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Ключевые слова
public-private partnership / economy / mechanisms of state regulation / ransom system / concession / государственно-частное партнерство / экономика / механизмы государственного регулирования / откупная система / концессия

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Stanishevskiy Valentin Yurievich

The article discusses scientific views on the genesis of the formation and development of public-private partnership in the field of economics. It has been proved that on the territory of Ukraine, the development of relations between the state and business, today, is at an early stage, including, since the institutional basis for the implementation of an effective public-private partnership has not yet been created. This situation necessitates scientific substantiation of the content of public-private partnership and its importance for the development of public relations, as well as the methods and forms of its implementation. It is determined that for the private sector, the XXI century has become an impetus for the acquisition of the status of an equal partner of the state for full participation in solving the country’s strategic tasks for the development of the socioeconomic sphere. The process of expanding cooperation between the private and public sectors in many countries of the world should be one of the ways out of the crisis state of the economy, an important step in its gradual recovery and the introduction of new anti-crisis plans. It has been substantiated that the first mention of public-private partnership was the emergence of such a form of privatization as ransom — the process of transferring to a private person from the state the right to collect taxes, as well as other fees and payments for a certain period and with appropriate conditions. The ransom system is based on the transfer of the exclusive right to receive all types of income from certain activities, or from the use of certain benefits, from the state to a private person or organization, on a returnable basis. The greatest positive impact of the lease system was in the direction of tax collection through: a large number of shortcomings in the functioning of the then public administration system, weakness of the fiscal system, lack of accurate information about the subjects of tax payment in public authorities. At the same time, the participation of individuals increased the efficiency of the collection process and the speed of filling the treasury

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Рассматриваются научные взгляды на генезис формирования и развития государственно-частного партнерства в сфере экономики. Доказано, что на территории Украины развитие отношений между государством и бизнесом, на сегодняшний день, находится на начальной стадии, поскольку еще не создано институциональную основу для осуществления эффективного государственно-частного партнерства. Такая ситуация вызывает необходимость научного обоснования содержания государственно-частного партнерства и его значения для развития общественных отношений, а также способов и форм его реализации. Определено, что для частного сектора XXI век стал толчком к приобретению статуса равноправного партнера государства для полноправного участия в решении стратегических задач страны по развитию социально-экономической сферы. Процесс расширения сотрудничества между частным и государственным сектором во многих странах мира должен быть одним из путей выхода из кризисного состояния экономики, важным шагом постепенного ее восстановления и внедрения новых антикризисных планов. Обосновано, что первым упоминанием о публично-частном партнерстве было появление такой формы приватизации, как откуп — процесс передачи частному лицу от государства права на взыскание налогов, а также других сборов и платежей на определенный период и с соответствующими условиями. Откупная система основана на передаче исключительного права на получение всех видов доходов от определенной деятельности, или от пользования определенными благами от государства к частному лицу, или организации на возвратной основе. Наибольшее положительное влияние система откупов имела в направлении сбора налогов через: большое количество недостатков в функционировании тогдашней системы публичного администрирования, слабость фискальной системы, отсутствие в органах публичной власти точной информации о субъектах уплаты налогов. При этом, участие частных лиц увеличивало эффективность процесса сбора и скорость наполнения казны.


UDC 351


Stanishevskiy Valentin Yurievich,

graduate student, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel .: (044) 264-52-54, email: stanishevskyi_1990@ukr.net, https:// orcid.org/0000-0001-8481-0825

Статшевський Валентин Юршович,

астрант, Мгжрегюнальна Академгя управлтня персоналом, 03039, м. Кигв, вул. Фромет1вська, 2, тел.: (044) 26452-54, email: stanishevskyi_1990@ukr.net, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8481-0825

Станишевский Валентин Юрьевич,

аспирант, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 264-52-54, email: stanishevskyi_1990@ukr.net, https:// orcid.org/0000-0001-8481-0825


Abstract. AThe article discusses scientific views on the genesis of the formation and development of public-private partnership in the field of economics. It has been proved that on the territory of Ukraine, the development of relations between the state and business, today, is at an early stage, including, since the institutional basis for the implementation of an effective public-private partnership has not yet been created. This situation necessitates scientific substantiation of the content of public-private partnership and its importance for the development of public relations, as well as the methods and forms of its implementation. It is determined that for the private sector, the XXI century has become an impetus for the acquisition of the status of an equal partner of the state for full participation in solving the country's strategic tasks for the development of the socioeconomic sphere. The process of expanding cooperation between the private and public sectors in many countries of the world should be one of the ways out of the crisis state of the economy, an important step in its gradual recovery and the introduction of new anti-crisis plans.

