HYGIENIC BASES OF THE ORGANIZATION OF CHILDREN'S NUTRITION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
s utkalik norm / metabolism / enzymes / on board / sanitary-hygienic / assortment .

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Aziza Askarovna Jumaeva, Oybek Qodirov

At present, maternal and child health and upbringing of harmoniously developed generation have been identified as priorities of state policy in our country. Proper nutrition of children from infancy not only improves their physical health, but also reduces the risk of contracting infectious diseases and contributes to the further development of their social and psychological condition .

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Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230


At present, maternal and child health and upbringing of harmoniously developed generation have been identified as priorities of state policy in our country. Proper nutrition of children from infancy not only improves their physical health, but also reduces the risk of contracting infectious diseases and contributes to the further development of their social and psychological condition .

Keywords: s utkalik norm, metabolism, enzymes, on board, sanitary-hygienic, assortment .

Relevance . In any society, in different socio-economic and political situations, the health of children and adolescents is a pressing issue and a priority, which determines the future state of the nation's gene pool, ensures the scientific and technological development of the country; is a sensitive indicator of changes in the demographic situation of the state [1]. Rational nutrition is a priority in shaping the health of the population The age of children, their need for basic nutrients, health status, individual characteristics, as well as time of year, climatic, national and other peculiarities are taken into account when creating food rations in preschool institutions. Currently, for the organization of children's meals in preschool institutions, approximately 10-day meals have been developed, differentiated according to the age of children's groups and the order of participation of children. All children in preschool should receive three meals a day, which provide 75-80% of their daily needs for nutrients and energy. During the day at the children's facility, a fourth meal was introduced , which accounted for 25% of the daily ration . In preschool institutions, ready meals were fortified with vitamin C and, if necessary, with other vitamins. Monitoring of children's organized nutrition was carried out by medical staff (daily) and staff of the territorial institution authorized to carry out state sanitary epidemiological surveillance (scheduled).

The organization of school meals for students who sit for more than 5 hours in class means that from the point of view of hygiene, all children in the class eat breakfast, which is at least 20 to 25% of their daily need for nutrients and energy. When arranging a two-course meal (optimal option), the ration should provide at least 50% of the children's daily needs.

Aziza Askarovna Jumaeva, Oybek Qodirov

Bukhara Medical Institute


Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230

The main forms of organization of school meals (type of preparation and distribution) are:

1) self-made kitchens;

2) distribution restaurant (buffets);

3) "on board" meals.

Self-cooking kitchens are the most optimal form of school nutrition, with no independent preparation, transportation and reheating of semi-finished products (optimal option in terms of nutritional value and safety). is distinguished by the possibility of organizing meals on. In this form of meal organization, the enrichment of ready meals with the necessary vitamin C is easily accomplished.

In the organization of school meals using canteens and on-board meals (pre-individual packing and freezing of ready meals), meals are prepared and then transported in a specialized school hunting folding plant (preparation company) and secondary heat treatment in SVCh-furnaces. is given. This two-step process is accompanied by a loss of vitamins and a decrease in the organoleptic properties of foods.

Hygienic training of children in rational eating skills was conducted in all schools, regardless of the form of organization of meals. From a hygienic point of view, it is not advisable to install vending machines in schools that sell soft drinks, sweets, chips, pickled nuts and other hidden sources of fat and sugar. Creamy confectionery, fries, fast food should not be sold in the school cafeteria (buffet) or kitchens, similar to those in the general city network.

Schoolchildren are required to limit the use of sausages and other food products made using synthetic food additives in their diets as much as possible. The school canteen, equipped with refrigerators, includes dairy products (yogurts, desserts, cottage cheese, ice cream, etc.), fruits (bananas, citrus fruits, apples), as well as the territory authorized by the state sanitary-epidemiological control. should be vegetable and mixed salads (without preservatives and other food additives) allowed by the establishments.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for public catering establishments of schools will fully comply with the sanitary requirements for public catering establishments.

Sanitary-hygienic requirements for the production and conversion of assortments of baby food. The raw materials used in the production of baby food must fully meet the physiological needs and metabolic capabilities of the child's body. In contrast to similar products intended for mass consumption, food products intended for children's consumption are relatively low in salt and fat, limited in food additives, and do not contain spicy spices. raw materials of higher quality are used and they can meet the increased requirements of safety indicators in accordance with applicable sanitary

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230

and epidemiological rules and norms. Baby food products should meet the physiological needs of the child's body.

Production of new domestic products or import of new products from foreign manufacturers that differ from the sanitary-epidemiological rules and norms that limit the nutritional value, in accordance with the purposefulness of these products

Infant food is usually produced in small hermetic packages with grains; liquid products for children's nutrition are released in packages not exceeding 0.35 liters in volume. Information on baby food (label) provides recommendations on its scope and age.

