Научная статья на тему 'Impact of advertising on labour motivation development in Russia'

Impact of advertising on labour motivation development in Russia Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Koulkova Inna

The article analyzes the negative impact of modern advertising on the individual behavior and labor motivation of existing and future employees in Russia. The commercials are on television all the time and affect the consciousness and sub-consciousness of the person, so they act as an agent of socialization and disseminate patterns of behavior, including labor. Especially strong influence advertising has on children and teenagers. The article presents the results of the author's sociological research of advertising influence on the labor behavior development, conducted by the method of content analysis of television advertising. 546 advertising rollers were analyzed, which were shown on two central channels in Russia. There was studied: the availability of labor themes in advertising, the sign of information about labor, the degree of labor importance in human life and the nature of information about work. On the basis of the research the forecast was made about the prevalence negative type of labor behavior in a few years. In conclusion, motivating advices were given how to manage the content on television advertising rollers. The element of scientific novelty in this article is the suggestion of the mechanisms for improving the management of labor motivation development in the system of macroeconomic relations.

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Статья посвящена анализу негативного влияния современной рекламы в России на поведение личности и трудовую мотивацию имеющихся и будущих работников. Рекламные ролики повторяются по многу раз в день и воздействуют на сознание и подсознание человека, выступают как агент социализации и распространят стереотипы поведения, в том числе и трудового. Особенно сильное влияние реклама оказывает на детей и подростков. В статье представлены результаты авторского социологического исследования влияния рекламы на развитие трудового поведения, проведенного методом контент-анализа телевизионной рекламы. Было проанализировано 546 рекламных роликов, которые были показаны по двум центральным каналам России. Были изучены: наличие трудовой тематики в рекламах, знак информации о труде и степень важности труда в жизни человека, характер информации о труде. На основе исследования был дан прогноз преобладания отрицательного типа трудового поведения через несколько лет. В заключении были даны мотивирующие рекомендации по управлению содержанием рекламных роликов на телевидении. Элементом научной новизны статьи является предложение механизмов совершенствования управления развитием мотивации к труду в системе макроэкономических отношений.

Текст научной работы на тему «Impact of advertising on labour motivation development in Russia»

redactor@ progress-human.com

УДК 659.1


Inna Koulkova

Doctor of Economics, Professor in Ural State University of Economics Department of Labor Economics and Human Resources Management

redactor@progress-human.com 70-232, 8th of March Str., Yekaterinburg, Russia, 620144 +7 (982) 62-40-400

Abstract: The article analyzes the negative impact of modern advertising on the individual behavior and labor motivation of existing and future employees in Russia. The commercials are on television all the time and affect the consciousness and sub-consciousness of the person, so they act as an agent of socialization and disseminate patterns of behavior, including labor. Especially strong influence advertising has on children and teenagers. The article presents the results of the author's sociological research of advertising influence on the labor behavior development, conducted by the method of content analysis of television advertising. 546 advertising rollers were analyzed, which were shown on two central channels in Russia. There was studied: the availability of labor themes in advertising, the sign of information about labor, the degree of labor importance in human life and the nature of information about work. On the basis of the research the forecast was made about the prevalence negative type of labor behavior in a few years. In conclusion, motivating advices were given how to manage the content on television advertising rollers. The element of scientific novelty in this article is the suggestion of the mechanisms for improving the management of labor motivation development in the system of macroeconomic relations.

Keywords: advertising; the impact of advertising on behavior; labor behavior; social behavior; labor motivation; content analysis. JEL Code: M 37; J 29.


