Научная статья на тему 'Public private partnership for Eurasian Union - BRICS cooperation'

Public private partnership for Eurasian Union - BRICS cooperation Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Yarygina Irina Z.

Public Private Partnership helps to find solution for international cooperation and formation of international financial relations. PPP is able to provide users with quality services for the minimal price. Development of cooperation needs to take into consideration international experience in this field.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Public private partnership for Eurasian Union - BRICS cooperation»



Irina Z. Yarygina

Dr. of Economic Sciences, Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


Public Private Partnership helps to find solution for international cooperation and formation of international financial relations. PPP is able to provide users with quality services for the minimal price. Development of cooperation needs to take into consideration international experience in this field.

Key words:

Economic environment, finance, business, development, public - private partnership, integrated economic alliance.

Any country, which is a member of the Eurasian Union or BRICS integrated economic alliance, chose the route towards internationalisation, cooperation economic integration and modernisation mainly in the key sectors of national economy. Priority is economic developments and governmental support. In its essence public private partnership (PPP) is a platform where public and private investors come together to find mutually beneficial resolution of financial and economic problems. It is important to note that PPP does not favour any transfer of assets from public to private entities. For the government - the aim is to solve social and economic problems, for business - the aim is a profit maximisation. Practice in USA, Japan and other European countries has shown that obligation and risks are successfully distributed within PPP interaction if the project is individually structured and monitored by implementation schedule. Essential PPP business model is a partnership, which is implemented within responsible involvement of both sides in a project of social interest and valued outcome. As a result, PPP is beneficial for all parties, involved in the project. For public authorities and business entities, it is an opportunity for economic modernisation and development.

The study of PPP is based on complex research methods, gathering and analysing data, needed to answer the research goal. Mostly used were qualitative and mixed methods. Within these categories, more specific approaches, including an array of options, case studies, self-reporting and surveys were applied. The mixed methods of research, that included contextual understanding like interviews or observations, were combined with facts and statistics that contributed to the investigation of the subject on multiple levels, gaining different views and a comprehensive look at the research. An applied mixed methodology led us to the integration of different theories and ideas. While carrying out the qualitative research, there was a goal to explore specific phenomena, not to prove a prediction, according to qualitative research methods. The assessment of interviews, focus groups and observation of main developments and contract arrangements were also used to collect data. Used qualitative methods provided rich, contextual explorations of the topic that is culturally meaningful.

The theory of fiscal federalism identifies main functions for the public sector: macroeconomic stabilization, income distribution and resource allocation (Oates, 1999). The problem of fiscal decentralization in developing countries are carefully studied by Fukasaku and de Mello, Manor, Crook and Manor (1998 - 1999), that tried to give reason to the restructuring of government and market functions. Some scholars within the public choice school consider that decentralization tends to increase competition among jurisdictions (Brennan and Buchanan, 1980; Breton, 1989). Anyway, in globalized economy developing countries (Ahmad, 1997) require the mechanism of intergovernmental grants transfers. Thus, the intergovernmental financial institutions can contribute to it, supplying the country-members with unconditional, conditional and equalization grants (Brosio, 2000). There is no denying the fact, that only international experience can provide useful methods for policy makers (Bird and Vaillan-court 1998), but the approach of laissez-faire or market fundamentalism has a week potential to solve most economic and social problems (Stiglitz, 1998). George Soros in "The Crisis of Global Capitalism" (1998) that trusts in a free market mechanism popularized market fundamentalism. That is a privilege of a genius, but practice has proved the approach of J. E. Stiglitz, who criticized the IMF, advocating a set of policies, which is generally referred to the market fundamentalism, "based on an incorrect understanding of economic theory and as an inadequate interpretation of the historical data." The correct understanding means reasonable regulation and cooperation in solving problems and meeting new challenges. There is an on-going process of reengineering international cooperation within globalized economic environment. The speed of cooperation depends on macro and microeconomic factors, as well as participation in the global market, supply of the products and political support. Mutual aims of any government are linked with economic and social developments, as well as successful production, safe banking, financial stability and effective debt management, which is the main feature of globalization. The goals can be reached within PPP vehicle of cooperation within Eurasian Union and BRICS as new integrated


groups with a growing influence on international economy and finance.

In general, history of PPP can be broken down into the following stages:

1. Auto sourcing, where state asks privately owned institutions to find a solution to the problem for the specified fee. Scale of this relationship is shifted towards area of operations.

2. Project design, implementation and construction. In this type of relationship, emphasis is placed on co-operation. At the entrance level- cooperation of financial resources from private businesses, including subsidies, and at the final stage - full implementation.