It has been substantiated that the first mention of public-private partnership was the emergence of such a form of privatization as ransom — the process of

transferring to a private person from the state the right to collect taxes, as well as other fees and payments for a certain period and with appropriate conditions.

The ransom system is based on the transfer of the exclusive right to receive all types of income from certain activities, or from the use of certain benefits, from the state to a private person or organization, on a returnable basis. The greatest positive impact of the lease system was in the direction of tax collection through: a large number of shortcomings in the functioning of the then public administration system, weakness of the fiscal system, lack of accurate information about the subjects of tax payment in public authorities. At the same time, the participation of individuals increased the efficiency of the collection process and the speed of filling the treasury.

Keywords: public-private partnership, economy, mechanisms of state regulation, ransom system, concession.



Анотащя. Розглядаються HayKOBi погляди на генезис формування та роз-витку державно-приватного партнерства у сферi економши. Доведено, що на теренах Украши розвиток вщносин мiж державою та 6i3MTOM, на сьо-годшшнш день, знаходиться на початковш стади, осюльки ще не створено шститущональну основу для здшснення ефективного пyблiчно-привaтного партнерства. Така ситуащя спричинюе необхщшсть наукового обгрунтуван-ня змюту державно-приватного партнерства та його значення для розвитку сусшльних вщносин, а також способiв та форм його реaлiзaцií. Визначено, що для приватного сектору XXI ст. стало поштовхом щодо набуття статусу рiвнопрaвного партнера держави для повнопрaвноí учасп у розв'язанш стра-тепчних завдань краши щодо розвитку соцiaльно-економiчноí сфери. Про-цес розширення сшвробггництва мiж приватним та державним сектором у багатьох крашах св^у мае бути одним iз шляхiв виходу з кризового стану економши, важливим кроком поступового ii ввдновлення та впровадження нових антикризових плашв. Обгрунтовано, що першою згадкою про пyблiч-но-приватне партнерство була поява тако!' форми привaтизaцií, як вiдкyп — процес передaчi приватнш особi вiд держави права на стягнення податив, а також шших зборiв та плaтежiв на певний перюд i з вiдповiдними умовами.

Вщкупна система базувалась на передaчi виключного права на одержан-ня yсiх видiв доходiв вiд певно!' дiяльностi, або вiд користування певними благами вщ держави до приватно!' особи, або оргaнiзaцií на основi повернен-ня. Нaйбiльший позитивний вплив система вщкутв мала у нaпрямi збору подaткiв через: велику кшьюсть недолiкiв у фyнкцiонyвaннi тогочасно!' сис-теми пyблiчного aдмiнiстрyвaння, слaбкiсть фюкально!' системи, вiдсyтнiсть в органах пyблiчноí влади точно!' iнформaцií про суб'еклв сплати подaткiв. При цьому, участь приватних осiб збiльшyвaлa ефективнiсть процесу збору та швидюсть наповнення казни.

Ключовi слова: державно-приватне партнерство, економiка, мехашзми державного регулювання, вiдкупна система, концесiя.


Аннотация. Рассматриваются научные взгляды на генезис формирования и развития государственно-частного партнерства в сфере экономики. Доказано, что на территории Украины развитие отношений между государством и бизнесом, на сегодняшний день, находится на начальной стадии, поскольку еще не создано институциональную основу для осуществления эффективного государственно-частного партнерства. Такая ситуация вызывает необходимость научного обоснования содержания государственно-частного партнерства и его значения для развития общественных отношений, а также способов и форм его реализации.

Определено, что для частного сектора XXI век стал толчком к приобретению статуса равноправного партнера государства для полноправного участия в решении стратегических задач страны по развитию социально-экономической сферы. Процесс расширения сотрудничества между частным и государственным сектором во многих странах мира должен быть одним из путей выхода из кризисного состояния экономики, важным шагом постепенного ее восстановления и внедрения новых антикризисных планов. Обосновано, что первым упоминанием о публично-частном партнерстве было появление такой формы приватизации, как откуп — процесс передачи частному лицу от государства права на взыскание налогов, а также других сборов и платежей на определенный период и с соответствующими условиями.