Once Pitirim Sorokin maintained that a person's identity is determined by the total influence

of social environment. "Each person, who has been born newly, appears in a certain social

environment, this social environment is a given one, existing objectively, regardless of the


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individual; at the moment of his birth, it embraces him as air, and he cannot escape its influence. His character, taste, mentality saying, is being formed in contact with this environment. The social environment creates an individual by its own image and likeness without realizing" [1, pp.133-134]. The cultural memory of the community, expressed in the myth, was previously an exhaustive source of secondary information. The media and other means of propaganda acquire the huge social role in modern societies. Examining the influence of the newspapers, propaganda flyers, proclamations and posters, fiery speeches, demonstrative actions or demonstrations, Pitirim Sorokin didn't base on the fact that they had something to teach us or they had any knowledge, or that they affected the readers' or listeners' mind, but he based on the fact that they addressed to the feelings, emotions and affected them mainly. Slogans and trumpet-calls set in motion subconscious currents of feelings, force individuals to take certain actions - individual or mass [1, p. 161].

The impact of the media on the development of labor behavior increases during the information era of humanity. The media start to affect the child from an early age - the kid who doesn't know letters and can't understand the meaning of a feature film, and sometimes even can't really speak, has already known by heart commercials' slogans that are shown endlessly on TV.

More and more a mass communication is referred to as the full agent for socialization, which affects on the development of the individual and society as a whole: communications media demonstrate standards, form a system of values, teach, mediate experience, etc. In this case, according to G. Lasswell, "mass communication hit the target, as people have replaced a substantial part of social relations by it and have become isolated from each other, that has allowed mass communication to affect everyone directly, avoiding the filter, which might be discussion of its messages with other individuals, if society was not so unrelated" [2, p.154].

Advertising nowadays is not just a means of informing about a new brand, consumer properties of goods; it is a means of influencing not only on the economic sphere of human relations, but also on social behavior. Advertising interferes increasingly in a person's life controlling them on the conscious and unconscious levels [3, p.36]. Since the beginning it has constantly rehearsed methods of influence on the behavior of individuals and groups and for a very long-lasting history it has evolved qualitatively, having risen from informing to the admonition, and further - to the elaboration of a conditioned reflex, to the subconscious suggestion, and finally - to projection a symbolic image [4, p.137]. At the same time it goes beyond commercial interests and imposes to consumers a system of defined standards, the starting point of life values, philosophical ideas and concepts [5, p.25].

Modern Russia concerned seriously for their information security. This is confirmed by the drafting and adoption "Russian Doctrine of information security" in 2000. Under the information


security is meant ensuring the full protection of the individual, society and state from organized or spontaneous information, serving the internal interests of socio-political forces and leading to the destruction of individuals' and groups' behavior, economic crisis, social and cultural deformations and growth of social tension [6].

This article is written with the purpose to analyze the negative impact of modern advertising in Russia on the individuals' behavior and on the labor motivation of existing and future employees.

Investigation of TV commercials as an agent of socialization in Russia

Propagandistic, advertising clichés, repeated day by day, can be a psychological violence against the person by providing detrimental impact on the human mind and sub-consciousness. This is facilitated by the cultivation of leisure lifestyle, in particular, and by the flow of empty headed entertaining programs that prevailed on television and on the radio in a less degree [7].

Advertising has especially great impact on the helpless psyche of child. Herewith children, compared with adults, are unable to oppose effectively of such influence by own settings, views, moral criteria [8]. The studies show that television advertising effect certainly on children of different age groups, and especially on the preschool and primary school children. Most of preschoolers (80%) are exposed to the motivational impact of advertising. Proximately half of interviewed preschoolers and one third of interviewed primary school children trust the content of advertising [8].

In studying influence of advertising on the teenagers' behavior the following problem is particularly important: teenagers at this age, associated with personal and social self-affirmation, prefer often to "be like everyone" model. In this case advertising acts as a source of the "clichés"' spread in the relationship. Its impact is based on the young man's confidence that "to be like everyone" means the prestige of behavior and its understandability for others.

A.V. Tokareva correlates the teenagers' behavior and the perception of advertising in three main directions [9]:

- advertising as a storage medium about the world around (the function of knowledge dissemination is executed, in this case excluding its quality);

- advertising as a "sample" of interpersonal relations (between opposite sexes, different generations, etc.), which are copied in most cases by young people because of the confidence that certain relationships are developing quite so (the function of "imitation" is performed here);

- advertising as a way of ideological orientation (the function of selection or preferences of specific value priorities is executed).

