state for implementation of public policy in the relevant field [12].

Based on the above, the military security and defense sector should be created to implement the military policy, as the essence of military policy is to ensure military security and defense. The military security and defense sector contains several components that are identified by function: the sector should include public authorities, as well as forces and means (military security and defense forces: military units, law enforcement agencies, and others), whose activities are directly aimed at ensuring military security and defense by using the means of armed violence, special measures or legal coercion. That is, the components are included in the military security and defense sector on two grounds: direction of activity and nature of the measures used [13].

The main role in the military security and defense sector will be played by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and auxiliary - by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine with the National

Guard of Ukraine and other public authorities with subordinate forces and means. The functional combination of several authorities in one sector makes it possible to ensure concentration of efforts, unified management and clearly defined responsibilities, operational compatibility of units, technical compatibility of weapons, uniform rules for training and use of heterogeneous forces and means.

This requires rethinking the general approaches to maintaining national security and defense of Ukraine. The main direction of implementation of public policy in this field by the executive authorities is to ensure the readiness of the security and defense sector to repel the armed aggression against Ukraine.

The essence of the modern Concept of development of the military security and defense sector is to determine ways to bring capabilities, readiness and level of the security and defense forces and level of efficiency of their management system in conformity with the tasks that they face today and in the future [8].

The main problems today are the lack of legislative regulation of functioning of the security and defense sector, departmental disintegration of its entities, lack of joint training of the security and defense forces and well-established system of their support and financing. The Concept of development of the military security and defense sector provides for combining the capabilities and resources of entities of the security and defense sector in favor of joint action on certain scenarios and situations under conditions of single planning and management. The main

efforts to develop this sector in modern conditions are proposed to focus on the restoration and maintenance of defense capability of Ukraine.

In December 2014, the Verkhov-na Rada of Ukraine set the course of Ukraine's integration into the European economic and legal space to gain membership in the European Union, as well as to deepen cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to achieve the criteria of membership in this organization [10].

This radically changes the general approaches to maintaining military security of Ukraine. This refers primarily to the sound military policy of Ukraine according to which the security and defense sector of the state is reformed and developed. Achieving readiness of this sector to repel external armed aggression is the main activity of the executive authorities in this field. At the same time, it is envisaged to accelerate the implementation of European rules and principles in the functioning of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, to deepen the compatibility of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with relevant forces of the European Union and NATO, to implement the defense aspects of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union and the Sustainable Development Strategy "Ukraine-2020" approved by the President of Ukraine [11].

Based on the provisions of the National Security Strategy of Ukraine, decisions of the President of Ukraine and the Government, the key tasks of strengthening the military security of the state are:

• comprehensive reform of the national security system to the level ac-

ceptable for membership in the EU and NATO, and positioning Ukraine at the international level as an equal and valuable partner;

• development of doctrinal principles of military policy of Ukraine, ensuring the creation of an effective security and defense sector and sufficient national defense capabilities to repel external armed aggression;

• creation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine that would meet NATO standards and be compatible with the armed forces of the Alliance's member countries;

• identification of priorities, compliance with which will have the greatest effect in the short term.

The main way to solve these problems is to deeply reform the defense forces of Ukraine involving adequate financial and material resources and political and economic support of partner countries.

At the same time, it is necessary to abandon the extensive path of reform (increasing the quantitative parameters of the defense forces) in favor of an intensive one (increasing the combat and operational capabilities of the defense forces by increasing their quality parameters). Therefore, the total number of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other components of the defense forces in peacetime can remain at the current level. This also applies to the total number of traditional weapons (tanks, cannons, planes, etc.). The main efforts should be focused on improving the level of combat and operational training of troops (forces), while radically updating the control system and quality characteristics of weapons and military equipment, including funda-

mentally new models developed based on modern technologies [12].

In the short term, the main efforts should be aimed at ensuring comprehensive system changes in the organization and functioning of the security and defense sector of Ukraine, primarily:

• revision of doctrines, strategies and concepts, as well as improvement of legal framework for maintaining military security and defense;

• development of an effective mechanism for responding to crisis situations, improvement of the system for managing troops (forces) in operations and combat actions;

• clarification of the role and tasks of components of the security and defense sector at the strategic, operational and tactical levels;

• gradual improvement of organizational structures of the security and defense forces of Ukraine, optimization of the number of personnel, number of weapons and military equipment;

• achievement of operational compatibility of components of the security and defense sector of Ukraine, staged transition to NATO standards (STANAG) in organization, armament and training of troops (forces), as well as in the system of operational decision-making;

• organization of joint training of the security and defense forces to perform the tasks assigned to them, revision of approaches to training of personnel;

• restoration of serviceability and renewal of the resource, modernization, creation of new systems and unification of samples of weapons and military equipment;

• revision of the concept of budget planning and resource support, radical improvement of combat operations by introducing modern logistics mechanisms.

The formation of an effective system of external guarantees of national security, primarily through partnership with NATO countries is currently the core direction of further international cooperation of our state [14].