Откупная система основана на передаче исключительного права на получение всех видов доходов от определенной деятельности, или от пользования определенными благами от государства к частному лицу, или организации на возвратной основе. Наибольшее положительное влияние система откупов имела в направлении сбора налогов через: большое количество недостатков в функционировании тогдашней системы публичного администрирования, слабость фискальной системы, отсутствие в органах публичной власти точной информации о субъектах уплаты налогов. При этом, участие частных лиц увеличивало эффективность процесса сбора и скорость наполнения казны.

Ключевые слова: государственно-частное партнерство, экономика, механизмы государственного регулирования, откупная система, концессия.

Staging of the problem. Today, a promising direction of transformations in Ukraine, in the economic sphere,

is the gradual reform of the economic management system. An effective way to increase the efficiency of the use of

state property is the development of partnerships between the state and the private sector, which will help to attract additional resources in the public sector of the economy, including investments. Under such conditions, the pooling of the available resources of the state and business, their potential capabilities, should take place, which will lead to the effective use of such resources, to minimize the risks of their equal distribution between the public and private sectors [1, p. 10]. Analysis of recent research and publications.

A detailed analysis of the institutional conditions for the functioning of public-private partnerships has received a lot of attention in domestic research in the field of public administration. The problem of the development of public-private partnership, in a historical perspective, was considered in the scientific heritage of such scientists as I. Brailovskyi [2], I. Dubko [3], V. Kruglov [4], M. Liovochkin [5] and others.

Given the large number of research studies in the scientific and theoretical direction on public-private partnerships, it can be noted that some aspects of the historical development and tradition of interaction between the state and business still require further study and comprehensive analysis. The study of the historical aspects of this interaction will be useful for a better understanding of the functioning of public administration mechanisms for attracting capital, managerial experience, technical innovations, that is, those resources that a private partner has, in order to effectively implement socially significant projects.

Purpose of the article — to analyze and systematize scientific views on the genesis of the formation and development of public-private partnership in the economic sphere.

Presentation of the main material. A fairly important indicator of the state of society's vital activity is the level of interaction between business and government, therefore, the relationship between them directly affects the nature of power, and technology, and the management style.

In the leading countries of the world, public-private partnership is quite often practiced as a specific form of institutional interaction between the public and private sectors, which is a prerequisite for the existence and effective development of a market economy [6].

On the territory of Ukraine, the development of such relations between the state and business, today, is at an initial stage, including, since the institutional basis for the implementation of an effective public-private partnership has not yet been created. This situation necessitates scientific substantiation of the content of public-private partnership and its importance for the development of public relations, as well as the methods and forms of its implementation [7, p. 10].

The directions of modern development of the economic sphere cause the importance of determining the level of intervention of public authorities in the process of functioning of markets in order to objectively identify its conceptual problems, as well as to find the optimal and effective ways to solve them through the interaction of public authorities and the private sector.

Public-private partnership is a strategic, organizational and institutional association of public authorities and representatives of the business community to ensure the implementation of socially important projects in various spheres of activity and industries, the implementation of which involves the joint investment of assets of tangible and intangible origin.

For the private sector, the XXI century has become an impetus for acquiring the status of an equal partner of the state for full participation in solving the country's strategic tasks for the development of the socio-economic sphere. The process of expanding cooperation between the private and public sectors in many countries of the world should be one of the ways out of the crisis state of the economy, an important step in its gradual recovery and the introduction of new anti-crisis plans. One of the most successful forms of such cooperation and the formation of partnerships is precisely public-private partnership. The spread of this type of partnership in the world system is explained by the need to use complex organizational, production and management technologies, as well as by the government's desire to attract large-scale financial resources of the business society in order to solve socially significant problems of the development of the socio-economic sphere.

We can consider public-private partnership as a convenient way to solve the set tasks in the face of a shortage of public funds by introducing new progressive and modern mechanisms of interaction between the public and private sector, as well as by attracting business society investments into the public sphere [8, p. 317-318].

