HISTORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP AND NEWS IN THE FIELD Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
Public-Private Partnership / Development / New Laws / plans / state program / business cooperation / socio-economic relations / государственно-частное партнерство / развитие / новые законы / планы / государственная программа / деловое сотрудничество / социально-экономические отношения.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Turdimurodov, Golib Azamatovich

Public-Private Partnership is primarily a combination of financial, technological and management resources in the organization of public and business infrastructures as well as in the provision of socially important services. In such cooperation, relations are restored, as is the cooperation of public and private companies. At the same time, it is imperative and important that the division of risks between participants in the public-private partnership agreement is made clear and clear. Relations in this form need a legislative base, where the powers of state bodies are clearly stated. In this article, we will analyze the stages of development of Public Private Partnership, its history and the views and opinions on news in the field.

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Государственно-частное партнерство это прежде всего сочетание финансовых, технологических и управленческих ресурсов при организации общественной и деловой инфраструктуры, а также при предоставлении социально значимых услуг. В таком сотрудничестве восстанавливаются отношения, как и сотрудничество государственных и частных компаний. При этом совершенно необходимо и важно, чтобы разделение рисков между участниками договора государственно-частного партнерства было четким и ясным. Отношения в такой форме нуждаются в законодательной базе, где четко прописаны полномочия государственных органов. В этой статье мы проанализируем этапы развития государственно-частного партнерства, его историю, а также взгляды и мнения о новостях в этой области.


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Turdimurodov Golib Azamatovich

North Caucasian Federal University 2nd year undergraduate Email: golibturdimurodov999@gmail .com

Public-Private Partnership is primarily a combination of financial, technological and management resources in the organization of public and business infrastructures as well as in the provision of socially important services. In such cooperation, relations are restored, as is the cooperation of public and private companies. At the same time, it is imperative and important that the division of risks between participants in the public-private partnership agreement is made clear and clear. Relations in this form need a legislative base, where the powers of state bodies are clearly stated. In this article, we will analyze the stages of development of Public Private Partnership, its history and the views and opinions on news in the field.

Keywords: Public-Private Partnership, Development, New Laws, plans, state program, business cooperation, socio-economic relations.

Государственно-частное партнерство - это прежде всего сочетание финансовых, технологических и управленческих ресурсов при организации общественной и деловой инфраструктуры, а также при предоставлении социально значимых услуг. В таком сотрудничестве восстанавливаются отношения, как и сотрудничество государственных и частных компаний. При этом совершенно необходимо и важно, чтобы разделение рисков между участниками договора государственно-частного партнерства было четким и ясным. Отношения в такой форме нуждаются в законодательной базе, где четко прописаны полномочия государственных органов. В этой статье мы проанализируем этапы развития государственно-частного партнерства, его историю, а также взгляды и мнения о новостях в этой области.

Ключевые слова: государственно-частное партнерство, развитие, новые законы, планы, государственная программа, деловое сотрудничество, социально-экономические отношения.


According to historical data, the state cooperated with private entrepreneurs at almost all times or was in cooperation. By the Middle Ages, relations between




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authorities and private individuals acquired a legal form. The expeditions of Christopher Columbus from 1492 year to 1504 year are a vivid example of such a form of cooperation. The Kingdom presents the title of grain to Christopher Columbus. If he successfully completed the journey, he had the right to manage the lands he occupied and use the minerals of those lands. According to the contract concluded in 1491 year, Columbus received around one-eighth of the costs on his own neck. The financial result of the contract was distributed as follows: 90 percent of imported goods and natural resources were transferred to the government, 10 percent were transferred to the account of Christopher Columbus, in addition to expenses incurred.


What is a public-private partnership?

The simplest-looking scheme of power and private business cooperation is as follows:

• the object of the state social infrastructure (for example, a clinic, a road, a kindergarten, a school, etc.)) announces plans to build or modernize and invites investors to tender.

• The private company that won the competition will finance the project (attract capital), build (or modernize) the construction and manage this object throughout the entire life cycle.