3. Full public - private entities relationship, based on individual contracts between public authorities and private institution, process of co-manufacturing, and co-implementation of specially designed projects, etc. These types of integration between public and private entities can be effective between two-party and multiple-parties relationship within the integrated alliance and its partners. This type of cooperation will aid economic modernisation, successful production and consumption. However, it is necessary to be supported by political will, share of responsibilities, transparency of transactions and clarity of goals. Based on prior experience, the most widely acceptable type of PPP is formation of jointfunds covering finance, insurance and tax promotion, reconstruction, financial engineering, professional support within project implementation. Usually, some of the types of co-operation have a concessional base, where the government provides the entity with the right to use or develop resources (assets) on contractual basis. In USA, concessions, covering huge development projects are provided for over 99-year period. Special contractual relationship between the government and private institution facilitate achievement of desired results. The best example of this PPP co-operation can be found in different industrial spheres: infrastructural development, transportation, energy transfer, education, medical services, defence, regional development have been successfully implemented. Interesting to note also the USA, Europe and Japan experience in successful projects, implemented on municipal, national, regional and global levels. They cover, but not limited to environmental projects (recycling, water sanitation plants), construction of motorways and railways, airports, bridges, development of the infrastructure, construction of housing, energy efficiency, etc. International experience should be taken into consideration by Eurasian - BRICS economic entities.

The other type of "know how" comes from the Philippines, where government decided to invite national and international enterprises for implementation of large infrastructure development projects. Financial assistance was provided by CMB- JP Morgan, USA. 147 public and private entities were involved in the project. It is important also to note the importance of PPP in regional and small town development, when government provides grants/exemptions of taxation and insurance, which conveys favourable conditions for co-operation of the involved entities, that investigate risk appetite project delivery and use their wide professional

knowledge in introducing products and services to meet consumer requirements. As a whole, the role of a public entity is to provide favourable conditions for project strategy application, including growth of creativity, innovation, transformation of financial, technological, social and other areas, connected with research and development. The mentioned experience is worthwhile implementing within international projects, such as "One belt -one road", "Northern sea rout", etc.

British experts concluded that innovative PPP traditionally sets up its administrative procedures during the project application, depending on its specific business needs. Project team members should develop and maintain business - process and contacts, as well as manage risks, depending on their expertise and involvement in the project. An agreement between public and private entity facilitates the activity of small and medium size enterprises, based on flexible projects terms and conditions and profound expertise support. Traditionally, there are several stages of PPP formation: goals setting, analysis of project's specificity, development of roles/responsibilities, terms and conditions, adoption of goals (in accordance with different project areas), establishing of common objectives for the follow on periods, improvement of required rules, terms and conditions connected with new events, administration of the on-going project (tax policies, subsidies, guarantees, donations, structured finance) with possible involvement of international investors. PPP provides quality services to all users / members for a minimal compensation and available concessions. The co-operation schedule was applied to rubbish removal by the Chicago, USA municipal authority and to hospital construction and medical services in Birmingham, UK. PPP's practice can be seen in planning, construction and maintenance of San Diego University, California, USA. This project has been "working" for the past 45 years. The cost of this project is 38 billion USD. Construction of the site, technical support, café and library services were provided by private entities. Municipality participated in the project by tax exemptions during construction and operational period until the loan settlement. According to the PPP agreement, project expenses were split: 10% - public institutions and 90% -private entities. As a result - private financing, therefore, reducing budgetary burden and unemployment covered social needs. Project participants emphasise the necessity of having a result driven team especially in socially important area. Important lesson of PPP -meticulous choice of partners and open discussion of problems and solutions, which will guard members from unnecessary risks. Actually, prospects of Eurasian - BRICS cooperation in different spheres, that are of an interest to participants are the new economic challenges, resolution of which need to involve prior world experience.

The important role of public institutions within international cooperation backed by PPP vehicles should also be taken into consideration within emerging markets, stimulating social responsibility of business, supporting the less advantageous institutions, developing harmonized practices, supporting innovations. In order to develop national economies of

Eurasian - BRICS integrated member countries it is necessary to harmonize regulatory system towards specific forms of financing, costing of tangible and technical resources, prevention of fraud, breaking terms and conditions of the contract, assistance towards distribution and trade of producers, creation of efficient tax and business control system, supporting continuous business administration base of mutual projects. Special attention it is important to pay to strengthening the universal regulation, which stimulatse the development of innovations - expensive, but important forthcoming segment of interstate economy that is constantly in demand. Experts from the International Monetary Fund note that positive developments in economies are connected with toughening of regulation base and correlation of financial systems of partner - countries. That is referred to Eurasian Union and BRICS member -states. Process of modernization of global economy, backed by key sectors and mutual interests is currently in motion.

At the same time, it is worth while mentioning the key role of public institutions in economic and social developments, which is due to the following:

1. The government can successfully support development of important environmental, infrastructural, social and educational projects with the vital outcome for stakeholders. Thus, the government compensates market discrepancies and shortfalls with the vast profit desire. More than that, intergovernmental initiatives positively influence supply and demand as well as through pricing policy regulate economic growth.