Immunosuppression in school children is often caused by vitamin deficiency, poor sleep and constant psychological stress. A healthy child is not only the successor of a parent's life, but also the future of the country! Therefore, in families, special attention should be paid to the care of the child, his healthy diet.

The risk of developing gastrointestinal diseases is slightly increased at the age of 6-7 years. Life after kindergarten, changes in lifestyle, that is, an increase in mental workload, lack of timely and proper nutrition - leads to a violation of gastric function. The chemicals and high percentage of carbohydrates in the products cause a temporary feeling of fullness, but the body does not get the nutrients it needs. Regular consumption of carbohydrate foods increases the tendency to obesity.

The number of children who eat spicy food among schoolchildren is increasing year by year. Semi-finished fast food and the heavy load associated with the learning process often prevent children from getting the vitamins and minerals they need from food. It is important to remember that between the ages of 7 and 12, a child 's body has both growth and learning functions at the same time. This requires special attention from parents .

should eat at least 4 times a day.

Breakfast from 7:30 to 8:00 (at home, before going to school),

Hot breakfast at school from 10:30 to 11:30,

Lunch at 14: 00-15: 00 or dinner at home from 19: 00-19: 30.

At school age, daily meals are distributed in such a way that the lunch is larger in size and the energy value is higher. However, it is good that the transition to this procedure has been gradual. Otherwise, the child may lose weight in the stomach. Breakfast: 25 percent of a child's daily energy needs. Breakfast should consist of vegetable salads and hot meals. It can be porridge, potato and vegetable mixes, boiled eggs, cottage cheese, milk, coffee with milk, milk cocoa.

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230

Lunch: 30-35% of the daily energy value required for the developing child's body. It is preferable to eat soup, meat or fish meal (with garnish) and some dessert (not creamy) at lunch.

Afternoon: At this time the child's need for fluids should be fully met. Because after lunch the child is more thirsty. The second lunch is 15-20% of the daily energy value . It should consist of liquids, fruits, sweets or foods such as pastries, cakes. Dinner: this is exactly the part that forms the basis of a properly structured diet. Dinner makes up 20 percent of a day's energy value. It is important to pay attention to the lightness of the food . For dinner, hot meals with cottage cheese, vegetables, cereals, steamed or boiled, milk, yogurt are recommended .

If the food is distributed according to the age of the child, the body will have the necessary source of nutrients.

If the child is underweight or overweight, a doctor's advice is needed to adjust the diet. The nutrition of a student engaged in sports requires nutrition, taking into account the amount of exercise.

Regular consumption of iodized salt, adherence to a drinking regimen, and a diet rich in vitamins are of great importance.

Consumption of honey, which is a natural antioxidant, and garlic, which effectively fight viruses, is also needed to boost immunity. Carrots and potatoes rich in vitamin A, citrus fruits and broccoli cabbage rich in vitamin C, as well as nuts rich in vitamin E, which help fight influenza and respiratory infections, should definitely be in the diet of children .

In our country, maternal and child health, upbringing of harmoniously developed generation has been identified as a priority of state policy. Proper nutrition of children from infancy not only improves their physical health, but also reduces the risk of contracting infectious diseases and contributes to the further development of their social and psychological condition.

According to statistics, today there are many cases of supplemental feeding of infants, the use of industrially prepared liquid or powdered foods close to breast milk in terms of nutritional value, as well as home-made products. According to the report, 40% of infants in the country are fed with breast milk substitutes. Therefore, there is a need to strengthen legal norms in this area. As mentioned, the efforts of health professionals alone may not be effective in promoting breastfeeding. The participation of a number of governmental and non-governmental organizations is also important in providing citizens with objective information about the nutrition of infants and young children. The main task is to inform the general public about the importance of breastfeeding,

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=2223Q

information on rational nutrition, problems with malnutrition and the recommendations of the World Health Organization in this area. should.

Monitoring of quality and quantity characteristics of baby food products, norms and requirements for their preparation, transportation, storage and sale, as well as monitoring of measures aimed at their implementation, as well as rational feeding of infants and young children The tasks of organizing explanatory work among the

However, in medical institutions intended for the presence (visit) of mothers with infants and young children, as well as in other organizations, public places, infants and young children in accordance with the relevant sanitary norms, rules and hygienic standards it is envisaged to establish specially designated areas with conditions for breastfeeding. Advertising of breast milk substitutes for infants and young children includes warnings not to interpret them as complete substitutes for breast milk, age restrictions on the use of products and the need for expert advice 'must be.

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