• At the end of the term of the contract concluded between a public and a private company, the object is either transferred to the state according to the conditions contained in it, or remains in the hands of a private company. The state, in turn, makes monthly unitary payments, which include all the expenses, credit interest and income of the private partner.

At present, the funds received from the exploitation of the channel constitute a significant share of the currency that will fall into the treasury of Egypt. The construction of the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris is another vivid example of a concession. In 1887, Alexanderustustav Eiffel entered into an agreement with the municipality of the city of Paris. According to him, the tower is provided for him on the basis of the right to rent on condition of 25 years of use. It is also envisaged to pay a subsidy in the amount of 1.5 million gold francs. This was about 25 percent of the cost of building a minaret. The tower justified its costs on account of the money received from the rent of restaurants, giving the right to sell excortions, tickets sold to the lifts for the exit, souvenirs during the operation.

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It is observed that the public-private partnership mechanism of Public-Private Partnership has been actively implemented in more than 130 countries in the last 30 years. According to the World Bank, about 15-20 per cent of private investment in infrastructure projects will be involved with this project. Great Britain, France and Germany are the main leaders in terms of the introduction of a public-private partnership in Europe. In general, the total cost of the EU from 2010 to 2016 is 111 billion rubles. 541 public-private partnership projects were implemented in the amount of Euro. Bunda education (156 projects) and transport (111 projects) sectors were one of the priority sectors in public-private partnership projects.

The main initiatives for the development of Public-Private Partnership in Uzbekistan.

Various forms of Public-Private Partnership in Uzbekistan, which have been implemented in the last 25 years, have largely been relevant to some sectors of the economy. Such projects were carried out more often in the oil and gas and mining industries. This is due to the fact that investments aimed at these sectors are considered safer than in other sectors of the economy. The agreement on product taqsimlash is one of the most used forms of Public-Private Partnership in attracting foreign investment to sectors related to mineral resources.

The lack of a single legal framework for cooperation between the state and business is one of the main reasons for the good development of Public-Private Partnership in the Republic. Active implementation of measures and measures to attract the private sector to the construction and modernization of social, transport and communication infrastructure in Uzbekistan began in 2017. The introduction of modern rules of Public-Private Partnership was defined as one of the directions of reforming the system of Public Administration in the strategy of actions for the development of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021.

Measures to support and encourage private partners in the public private partnership system.

Pre-school education:

* submission of land plots on an impartial basis for a period of not less than 30


* sale of vacant public property objects to private partners in the value of "zero" purchases;

* Granting preferential loans at an annual interest rate of 15 to 1 year, including with a grace period of 3 years;

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* exemption of private partners from payment of deductions to all types of taxes and state funds for a period of 10 years;

* reduce single social payment by up to 5 percent for a period of 10 years;

* exemption of imported equipment and inventory for kindergarten needs from customs duties for a period of 2 years.

Health care:

* preferential lending for up to 20 years at a rate of 6 percent per annum, not more than 8 percent of the total volume of investments.

Water supply and drainage management:

* exemption from payment of all types of taxes and mandatory payments (except for single social payment) for a period of 3 years;

* exemption from customs duties on imported equipment, parts, parts and materials for a period of 3 years.

The law"on Public-Private Partnership "describes this type of cooperation as" the cooperation of state bodies and private partners for a certain period of time, legally formalized, based on the unification of their resources for the implementation of a public-private partnership project." Public administration bodies, including on-site executive bodies, participate on behalf of the state as partners, and local and foreign investors as private partners.


In conclusion, the equality of the public and private partner before the law, transparency of rules and principles in the process of partnership implementation, competition in the selection of the private sector and the Prevention of equity, discrimination and corruption are the main principles of Public-Private Partnership. The agreement on public-private partnership in Uzbekistan can be concluded for a period of 3 to 49 years. In the near future, the system of Public Private Partnership in our country will be further improved through the above-mentioned legislative projects and state programs.


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5. Davlat-xususiy sherikchilik munosabatlarini rivojlantirishning nazariy jihatlari Flipbook PDF | DOKUMENT.PUB. https://dokument.pub/davlat-xususiy-sherikchilik-munosabatlarini-rivojlantirishning-nazariy-jihatlari-flipbook-pdf.html

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