IDEOLOGICAL FACTORS OF ELIMINATING THREATS TO NATIONAL SPIRITUALITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Nabiev B.

The article expressed content of globalization and it’s effect to the national spirit, the spiritual consciousness of the threat types, its specific characteristics and as well as different forms of prevention and methods of restraining how to resolve the ideological threat in the process of globalization.

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UDK 37.02

Nabiev B. independent researcher Namangan Engineering-Construction Institute

Uzbekistan, Namangan


Annotation: The article expressed content of globalization and it's effect to the national spirit, the spiritual consciousness of the threat types, its specific characteristics and as well as different forms of prevention and methods of restraining how to resolve the ideological threat in the process of globalization.

Key words: spirituality, national spirituality, ideological process, information, Internet, spiritual threats, information threats, pop culture, spiritual crisis.

At the present stage of development, contemplation of the spiritual world of Man and society has become the most urgent problem. Because the use of mercenary goals from the results ofualual development is gaining a huge scale. In this sense, it is necessary to study in detail the problem of spiritual threat. "The 21st century, along with the opening of new horizons before humanity as a century of potential, thinking and spirituality, is also bringing about acute problems that we have not seen before"[1]. The most dangerous of the threats that are happening to humanity today is this spiritual threat. "When referring to the spiritual threat, it is necessary to refer to ideological, ideological and informative attacks, which, first of all, are directed against the existence of any person as a free person, regardless of language, religion, religion, and belief, and which are intended to derail his or her spiritual world"[2]. This definition attracts attention in several aspects of its own. According to him, the moral threat has the following characteristics:

a) does not choose a language;

B) does not choose religion;

c) does not choose belief. It is noteworthy that spiritual threats are created only by man and are harmful only by his aggression against Man[3]. Also, the specific features of spiritual threats include:

First, spiritual threats are a complication of an unhealthy lifestyle;

Secondly, spiritual threats are a set ofalaydigan sub-factors that express the vices of spiritual and moral inferiority;

Thirdly, spiritual threats are aimed at disrupting the life of society through the violation of moral consciousness of a person, spreading an unhealthy lifestyle.

There are various means that affect and threaten a person morally. Among these, the following factors, unnoticed, but strongly negative to the human psyche, are considered dangerous:

- influence with sound;

- influence with speech;

- falsification of information;

- diversion;

- formation of consciousness according to plan;

- interaction with noise;

- provide a tactile effect;

- interaction with electromagnetic;

- infrastructure processing;

- application of psychotropic substances;

- teach fiological effect (diet, seduction, obesity, drinking);

- influence with bioenergy (hypnosis, etc.). The task of negatively affecting the psyche can perform various things. For example, a simple TV can distract the consciousness of a person by means of different colors.

Consequently, any aggression directed against spirituality, the threat itself to the crisis of national spirituality, the security of the country, its national interests, jismonan and spiritually become one of the serious risks towards ensuring the future of a healthy generation, and ultimately can lead to a crisis in society. In this regard, it is worth noting three types of spiritual threat.

1. Ideological threats. These threats are distinguished by their wide coverage and far-sighted nature. It is possible to include in it such as discrimination of national values, ignoring moderate views and instead of walking to a certain ideological center, denying the rules of national morality, propagating yacht and alien ideas, worldview as an absolute truth.

2. Committed threats. Threats of this type differ in the fact that a person seeks to form alien ideas, views and purpose-provisions in the spiritual world. This includes such ideas as moral corruption, violence, egocentrism, individualism, "mass culture", the emergence of nation conflicts, economic tension, poisoning the minds of young people.

3. Information threats. This type of threat seeks to incorrectly form the social consciousness of a person and thus to content a crowd that does not have its own. Such threats are carried out mainly through the Internet system, as well as information attacks such as deliberate criticism of the national policy of the state, the dissemination of fake messages, the abduction of opponents, the diversion of young people.

Internal threats are even more dangerous than external threats with their coverage and the negative consequences they bring. Inhuman behavior, behavior, charisma, works, pride, self-esteem, self-esteem, greed, famine, repugnance, betrayal, which is allowed in a transparent and mahogany way with the mood of "being myself", seeing the self-interest, soul and soul, are different

manifestations of spiritual threats. Its dangerous aspect is that it absorbs the nation from within, causing conflicts even between representatives of a single nation.

Today, among the external threats to the absorption of national spirituality, it is possible to include globalism, ideological assaults, information attacks, "mass culture", outbreaks of various diseases, widespread use of drugs, trafficking in people, etc. The forces that pose such threats are currently using various methods and means of deception in the fight against national spirituality, exploiting the material, technical and technological opportunities that exist in their own interests, regardless of how much money is invested. The analysis of this process shows that the possibility of polishing them is not always present. Although they are not visible from the outside, they are practically expressed in the processes taking place in the National spirituality, their consciousness, worldview, heart, penetrating into the "body" and "blood", occupying the Botanic and apparent image of the whole nation[4]. The main thing is that we must understand that the prevention of internal threats, rather than the external threats that are directed against our national spirituality, is becoming a task in the first place. Because in order for the nation to be spiritually energetic, it must first of all be free from any internal threats. The strength to prevent the threat of any external threats in a nation that has been subjected to internal conflicts will also be strong, and the potential for awareness will increase. An important factor in the preservation and enrichment of national spirituality is the spiritual heritage left from ancestors. Because when a nation is a maple, its root, the base, the source of power that holds its destiny and makes it adult, aware of all kinds of dangers, is its heritage and historical memory. As a nation, a nation restores its heritage and historical memory, it becomes spiritually energetic, receives inspiration from it, becomes spiritually rich, seeks independence and lives, and its activity naturally increases. Indifference to him leads to the plight of internal and external threats, a meeting of national spirituality with degradation.

Also, in the prevention and elimination of threats to national spirituality, the following are of great importance:

to identify and take measures to eliminate the external spiritual, political and economic threats coming from the outside world as soon as possible during the period of "reckless development";

further improvement of the legal basis of combating them, development of new normative legal acts and its implementation;

the development of the norms of the nation, the moral and moral norms adopted in the Society of the people, the principles of cultural development, the promotion of them among all citizens, especially young people, the further study of the work of propaganda;

all citizens of our country against various negative information coming into our country through Internet and foreign media to fight jointly;

the formation of "ideological immunity"against internal and external spiritual threats;

formation of young feelings of love and affection towards our national spirituality, spiritual heritage and history in the minds of our people;

it is necessary to constantly be alert and attentive to the events that are happening in the environment, to express our independent opinion.

So, the internal and external threats to our national spirituality today have a great impact on the life of Man and society, the development of our country. At present, in a situation where deep changes are taking place in the field of geopolitics, economic and social, information and communication of the world in our eyes, the dispute of different ideologies is taking a sharp turn, it is clear that we all have a more important role than ever before to fight against the idea, the idea against the idea, the general terms, I believe that the fight against threats should add the following factors:

-the need for a nationwide political leader; -make a clear decision with speed;

-rapid implementation of urgent work for national security;

- urgently warn the world community about the essence, direction of the


- to increase the activities and responsibility of the institutions of the authorities;

-to ensure nationwide mobilization against the threat; -To explain through the media the correct and truthful information on the threat, that the threat is directed against the fate of the nation;

- to rely on the power of the political consciousness of the people;

- increase the overall unity, etc.


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