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The problems, being solved in this article, are the increasing importance of advertising in the media as the agent of socialization and distributor of behavioral stereotypes, including labor behavior, on the one hand, and there is a flaw researches of mass media' influence to the individual behavior and work motivation in Russia - on the other hand.

To forecast the type of labor behavior, which will be dominant in our country in a few years, we have studied the direction of advertising influence on the labor behavior development by the content analysis method of television advertising. As we know, the content-analysis is the transfer of mass textual information into structured units of count. Semantic units (concepts, judgments, genres, themes, holistic events) form the units of count image, which may be the frequency of using the concept, the physical length of the text, information sign and character of information. Content analysis is a reliable, objective and effective way of gathering the information.

Television advertising rollers were documents in this study, they could be classified: by the method of fixing the information - as cinema-documents; by the degree of personification - as impersonal; by the status of the source - as unofficial; by the source - as primary, i.e. drawn up on the basis of direct observation. We can trust these documents because they do not affect the interests of the author, are commonly known facts, they study the details (for example, background), which are more reliable.

We choose the TV from all media, as the results of a survey conducted in the central Russia regional cities had shown that 99.7% of the respondents were usually watching TV [7]. There are several variants of TV advertising: TV commercials, placement of logo, emblem, motto of advertiser on the screen, a running line, sponsorship of popular programs and others. According to experts, advertising rollers have the most powerful psychological pressure [8]. During carrying out our content analysis we analyzed 546 commercials in total that were shown on two central channels (First Channel and "Russia") in the summer period in Yekaterinburg.

The study results showed the following.

The overwhelming amount of advertising was shown without using labor themes. The terms of "labor", "work", "business" were used only in 3.7% of advertising. These terms were consumed in those advertisements often in relation not to the people, but to inanimate objects (fast food "Business Menu" and lactic product "2 bio", which "works").

The labor background, i.e. persons at the work-moments (or in the changing room

immediately after work), was present a little more often - in 11.2% of commercials. Only 61

commercial of analyzed 546, though somehow reminded the audience that there also existed a work

and not only a holiday, entertainment and shopping. Such a situation didn't contribute to the

development of a positive attitude to labor. Moreover, the labor (work) was shown in the


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advertisement in a positive way far from always: the boring beer advertising with the advertising slogan "Work is not a wolf - it will not run away to the forest!" was an example.

In our research we considered the sign of information about the labor and the importance of labor (work) in a person's life. By analyzing the advertising rollers, where there was a labor background, we have identified a positive, neutral or negative information about the labor (Fig. 1).

Fig.1: The share of advertising, in which labor background was present, by the sign of information about labor, %1

□ The positive information

□ The negative information

□ The neutral information

Labor background was positive only in 37 commercials; neutral - in one third part of the rollers; and three rollers had even negative labor background. The results of analysis about importance of labor in human life in commercials were similar: the importance of work was shown in 73.8% of rollers; the importance was not shown - in 21.3% of the rollers; and 4.9% of rollers showed work as not important way of person's pastime.

Finally, we studied the nature of the information about labor in advertising. During encoding the questionnaires, we have identified five types of information character:

1) expert: the qualified specialist in his work appeared in commercials, the audience had to trust his opinion and expression;

2) funny: the work episode filmed in which someone talked jolly, happily, or with humor about the labor;

3) scenic: the episode of labor activity of actors, singers, models was shown, i.e. public successful labor activity was shown that was very rare in real life;

4) informational: there was work activity, but it didn't cause any feelings from the viewer;

5) dismissive: the labor of "second class" people was shown.

1 Compiled by the author on the base of her own research

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This classification was incomplete, but there were no other types of information nature about the labor in modern advertising. Based on the proposed encoding types of information about the labor, presented in the commercials, it has the following structure (Fig.2).

