IMPACT OF TOURISM ON GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT IN UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
tourism / GDP / Uzbektourism / private tourism associations / gross domestic product / socio-economic development / impact of tourism. / tourism / GDP / Uzbektourism / private tourism associations / gross domestic product / socio-economic development / impact of tourism.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Eraliyev A., Mamadiyarov M.

In this article, the Republic of Uzbekistan is considered a historical tourism zone, and therefore the tourism sector is developing rapidly, which tourist destinations in our country are coming from all over the world, what decisions are being made in this regard, the impact of the increase in the number of tourists on the economic situation of our country and this about expressing data in statistical numbers

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In this article, the Republic of Uzbekistan is considered a historical tourism zone, and therefore the tourism sector is developing rapidly, which tourist destinations in our country are coming from all over the world, what decisions are being made in this regard, the impact of the increase in the number of tourists on the economic situation of our country and this about expressing data in statistical numbers


Eraliyev A. assistant SamlES Mamadiyarov M.

student SamlES



Abstract. In this article, the Republic of Uzbekistan is considered a historical tourism zone, and therefore the tourism sector is developing rapidly, which tourist destinations in our country are coming from all over the world, what decisions are being made in this regard, the impact of the increase in the number of tourists on the economic situation of our country and this about expressing data in statistical numbers

Keywords: tourism, GDP, Uzbektourism, private tourism associations, gross domestic product, socio-economic development, impact of tourism.

Enter. Our country is rapidly becoming a center of tourism, a clear example of this is the acceleration of tourist traffic in our country in the last twenty years, and this is a series of reforms that are being adopted for the development of foreign and domestic tourism, and which create relief for tourists and private tourism associations. In particular, it has a positive effect on our economy by providing accommodation and food for tourists visiting from abroad and our compatriots who are traveling domestically, as well as providing employment to our unemployed citizens by starting a small business. It means that foreign citizens enter our country for the purpose of tourism and money comes through them. This contributes to the growth of our gross domestic product.

Analysis of literature on the topic: Tourism is one of the fastest growing and leading industries in terms of income. In recent years, tourism has made a huge contribution to world exports and accounts for 11% of the global gross domestic product, Bekturdiyev J.K. Also, researcher Z.M. Mukhammedov said that if the share of tourism income in the GDP of Uzbekistan reaches at least 5%, the GDP per capita will increase by 392,100 soums.

Research methodology: The study of the contribution of the tourism sector to the GDP, the formation of new tourism zones and the stages of further development of this sector.

Analysis and results: According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, the share of tourism in the world GDP was 10.3%, the annual growth rate was 3.5%. The growth rate in this sector has been higher than the global GDP growth rate for nine years in a row. Our country also ranks high in the field of tourism, according to many international publications, our country has become

one of the most attractive tourist destinations in 2020. And again, our city of Tashkent was mentioned in the list of cities that should be visited this year by The Telegraph newspaper of Great Britain.

By the end of2019, 6,748 million people visited Uzbekistan, which is 125% more than the statistics of 2018, i.e. 5,346 million people. At the same time, the export of tourism services amounted to 1.313 billion dollars, and in 2018 it was 1.041 billion dollars. As everyone knows, the corona virus pandemic that broke out in 2020-2021 had a great negative impact on the tourism industry. Due to this, the share of tourism in GDP has decreased in these years. However, in the first eight months of 2022, 3 million foreign citizens visited Uzbekistan. And if we study the purpose of tourists' arrival.

- To see relatives - 2.2 mln. person

- To relax - 169.8 thousand person

- For treatment 44.4 thousand person

- Regarding the service 38.8 thousand person

- For business 9.1 thousand person

- For the purpose of study 2.4 thousand person

In general, the volume of GDP increased by 5.8% in this short period, between January and September 2022, that is, it amounted to 627.5 trillion soums. This amounted to 17.7 million soums ($1,603) per capita, an increase of 3.6% compared to the corresponding period of 2021. The tourism sector also contributes to these changes.

Due to the fact that Uzbekistan is considered a city rich in ancient monuments, most visiting tourists come to see the history. There are more than 2,000 such places in our country.

Conclusions and suggestions: In conclusion, I can say that the tourism sector has a significant place in the country's GDP, which means that we can have a positive impact on the country's economy by focusing on the tourism sector.

Our country occupies a good place in the current tourism market, and because of this, there is a constant flow of tourists. They are mainly attracted by the large number of our historical places.

However, in order to stand higher in this regard, we should be able to provide enough offers for the people of the new technological age, not only to attract tourists with historical places. That is, most of the tourists visiting our country are older people, including people aged 40 and over. For this reason, we can further increase the flow of tourists by forming «Entertainment»zones for young tourists.

According to the information given above based on the facts, foreign citizens travel to Uzbekistan mainly from neighboring countries, Central Asia. The number of people coming from European countries is somewhat lower. So, we should hold new events in this regard and arouse the interest of European citizens about our ancient places.

Our steps for this are shown

- quality videos;

- articles;

- movies and series; we need to use wide and fast spreading tools like and, of course, it will be useful to implement many new projects to create comfort for visiting tourists.


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"Экономика и социум" №5(120)-2 2024



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