Based on the long-term goal of joining the pan-European security system, which is based on NATO, Ukraine will deepen cooperation with the North Atlantic Alliance in the following areas:

• interaction within short-term and long-term measures to improve the defense capability of Ukraine;

• development of the security and defense sector of the state as an integral system;

• participation in NATO-led peacekeeping and security operations;

• fight against terrorism, etc.

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We need a strategic rethinking of the concept of defense of Ukraine, taking into account the experience of overcoming the crisis in 2014-2015, introduction of new methods of defense management, which are based on the Euro-Atlantic experience and are based on the only criterion - high efficiency at reasonable costs. The priority tasks include creation of an effective system for managing the security and defense sector of the state, the main entities of which are determined by the Concept of development of the security and defense sector [8].

The goal of the Concept of development of the security and defense sector is to determine the ways to form national security and defense capa-

bilities that will restore the territorial integrity of Ukraine within internationally recognized state border of Ukraine, guarantee the peaceful future of Ukraine as a sovereign and independent, democratic, social and legal state, as well as ensure creation of national system of: crisis response; prevention of external and internal threats to national security, their timely identification and neutralization; ensuring personal security, constitutional rights and freedoms of individuals and citizens; ensuring cybersecurity; rapid joint response to crises and emergencies.

The implementation of this goal will be achieved primarily by creating an effective system for managing the security and defense sector as an integral functional system. The law enforcement agencies are public authorities that are entrusted with implementation of law enforcement functions by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine.

According to new requirements, this system includes the following entities: President of Ukraine; National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine; Ministry of Defense of Ukraine; Armed Forces of Ukraine; Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine; National Guard of Ukraine; National Police of Ukraine; State Border Guard Service of Ukraine; State Migration Service of Ukraine; State Emergency Service of Ukraine; Security Service of Ukraine, Administration of State Guard of Ukraine; State Special Communications Service of Ukraine; State Special Transport Service; coordinating authority for intelligence activities under the President of Ukraine and intelligence agencies of Ukraine; Administration of the National Security and Defense Council

of Ukraine; central executive authority ensuring formation and implementing public military and industrial policy; other components defined by the laws of Ukraine [6].

The level of national security of Ukraine depends primarily on the effective functioning of relevant public authorities, clear allocation of responsibilities and powers in certain fields of activity and established interaction between them.

Determining the principles underlying the development of the security and defense sector for integration into European and Euro-Atlantic security structures, Ukraine assumes that development and strengthening of the EU and NATO deepen the pan-European and international security in all its dimensions and require appropriate democratic transformations of national security institutions. For the effective development of the security and defense sector in modern conditions, the main tasks are to centralize the management of the security and defense sector in peacetime, in crisis situations threatening national security, and in special periods; to increase the level of interdepartmental coordination and interaction; to harmonize the concepts, policies and programs of reform and development of components of the security and defense sector, military and industrial complex; to ensure effective coordination and functioning of public crisis response system and to improve the system of public forecasting and strategic planning, system of planning of using the troops (forces) and means of security and defense sector based on the EU and NATO principles and standards.

To achieve this goal, it is planned to implement the set of following tasks: implementation of management of the security and defense sector based on principles and standards adopted in the member states of the EU and NATO; compliance with principles of the rule of law, patriotism, competence and departization in functioning of the security and defense sector, ensuring its reform and development in compliance with principles of democratic civilian control; improvement of coordination and collaboration in the security and defense sector; implementation of an effective unified system of planning and resource management using modern European and Euro-Atlantic approaches; formation of the system for managing the security and defense forces depending on the type of crisis situation and taking into account the variety of national security risks; improvement of public administration and management of the security and defense sector, including systems of information and cyber security, systems of information protection and security of information resources; increase in the level of individual professional training of personnel of public and military administration authorities, their responsibility for decision-making; reformation of public administration system in a special period by optimizing the number of control points, adapting their communication and automation systems, creating mobile control points.

The development of the system for managing security and defense sector is aimed at ensuring its management as an integral system based on the following principles: cooperation and

effective strategic communications between entities of the security and defense sector; involvement of civil society in making the most important strategic decisions on national security issues; clear regulation of activities in the security and defense sector that guarantees the stable development of the state; use of adaptive management strategies that provide for the involvement of independent expert organizations; transparency and accountability to society.

It is assumed that the President of Ukraine, according to the powers established by the Constitution of Ukraine, will exercise the overall management of the security and defense sector and will organize interaction of its components [7].

To improve the public management of the security and defense sector and to timely detect the threats to national security of Ukraine, it is envisaged:

• to create a Joint Operation Headquarters as a management authority for joint-force and interdepartmental groups of troops (forces);

• to improve the Unified automated system for managing the Armed Forces of Ukraine to work within the unified system for managing the security and defense sector;

• to increase the level of strategic management in the field of national security by creating a network of situation centers that will interact with each other and with the Main Situation Center of Ukraine. The network of situation centers of the security and defense sector will be formed as a single organizational and technical complex equipped with targeted hardware and software and unique information and

communication equipment, which will improve the quality of information and analytical support and minimize the time for making important management decisions.