The process of reforming property relations in Ukraine requires not only a scientific and theoretical substantiation of the mechanism for introducing new forms of management, but also the formation of forecasts of future changes in various sectors of the economy. In this context, it is important to conduct a generalized analysis of the aspects of the historical development of public-private partnerships in the economic sphere, the results of which will be a meaningful basis for researching the current situation regarding the functioning of public-private partnerships, as well as for forming effective recommendations for the future.

The first mention of public-private partnership was the emergence of such a form of privatization as a lease — the process of transferring to a private person from the state the right to collect taxes, as well as other fees and payments for a certain period and with appropriate conditions.

The ransom system is based on the transfer of the exclusive right to receive all types of income from certain activities, or from the use of certain benefits, from the state to a private person or organization, on a returnable basis. The greatest positive impact of the lease system was in the direction of tax collection through: a large number of shortcomings in the functioning of the then public administration system, weakness of the fiscal system, lack of accurate information about the subjects of tax payment in public authorities. At the same time, the participation of individuals increased the efficiency of the collection process and the speed of filling the treasury.

It is necessary to draw attention to the fact that the use of the ransom system was a necessary measure due to the imperfection of the public administration system. The tax collector (private person) had to deposit a certain amount of funds from the collection of taxes in a certain territory into the treasury on the basis of a documented power of attorney with representatives of public authorities. At the same time, he kept a part of the collected amount for himself.

The emergence of the ransom system dates back to the 6th century BC.

In the Persian Empire, for this time period, the transfer of powers to collect property from the state to banking houses, which received payment for their work, was characteristic. Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece, in the 6th century BC, also practiced a system of leases, in addition, a characteristic feature was that all indirect payments, in particular, customs and income from the use of land plots and mining of ore [9, p. 31].

In the provinces of Ancient Rome, the right to collect various types of taxes was transferred (part of the amounts received was transferred at the mercy of annual auctions), the right to use land, including for the search and development of minerals, the right to manage banks, ports, stations from the state to a private person [4].

So, the ancient world is characterized by the addition of private individuals to the management of state-controlled objects, on which, in principle, today, the idea of modern public-private partnership is based.

In the XIII-XIX centuries, corsairs (or privateering) also became wide-

spread, which is one of the prototypes of public-private partnerships.

In 1288, the first attempt to regulate the corsair was recorded. The then Aragonese king approved a condition according to which the corsairs were to obtain patents and make a security deposit, which was a guarantee of their non-aggression in order to rob the ships of their compatriots, as well as the absence of hostilities during the truce and in neutral territories.

Legislative documents of the period of the XIV-XV centuries of the leading countries of Europe determined a similar position regarding the peaceful coexistence of corsairs and ordinary citizens, and the requirement for the oath to be taken by pirates about not causing harm to their compatriots and allies was added.

Therefore, this type of public-private partnership existed until the middle of the 19th century [9, p. 32-33].

In my opinion, in the process of the formation of the statehood of Great Britain and its acquisition of the status of a maritime country, the joint use of private and public initiatives (the same corsair) took an important place, which also became one of the prototypes of public-private partnership. A striking example is the Spanish-British War of the late 16th and early 17th centuries. Then, Elizabeth, in order to reduce the influence of Spain in Holland, as well as to attract the distribution of the wealth of the territories of the New World, actually combined her own efforts and the efforts of her subjects in order, through effective cooperation, to find ways to achieve the set tasks.

One of the most effective forms of cooperation between the state and the

private sector is considered to be a concession, which is still used today as one of the forms of public-private partnership functioning.

The first mentions of the use of concessions in practice were in England, France and the United States in the 17th century. The essence of concessions was revealed as the assignment of rights to non-governmental organizations (domestic or foreign) for certain types of economic activity under appropriate conditions. Although, back in the Middle Ages in European countries, the term "concession" was used, meaning the official transfer of state property to private individuals. So, in Great Britain in 1209, a church minister, that is, a private person, organized the construction of a bridge over the River Thames. This was done with the permission of the king and, accordingly, with ensuring the right to collect money from citizens for using the bridge [10, p. 8].

It can be stated that for a long time there was an interest in such interaction between the state and individuals, in particular, in its investment component: in 1552, a canal was built in France with mutually beneficial cooperation between the public and private sectors for the benefit of society on the basis of a concession.

One example of a successful public-private partnership was the construction of the world-famous Eiffel Tower in Paris. Also, with the use of the mechanism of public-private partnership, the construction of the Eurotunnel under the English Channel between France and Great Britain was completed [11, p. 30].