Fig.2: The structure of types of information nature about the labor, presented in the 2

commercials, %2

□ Expert

□ Funny

□ Scenic

□ Informational

□ Dismissive

The analysis showed that the nature of information about labor was expert in the majority of commercials; one third of rollers were cheerful, happy; 14.3% of clips showed the film about the labor activity of successful people in the arts; almost the same part of rollers had just an informative character; and 5.4% of commercials brought up dismissive attitude to the workers.

Our research allows drawing the general conclusion: TV advertising contributes to consumerism3 and does not promote, even sometimes hinders the development of labor behavior of the spectators, especially children and teenagers.

Our prediction is reduced to the following idea: at preservation of the existing system of propaganda in the media the problem of lack labor motivation, with which many employers and managers have faced today, will increase because generations will retire, which have been brought up in respect for the work, and in their place will arrive the workers, who have been brought up in the modern world. This situation should be changed.


The content of propaganda is under the state control the in most countries. The forms of organization and control of citizens' labor behavior are:

2 Compiled by the author on the base of her own research

3 i.e. promotes the formation of predominantly consumer attitude toward the world


- the social order. The Government spends a lot of money to support certain television channels and other media, but it doesn't control the content of advertising in Russia, doesn't require from the channel to promote a positive attitude towards the work and to limit consumer lifestyle propaganda;

- direct financing of television programs promoting social traditional values, one of which is


- institute of censorship. The media censorship causes negative emotions in Russia because the associations with historical events, but the author supports the idea of restoring the censorship not at the state, but on the public basis, when the censors were respected members of society, public figures, etc.

Although the law on the establishment of the public Council of morality in movies and on television has not been adopted in Russia, some laws adopted recently are directed at organization of control of media influence on the population: Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2010 N 436-FL " On Protecting Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development"; its improvement by restricting access to illegal information on the Internet into the Federal Law № 139-FL dated 28 July 2012 [10]; amendments to act 53-FZ "On the National Language of the Russian Federation" (2005), entered into force 01.07.2014, which had banned the inappropriate language in public performances and shows [11].

Prohibitive and restrictive measures would have been complemented by motivating: on example, by establishing annual grants for television and/or a means of mass communication, that have spent more (or better, more ambitious) activities to promote traditional values, including a positive attitude to work past year. Establishment of special nominations in the annual competitions of the media would be good.

Thus, the study conducted by the author has allowed to substantiate the mechanisms for improving the management of labor motivation development in the system of macroeconomic relations.


1. Sorokin, P.A. Public sociology textbook: Articles in different years. - M .: Nauka, 1994 - 559 p.

2. DeFleur M.L., Ball-Rokeach S.J. Theories of mass communication. - 5th ed. L .: Longman, 1989. P. 154.

3. Mokshantsev, R.I. Psychology of advertising.- M .: INFRA-M; Novosibirsk: Siberian Agreement, 2008. - 228 p.

redactor@ progress-human.com

4. Savelyev, O S. Advertising is good, bad, social // Man. 2002. № 1. S. 133-143; Number 2. p. 136-147

5. Smolyan, G.A. Information and psychological security (Identification and analysis of the subject area) / GA Smolyan, GM Zarakovsky, VM Rozin, etc. - M.: ISA, 1997. - 52 p.

6. Doctrine of Information Security of the Russian Federation, approved by President Vladimir Putin, September 9, 2000 (number Pr-1895). - URL: www.rg.ru/oficial/doc/min_and_vedom/mim_bezop/ doctr.shtm.

7. Formation of valuable orientations under the influence of information flows and technology // Site Social Justice Party. - URL: http://www.pp-pss.ru.

8. Avdeeva N.N., Fominykh N.A. The impact of television advertising on children and adolescents // Chelovek (Man). - 2003. - № 1. - URL: http://vivovoco.rsl.ru/VV/PAPERS/MEN/REKLAMA1.HTM.

9. Tokareva A.V. The impact of advertising on the behavior and value orientations of adolescents. -URL: http://college.biysk.secna.ru.