2. Activity of market players is connected with a desire for self-sufficiency and achievement of quick results. Each business, industry, region aspires to satisfaction of their own interests and is governed by "selfish" microstructural demands. Effective interstate relations among partner countries in the financial aria are able to provide productive co-existence of micro and macroeconomic interests based on PPP coexistence.

3. Development of world financial markets distorts macroeconomic relations, which demand optimal governmental or intergovernmental involvement that does not mean deep interference into the market fluctuation, but concerns the need of regulation and support in creation favourable conditions for economic development and strengthening role of the country and its partners in the globalized economy. Thus, the current fundamental goals of any state is economic growth, production increase, and modernisation of supply and demand structure, innovations support, as well as social responsibility and fair competition of economic entities. Actually, public institutions select effective vehicles for the macro and micro economic administration, based on harmonization of financing standards, support of competitiveness and improvement of standards of living. In its turn, expansion of financial relations between partners requires adherence to the following rules: democratic approach towards restructuring, provision of interstate administration and legal support, stimulation of co-operation on the PPP basis. In this case, special attention is to be payed to interstate cooperation in metallurgy and its financing by providing concessions, guaranties, insurance of export financing,


distribution of goods and services, intellectual resources, transparency of management and support of innovations. It is worth, while using international experience of having intergovernmental control of pricing, quality of goods and services, management of key projects. Historically, creation of new approaches in international economic relations is connected with strengthening co-operation between public and private entities. Public institutions are involved in financial, economic and social positioning of the country and uses wide selection of resources, including available technologies, such as budget management, tax and insurance regulation, monetary policy, legal system, etc. These types of intergovernmental involvements must be considered, while selecting optimal solutions for current issues in different fields of cooperation.

Implementation of effective fiscal policy is able to stimulate international economic relations within Eurasian Union and BRICS and its partners. Possible vehicles for international cooperation can be intergovernmental encouragement of strategically important development programmes, flexible tax and insurance policy, support of international co-operation by PPP instruments. Experience of the countries, including Russia, that have overcome consequences of financial crisis has shown that the most important challenge is the choice of mechanisms for restructuring and modernization as well as international cooperation. Economic interests are the essence of beneficial international relations in different fields of economy and finance, recognition of which depends on political will. Intergovernmental support of entrepreneurs on PPP basis fully encourage optimal growth of national economies.


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Геращенко Лариса Леонидовна,

доктор философских наук, Огурчиков Павел Константинович,

доктор культурологии


Статья открывает новые грани функционирования новой мифологии современной культуры применительно непосредственно экрану в широком понимании этого слова, раскрывает функции мифологии применительно к культуре и искусству.


Article opens new sides of functioning of new mythology of modern culture applicable directly to the screen in broad understanding of this word, opens functions of mythology in relation to culture and art.

Ключевые слова: мифология, экранная культура, кино, реклама, реальность, мир.

Геращенко Лариса Леонидовна, доктор философских наук, Огурчиков Павел Константинович, доктор культурологи, преподаватель ВГИК. ВГИК, Москва, В. Пика, 3, 8-903-115-14-44

Размышляя о новой мифологии современной культуры применительно непосредственно экрану в широком понимании этого слова, следовало бы подчеркнуть заведомое искажение современным экраном и создаваемой им продукцией действительности, манипулирование, разрушающее психи ку потенциальных зрителей. Причем, разрушение не обязательно является неким социальным или политическим заказом, оно, в свою, очередь, обусловлено рядом социальных и психологических факторов, в том числе, своеобразием личности автора фильма. Данный процесс особенно заметен при вторичной мифологизации, то есть, экранизации произведений литературы. 1

Безусловно, во все времена мифы помогали и помогают регулировать внутреннюю и внешнюю реальность индивида, соединяют в себе, таким образом, индивидуальное и коллективное. Однако в последнее время, их безусловная положительная роль, увы, уступает место деструктивной. Инте-

ресно отметить, что мифы в экранной культуре способны стать не повествованием, а прожитой реальностью, поэтому сфера бытования новой мифологии - не текст, не экран, а драматическая актуализация в жизни человека. Как мы помним, примитивным сознанием миф воспринимается как реальность, лишенная символических абстракций, но, в отличие от современного сознания, в закодированной форме содержащей в себе веру. В примитивной культуре миф выполняет незаменимую функцию: он выражает, укрепляет и кодифицирует веру; он оправдывает и проводит к жизни моральные принципы; он содержит практические, психо логические правила, направляющие человека.

На наш взгляд, важным является и социологический подход к исследованию новой мифологии экранной культуры. Известно, что общество развивается по собственным законам и являет собой надиндивидуальную реальность. Человек, существующий по законам социума, объединяет в себе два начала: индивидуальное и социальное, которое

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