One of the main directions of legal support for development of the security and defense sector include regulation of its activities and adaptation of basic legislative and other regulatory instruments, as well as conceptual and program documents to modern realities and requirements, in particular:

• development and adoption of a new version of the Law of Ukraine "On Fundamentals of National Security of Ukraine";

• development and adoption of the Law of Ukraine on planning in the security and defense sector and other regulatory instruments;

• development and adoption of the Law of Ukraine on intelligence activities, amendments to the Laws of Ukraine "On the Security Service of Ukraine", "On Counterintelligence Activities", "Investigative Activities", "On Combating Terrorism", "On Intelligence Agencies of Ukraine";

• development of strategies for logistics and counteraction in a communicative environment;

• development of Strategy for the development of military and industrial complex of Ukraine, based on the goals, objectives and priorities of public policy in the field of national security and defense, military and economic, social and economic, scientific and technical development of the state;

• legislative definition of the mechanism for coordinating the coverage of information on national security and defense of the state in mass media;

- development and implementation of regulatory instruments to restore the strategic role of military and industrial complex, ensuring its reform, sustainable and effective development.

The improvement of the legal framework in the field of security and defense will contribute to the formation and implementation of updated security and defense policy in peacetime, in crisis situations threatening national security of Ukraine, and in a special period, readiness of components of the security and defense sector, economy and society to repel armed aggression against Ukraine.

According to Article 3 of the Law of Ukraine "On Fundamentals of National Security of Ukraine" dated June 19, 2003, the objects of national security are: person and citizen - their constitutional rights and freedoms; society - its spiritual, moral, ethical, cultural, historical, intellectual and material values, information and natural environment and natural resources; state - its constitutional system, sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability [7].

The main principles of ensuring national security are:

• priority of human and civil rights and freedoms;

• rule of law;

• priority of contractual (peaceful) means in resolving conflicts;

• timely and adequate measures to protect national interests against real and potential threats;

• clear division of powers and interaction of public authorities in ensuring national security;

• democratic civilian control over military organization of the state and

other structures in the national security system;

• use of inter-state systems and mechanisms of international collective security in the interests of Ukraine.

The priorities of national interests of Ukraine are:

• ensuring constitutional rights and freedoms of person and citizen;

• development of civil society and its democratic institutions;

• protection of state sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of state borders, prevention of interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine;

• strengthening political and social stability in society;

• ensuring development and functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state language in all spheres of public life throughout Ukraine, ensuring free development, use and protection of Russian and other languages of national minorities of Ukraine;

• creation of competitive, socially-oriented market economy and ensuring constant growth in the living standards and well-being of the population;

• preservation and strengthening of scientific and technological potential, approval of innovative development model;

• ensuring environmentally and an-thropogenically safe living conditions for citizens and society, preservation of environment and rational use of natural resources;

• development of spirituality, moral principles, intellectual potential of the Ukrainian people, strengthening the physical health of the nation, creation of conditions for expanded reproduction of the population;

• integration of Ukraine into the European political, economic and legal space;

• development of equal and mutually beneficial relations with other world countries in the interests of Ukraine.

The national security of Ukraine is ensured by conducting a balanced public policy according to the duly adopted doctrines, concepts, strategies and programs in political, economic, social, military, environmental, scientific, technological, information and other fields. The choice of specific means and ways to ensure the national security of Ukraine is conditioned by the need to take timely measures that are adequate to the nature and scale of threats to national interests.

The civilian control over the armed forces is one of the key principles of ensuring national security of democratic country, the main direction of public policy in the field of public security, which provides for the unconditional subordination of the Armed Forces and other military units to the democratically elected political authority [1].

In contrast to this doctrine, full control by the military leadership of the state over the civil institutions of the country is called a military dictatorship. The lack of full control over the military organization in the state leads to the existence of the so-called "deep state".

Conclusions. The implementation of principles envisaged by the Concept of the development of the security and defense sector will make it possible to create combat-effective, multifunctional, mobile, properly trained, fully equipped professional security and defense forces that will be able to effectively perform the assigned tasks.

The concept will contribute to formation of the security and defense sector as an integral functional association, managed from a single center, which is developed based on the unified planning system to achieve common capabilities that can adequately and flexibly respond to the complex nature of current threats to the national security of Ukraine, taking into account the simultaneous action of hazard factors that differ in content and scope of influence. At the same time, the experience shows that conceptual documents containing reasonably substantiated directions of reform were developed in almost all fields today.

The danger is that there are many threats at the implementation stage that can turn the reform into cosmetic repair. Therefore, the main task of the authorities is to create a system of control over the reform of the security and defense sector, involving representatives of various political forces and the public.

Therefore, public management and administration in the field of national security, as a system of public management in terms of reform, is a very important guarantor of the security and defense of citizens and key factor in the development of the state.


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