Научная статья на тему 'Historical development of physical training of soldiers frontier guards'

Historical development of physical training of soldiers frontier guards Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Eliseev S.A., Konovalov I.E., Volchkova V.I.

The article discusses physical training in the ancient period of Russian government. It includes the features of training young soldiers Cossacks in ancient time, and physical training in FSB of Russia nowadays.

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В статье обсуждается физическая подготовка в древний период российского правительства. Он включает в себя особенности подготовки молодых солдат-казаков в древние времена и физической подготовки в ФСБ России в настоящее время.

Текст научной работы на тему «Historical development of physical training of soldiers frontier guards»

УДК 37.037


S.A. Eliseev, I.E. Konovalov, VI. Volchkova

Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan, Russia Для связи с авторами: е-mail: elise-s@mail.ru


The article discusses physical training in the ancient period of Russian government. It includes the features of training young soldiers - Cossacks in ancient time, and physical training in FSB of Russia nowadays. Key words: Physical education, soldiers, FSB.


Поволжская государственная академия физической культуры, спорта и туризма, Казань, Россия Аннотация:

В статье обсуждается физическая подготовка в древний период российского правительства. Он включает в себя особенности подготовки молодых солдат-казаков в древние времена и физической подготовки в ФСБ России в настоящее время. Ключевые слова: физическое воспитание, солдаты, ФСБ.

Physical training is one of the first of the specialized and isolated parts in physical culture in the history. Its main sign: specialization, creation of system of exercises of the soldiers-frontier guards directed to physical improvement taking into account features of their military professional activity. The most important specific feature of physical training of the soldier frontier guard is the applicable nature. Let's consider physical training of soldiers-frontier guards since ancient Russian state. Frontier posts were located not so far from the boundary ancient Russian city. As a rule, they settled down in places of the most probable approach to the boundary city of enemy groups. The outpost was temporary strengthening for boundary group, which served on the border of the Russian state. Except serving on the border of the Russian state boundary groups also were engaged in education of young soldiers. Therefore, the one third part of the boundary group were "nebyvalets" -young soldiers who had basic military training, but not being involved in any battles. The first skills of purposeful training were noted at the East Slavic people. So, in the process of education of their children parents imparted skills in riding, archery, to javelin throw, swimming

and fight, etc. Merrymakings and hunting took the important place in education. Being on hunting the young man gained vital qualities as force, speed, endurance, dexterity, determination, courage. All these qualities are necessary for young male population, who filled up further military groups. According to testimonies of contemporaries, Slavs were courageous people who had a big physical force and skillfully owned weapon. The Cossacks were attracted in the Middle Ages for performance of duty of stanitsa and guard service. The Cossacks put the care of health of the younger generation, its tactical and especially physical training on the first place. From juvenile age Cossack was trained riding a horse. Putting astride a horse was one of the first ceremonies, for the one year old Cossack. By three years old the young Cossacks already surely kept in a saddle and rode a horse. The five-year Cossack children independently rode horses on a watering place, and already eighty-year-old young men rode without saddle. Top of the art of possession of a horse was a fancy riding, which by recognition of experts allows improving landing, develops dexterity and confidence of the rider. Occupations in equestrian sport developed a vestibular mechanism, gastrocnemius muscles, an

abdominal tension, back muscles, tricepses and bicepses, that served for development of physically strong people.

Great value in development of physical fitness of the Cossack was games. For example, from words of the guards of the village "Kremen-skaya" children played next games: "skins, hvach, from a horse on a horse, leapfrog, and turn off the head, the gipsy, a sphere and a hare game". Each of the games developed different physical qualities, which were necessary for the Cossack in protection and defense of boundaries of the state.

In the separate case of boundary guards (SCBG) great attention was paid on the unity of actions of the staff as a part of various border duties, at the same time training was provided by method of assimilation by soldiers of actions in concrete situations, under the leadership of commanders of groups and commanders of departments. Also with young soldiers in groups of corporals had training from March 1 to November 1. They were annually taken from the most prepared lower ranks serving for the second year. The main task of corporals came down to training, firstly, of reliable instructors on training of young lower ranks and observation of an internal order on posts, secondly, as the leading and sensible chiefs of posts, acquainted with the accepted ways of protection of border. In SCBG (Separate Case of Boundary Guards) were not special educational institutions for training of boundary guards and training sessions were annually organized for increasing professional knowledge in officers.

This training session was carried out in the spring and summer period. The program of training session usually consisted of the next occupations: 1) Visual determination of distances; 2) Single training in actions in a shooting chain; 3) Working off of actions in field conditions; 4) Self-diking; 5) Front and tactical platoon maneuvers; 6) Firing.

Physical training of border troops of KGB of the USSR had military and application-oriented character. In the USSR physical training for staff of the Soviet Army had the general tasks, and also the special ones, solved depending on specific requirements of battle training of the Armed

Forces or a type of military forces. The general problems of physical training are: development of endurance, force, dexterity, speed; education of resourcefulness and initiative, courage and determination, confidence in the forces, attentiveness, speed of orientation and speed of reaction; development of ability to work surely in the conditions of a physical fatigue and nervous tension, and also ability to switch quickly from one type of actions on other; mastering skills of the accelerated movement step, run, on skis, swimming, overcoming obstacles, throwing of grenades and hand-to-hand fight; strengthening of health and hardening, improvement of physical development of the military personnel, etc. The main forms of physical training in armed forces of the USSR: 1) studies; 2) morning physical exercises; 3) passing physical training; 4) the sporting operation, which was carried out in out of school hours and on the weekend in the form of trainings and competitions on different types of sport depending on a military and application-oriented directivity.

Physical training in border authorities of FSB of Russia is considered to be one of basic elements of training of the military personnel. Main objective of physical training in border authorities is providing necessary level of physical fitness of the military personnel for performance of fighting and other tasks according to their mission. Speed, force, endurance, dexterity and also theoretical methodical knowledge and abilities are formed in the process of physical training. For development of speed there conducted a preparation on exercises: run- 60 m and 100 m and shuttle run- 10x10 m. In development of power qualities of staff there used special exercises: pullings up and rise with a revolution on a crossbeam, bending and extension of hands in an emphasis on bars, complex power exercise, exercises with the kg weight 24, 32. Development of endurance is a continuous run with various rate of run, cross run, ski running, swimming, overcoming an obstacle course, and sports. The great influence on development of dexterity affects development of the correct technology of the natural movements of run, various long jumps, height and depth, vaults, throwing of a grenade on accuracy and lasagna on the rope.

Physical training of frontier guards was the main part in their structure at all times. The historical events, which were taking place at different stages of development of society, formation of statehood allow estimating a role and value of physical training of staff of border authorities. Activity of frontier guards is conducted in the conditions of big physical and moral activities, in


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Елисеев Сергей Александрович (Eliseev Sergey Alexandrovich) - аспирант кафедры теории и методики физической культуры и спорта Поволжской государственной академии физической культуры, спорта и туризма, e-mail: elise-s@mail.ru

Коновалов Игорь Евгеньевич - доктор педагогических наук, доцент Поволжской государственной академии физической культуры, спорта и туризма, e-mail: igko2006@mail.ru

Волчкова Венера Ильдусовна - кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, зав.кафедрой иностранных языков и языкознания Поволжской государственной академии физической культуры, спорта и туризма, e-mail: vi-volchkova@ rambler.ru

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