10. Federal Law of July 28, 2012 N 139-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On protection of children from information harmful to their health and development "and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" (as amended). - URL: http://base.garant.ru/70207766/#ixzz4Gk7sL4Mc

11. Federal law of June 1, 2005 N 53-FZ "On the state language of the Russian Federation" (as amended). - URL: http://base.garant.ru/12140387/#ixzz4Gk8Oiq34


Кулькова Инна Анатольевна

Доктор экономических наук, профессор ФГБОУ ВО «Уральский государственный экономический университет»

Екатеринбург, Россия

Аннотация. Статья посвящена анализу негативного влияния современной рекламы в России на поведение личности и трудовую мотивацию имеющихся и будущих работников. Рекламные ролики повторяются по многу раз в день и воздействуют на сознание и подсознание человека, выступают как агент социализации и распространят стереотипы поведения, в том числе и трудового. Особенно сильное влияние реклама оказывает на детей и подростков. В статье представлены результаты авторского социологического исследования

redactor@ progress-human.com

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

влияния рекламы на развитие трудового поведения, проведенного методом контент-анализа телевизионной рекламы. Было проанализировано 546 рекламных роликов, которые были показаны по двум центральным каналам России. Были изучены: наличие трудовой тематики в рекламах, знак информации о труде и степень важности труда в жизни человека, характер информации о труде. На основе исследования был дан прогноз преобладания отрицательного типа трудового поведения через несколько лет. В заключении были даны мотивирующие рекомендации по управлению содержанием рекламных роликов на телевидении. Элементом научной новизны статьи является предложение механизмов совершенствования управления развитием мотивации к труду в системе макроэкономических отношений.

Ключевые слова: реклама; влияние рекламы на поведение; трудовое поведение; социальное поведение; трудовая мотивация; контент-анализ. JEL коды: M 37; J 29.


1. Сорокин, П. А. Общедоступный учебник социологии: Статьи разных лет. - М.: Наука, 1994. - 559 с.

2. DeFleur M.L., Ball-Rokeach S.J. Theories of mass communication . - 5th ed. L.: Longman, 1989. P. 154.

3. Мокшанцев, Р. И. Психология рекламы.- М.: ИНФРА-М; Новосибирск: Сибирское соглашение, 2008. - 228 с.

4. Савельева, О. С. Реклама хорошая, плохая, социальная // Человек. 2002. № 1. С. 133-143; № 2. С. 136-147

5. Смолян, Г. А. Информационно-психологическая безопасность (Определение и анализ предметной области) / Г. А. Смолян, Г. М. Зараковский, В. М. Розин и др. М.: ИСА, 1997. -52 с.

6. Доктрина информационной безопасности Российской Федерации [Электронный ресурс]: утв. Президентом РФ В. Путиным 9 сентября 2000 г. (№ Пр-1895). Режим доступа: www.rg.ru/oficial/doc/min_and_vedom/mim_bezop/ doctr.shtm.

7. Формирование ценностных ориентаций под воздействием информационных потоков и технологий [Электронный ресурс] // Сайт Партии социальной справедливости. Режим доступа: http://www.pp-pss.ru.

8. Авдеева Н.Н., Фоминых Н.А. Влияние телевизионной рекламы на детей и подростков

[Электронный ресурс] // Человек. 2003. № 1. Режим доступа:



9. Токарева А.В. Влияние рекламы на поведение и ценностные ориентации подростков [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://college.biysk.secna.ru.

10. Федеральный закон от 28 июля 2012 г. N 139-Ф3 "О внесении изменений в Федеральный закон "О защите детей от информации, причиняющей вред их здоровью и развитию" и отдельные законодательные акты Российской Федерации" (с изменениями и дополнениями) [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://base.garant.ru/70207766/#ixzz4Gk7sL4Mc

11. Федеральный закон от 1 июня 2005 г. N 53-Ф3 "О государственном языке Российской Федерации" (с изменениями и дополнениями) [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://base.garant.ru/12140387/#ixzz4Gk8Oiq34


Кулькова Инна Анатольевна

ФГБОУ ВО «Уральский государственный

экономический университет»

ул. 8-е Марта, 70, офис 232,

г.Екатеринбург, РФ, 620144


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