In the process of applying the mechanisms of public-private partnership in

France, the construction of new fortified cities, the arrangement of settlements and the development of new lands was carried out. In the period of the XVI-XVII centuries, the practical application of a specific form of interaction between the public and private sectors was widespread: the right to perform public works was transferred from monarchs to private entrepreneurs (so-called entrepreneurs). It could be works on covering roads, construction and arrangement of river and canal channels, street lighting, garbage collection, provision of public transport services, mail delivery.

One of the most ambitious concession agreements in France at the stage of their development was the construction of the Southern Canal, which combined the Atlantic and the Mediterranean.

In the field of mining, France also had experience in introducing public-private partnership mechanisms, in particular, under the leadership of Napoleon. Then, in the Civil Code, a provision was made on the obligation to conclude a concession agreement between the state and an individual in the implementation of mining on a private territory [12, p. 519-520].

Other leading European countries also adopted the successful experience of applying concession agreements. So, the issuance of state concessions in Great Britain was already practiced in the 17th-18th centuries: lighthouse services throughout the country, as well as the East India Company, which operated the colonies in India, operated on the principles of public-private partnership.

After the construction of the Oxford Canal in Great Britain, a state repre-

sentative signed a concession agreement with a private entrepreneur [3, p. 6] on the transformation of the canal into a transport hub for transporting agricultural products, coal, etc.

For Germany, in the middle of the 19th century, the mechanisms of public-private partnership became the impetus for the development of cooperative construction. In the context of close interaction between the state and non-profit institutions, the latter, in turn, imposed certain restrictions on the conduct of their own entrepreneur

The interaction of the public and private sectors in Germany began to play a special role at the end of the last century, in particular, in the process of implementing large-scale projects for the restoration and reconstruction of urban infrastructure in the provinces. Later, the formation of the so-called development agencies began, the main task of which was the restoration of abandoned lands. Such organizations brought together representatives of the public sector (public authorities) and private organizations (trade associations, landowners and others) [13, p. 184-185].

The practical application of the principles of public-private partnership in Austria began in the 19th century. It was then that part of the railway network, stretching over rather large areas of the country, was built under a concession agreement.

For the United States, public-private partnership mechanisms, at the beginning of their formation in the country (XVII century), had their own specifics and local traditional features: transactions that transferred the rights to use land, water bodies, the right to

build roads, water pipelines, etc. were concluded between state governors and immigrant representatives.

Interaction between the state and a private investor in Mexico led to the acceleration of the construction of a water pipeline, which provided a large number of the population with drinking water. In this case, the ratio of financial investments of the private (private investor) and public sectors (city budget) was 67 % of the cost and, accordingly, 33 %. Thanks to the attraction of private investment in the country's infrastructure, at the end of the 18th century, the first toll road was built.

A number of scientific studies reveal information that the formation of public-private partnerships began in the 18th century. Y. Kyulin believes that in matters of infrastructural support, public authorities and other state organizations were faced with the task of defining the framework of their own restrictions.

M. Sazares noted that in Spain the formation of the mechanism of public-private partnership began in the 18th century. At that time, it was the representatives of the cities who were involved in the implementation of public works. The theoretical and practical foundations laid down at that time gave impetus to positive results and full agreement on the methods and principles of interaction between the state and representatives of the private sector [14].

In the period of the XIX-XX centuries, in many European countries, concession agreements were also used as the most common form of public-private partnership in the process of

Historical stages of development of public-private partnership

building railways and developing public utilities infrastructure.

Conclusions. So, the analysis of the historical stages of the development of public-private partnership in the world allows us to propose the periodization of its stages (Figure).


1. Pavliuk K. V., Pavliuk S. M. (2010). Sutnist i rol derzhavno-pryvatnoho partnerstva v sotsialno-ekonomichno-mu rozvytku derzhavy [The essence and role of public-private partnership in the socio-economic development of the state]. Naukovi pratsi Kiro-vohradskoho natsionalnoho tekhnich-noho universytetu. Ekonomichni nau-ky — Scientific works of Kirovograd National Technical University. Economic sciences, 17, 10-19. Retrieved from http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/ Npkntu_e_2010_17_4 [in Ukrainian].

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